The Governing Board has committed to the highest performing building that they
can financially support. The goal of this project is to learn from the recent success of the
Poudre Schools, (Zach and Bacon Elementary) and incorporate similar high performance
daylighting, building materials, construction techniques which subsequently produce the
optimum learning environment for their students and staff. The Governing Board has
committed to this project being a LEED certified project. Subsequently, significant
amounts of windows, sunscreens, solar panels and other building materials are
incorporated as a means to obtain this exceptional project goal.
The proposed building materials, colors, scale and construction were selected to
be compatible with the existing residential units to the east while at the same time
intending to blend with proposed commercial development to the west. Sloped metal
and/or asphalt shingle roofing will be provided. A combination of lighter wood or metal
siding will be used as an accent on the upper level of the school to break up the scale of
the building, with the base of the structure utilizing 'heavier' synthetic stucco and stone
Tinted insulating windows in natural earth tones will be included in the palette of
exterior wall finishes. Accents of roof overhangs and timbered elements are included.
Architectural elements include a variety of exterior forms to be a non -repetitive
design but with attention to consistent design elements on all sides of building facades.
Building materials, canopies, columns and detailed design elements will add to the
differentiation but cohesiveness of the building architecture.
e C ■ Ihyl C �/ 7
August 20, 2003
potential neighborhood traffic conflicts while allowing for adequate queing of parent
Entering northbound from Minnesota will not be permitted at the peak A.M. and
P.M. periods. The School will operate with staggered start and dismissal times for grades
7-9 and 10-12.
A combination of student bicycle, walking, public bus usage and carpooling are
currently being utilized, supported and encouraged by the School and parents alike. This
would continue at their new facilities.
Detached sidewalks (5') shall be provided along all street right-of-ways.
Additionally, an 8' pedestrian and bike path, with a bridge connection to the school, shall be
constructed and maintained through the entire site connecting on the east to the existing
path and shall ultimately connected to future development to the west and extending to
Timberline Road and the retail portion of the project.
No other additional off -site improvements are required.
All basic utilities required for this development are existing and/or available for extension
to the property. Adequate capacity currently exists with the City utilities infrastructure to
serve the project.
WATER & SEWER City of Fort Collins
STORM DRAINAGE City of Fort Collins
ELECTRIC City of Fort Collins
FIRE Poudre Fire Authority
NATURAL GAS Excel Energy
The project will be landscaped with regionally appropriate plant materials with
special consideration to implement xeriscape principles including low water usage, soil
amendments, like -needs grouping of plantings and low maintenance characteristics.
In the north open space and detention areas a naturalistic approach shall be
continued, primarily utilizing drought tolerant grass mixes. The drainage areas within the
detention area will incorporate water quality attributes to enhance the quality of flows off -
site and downstream. The areas along the bike path will include informal plantings of
deciduous trees specifically provided for sun shade and to enhance the path.
Within the developed southern half portion of the site a combination of berming,
shrubs, coniferous and deciduous canopy trees will provide horticultural variety and add
visual interest while providing significant buffers between from the building/parking areas
to the public right of ways. Overall the Custer streetscape will be significantly enhanced
along the south perimeter while maintaining the openness along the building facades for
off -hours security purposes.
All public R.O.W. tree and turf areas will be provided at the various street
frontages. All site vegetation shall be planted, irrigated and maintained by the by
Governing Board. The landscaping and irrigation of the street frontages shall be
coordinated with City staff and be the obligation of the Governing Board.
There is no existing vegetation on the site to be maintained. The exterior property
grounds will be maintained in a clean and safe manner. The final landscape plan shall meet
or exceed City landscape criteria.
The purpose of this project is to provide permanent facilities for the
PIONEER Charter School, chartered by the Poudre R-1 School District. The current home
for the school is the Cimarron Plaza retail center at Shields and Drake Roads, Fort Collins.
The PIONEER Charter School is an ELOB, (Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound)
program entering its third year with a charter extension proposed for 30 years.
The school philosophy embraces an experiential curriculum, focused around whole project
study through 'learning expeditions' that include significant service -learning and fieldwork
components. The proposed facilities will provide for 360 total students, grades 7 through
12 with up to 30 staff members.
The proposed parking and school building facilities would be located on the
southern half of the block maintaining the north half of the lot for active recreation and
open space. The original legal description is Tract E, 1 st Filing, Rigden Farm, Fort Collins.
The site is the entire block, bounded by Custer Drive on the south, Kansas Drive on
the west, Limon Drive on the north and Minnesota Drive on the east
The proposed PIONEER Charter School parcel consists of approximately
185,937 s.f. or 4.27 net acres. The site is currently undeveloped vacant land, zoned
MMN - Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood District, City of Fort Collins.
The junior and senior high school is a permitted use. There is no re -zoning of the property
being requested.
The site is bordered on all sides by public streets and parcels within the City of Fort
The proposed development is for a single structure in a one and partial two-story
configuration totaling 26,255 s.f. of building area. The ground level coverage of the building
is 16,155 s.f., (or approximately 9%) of the site, parking/walks/drives area of
approximately 26% and open landscape areas over 489/o.
The Governing Board of the PIONEER Charter School is committed to building a
high quality school facility as a mixed - use complement to the overall Rigden Farm
neighborhood. This will be the first facility of its kind constructed in the United States for
an ELOB program.
The project shall have two one-way access points, entering the site from the east
side from Minnesota and exiting south, onto Custer. The Governing Board will actively
support and encourage coordination of drop-off and pick-up traffic at the schools peak
periods, to approach from Limon and southbound Minnesota directions eliminating