lih7es are changed"
Commanding Officers
Kit & Pat Wetter
August 14, 2000
Greg Byrne, Director
Community Planning & Environmental Services
218 North College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522-058
Dear Mr. Byrne:
Since our meeting in early August, I have had the opportunity to discuss the
3901 Mason Street landscape plan with Cameron Gloss and Steve Olt. As a
result of our conversations, Mr. Gloss has found The Salvation Army's
proposal for completion of the landscape plan to be acceptable.
The proposal allows The Salvation Army to implement a three-phase schedule
to complete the landscape plan requirements, while providing the opportunity
to raise funds incrementally over a period of time. Such an approach is
feasible while accomplishing the desired results for both The Salvation Army
Main Office
and the City of Fort Collins.
3901 South Mason Street
The three-phase plan coincides with three planting seasons beginning in the
fall of 2000. It is the intent of The Salvation Army to complete the scheduled
Fort Collins, CO 80525
landscape plan by the end of fall 2001.
` Tel: (970} 207-4472
Fax: (970) 207-4475
During the initial phase of fall 2000, all trees (7 total) necessary to finish the front
section of the Mason Street landscape plan will be planted.
Mailing Address
In the second phase scheduled for spring 2001, all shrubs (33) and one tree,
P.O. Box 2145
necessary to complete the north and south sides of the plan, will be installed.
Upgrades to the drip watering system for all new shrubs and the remaining
Fort Collins, CO 80522
trees to be planted in phase three will be installed at this time.
In phase three, planting of the remaining trees (6 total) located on west side of
the plan, near the railroad track, will be completed.
In summary, it is The Salvation Army's intention to meet all requirements, as
described in the landscape plan, under the proposed three phases. The
Divisions! Commander
Salvation Army anticipates that you will find this phased plan acceptable.
Harold Brodin
Please refer questions or comments to me at 207-4472.
Territorial Commander
V cWVLI^J4V0�4�/
David Edwards
Dawn Valdes
Business Administrator
John Gowans
Cc: Captain K. Wetter
J. Harvey
J. Fischbach
C. Gloss
Community Planning and Environmental Services
Office of the Director
City of Fort Collins
August 16, 2000
Dawn Valdes
The Salvation Army
3901 S Mason Street
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Dear Ms. Valdes:
Thank you for your letter outlining the phasing of the landscaping schedule for the
Salvation Army Building on South Mason Street. The three-phase landscaping plan,
which spans over three planting seasons, is acceptable to the Current Planning
I'm pleased that we were able to work out an acceptable landscaping schedule. Should
I be of further assistance, please feel free to call.
Sincerely, i
,Greg Byrne, Dire or
Community Pla and Environmental Services
281 N. College Avenue • PO. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
(970) 221-6601 • FAX (970) 416-2020