Troy Jones Re RE: A-Z Party Rental p t _ Page 1,
From: Sheri Wamhoff
To: Dave Stringer, Kathleen Reavis, Tom Cook, Troy ...
Date: 7/15/99 2:49PM
Subject: Re: RE: A-Z Party Rental project
We could ask them to provide a wider sidewalk, but anything more than the local street width (4.5 feet)
would be our cost - or probably oversizings?
I don't know if Matt has accounted for that in his fees?
Any other thoughts?
>>> Kathleen Reavis 07/15 2:37 PM >>>
Thanks Tom for checking this out - a question for Engineering would be whether or not we can require any
additional sidewalk width in order to try to get a 6' attached sidewalk, is this possible?
>>> Tom Cook 07/15/99 02:OOPM >>>
I went out this morning to see the condition of the sidewalk in front of the existing A-Z store. It appears to
be relatively new - replaced perhaps within the last 5 years or so. The sidewalk connecting either side
appears older, but still in good shape - no buckles, major cracks, etc., and it is attached to the curb. The
only drawback, in my opinion, is that it's only about 40" wide, which was probably the standard at the time
it was replaced. The slope is very slight for water runoff; an elderly or handicapped person in a wheelchair,
on crutches, etc. should have no trouble in this area.
Being attached to the curb, I would recommend that they increase the width for safety and security.
This is being copied to Dave Stringer, Kathleen Reavis, and Sheri Wamhoff. If I've missed anyone who
wants or needs this memo, please let me know and I'll see that they receive it.
CC: Matt Baker