Planning Objectives
The City of Fort Collins Downtown Transit Center is located within the Downtown zone district. This
district is " intended to provide a concentration of retail, civic, office, and cultural uses in addition to
complementary uses such as hotels, entertainment, and housing." In addition, the facility is located in a
sub district referred to as the Civic Center. The Civic Center master plan envisions the civic center being
a place with a rich street environment with a clustered area of civic uses.
The proposed building is a 7,960 SF restored freight depot that will house Transfort facilities and a few
other City departments. These uses are classified as Transit Facility under the zone district and are a
permitted use. This is considered a type 2 review and it will be subject to review by the Planning and
Zoning Board.
The proposed use also fits well with the sub district Civic Center classification by providing a number of
employees to the area that will provide a concentration of users that will enliven the city core and assist in
maintaining economic vitality for the downtown. The Transfort clients will also contribute to the life of
the area.
Section 3.5.3 of the Land Use Code outlines the requirements of the project to promote an urban
environment built to human scale with attractive street fronts and other connecting walkways. The code
section also encourages buildings to contribute to the uniqueness of the zone district and to vary in
massing and scale..
The building and site are being designed to meet all of the above objectives through adding to the high
quality character of the downtown area by renovating the attractive facade of the historic freight depot
and inviting urban street scene. The expansion is 1 stories with a basement and reflects the character of
the existing freight depot.
The proposed site plan has been designed to accommodate a high volume of bus traffic while providing
pedestrian friendly access from the surrounding areas.
The urban street scene for this project is designed to reflect the character that is gradually building around
this area. Paving patterns reflect a similar pattern being used across Mason at the proposed Civic Center
Office Building. Interlocking brick pavers are alternated with concrete to create an attractive walkway.
Along Mason an architectural colonnade is proposed up to enhance the walkway as well as complement
the architecture of the Transit Center and Civic Center Office Building through design rhythms and
materials. These urban design features fit within the civic center master plan concept of creating an
attractive and inviting downtown environment.