Mr. Cameron Gloss, Planning Director
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80524
Dear Mr. Gloss,
On behalf of the Governing Board of PIONEER School, I am writing to respond to
concerns about traffic issues that have been raised regarding our new school facility to be
located in Rigden Farm.
The Board is aware of safety and stacking concerns with school pick-up and drop off
times. We are in full agreement with the idea of right in only access from Minnesota and
will be active in educating our parent population about the importance of this safety and
traffic circulation issue. We have had excellent success with parental compliance with
traffic and parking policies in the past, and are confident we will have strong support. As
an ELOB school (Expeditionary Learning — Outward Bound) environmental stewardship
and awareness is strongly a part of our philosophy. We have always promoted
carpooling and other alternative modes of transportation options for our population. A
high number of our students bike to school, which we expect to continue, and we also
have a very high percentage of carpoolers.
Our curriculum and program integrate numerous opportunities for student learning to
take place off -site. There are many overnight (some even several days- week long)
adventure trips scheduled for all students throughout the year. It is accurate to say that
one day per week, each class (grade level —approximately 60 students) will be attending
an off site function, thereby further easing the number of cars on those days. We are in
favor of, and developing an official policy for, staggered start and end times for the
school day— The policy being considered is junior high school beginning at 9:00 and
ending at 3:30, high school in session 8:30 until 3:00. These staggered operations should
also alleviate much of the drop-off/pick-up traffic pressure.
In short, the PIONEER community supports traffic mitigation strategies such as the
circulation patterns described; is committed to actively and enthusiastically supporting
alternative modes (bikes, carpool, walk, city bus when available), and is in the process of
formulating an official policy to stagger the beginning and end of school days to help
offset potential traffic peaks.
Kim Nichols
Governing Board President
PIONEER School for Expeditionary Learning