urban design, inc.
Construction of storm line ST-2 should be coordinated between this developer and the Rigden Farms overall developer
in order to make sure that the lines are compatible. It might be a good ides to have one contractor build the line all the
way from the proposed inlet on Kansas to the Rigden Farms storm line on Drake.
Please provide a detail for how the existing sewer in Limon Drive will be modified to add the manhole and the incoming
18" RCP. Call out collared joints at the proposed stom manhole. Show approximate limits of street cut on the utility plan.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Topic: General
Number:132 Created_:9/22/2003
No further comments.
So noted. Thank you.
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Topic: General
Number:133 Created:9/23/2003
Correct the sanitary sewer profiles to correctly station proposed services. Include sanitary sewer service inverts which
enter manholes on the profile.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
See site, landscape and utility plans for other comments.
So noted. Thank you.
Topic: Landscape
Number: 23 Created, 5/12/2003
As previously indicated, include a.note to maintain a 4 feet minimum separation between shrubs and all water/sewer
lines. Maintain the required landscape/utility separation distances on the landscape plans.
The landscape note describing landscape and utility separations has been amended per a meeting between Joe
Carter of Cityscape Urban Design and Jeff Hill on October 2nd 2003.
Topic: Utility plans
Number; 16 Created: 5/12/2003
9/23/03 All existing stubs must be used or abandoned at the mains. Clearly define all abandonments on these plans.
Please refer to. the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Cityscape Urban Design
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COn@@ o
urban design, inc.
Number:136 Created:9/24/2003
Address numerals shall be visible from the street fronting the property, and posted with a minimum of 6 inch numerals
on a contrasting background. (Bronze numerals on brown brick are not acceptable).
1997 UFC 901.4.4
A. In Multi -family buildings more then one floor shall abide by the following requirements.
1. The first floor units shall be designated with 100's.
2. The second floor units with 200's
3. The third floor units with 300's, and so forth.
B. All brass letters and numerals shall be posted on a black background.
C. Some multi -family layouts may require address postings from the back side as well as the front of
the buildings.
D. A counter clock addressing pattern shall be maintained when ever possible.
E. An addressing scheme shall be submitted to the fire department for approval prior to being posted
on the building.
So noted. Thank you. Buildings have been relabeled to reflect a counter -clock addressing scheme. A minimum
of 6-inch high address numerals will be placed against a contrasting background for building addresses.
Department: Stormwater Utility Issue Contact: Basil Harridan
Topic: Details
Number:135 Created:9/24/2003
Please provide a City of Fort Collins standard metal sidewalk chase detail.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Topic: Drainage Plan
Number:27 Created:5/12/2003
The hydrology summary table should only have some of the information provided, it should have basin numbers, basin
areas, basin runoff coefficients, design points, 2-year flows, 10-year flows and 100-year flows. All additional information
is extraneous and makes the table harder to decipher.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Topic: ST-2 Alignment
Number:134 Created: 9/23/2003
ST-2 is currently designed to go in the Kansas Drive right of way, between the curb line and the sidewalk. That would
put it in conflict with any future trees in the parkway strip and potentially with electric lines. Please move the line such
that it is in the Kansas Drive right of way, since there seems to be ample room in that area.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Topic: Utility plans
Number:25 Created:5/12/2003
The outfall of the northern portion this site is dependent on the construction of the outfall storm sewer to be built by the
overall Rigden Farms developer in accordance with the Drake/Ziegler.plans. Please specify which lines will be built by
this project and which one will be done "by others" on the utility plans. What happens if the ones to be built "by others"
are not built at the time this project goes to construction ? This development is dependent on the Rigden Farms 6th
Filing obtaining all necessary easements and having the Drake Road storm sewer built ahead of the construction of
drainage facilities associated with this development.
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urban design, inc. .
Number:126 Created:7/30/2003
1 have shown the anticipated street cut limits on the plans. This was reviewed with Engineering Inspection. What I have
shown is the minimum amount of patching that will be required for the street cuts and curb and gutter work. Please
show these on your site plan so the contractor has an idea of what the limits of the repairs will be.
9/22/03 One needs to be extended from what is shown due to where the waterline is in the street.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Number:137 Created:9/25/2003
Need to. information for development agreement sheet filed out.
Please see attached sheet for the required information.
Topic: Kansas Design
Number:85 Created:5/20/2003
Provide intersection elevations in accordance with detail 7-27. Missing elevations and need to provide the transition
elevation and identify its location.
