City values businesses that promote a positive community profile and uphold the highest
consumer standards —practices that Christian Brothers Automotive considers, to be engrained in
its culture:
Legal Description of the Site. Lot 1 and Tract A, Discount Tire at Fossil Creek, Situated in the
Southwest Quarter of Section 1, Township 6 North, Range 69 West -of the 6ih P.M.,, City of Fort Collins,
County of Larimer, State of Colorado.
Property Owner Information. Kensington Properties LTD, 1465 Sierra Drive, Boulder, CO 80303.
General Construction Schedule. All applicable development and -construction permits: will be obtained
and stormwater pollution prevention measures implemented. The typical. construction schedule4asts 120
150 days from Notice to Proceed to Certificate of Occupancy. After construction is complete, it takes
no more than 30 days to stock, train and:open,for business.
It is rour hope that City of Fort Collins can truly appreciate the efforts and interest in making this
development a reality and will find Christian Brothers to.be.a valued member of the community.
If you have any questions or need additional information, please do not hesitate to contactme.
41 (JT(f4;0_1
Hugo E. Salinas, PE
Project Manager
17725.Katy Freeway. Suite. 1031 Houston, TX 77094 I www.dacengineers.com I TBPE Finn No. 129591 Voice (281) 509-7119
Parking Lot
6% of the interior
- Parking lot area of
3,284 square feet
area of parking
17,128 square feet
lot to be
- @ 6%, minimum
landscape area
required of 1,028
square feet
at least one
- Landscape area
22 trees (including 4
canopy shade tree
provided of 3,284
existing trees)
per one hundred
square feet
fifty square feet
- 22 trees required
of internal
landscaped area
Pedestrian Access. The site provides pedestrian access to the proposed building from a proposed
sidewalk along College Avenue. This is achieved via a series of proposed access ramps, sidewalks, and
marked/delineated walkways, all designed in accordance with the Americans with Disabilities Act
(ADA) standards. Bicycle parking is provide via a four -space bike rack, in accordance with LUC Item
Utility Services. Gas (provider: Xcel Gas) and electric service (provider: City of Fort Collins Electric)
shall be provided to the subject property from existing infrastructure located near the northwest corner
and southeast corner of the property, respectively. A dumpster will also be provided to serve the
property, at a location that does not impede pedestrian or vehicular circulation and away from any
setbacks and buffers. Moreover, the dumpster will be enclosed in accordance with the requirements of
LUC Item 3.2.5.
Compliance with the City's Comprehensive Plan. The essence of the City Plan (2010 update) is to
provide guidelines and goals to promote growth in a manner that preserves history, culture, natural
resources, and overall quality of life for the current and future residents and businesses of the City of
Fort Collins. The proposed Christian Brothers Automotive repair store adheres to the City Planners'
vision not only in terms of compliance with the City's ordinances, but also in its values that govern its
business strategy and culture.
- Community and Neighborhood Livability: The Christian Brothers Automotive store will be
designed to conform to the City's unique approach to community planning. The proposed
building's prototypical design resembles a brick home —comfortable, appealing, and almost
idyllic. It represents the identity of Christian Brothers as a business, which is to create an
environment where customers can feel that they are being welcomed into the home of someone
they know and trust, and have their vehicle repaired by this trusted individual. It is a business
that is community oriented, and in the particular location where the Christian Brothers
Automotive store'is intended on being developed, would promote the desire to have a unique
business community.
- Economic Health: The benefits to the City of Fort Collins and its citizens as a result of this
development are manifold, and include the diversification of its tax base, jobs, and the provision
of goods and services from various businesses. The City of Fort Collins attracted Christian
Brothers not only as a place where it can enjoy mutual economic benefits, but also because the
17725 Katy Freeway. Suite 103 1 Houston, TX 77094 1 www.dacengineers.com I TBPE Finn No. 12959 1 Voice (281) 509-7119
home while their vehicle is being serviced or repaired. In total, an average store will see 15 to 17 cars in
a day. However, the proposed Fort Collins, CO location is projected to be a superlative performer in
roughly the top 90% of all the operating locations based on other Colorado stores. This particular project
is proposing to have 25 parking spaces and one handicap stall.
Per Section 3.2.2(K)(2) of the City's Land Use Code, the vehicle repair use requires a maximum of 5
spaces per 1,000 square feet of building. Based on a building area of 0.11 acres (or approximately 4,960
square feet), the maximum number of parking spaces required is 25, with one handicapped space.
Landscaping and Buffers. The City's Land Use Code (LUC) Section 3.1 provides the landscape and
buffer requirements for residential and non-residential developments within the City of Fort Collins:
• LUC Item 3.2.1. (E)(2)(3) requires that native plants and grasses be used for landscaped areas.
• LUC Item 3.2.1 (C) requires developments to protect significant trees, which have a diameter at
breast height six inches or greater. In the enclosed Tree Survey/Mitigation Plan, among the
existing trees anticipated on being protected include trees #7 and #24.
• LUC 3.2.1 (E)(4) requires perimeter and interior landscaping, including having along the
perimeter of the of the parking lot one tree per 25 feet on the lot lines and one tree per 40 feet
along public streets. Furthermore, the parking lot shall be screened from abutting uses and from
the street.
• LUC 3.2.1 (E)(5) requires perimeter and interior landscaping, including having a minimum of
6% of the interior area of the parking lot to be landscaped. Each landscaped island shall include
one or more canopy shade trees. Trees shall be planted at a ratio of at least one canopy shade tree
per one hundred fifty square feet of internal landscaped area.
