right of way with a.24 foot roadway, and can only be used in
conjunction with public alleys. Ron said for emergency purposes,
if you went with this scenario, the alleys could be as narrow as 14
feet. If you bisected this block with a narrow residentidl"local
street and had alleys down the middle of each of the newly
created blocks, you may be able to get it all to work withPut
changing your design too drastically.
• Before a utility coordination meeting can take place, you must
come up with a site plan that works from a planning, engineering,
emergency protection standpoint. To schedule the utility
coordination meeting, arrange it with Sheri Wamhoff. We will
need a revised site plan and a concept plat (that shows the
easement locations) several days prior to a utility coordination
meeting so that the utilities will have something to review.
d. Refer to Section 3 (General Development Standards), and Section 4.4 (LMN
Zoning District) in the Land Use Code for the standards that apply Ito your
proposed development. The Land Use Code is available to view on the
internet at www.ci.fort-collins.co.us/CITY HALL/CODES.
e. I will be on vacation from March 3rd through March 121h, so in my absence,
Sheri Wamhoff will be you point of contact for this project.
_ 11. Park Planning:
a. Park Fees depend on the square footage of each unit. A handout wai given
you with these fees at the conceptual review meeting.
12. Current Planning:
a. The layout you propose does not satisfy Section 3.5.2(C)(1) of the LUC which
requires that every front fagade with a primary entrance to a dwelling unit
must face a connecting walkway with no primary entrance to a dwelling unit
more than 200 feet from a street sidewalk. "Connecting walkway" is defined
in Article 5 of the LUC.
b. The layout you propose does not satisfy Section 3.6.2(L)(1)(b) of the LUC
which limits the number of single family residences that can use a singe
private drive as a primary access to 4 single family homes. Keep in mind that
this requirement does not apply to private drives that provide additional
access to property that has street frontage and pedestrian access from a
c. I met with Sheri Wamhoff and Ron Gonzales for about a z hour on
Wednesday 3/1 to discuss this project. In that conversation the following
points of clarification were agreed upon:
• Poudre Fire Authority cannot support the proposed layout of
single family homes around the green because the private drive
(private alley) is the only emergency access. If you had
multifamily buildings facing the green with access from the
private drive, it might work with this layout, but not with single
family. The issue is the addressing. Ron feels uncomfortable
addressing all those single family units with one steet address off
Custer Drive and each house having a unit number. Multifamily
projects are typically only numbered that way, and he feIels it
would be too risky during an emergency for the driver td figure
out the unique numbering scheme for this loop of single family
homes, as it would be the only place in town where single family
homes are numbered in this manner.
• Sheri pointed out that even if you put the entire property under
one ownership (a HOA) the houses around the green would still be
considered single family. You then still have the dilemma that you
are trying to serve more than 4 single family units with primary
access off a private drive.
• One solution you might consider that would solve the issues
mentioned in a & b above and would also make the utility
coordination much easier would be instead of having the green,
punch a narrow residential local street through the block going
north -south. A narrow residential local street has a 451foot wide
c. The private drive as the only access to more than 4 dwelling units is not
supported by the LUC, and would not work for Poudre Fire Authority either.
7. Light and Power:
a. The Bed and Breakfast would be considered a commercial service.
b. There are utility problems with this layout. Water, sewer, electric, and gas
are all typically front lot utilities (street side). Phone and cable TV al^e
typically back lot utilities. The front lot utilities just won't fit on a 20 foot
wide street.
c. A 20 foot wide drive with an 8 foot wide easement on both sides might work,
but we need to have a utility coordination meeting to determine this.: We
need (1) a site plan, and (2) a plat in order to have enough information to
conduct a utility coordination meeting.
d. Normal development fees apply.
e. Overall, I'm not optimistic that you can fit all these utilities into such a small
8. Transportation:
a. Rigden Parkway is a collector, and Custer Drive west of the traffic circle is a
b. A Traffic Impact Study (TIS) will need to be provided and coordinated with
the overall Rigden Farm TIS.
c. Contact Mark Jackson for the pedestrian and bicycle scope of the TIS, Eric
Bracke for the vehicle scope, and Gayleene Rossiter for the transit Scope.
9. Historic Preservation;
a. If there are any structures on the site over 50 years old, contact Kdren
McWilliams, the historic preservation staff representative in the Advance
Planning Department at 224-6078.
b. You may be eligible for some grants to preserve existing historic building on
10. Advance Planning:
a. The project can obtain an "affordable" status if 10% of the units are
guaranteed "affordable" for 20 years.
b. If the project obtains the "affordable" status, the entire project is':eligible
for fee delay and a sales tax rebate.
c. "Affordable" projects are also eligible for a reduced development review fee
and priority processing.
Private Drives can only provide primary access for up to 4 single family, lots.
There is no limit to the number of single family lots a private drive car% serve
as a secondary access. j
You will be required to have a Development Agreement, a Development!
Construction Permit, and Utility Plans.
4. Water & Wastewater Utility:
Water and sewer mains are currently being installed in the adjacent streets
as a part of the Rigden Farm development. I
Water/sewer mains must be extended through the development to provide
service to the living units.
