Directional ramps need to be drawn and constructed to urban standards. Refer to the Larimer
County Urban Area Street Standards or city engineering for design standards.
Department: Technical Services Issue Contact: J.R. Wilson
Topic: General
The existing easements on the south still do not have enough information to locate.
The original mylar must be clear and crisp due to the small text on this plat
The plat boundary closes. The legal description has a bad bearing causing misclosure. This
bearing also doesn't match the boundary bearing.
East Prospect is a Road, not a Street.
A few distances are missing on the plat -see redline set.
1/16 corner is mislabled on the map (add Section 13)
"Flood line" covering other numbers.
Text size is too small to reproduce.
Should you have any questions regarding these comments, or require additional information,
please feel free to contact the listed reviewer from the respective departments/agencies.
Cameron Gloss, AICP
Current Planning Director
Page 7
Northern Engineering floodplain report for Pinnacle PDP is what will be used for regulating
construction of this development. However, you may want to look at this mapping to see if
there are any changes you might want to make considering it will become the City's new
mapping after it has been reviewed and approved.
10. Considering the previous comment, please put the lowest opening elevation for all of the
structures on the plans. The lowest openings will be required to be above the base flood
elevation. The lowest opening must be certified as part of the site certification after
construction. By having the lowest opening above the base flood elevation, the lots that may
be shown in the City's mapping will be able to be documented as being removed from the
floodplain after they are constructed. Please make a note on the grading plan that a site
certification documenting lowest opening will be required before the CO is issued.
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Topic: site plan
(Comment updated 11-28-01) The 8-foot wide trail connection should be placed at a
minimum of 20 feet total from the front porches of homes #48 through 51. See red lines
Original comment: The main` trail connection from Robertson Street to Spring Creek Trail
needs to be designed more for the general public use. The 8-foot concrete walk should be
extended an additional 10 feet minimum from the front of the homes (# 48 thru 51).
(Comment updated 11-28-01) The single-family attached units (#9-16) needs their own bike
rack and handicap accessible parking stall. See red lines
Original comment: Locate and label bike racks for units without garages (I.e.. 8 plexes)
(Comment updated 11-28-01)
After identifying origins and destinations within and around the site the additional sidewalk
width (6 feet) should be placed on the eastern sidewalk along Robertson St. from the trail
connection to Prospect Road. The additional width for the western sidewalk along Robertson
St. is not necessary. The minimum width required for western sidewalk is 4 feet 6 inches. See
red lines
Original comment; Increase the sidewalk width along the west side of Robertson St. to 6 feet
to accommodate the higher pedestrian traffic.
Sign the Robertson St. culdesac with no parking signs and consider painting the curb red.
This will improve visibility and safety issues for Spring Creek trail users as they transition
through the site. It will also prevent potential trailhead parking.
Page 6
For your reference here is a copy of the previous Erosion Control comments:
It is preferable that City Standard Erosion Control Notes be on the erosion control plan, and
that other notes (e.g. # 8, 9, & 10 of your general notes), be combined with them.
Why is the swale and water quality pond outside the limits of the silt fencing, and why is
there no, BUT in evidence protecting Spring Creek from their construction? Also, where are
the contours on these constructions?
Why does the report state that silt fence is to be installed "slightly north of Dry Creek"? Will
doing that help keep sediments from leaving this project?
Your Note # 10 - Why are the flat areas to be hydroseeded and hydromulched instead of the
preferred drill seeding? And why are the slopes to be mechanically seeded? And why is
straw mulch to be applied at a rate double what is required to smother all seeds planted?
Why is the seeding rate to be double that used in field planting?
What is a "Natural Grass" lined swale?
Topic: Floopldin comments
1. Please put a note in the floodplain report and the drainage report that all of the structures
are out of the FEMA 100-year floodplain.
2. Grading Plan - the BFE shown for XS 10968 does not match the floodplain report. Please
review and revise as necessary.
3. Grading Plan - the culvert labeled Storm C and the swale are shown in the floodway.
Please verify that there is not any fill associated with the culvert and swale. No fill is
allowed in the floodway. Please make a note in the floodplain report and the Drainage report
about these items.
4. Please show the floodway line on Sheet 15 of the Plans.
5. Grading Plan and Drainage Report - The table with the floodplain information has
incorrect 100-year WSELs. Please review and revise as necessary. Interpolate between
cross -sections for the BFE at the upstream end of the structure. Please also include this table
in the floodplain report.
6. Grading Plan - Please add a note that says that a floodplain use permit is required before
issuance of a building permit for the lots that are in the floodplain. Please add a note that
says that a FEMA elevation certificate will be required before a CO is issued for the lots in
the floodplain.
7. Drainage Report - P. 4 See text changes regarding "lowest floor".
8. Drainage Report - P. 11 In the "Compliance with Standards" Section, please also include
Chapter 10 of City Code which deals with the floodplain regulations.
9. The City is in the process of updating the floodplain mapping for Spring Creek using the
revised rainfall standard and the 1999 topographic mapping. A draft of that mapping has
been submitted to the City for review. Because you have gone through the work of mapping
the floodplain based on the information available at the time, the mapping that is in the.
Page 5
Construction of the Spring Creek Trail connection needs to include warning/safety about
construction near the trail
Contact Park Maintenance 24 hours prior to start of work- 221-6660
Department: PFA
Issue Contact: Ron Gonzales
In accordance w/FCLUC3.6.2(C), Meadowlands Lane shall terminate at both ends with a
turnaround having proper dimensions.
