2863 Sitting Bull Way
Jeremy and Mary Siemers
2851 Sitting Bull Way
Matt and Jennifer Siwicke
2839 Sitting Bull Way
Shane and Sharon Basinger
2827 Sitting Bull Way
Joe and Dolores Daniels
2815 Sitting Bull Way
Jim and Susan Riphahn
2803 Sitting Bull Way
Rick and Karen Ellerby
Please contact me if you have additional comments or concerns to express or would like
more information on the development review process. At such time an Administrative
Public Hearing is scheduled for the Rigden Lofts at Settler's Green, Project
Development Plan - (Planning & Zoning Department file #56-98AT) you will be
notified by letter from this office, which will be mailed at least 2 weeks prior to the date
of the public hearing.
Steve Olt,
Project Planner
Phone: (970)221-6341
E-mail: solt(a)fcgov.com
cc: Cameron Gloss, Director of Planning & Zoning
Dana McBride, McBride Homes Inc.
Planning & Zoning file #56-98AT
The Rigden Farm Filing 5, Settler's Green PDP, as approved and recorded,
allows 5 multi family dwelling units on Lot 1 adjacent to Rigden Parkway and
Custer Drive. Whether the multi family units of the proposed single-family
detached units are constructed, the access to the on -site garages and/or surface
parking must be from the alley behind the units. Replacement and setbacks for
the proposed garages are presently being evaluated with the Rigden Lofts at
Settler's Green - Project Development Plan, being a Replat of Lot 1 of Rigden
Farm Filing 5, Settler's Green PDP.
In the event of another heavy winter, snow removal will also be problematic. Since
public alleys are not plowed by the city, the height and density of the proposed structures
will block the sun for melting, and there are not any open areas available to push snow to,
it is difficult to imagine what can happen to insure the eleven residents and emergency
vehicles have access to the homes. Is there any assistance the city can provide?
The height and density of the proposed single-family detached dwellings would
not create any more of an adverse impact on potential snow melt in and along the
alley than would a 5 plex multi family building that is already approved and
could be constructed.
Another question we share is that of street parking. Our neighborhood has limited street
parking as it is. Sitting Bull Way is narrow (45') and parking is allowed on only one
side. None of the eleven residences have driveways that accommodate parking, and there
is only one extra parking space existing. There are not auxiliary lots for parking in the
neighborhood other than the barn lot, which is only available for short-term parking and
if the barn is not reserved for a function. Again contrast this to the other alley which
although the same width has 15 extra off alley and driveway parking spaces. All of
which provide extra room to maneuver.
The proposed 5 single-family detached dwellings, each to contain 3 bedrooms,
must provide at least 2 parking spaces for each unit on -site. They will be doing
this in the 2-car garages for each unit. Public street parking in any neighborhood
in the City of Fort Collins is intended for additional or guest parking for
residential uses and is provided on a first come -first serve basis.
We do appreciate the fact that Mr. McBride has purchased the subject lot with the desire
to design something new and innovative and exciting for our neighborhood. We would
welcome the opportunity to work with him to resolve the issues we have outlined in this
letter. There are many possible designs that could be both compatible and innovative.
We thank the planning department for the opportunity to express our thoughts and
questions. We are looking forward to leaning more about our questions and concerns.
The project proposes five 2.5 story houses. Placing five such tall, narrow structures so
close together would seem to have a dwarfing effect on the existing structures and open
space presently surrounding the project. The project (as you face it with your back to
Timberline) is located directly behind the round -about, to the left of the historic farm
house, barn and open space, to the right of the existing one story and two story La Grange
project and it's open space, and directly in front of our 2 story houses.
The applicant, Dana McBride, is proposing 5 single-family detached houses on 5
separate lots. The houses are proposed to be 2.5 stories, or 33 ; in height, with
steeply pitched roofs from their eaves at 18' to 24' above grade (depending on the
side of the house) up to the peaks of the roofs at 33'. The permitted S plex multi-
family building could be up to 2.5 stories in height and could equal or slightly
exceed the 33' as proposed by this developer. Also, it could be one single mass
building with a consistent roofline at whatever height might be proposed. City
staff and the developer are currently in the City's development review process,
which contains Project and Compatibility standards, as well as Residential
Building standards that are being evaluated with this development request.