The narrow drives and alleys shown on the proposed plan do not appear to
provide adequate space for all of the utilities; therefore, a utility
coordination meeting is needed early in the planning process for the
If detached "granny flats" are included in the development, separate water
meters will be required for each living unit. j
The water conservation standards for landscape and irrigation will apply to
the project.
Plant Investment Fees and water rights will be due at time of building permit
unless the project qualifies for affordable housing status.
5. Natural Resources: i
a. If you integrate commercial or multifamily onto the site, trash enclosures
should accommodate recycling containers of sufficient size to accommodate
the type of recycling appropriate for the building use (cardboard, cans,
plastics, etc.), and dumpsters must be enclosed within a fenced or walled
b. We ask that a single trash hauler be used to minimize traffic impacts)
c. Native grasses and plant materials should be used wherever appropriate, and
bluegrasses should be minimized.
d. If construction lasts for more than 6 months, you will have to file a permit
for fugitive dust control with Larimer County.
e. Contact Tim Buchanan the City Forester (221-6361) to discuss any tree
related issues.
6. Fire Department:
a. Address must be visible from the fire access lane using a minimum 6
numerals on a contrasting background.
b. A fire hydrant must be within 300' of every building (measured as a hose
' would lay) with a capacity of 1000 g.p.m @ 20 p.s.i. Hydrants must be spaced
no further apart than 600 feet on center.
1. Zoning Department:
a. The Bed and Breakfast is considered a commercial establishment, therefore
will not count toward any dwelling unit counts.
b. The site is zoned LMN.
2. Stormwater Utility Department:
a. The site is in inventory grid #12M.
b. The site is located in the Foothills drainage basin where the new
development fee is $6,525/acre and it is subject to the runoff coefficient
c. The standard drainage and erosion control reports and plans are required
and they must be prepared by a professional engineer registered in Colorado.
The master drainage report for Rigden Farm defines the drainage plan.
d. The master drainage plan has designed water quality treatment for the
entire site. Those measures would need to be constructed with this project
if they are not built before. This applies only to the measures whichthis
project utilizes.
3. Engineering Department:
a. Street Oversizing Fees are $1,480/unit for single family, $1,113/unit for a
duplex, or $901/unit for townhomes, and $1,348/room for a bed and:
breakfast. Check with Matt Baker for the specific amount of this fOle for
your project.
b. The project will require a Traffic Impact Study (TI5) that addresses site
access, and all modes of transportation including automobile, bicycle,
pedestrian, and transit. j
c. Provide and build sidewalk along all street frontages.
d. We would need to look at access points for volumes and closeness to the
traffic circle.
e. Any cuts into existing public streets will need to be done to city
requirements and will be fairly expencive.
f. You can use private streets, but they must be built to city street standards.
To provide primary access to the number of single family shown in the layout
brought to conceptual, the interior drive would need to be a private street.
g. The interior drive shown on the plan could not be a public alley. Public alleys
can only be used in combination with Narrow Residential Local Streets.
City of Fort Collins
February 28, 2000
Rigden Farm, Tract I
APPLICANT: Mickey Willis
Paradigm _Development and Consulting, Inc
2221 Sun Rose Way
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Request to place 47 units and a Bed and Breakfast on the roughly 5 acre bloFk
northeast of the intersection of Rigden Parkway and Custer Drive.
Current Planning-
Troy Jones
221-6750 '
Zoning Department-
Peter Barnes
Engineering Department-
Sheri Wamhoff
Street Oversizing Coordinator-
Matt Baker
Poudre Fire Authority-
Ron Gonzales
5tormwater Utility-
Glen Schlueter
Water & Sewer Utilities-
Roger Buffington
Natural Resources Development Planner
Kim Kreimeyer
Light and Power
Bruce Vogel
221-6700 j
Transportation Services (ped. & transit)
Mark Jackson
Transportation Services (traffic)
Eric Brocke
224-6062 i
Transfort (local bus service)
Gaylene Rossiter
224-6195 j
Park Planning
Janet Meisel -Burns
221-6367 I
COMMUNITY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 281 N. College Ave. P.O. Box580 Fart Collins, CO80522-0580 (970)221-6750
Commuoty Planning and Environmentalovices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
Mickey Willis
Paradigm Development and Consulting, Inc.
2221 Sun Rose Way
Fort Collins, CO 80521
March 1, 2000
Dear Mr. Willis:
For your information, attached is a copy of the 5taff's comments concerning the
Rigden Farm Tract I project presented before the Conceptual Review Team on
February 28,2000.
The comments are offered informally by Staff to assist you in preparing the
detailed components of the project application. Modifications and additions to
these comments may be made at the time of formal review of this project.
If you should have any questions regarding these comments or the next Steps in
the review process, please feel free to call me at 221-6750.
incerely, I
Tr y Jon s i
City Planner j
cc: Eric Bracke, Streets Department
Sheri Wamhoff, Engineering
Ron Gonzales, Poudre Fire Authority
Stormwater Department
Project Planner
281 North College Avenue • PO. Box 580 0 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-0750 • FAX (970) 416