JUL 1 9 2001 Di
41 South Taft Hill Road
Fort Collins, Colorado 80521
July 18, 2001
Cameron Gloss
Current Planning Director
City of Fort Collins
281 North College Avenue
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522-0580
SUBJ: Cherokee Flying Heights Development Proposal, #17-OOA
Dear Mr. Gloss:
we own and reside at property on South Taft Hill Road, in close
proximity to the subject development proposal. Due to scheduling conflicts,
we have been unable to attend the neighborhood meetings concerning this
project. We would appreciate receiving information on the development
design, as well as copies of meeting minutes and letters from the public, so
that we could review and provide additional project -specific comments.
We must admit that the prospect of living near-a_relatively densely -
populated housing project (considering lot -size) does not appeal to us.
Obviously, the potential for increased noise and traffic are of greatest
concern, particularly since these impacts cannot reasonably be mitigated.
Our street is comprised of small homes with modest lots: in our opinion, an
apartment complex simply would not be compatible with the overall character
of our neighborhood.
We appreciate the efforts you've made to inform homeowners of the
project and the opportunity you've provided for public input in your
decision -making. Please send the information we've requested to the address
listed above. You can also reach us by phone at 221-0323. Thanks for
considering our request and comments.
Sincerely, 'IVv" `/
Michael W. Martin and Eva M. Long