Ultimately staff will take a recommendation to an Administrative Hearing Officer,
based on the requirements set forth in the City's Land Use Code, for a decision on
the proposal.
In addition to the density and height of the proposed project there is the question of
architectural compatibility. The design is basically five tall narrow buildings with the P
floor roof line cut diagonally to produce 2.5 story contemporary loft residences. No
basements are planned so the entire 1700 square feet of living space for each home is
above the ground.
The applicant, Dana McBride, is proposing 5 single-family detached houses on 5
separate lots. The houses are proposed to be 2.5 stories, or 33 , in height. The
houses are approximately 48' in length and 22' wide. The entire 1, 734 square feet
of living space is proposed to be in the 2.5 stories above grade. The 6 existing
homes on Sitting Bull Way are 2 stories in height, with the height in feet being 28'
to 30'. The amount of living space above grade in these 6 houses ranges from
1,453 to 1,914 square feet (based on City Building Permit records). As previously
stated, this request is currently in the development review process, with the site
planning and houses being evaluated against the Project and Compatibility
standards, as well as Residential Building standards of the Land Use Code.
Each house is also to have a 2-car garage in the back accessing the public alley.
The public alley is also of concern to us. What is the code requirement for turning radius
on driveways? This project will place eleven 2-car garages on an alley that is 17.5 feet
wide, 240 feet long and crescent shaped. Compare this to the other public alley behind
the even numbered side of Sitting Bull Way which is also 17.5 feet wide, 650 feet long
and has nineteen 2-car and eight 1-car garages on it, and is not crescent shaped.
Accessing the garages will be tricky at best.
The project proposed by Mr. McBride would construct 5 individual houses of 1700 sq'
each on the subject lot which is .27 acre in total. Mr. McBride refers to these structures
as "small houses." In fact they are larger in square footage than some of our homes on
Sitting Bull Way. In order to accomplish his design the buildings each need to be 2.5
stories tall and placed very close together side -to -side. They will also stretch from back
to front covering almost the entire land space. The only green space left will be a small
yard on the front side of the structures. Because of the crescent shape of the lot the
buildings will fan out from the back to the front. Although there is a minimal space
between the buildings it will be visually lost because of the fan shape
It is correct that Mr. McBride is proposing 5 individual houses containing 1, 734
square feet each on lots ranging from 2,093 square feet to 3,122 square feet in
size. The size of these proposed houses are less than the 2,198 square feet to
3,007 square feet in the houses (including basements, based on City Building
Permit records) that exist on Sitting Bull Way, across the alley, and are located
on lots ranging from 3,893 square feet to 4,734 square feet in size. The house
sizes referenced in both cases do not include garages.
The 5 new houses will be 6' apart at the fronts and fan out to 11 ' apart at the
backs, near the alley. They will be set back 20' to 35' from the front property
lines/back of sidewalk along the street and they will be set back 6' to 10' from the
edge of the alley (because they are not square to the alley). The existing houses on
Sitting Bull Way appear to be set back 9' to 15' from the back of sidewalk along
the street and 6' to 10' from the alley (based on aerial photography available on
the Larimer County Assessor's website). Several of the existing homes have
detached garages, thus creating small interior yards between the houses and the
garages. Also, they would appear to be 10' to 15' apart. All dwelling units in
Settler's Green are permitted to have 6' garage door setbacks from alleys.
We understand that our filing was designed for urban density. Looking at the subject lot
we question if there is space available for five separate utility taps. What is the density
ruling and is there a possibility that we have already met the requirements? Currently in
our filing there are two 5 units, 24 houses, and 10 carriage houses making a total of 44
residences. Not all of the carriage houses have been permitted as separate residences at
this time, however they were built with the understanding that they could be permitted.