Table 2 summarizes the landscape requirements for the subject property, and the existing landscape
Table 2. Landscape Requirement Summary
One tree per 40 ft
- 117 linear feet of
3 trees
(public streets)
(College Ave
- 3 trees required
One tree per 40 ft
- 452 linear feet of
12 trees
(public streets)
(Fossil Creek
- 12 trees required
One tree per 40 ft
- 376 linear feet of
10 trees
(public streets)
Snead Drive
- 10 trees required
Parking Lot
One tree per 25 ft
- 90 linear feet along
4 trees
(lot lines)
Snead Dr
- 4 trees required
17725 Katy Freeway. Suite 1031 Houston, TX 770941 www.daoengineers.com I TBPE Firm No. 129591 Voice (281) 509-7119
Table 1. Site Data Summary
Property Area
2.149 acres
Proposed Building Size
4,960 square feet
Floor Area Ratio
Proposed Impervious Surface
0.55 acres 25.6%
Open Space
Proper Use of Mitigative Techniques. As will be further elucidated in this narrative, the development
of the property as an automotive repair store will not pose any observable detriment to the surrounding
public welfare or adjacent businesses. Please refer to the General Operations and Landscaping and
Buffer sections of this narrative.
Hazardous Waste. The proposed automotive repair shop floors are cleaned with a Zamboni style
machine and no pollutants are ever released into the environment. All automotive fluids are contained in
federal and state compliant EPA containment vessels. We have included a Hazardous Materials Impact
Analysis Report for the City's review and approval.
Compliance with Applicable Laws and Ordinances. The proposed development shall satisfy the
setback, buffers, landscaping, lighting, traffic, and infrastructure requirements as per the City's Plan
Principles and Policies, Code of Ordinances, and Engineering and Construction Standards. Please refer
to the Customers and Parking, Landscaping and Buffer, Infrastructure to Accommodate Proposed Use,
Pedestrian Access, and Utility Services sections of this narrative for additional details.
No variances are being sought as part of this development.
General Operations. Unlike most other light automotive service facilities, Christian Brothers keeps a
more conservative schedule, with its stores opening at 7 am and closing no later than 7 pm, Monday
through Friday. Stores are open on Saturdays for the first 180 days of operation to help generate
additional revenue to mitigate some of the development costs, and to allow the store to develop a steady
base of clientele. Most vehicles left overnight are stored within the secure bays for customer peace of
mind and insurance parameters. No tire recapping or body repair work is performed on the premises.
These two activities are major noise and storage generators and are not a component of the scope of
work. Additionally, work designated as Heavy Vehicle Services are not a major component of the scope
of work, comprising less than 1% of all work performed. Typically this level of service is only offered if
a vehicle is brought in an unsafe or otherwise terminal condition. In the majority of cases, the customer
will be referred to a specialist engine / transmission repair / replacement facility. The business in
manned by 3 to 4 employees and the owner / franchisee. The City of Fort Collins will find that the stores
operate to the highest possible standards.
Customers and Parking. A good day for a typical store is 10 to 12 vehicles serviced. 20 to 25 is
spectacular. Christian Brothers' demographic positioning creates a customer base that relies on them for
virtually every level of repair. The typical client is a working professional who can't afford for a needed
repair to become a catastrophic event. They simply bring the vehicle to the store, pay a fair price and get
back on the road. A shuttle service is also available that can take a client to work, school or back to their
17725 Katy Freeway. Suite 1031 Houston, TX 770941 www.daoengineers.com I TBPE Finn No. 129591 Voice (281) 509-7119
August 24, 2015
City of Fort Collins, Colorado
Development Review Committee
281 N. College Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80522
RE: Supporting Narrative
Project Development Plan Package for Proposed Christian Brothers Automotive Repair
Store in Lot 1 of the Discount Tire at Fossil Creek Plat
(ParcelED 9601335001)
Dear Sir or Madame:
Please find enclosed herewith the completed Project Plan Development submittal package for the
proposed Christian Brothers Automotive Repair Store to be developed on Lot 1 of the Discount Tire at
Fossil Creek Plat. The project narrative below outlines the general components associated with the
proposed development that, in conjunction with the other components of the submittal, shall indicate
compliance and compatibility with the City's Plan Principles and Policies applicable to the site.
Existing Site Description. The current zoning of the subject property is GC — General Commercial. All
immediately surrounding properties to the north, west, and south lie within the C-2 Commercial zoning
district. The properties located to the east are located within the Low Density Residential District,
although the proposed Snead Drive extension and Tract A provide buffering between the two Districts in
the vicinity of the subject property. Specifically, the property uses adjacent to the subject property
include: North — commercial center with a music conservatory, chapel, and carpet retailer; West —
College Avenue, Larimer Human Society, commercial center; South — Fossil Creek Parkway, Discount
Tire Store; and East — Snead Drive ROW, Tract A, and single-family residences. There is no observable
detriment to the surrounding public welfare or adjacent businesses.
The existing property is mostly vegetated with some trees and an existing asphalt drive that bisects the
site and provides access to the commercial center to the north of the property from Fossil Creek
Proposed Site Development Overview. The development of Lot 1 as an automotive repair store entails
the construction of a proposed building, parking area, driveway, stormwater management features,
landscaping, utilities, the extension of Snead Drive, and related infrastructure. The site will maintain an
open area (landscaping and stormwater detention pond) of approximately 74%, will provide adequate
circulation and access from Fossil Creek Parkway to the shared access drive along the rear of the
property, will strive to save as many existing trees as practical, provide compensatory mitigation
measures related to the removal of existing trees, and comply with the buffering and landscaping
requirements of the City.
17725 Katy Freeway. Suite 103 1 Houston, TX 77094 1 www.dacengineers.com I TBPE Finn No. 12959 1 Voice (281) 509-7119