Mr. Dave Stringer
City of Fort Collins Engineering Department
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Reference: TrailHead Property — Lower Loop Drive Request for Variance for
Tangential Distance Between an Intersection and beginning of curve.
Dear Mr. Stringer:
The intent of this letter is to request a variance for the distance between Lower Loop Drive's
east and west knuckle/eyebrow curves and it's east and west intersection with Glacier Creek
Drive. Lower Loop Drive and Glacier Creek Drive are classified as local residential streets.
The proposed distance between the intersections and the beginning of curve, is 121-feet which
is less than the distance required by the "Larimer County Urban Area Street Standards,
January 2, 2001" edition. The length required is 200-feet for a local -to -local residential
intersection. This standard is found in Table 7-3 on Page 7-7 of the design criteria.
Support for the variance described above is discussed in the line items listed below:
1) The knuckle/eyebrow curves located on Lower Loop Drive were aligned as far south
as possible in an effort to conserve and maintain the old growth trees in the open space
to the north. In an effort to conserve the trees, the south side of Lower Loop Drive
was left unlotted, allowing for a compact configuration.
2) Due to the proximity of the knuckle/eyebrow curves to the east and west intersections
at Glacier Creek Drive, automobiles on Lower Loop Drive will be traveling at rates
less than normal local residential design speeds. Therefore, it is not anticipated that
any public health, safety, and/or welfare problems will be created by the varied design.
If you have any questions or comments, or need additional information, please do not hesitate
to contact me at (970) 491-9888. Thank you.
Timothy J. Halopoff, P.E.
Project Engineer