The current development review process will help City staff and the applicant
determine if space is available for 5 separate utility taps and how they would be
provided, if able. The current "density ruling"for Rigden Farm Filing 5, Settler's
Green PDP, as stated on the recorded Site Plan for the development, is a "Total
of 39 to 54 Units (Depends on # of Lofts) ". This allowance is for all Lots 1
through 27 of the recorded development plan. It would appear, therefore, that at
least 10 additional dwelling units can be constructed in Settler's Green. The
allowance, up to 54 units, will occur on a first come -first serve basis.
Steve Olt: City Planner
City of Ft Collins Planning and Zoning Board
281 N. College
Ft Collins, CO 80525
July 1, 2007
Dear Mr. Olt:
This letter comes to you in regard to the proposed plat change for Lot 1 located in Rigden
Farm Settlers' Green Filing and bordered by Custer Drive, Rigden Drive and the public
alley behind the odd numbered side of Sitting Bull Way.
The six residents who currently own and reside in the houses also bordering the public
alley have met with Mr. Mc Bride and viewed his proposed plans for development of the
lot. We have also met as a group to discuss our thoughts regarding his proposal. As a
result of these discussions we would like to share with the planning department some of
our concerns and questions.
We want to begin by saying that all of us were informed at the time we built our homes
that the subject lot had been zoned for a multi -family 5 unit structure and was to be
"something like" the one already built on the corner of DesMoines and Rigden by Bob
Hand, our developer. The exact plan had not been approved because the structure needed
to be modified for the unusual shape of the subject lot. The change that is being proposed
is significantly different from the communicated design in both density and style.
It is correct that Lot 1 of Rigden Farm Filing 5, Settler's Green PDP is currently
approved for a 5-unit multi family residential building. The recorded Site Plan
document that City staff is charged with enforcing does state:
Lot 1 - 5 Plex ...No building permit will be granted for construction on
any multi family lot until the architectural elevations, site, landscape &
utility plans for such construction have been approved by the Director.
To date, no exact plan for a 5 plex multi family building on Lot 1 has been
submitted for review by City staff. Recently an architect/developer has submitted
a Site Plan and Subdivision Plat for the purpose of subdividing Lot 1 into 5
individual lots containing single-family detached dwellings. It is unclear to City
staff what the previously communicated design and style for the approved 5 plex
multi family building would look like because none has been reviewed; however,
the residential density on Lot 1, or Lots I - 5 if approved with the replat, would be
identical because the size of the 'parcel of land" containing 5 dwelling units
would not change. The parcel is 0.27 acres (11, 778 square feet) in size, resulting
in a residential density of 18.5 dwelling units per acre, whether there are 5 single-
family detached units or 5 multi family units.
Community Planning and Environmental . _rvices
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
July 24, 2007
Rick and Karen Ellerby
2803 Sitting Bull Way
Jim and Susan Riphahn
2815 Sitting Bull Way
Joe and Dolores Daniels
2827 Sitting Bull Way
Shane and Sharon Basinger
2839 Sitting Bull Way
Matt and Jennifer Siwicke
2851 Sitting Bull Way
Jeremy and Mary Siemers
2863 Sitting Bull Way
Dear Residents of Sitting Bull Way,
Following are City staff responses (in italics) to the letter received from the 6 residences
south and west of Sitting Bull Way regarding the Replat of Lot 1 of Rigden Farm Filing
5, Settler's Green PDP, now known as Rigden Lofts at Settler's Green, Project
Development Plan - (Planning & Zoning Department file #56-98AT). The applicant,
Dana McBride, has submitted a Project Development Plan to the City that contains a
request to replat Lot 1 of Rigden Farm Filing 5, Settler's Green into 5 individual lots for
the purpose of constructing 5 single-family detached houses instead of the previously
approved (and recorded) 5-plex multi -family building. The proposed Project
Development Plan is a pending application (submitted on June 5, 2007), subject to an
Administrative (Type 1) Review by City staff and affected outside service agencies. It
has been through one round of City staff review. Staff comments have been forwarded to
the applicant. An Administrative Public Hearing could likely be scheduled for sometime
in late August or early September, 2007. The request is a quasi-judicial review, subject to
the requirements set forth in the City's Land Use Code, with an assigned Hearing Officer
being the decision maker. Any decision by the Hearing Officer may be appealed to City
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020