6. How does the proposed alternative landscape plan mitigate air pollution equally well or better
than a plan which complies with the standards? Tbnpmpo ed landaapep w pmaider mom tnu then
are nguirrd which would pmwde iron mWjv pmdadion and filknog of a rpol/wtlon.
Page 3 of 3
7• Explain the whether and the extent to which the alternative landscape plan preserves and
incorporates existing vegetation in excess of minimum standards? The rift has three ties af4aifacunt
rite, whir$ an bang raved to retain tbt character. Tlx existing VMS w being saved it important for the Hama of
the pmjact and it port of the pnrermd open .space iaauxwmied in the ritap/,m
8. Explain the whether and the extent to which the alternative landscape plan protects natural
areas and features? Not rpiplraahk-
9. Explain the whether and the extent to which the alternative landscape plan maximizes tree
canopy cover? The pmpwred 1aedlriape plan with the use of am mantal tnu diWmfau tha ttrretrcape
and sh7lpmm&r Am that rraeb 15— 30 ft in canopy height.
10. Explain the whether and the extent to which the alternative landscape plan enhances
neighborhood continuity and connectivity? Not apphcabk.
11. Explain the whether and the extent to which the alternative landscape plan foster non vehuvlar
Access? Not 4o&cabk.
12. Explain the whether and the extent to which the alternative landscape plan demonstrates
Innovative design and use of plant materials and other landscape dements? The intmdactioa
of ontamaotal tnu ads vasriely and takes/ to tba rimtrcope with rmalkr tmr, dtPsnt texbins and. priu8 adore
Onvamenlr are used at enhies and inttrrartion tbmugbout tbepTed matimg the intended theme.
I would like your consideration of our request for an Alternative Compliance for Section 3.2.10).
If you have any questions or comments, please feel five to call me anytime. I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
Tim A. Dunn
American Society of Landscape Architects
From: Tim Dwm To: Troy Date: 11/9/2001 Time: 8:30:40 AM Page 2 of 3
PH:(303) 814-7778 FAX:(303) 814-7779
October 31, 2001
Mr. Troy W. Jones
City Planner
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Boa 580
Fox Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
RE: Rigden Farm, Th Filing, The Willows
Dear Troy,
Per our conversation yesterday. I am writing this letter to apply for an Alternative Compliance as
outlined in Section 3.2.1 (N) of the City of Fort Collins Landscaping and Tree Protection section.
It is our intent to frilly comply with all standards set forth by the section aforementioned with only
one exception. The constraints set for by the site utilities and light pole locations limit us as the
number and location of canopy trees we can fit along the stteetscape. Our solution is to add the use
of ornamental trees which can be planted closer to light poles and will let us actually exceed the
number of requited street trees set forth by the City. The use of ornamental trees provides visual
interest, colors and breaks up the canopy trees and seems to be a good solution for a diverse and
interesting streetscape.
Standard Questions and Answers for Alternative Compliance
i How does the proposed alternative landscape plan ensure significant canopy shading to reduce
glare and heat build up equally well or better than would a plan which complies with the
standards? The Iawdic4e Plan aarally onedr the amwber of me ngxind with the we of omamental tne,
So the o ffvm a ofgfine and beat bwU* it iwigafimi.
2. How does the proposed alternative landscape plan contribute to visual quality and continuity
within and and between developments equally well or better than would a plan which complies
with the standards? Not appicabk.
1 How does the proposed alternative landscape plan provide screening and mitigation of potential
conflicts between activity areas and site elements equally well or better than would a plan which
complies with the standards? Not gpfitabk
4. How does the alternative landscape plan enhance the outdoor spaces equally well or better than
a plan which complies with the standards? The madoer.pacer wowld begreatly enbmad by the spring
colon, fall m1m, size and textwret of the orsa wwal tree.
S. Haw does the proposed alternative landscape plan reduce erosion and stormwater runoff
Equally well or better than a plan which complies with the standards? Not appkcabk.