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The granting of this request for Alternative Compliance would be neither detrimental to the
public good nor impair the intent of the Development Standards. The plan as submitted will protect
the public interests and purposes of the standards for which the modification is requested.
For the reasons stated above, the applicant requests that the ` Alternative Ccapliance ' as stated
be approved.
Should you have any questions or need further information, please contact me at 221 - 0499.
Thank you.
Allen D. Curtis - Architect
P l a n n i n
Mr. Michael ladwig, AICP 09 Nov. 1998
City Planning Department
City of Fort Collins
281 No. College Ave.
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
RE: Request for Alternative Compliance,
reduction in required parking spaces
3901 So. Mason Street, Ft. Collins, Co.
Dear Mr. Ludwig;
The above -mentioned property is currently under contract to be purchased by the Salvation Army
and the use is to be changed fran an electronics retail store to a church.
Caments received from the zoning staff indicated that dun to the 150 seat maxim capacity, that
the minimum. number of parking spaces required would be 38 spaces. It was indicated to me by the
Salvation Army representative that of the requested 150 seat capacity, that a mm men of 507. of
those 150 occupants would be prought in by other means such as vans,etc., and therefore would
not require the same type or number of spaces. Historically this method of transporting their
clientel has actually caused a reduction in trip generation. We felt that in doing this, our actual
count for parking could be reduced to approximately 75 for use in the parking calculations.
With this in mind, I used the numbers as shown in section 3.2.2(K)(1)(g), i.e., 1 parking space
per 4 seats in the chapel which would be 75 (after trip reduction) divided by 4 to equal 18.75 or
19 spaces, plus 2 parking spaces per 3 employees. This facility will have 3 employees, therefore
requiring 2 parking spaces, for a total of 21 spaces. There are currently 21 parking spaces avail—
able and I was able to add 6 parking spaces to the existing paved lot without a reduction of land—
scape area, for a total of 27 parking spares.
The applicant hereby requests Alternative Compliance to the required parking ratio due to the
uniqueness of: 1, The existing facility and its existing parking lot, and 2. The nature by which
their clientel is transported to the chapel.
In connection with the request, it is understood that there would be no dispersal of spillover
parking onto surrounding, adjacent or abutting landuses, or onto surrounding, adjacent, or abutting
public streets ( or private streets not under legal ownership of the applicant ) where parking is
prohibited. It is also understood that spillover parking may be allowed pursuant to Section 3.2.2
(K)(4)(c) as outlined for ' Special Event Parking '.
3109 So. Taft Hill Reed
Fort Collins. Colorado 8:1526