From: <THalopoff@JREngineering.com>
To: <BBarkeen@fcgov.com>, <CFOREMAN@fcgov.com>, <DMOORE@fcgov.com>,
<TBUCHANAN@fcgov.com>, <cmathis@vfavfr.com>, <sjoy@fcgov.com>, <SWAMHOFF@fcgov.com>
Date: 6/1/04 5:15PM
Subject: City Trail route @ Trailhead �� f
Hello All, l.j
I wanted to summarize what was discussed at today's trails meeting in order
to afford the opportunity to everyone to clarify or elaborate on any points
made during the discussion.
The realignment of the City trail is to cross the Larimer/Weld Canal north
of the BNSF RR. A 50' easement, to be processed by seperate document, will
be prescribed to the City. This easement will occur immediately adjacent to
the north RR right of way and will extend the entire length of the Hartshorn
Farms Property. The trail is scheduled to proceed SW to either the current
Vine Drive/RR intersection or the proposed future alignment/RR intersection.
On the Preliminary Vine Drive Arterial plan set that we are preparing, an
underpass will be shown at the proposed future location. On the Trailhead
Utility plan set, an alternative trail alignment will be shown with
underpass at Vine Drive and Wagon Trail Road. This will be in addition to
an ultimate grading sheet without the trail. The Trailhead plat will
prescribe a public drainage, utility, access easement on Tract N that will
ensure the City option of an underpass on the west side of Wagon Trail Road.
Ultimately, the utility set will have an interim, ultimate and ultimate w/
trail sheet so that all possibilities are covered. While the trail is
aligned on Vine Drive flowing in the East/West direction, it will remain in
the public right of way as a combined 10' trail/sidewalk until it either
veers south on the Whitham Property or begins to grade break to the
underpass North of Vine and east of Three Forks Drive.
The underpass designs will include: Contour grading, slopes, possible
retaining walls, an underpass cross-
section, and the potential for drainage of the underpass to the downstream
If I have missed anything, please inform me and I will update and resend
this correspondence.
Thank You,
Timothy J. Halopoff, P.E.
Project Engineer
<< ... OLE_Obj... >>
2620 E. Prospect Road, Suite 190
Ft. Collins, CO 80525
970-491-9888 970-491-9984(fax)
CC: <LWatkins@JREngineering. com>