Old Town North Modification
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minimum of 10% of the units will meet the city of Fort Collins
requirements for affordable housing.
Advances the public interest and would not be detrimental to the public good
As identified in the Fort Collins policy " Priority Affordable Housing Needs and
Strategies" which was adopted on February 2nd of this year, Fort Collins Highest
priority should be affordable housing.. According to City Plan Policy HSG-2.2
which states "The City will support and encourage the private development of
affordable housing by offering incentives and reducing local government barriers to
the construction of additional units." it is anticipated that the City will assist the
developer in keeping the project affordable by "reducing local government
barriers" that may impede the "affordability" of housing within Old Town North.
The proposed project (Old Town North) would provide exactly the type of
neighborhood desired as part of this policy. With accelerating housing costs, the
availability of housing for low to moderate income housing is becoming more
scarce within the city. Without new affordable housing projects like Old Town
North many people in Fort Collins will not be able to buy there own homes. By
providing affordable housing, Old Town North advances the interests of the public
good by allowing those who could not afford the benefits of home ownership a
chance to own their own home.
Due to Old Town North's status as a proposed affordable housing project, without
the modification, the development would lose density which would inhibit the
ability of the developer to maintain the affordability crucial to the successful
implementation of affordable housing. We feel that it is in the public interest to
develop the affordable housing being proposed in this project.
Thank you for your consideration of this modification
bha design inc. by
Russell Lee
May 17, 2001
Mr. Troy Jones
Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO. 80521
RE: Old Town North- Standard Modification Request
Dear Troy,
This letter represents an official request for a modification to the City of Fort
Collins Land Use Code under Division 3.5 of the code. The code modification or
interpretation requested is for Article 3.5.2, paragraph D, sub -paragraph (3), which
The minimum side yard setback for all residential buildings and for all detached
accessory buildings that are incidental to the residential building shall be five (S)
feet from the property line. If a zero lot line development plan is proposed, a single
six-foot minimum side yard is required..
This request is for a modification waiving the minimum allowable side yard setback
of five feet (5). The plan proposes a four foot (4) side yard setback instead
of five feet (5).
The site is located west of the proposed extension of Redwood, north of the
Lake Canal, and east of College Avenue. The site is approximately 40 acres
and is being designed to provide single family housing that would meet the
stated definition of affordable housing as defined by the City code.
Affordable Housing Unit for Sale shall mean a dwelling unit which is
available for purchase on terms that would be affordable to households
earning eighty(80) percent or less of the median income of city residents,
as adjusted for family size, and paying less than thirty-eight (38) percent of
their gross income for housing, including principal, interest, taxes, and
insurance, utilities, and homeowner's association fees. The unit must be
occupied by and affordable to such low income household(s) for a period
of not less than twenty (20) years.
As proposed the project would include 138 single family homes (105 in
phase 1; 33 in Phase 2) plus a second housing type which would include
118 single family attached homes (110 in phase 1; 8 in phase 2). 80 units
within the development will be priced to meet the guidelines established by
the State of Colorado affordable housing requirements. As well, a