i. Fire access, if we sprinkle will PFA work with us on easing some other typical
requirements? If we have to run a 20' wide solid concrete drive all the way to the back
of the property, with a turn around, this project is done for. I have read that Portland
has adopted a "skinny streets" program to create more livable streets, using the
Traditional Neighborhood Development Street Design Guide, so I wonder if FTC has
heard of this and or is willing to consider this?
2. Parking, we don't want a big ugly parking lot any more than the City or neighbors do, so
what is the best solution? Are there any compromises to be had, ex. what if we got a
shared mini -van for the complex, that was controlled by the HOA or something, kind of
like the community zip car? Jim and I are all about trying to think outside the box.
3. Is there anything that the City has been curious about or wanting to try to might fit with
our project?
4. We are looking for a modification on the number of houses from 4 to 5, since this
project having smaller houses will already be expensive per square foot of house and or
development, so is this feasible?
5. FYI, we met with Beth Rosen and it just looks unlikely that we can qualify as Affordable,
so we are going to build the best product we can and shoot for a reasonable price
range, $250-300,000 is what we hope is realistic.
6. If we shoot for Net Zero houses, using PV are there City incentives available? State?
7. If everything goes well, what is a realistic time frame before we could break ground; are
there any partial permits or equivalents that would allow us to excavate, and pour
foundations, while we are working other details out? Contingent on agreements etc?
s. Since we have to pay in lieu or put in curb, gutter & sidewalks we are inclined to install
them, since it seems unlikely that the rest of the north side of Laporte will get sidewalk
and the parkways will help the overall landscaping of the development.
9. Do you know anything about what is going on with the development proposal to the
north, I believe at one time it was called Sanctuary West?