7/22/03 Need to provide the transition elevations and identify the location from the flowline of the pan. The elevation that
is provided at the southend of Kansas that may have intended to be the transition elevation doesn't work as the
transition elevation. The transition elevation is the location where the street starts its transitions from its standard
crowned configuration. At this point the slope on the west side of the street is 0%. This is okay as long as this is within
the area transitioning from the crown to the pan (at some point you will have 0 x-slope but vertical slope to keep the
water from ponding).
9/22/03 Need to look at the transition points that are provided. At the south end of the street the cross section of the
street reaches and even exceeds the maximum x-slope before the transition elevation is reached. At the north end of
the street the elevations in the street didn't quite match that shown on the profile.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Number:127 Created:7/30/2003
Just doing a quick calculation it looks like the minimum x-slope is not being met on the east side of the street at the high
point (' station 12+86). If it is not the design needs to be adjusted so that the x-slopes are within the required ranges for
new streets.
9/22/03 the section above is within range - but one of the x-sections probvided is not though. One of the sections
provided exceeds the 3% maximum although you had indicated that the cross slope was 3 %. The profiles need to be
adjusted so that the cross slopes are within parameters. The other cross slope provided is within parameters, but is not
the 2% indicated.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Number:138 Created:9/25/2003
Have several places where items on the plan and profiles do not match or are not shown correctly.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Topic: Plat
Number:67 Created:5/20/2003
More than likely when the row stub is vacated the whole area will be retained as an easement. If the entire area is
retained as an easement then this plat will need to vacate the area with in the building envelope.
7/22/03 Still maybe true -need to see what the utilities want. .
9/22/03 The Ordinance to vacate the row and retain it as a utility easement is Ordinance No. 131, 2003.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Department: PFA
Topic: Addressing
Issue Contact: Michael Chavez
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November 17, 2003 CMY' a[P@
Troy Jones r�Jl LJ�J
City of Fort Collins urban design, inc.
Current Planning Department 3555 stanford road, suite 105
281 North College Avenue fort collins, colorado 80525
Fort Collins, CO 80522 (970) 226-4074
fax (970) 226-4196
RE: Rigden Farm, 9th Filing, Parkside Commons — Final Compliance Plan Comments and Responses
Dear Troy:
Included below are the comments received from City Staff regarding on Rigden Farm, 91h Filing,
Parkside Commons. An explanation (in italics) of how issues have been addressed follows each
Department: Current Planning Issue Contact: Troy Jones
Topic: General
Number:139 Created:9/26/2003
Take the City Clerk signature line off the plat. The City Clerk does not sign a plat. Be sure that when we are ready for
mylars, you bring in the those mylars with owner, lien holder, and attorney's signatures on them where necessary. The
cover sheet of the site plan also needs an owner's certification signature block. Let me know if you need me to fax you
an example of this.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses for the plat. The signature block on the cover sheet of
the site plan has been amended to include notarization.
Department: Engineering
Issue Contact: Sheri. Wamhoff
Topic: General
Number:46 Created:5/20/2003
Need to identify how and where the curb and gutter on the on site driveways end, as the driveway cuts within the row do
not have a curb. Concentrated flow is not allowed out of the driveways, thus from the highpoint in the driveway there is
to be no curb and gutter, just a concrete or asphalt edge so sheet flow occurs. (See next comment regarding the
amount of flow allowed out a driveway)
7/22103 The drainage has been fixed, but still need to identify where the curb and gutter ends. The driveway cuts do not
have curb and gutter need to indicate that the on -site curb and gutter ends at the high point. From that point it can just
be a asphalt edge or a concrete edge if desired. Also need to identify the driveway widths.
9/22/03 Have identified that the curb and gutter ends - but it needs to end at the high point in the driveway not the right-
of-way line.
Please refer to the Civil Engineer's comment responses.
Number:51 Created:5/20/2003
This site is dependent on Drake Road improvements occurring before work can occur on this site. If for some reason the
Drake Road work is not proceeding and this project is ready to build then it will need to incorporate the needed
improvements (stone sewer ad water line) into this plan set and build them.
7/22/03 Drake road plans are not yet approved.
91/22/03 Drake Road plans have still not been approved.
So noted. Thank you.
Number:94 Created:5/20/2003
See additional comments on the plans.
So noted.. Thank you.
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