7bc Troy Jones
From Ralph Coiasanti
CC: Larwe Slayton, Ian Marr, Scott Griffin, Maria McKradcen, Todd Krell, Tom Reiff, Glen
Schlueter, Wes Lamarque, Clark Mapes
t;taatw- 8110101
Itec Wed 8-8.01 Meeting
I wanted to thank you, and everyone for taking the time to meet with us on Wed afternoon. I
also wanted to summarize the issues that were both resolved and pending from the meeting.
1. Todd with JR Engineering and Glen with Stommeter U61ity resolved the window well
encroachment and the sidewalk side -dope issues. JR needs to supply Glen and Wes with a to -
scale drawing of the smoke section showing sidewalks. Apparently there was just a little
confusion because the original drawing was not to -scale.
2. The comment from Clark Mapes concerning the landscaping (trees) on the west side of the site
was resolved when we looked at the dvuroh's landscaping plans for that area. park stated that
the trees on the church's property line would be sufficient for what he was after. We were
having problems planting trees due to the easement Wong the west side of our property. We
are going to plant as marry trees as allowed closer to our buildings to compensate for this. Clark
also stated that he may want to see a few more trees in that area once it is in and Slayt
3. After looking at the chureh's plans, the city wanted to make sure we had some sort of
connectivity between sites. We adjusted our plans and parking area in the SW comer and drew
in a sidewalk to meet the church's walk Although we lost a couple of parking stalls, everyone
agreed that the sidewalk took precedence.
4. The one Issue that has not yet been completely resolved is the parking setback issue, sec 19-03
of the LCUASS. Slayt construction feels that from a life safety standpoint, our current setback
WE! not comprowdse safely in this area, and will provide supporting evidence to prove this. We
Wilk have JR Engineering submit a variance request for this issue.
Please feel free to give me a call on any and all issues that need further discussion. Thank you,
Ralph Colasenti
I'd 6ti02-686-E06 d2c:ao 10 of 2nu