Rigden Farm Tract A N-C Rezoning Request
Specific to the findings required to support a rezoning request, the Petitioner believes:
The request is consistent with the City's Comprehensive Plan. If the Structure Plan
amendment is supported, then the rezoning logically follows. Further, if an arc is drawn
with the center point at Timberline and Drake, Tract A is a logical inclusion in the N-C
district that includes King Soopers as the anchor.
Conditions have changed in the neighborhood to warrant the rezoning, as described earlier
in this request. Specifically, with the October 2006 rezoning of the 3.9 acre New Dawn
parcel from N-C to M-M-N, the net impact of this rezoning request in combination with the
New Dawn rezoning results in no measurable change to the two zoning districts.
The rezoning request is compatible with the existing and proposed uses surrounding the
subject land and is an appropriate zoning district for the land. A landscaped berm borders
the majority of the west property boundary adjacent to Timberline Road, a major arterial
street. Custer Drive, a major collector, is on the north boundary border. Uses immediately
north of Custer Drive include a bank, gas pumps, oil change business, and car wash. Seven
Oaks is on the east boundary separated by a local street, with Timberline Church parking lot
to the south. This change in zoning is a logical extension of the zoning from the north and
can be appropriately buffered with a landscape buffer for the uses on the other property
The rezoning will have no adverse effect on the natural environment. The same standards
for protecting the natural environment will continue to apply.
The rezoning does result in a logical and orderly development pattern. As described earlier,
the proposed change results in a logical extension to the N-C district, radiating out from the
King Soopers anchor at Timberline and Drake. Surrounded by non-residential uses, some of
which are fairly intensive, uses typical of the N-C zone district will be more likely to select
this location and will be a logical compliment to the commercial uses to the north.
Rigden Farm Tract A N-C Rezoning Request
2. Tract A is the only M-M-N parcel in Rigden Farm that has not sold and closed. There is
only one N-C parcel that has not sold and closed. That parcel, Tract P, is currently under
contract for a close in 2007. Given the orientation of King Soopers, with the rear of the
building oriented to Drake Road, Custer Drive has become the defacto primary entrance into
Rigden Farm's town center. This should have resulted in Tract A becoming one of the
initial sites to be developed. However, market demand has not prevailed in this case, in
spite of the location. Rezoning to N-C will serve to increase the market demand for and
usage of this site.
3. Timberline Church was built on the L-M-N zoned property adjacent to the Tract A south
property boundary. The City Plan intent desires that an M-M-N district serve as a buffer
between the N-C district and surrounding lower density residential development. Tract A
was initially designed M-M-N to achieve this desired buffer. In this case, Timberline
Church serves that same purpose, given places of worship or assembly are permitted uses in
both the L-M-N and M-M-N zone districts. This removes the need for Tract A to provide
the desired M-M-N buffer given it is adequately provided by the church site.
4. Tract A has essentially become an infill parcel, with development on all adjacent property
boundaries. Per City Plan Policy CD-1.2 Infill/Redevelopment Land Uses: Retail, office,
restaurants, entertainment, residential, and other high pedestrian -generating uses will be
encouraged. Looking forward, rezoning from M-M-N to N-C will allow encouraged uses
not permitted by M-M-N zoning to utilize this site. By the nature of the City development
review process, this corner will become an asset to the commercial city center, attracting
additional usage to the center by providing an inviting entry into Rigden Farm, as well as
providing additional services and goods to the neighborhood residents.
5. The Rigden Farm commercial town center is now defined and established on Illinois Drive.
There has been some concern in the past that rezoning Tract A to N-C would dilute and
impact the viability of the commercial town center. While the town center is not fully in
place today, it has been established and the Petitioner does not believe the approximate 2.7
acre shift from M-M-N to N-C is of sufficient size to impact the town center viability.
Combined with the New Dawn Assisted Living Center rezoning from N-C to M-M-N, the
net effect is slight reduction in the overall N-C zoned area within Rigden Farm.
6. A car wash, oil change business and gas pumps have been approved by the City adjacent to
Custer Drive, directly north of this site, resulting in this being a marginal residential site.
Non-residential use is now more compatible with this intensity of adjacent uses. M-M-N
zone district is somewhat restrictive to commercial uses. This rezoning will serve the
purpose of converting this vacant parcel into productive use.
The Petitioner believes the site would be an excellent restaurant site, which is not an allowed usage
in the M-M-N zone district. The Petitioner believes the architecture typical of quality restaurants
will provide a more inviting entrance fagade that is more compatible with the surrounding
neighborhood that that typically provided by three-story office buildings — a permitted use within
the M-M-N zone district.
The Petitioner does not believe this will divert a restaurant from one of the internal pad sites. The
internal pad sites are not exposed to the traffic counts required by the national restaurateurs. If
anything, presence of a quality restaurant on this site will provide more exposure to the businesses
internal to the balance of the site.
Rigden Farm Tract A N-C Rezoning Request
The following serves as the reason for requesting the City of Fort Collins rezoning and associated
structure map modification for the Rigden Farm Tract A parcel from M-M-N — Medium Density
Mixed -Use Neighborhood District to N-C — Neighborhood Commercial District.
From the Fort Collins City Plan Land Use Community Goals: Our Neighborhood Centers with a
mix of retail, office and service uses will be designed as pedestrian -oriented gathering spaces to
reflect the identity, scale, and character of the surrounding residential neighborhoods, while
providing the goods and services necessary to sustain the neighborhood. Neighborhood
Commercial Centers typically contain a grocery store or supermarket. The appearance and
function of these centers will be effectively integrated with the overall street pattern, design, and
scale of the surrounding neighborhood, not segregated from it. They will be located and designed in
a manner. that fosters transit service for the Center and surrounding neighborhoods.
From the Fort Collins City Plan Principles and Policies CD-1.2 Infill/Redevelopment Land Uses:
Retail, office, restaurants, entertainment, residential, and other high pedestrian -generating uses
will be encouraged.
From the Fort Collins Land Use Code, Division 4.23: The Neighborhood Commercial is intended to
be a mixed -use commercial core area anchored by a supermarket or grocery store and a transit
stop. The main purpose of the District is to meet consumer demands for frequently needed goods
and services, with an emphasis on serving the surrounding residential neighborhoods typically
including a Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood. This district is intended to function
together with a surrounding Medium Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood, which in turn serves as a
transition and a link to larger surrounding low density neighborhoods. The intent is for the
component zone districts to form an integral, town -like pattern of development with this District as
a center and focal point; and not merely a series of individual development projects in separate
zone districts.
The Rigden Farm development has achieved and in some areas exceeded initial expectations. The
Overall Development Plan proposes approximately 32 acres Neighborhood Commercial (N-C)
usage. The majority of the Neighborhood Commercial zoned area has been developed. The intent
of the Neighborhood Commercial District has essentially been realized, with an existing "town
center" in place and functional. Existing businesses include a King Soopers grocery store which is
the Center's anchor as well as retail, financial, auto service, and fast food restaurants. Development
plans are in process for the majority of remaining N-C and adjacent M-M-N parcels. These plans
include the Brooklyn Park Row Houses, New Dawn Assisted Living Center and The Center at
Rigden Farm commercial development.
Conditions have changed since the initial Rigden Farm overall development plan dated April 1999
to justify this rezoning request. These conditions include:
The New Dawn Assisted Living Center 3.9 acre parcel was rezoned from N-C to M-M-N
October 2006. In making this change, the City Staff stated that the 3.9 acres was not a
significant loss to this zone district. By the same reasoning, this rezoning request will only
result in approximately 2.7 net acres shifted from M-M-N to N-C, an insignificant impact to
the overall development intent. The balance of the area changing from M-M-N to N-C is
either street R.O.W. or Tract A parcel 1 owned by the Rigden Farm Master Association and
reserved for neighborhood signage.
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Steve Olt - Fwd: Rigden Farm Tract A rezoning request
From: Cameron Gloss
To: Joe Frank; Ken Waido; Steve Olt
Date: 01/02/2007 11:32 AM
Subject: Fwd: Rigden Farm Tract A rezoning request
I would like to request your review of the attached rezoning request and
schedule 20-30 minutes Thursday January 4 to briefly discuss and gain your
comments prior to submittal. Any suggestions on additional information or
supporting materials that would positively position this for City Council
approval would be greatly appreciated.
In working through this application, I believe the rezoning will make a
positive impact for the overall Rigden Farm development and will present
opportunity to generate additional revenues for the city, replacing the
opportunity lost with the rezoning of the New Dawn Assisted Living Center
from N-C to M-M-N.
If Thursday doesn't work, please suggest another time next week that fits your
schedule better.
file://C:\Documents%20and%20Settings\solt\Local%20Settings\Temp\GW}000O1.HTM O1/02/2007