Topic: dead end terminus
See Items 117 & 71also: Per Utility meeting with the customer on 11/14/01, and in
accordance with LUC3.6.2(C), a properly dimensioned 80'cul-de-sac turnaround was to be
provided on his property on west side or obtain a letter of agreement from adjoining property
owner if the cul-de-sac crosses the property line; and a hammerhead turnaround on the east
side was to be provided to properly terminate a public street without turning around on
private property. See item 15 of meeting minutes by Shear Engineering.
If turnarounds are not provided as designed and specified at this meeting, a second point of
access is required; as stipulated in Item 15d of the mtg. minutes.
New Utility Plans dated 11/06/01 do not illustrate the specified design. PFA does not
approve this latest submittal.
Department: Right of Way Issue Contact: Ron Mills
Topic: General
The Spring Creek Trail Easement is still not identified by Book and Page Number.
Department: Stormwater Utility Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Topic: Drainage Plan
Please show and label size and type of all drainage features on the drainage plan including,
sidewalk chases, swales, storm sewers, curb cuts, etc. Please show a water quality pond
summary table (WSEL100, Q, V)
Topic: Erosion Control
This submittal is still missing several key elements required by CITY OF FORT COLLINS
SPECIFICATIONS for an erosion/sediment control plan. These include, but are not
necessarily limited to calculations, notes, etc. Please submit correctly so a review of the plan
can be made.
Page 4
4. Are there any existing wells in the area?; a statement that City has jurisdiction of water
doesn't mean there are not other adjudicated holders. 5. Address ground water quality. 6.
Address water flow calculations, i.e.-how was the pipe sized?, what are recommendations for
construction of subdrain? 7. Identify the cone of influence as a result of the dewatering. 8.
Subdrain terminates at SS trunk manhole; what steps are being taken to prevent subdrain
blockage and /or back flow?
Need a better design of the subdrain system, i.e.- Cleanouts, wrapped pipe in gravel
encasement and etc.
Department: Excel Energy Issue Contact: Len Hilderbrand
Topic: General
PSCO will install gas main in 1 F-wide utility along the north side of the private drive to
serve lots 28-35 and Lots 40-47. The waterline is within 5' of said easement. PSCO will lay 7'
back in the easement in order to maintain a 10' clearance of waterline. No room for other
utilities along this easement.
Any relocation of existing facilities will be at the developer's expense.
The 11'-wide easement along the north side of Apex Dr. and east of Robertson St. needs to be
expanded to a 16'-wide utility easement to accommodate the existing tree.
Department: Light & Power Issue Contact: Alan Rutz
Site Plan, Landscape Plan: Light and Power does not install streetlights on private drives.
However floodlights -are available at an additional cost.
Department: Natural Resources
Issue Contact: Doug Moore
Buffer Zone Performance Standards are not being met -
A meeting was conducted on September 4`s and the use of Fort Collins native vegetation
explained. It seems that the intention of the Performance Standards was missed; if the buffer
is reduced by 20% the project needs to replace the loss in some way. One way being
recommended is to enhance the buffer with additional native vegetation. This would
improve the screening and provide additional habitat value of the remaining buffer zone.
Additional options are listed under Section 3.4.1(E)(1) of the Land Use Code. Please contact
Doug Moore for additional information at 224-6143.
Department: Park Planning
Issue Contact: Craig Foreman
Page 3
Remove L&P signature block from Plat sheet
Plans call ADS pipe in roadway; PVC is required
Need to provide a solid line on striping plan at the intersection with Prospect Street.
Provide detail 12-3 for irrigation sleeve at cul-de-sac
Omit detail 8-12 and provide underwalk drains at locations of driveways and streets. Water
from drives and parking lots are not allowed to flow across the sidewalk if the surface area
exceeds 500 sq.ft. LCUASS 9.4.11
Topic: dead end terminus
Dead end street terminations do not meet Code nor comply with discussions from our
meeting of 9/13/01. The applicant -will need to present a modification -request subject to
review by the Planning &Zoning Board.
Topic: easements
Need off -site easements for turnarounds, requiring a letter of intent to grant easements from
abutting property owners prior to hearing or dedication documents.
Topic: General
Street oversizing participation in improvements to Prospect Road
Full reimbursement for Bus Bay improvements
Topic: landscape plan
Plan is difficult to read, too much information with small scale. sheet 1. What are plantings
being proposed in cul-de-sac island? Staff would support one street tree in the middle of the
island, with low profile plantings for the remaining planting area.
Topic: Subsurface Report
The Subsurface Report does not address issues as outline in LCUASS 5.6. 1. Site location
map does not address irrigation ditches, wet lands or other features. 2. Where are flow rates
addressed, potential high water levels? 3. What is the potential source of the groundwater?
Page 2
City of Fort Collins
Dear Tom:
City staff and referral agencies have reviewed your revised submittal for the PINNACLE
TOWNHOMES PDP - TYPE I (LUC) #34-OOA, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Current Planning Issue Contact: Cameron Gloss
Topic: Architecture
Rear and side elevations are needed.
To ensure that the buildings`are compatible with the surrounding area, side and rear
elevations for those building elevations facing all public streets and the Spring Creek trail,
still need to -be -provided. The expectation is that these elevations will match the quality and. .
character of the front elevations with respect to solid: void ratios, fenestration, materials, and
trim details. (Staff acknowledges receipt of revised front building elevations indicating the
proposed color palette)
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Dave Stringer
Need a groundwater report - high ground water is present in much of site. Buildings appear
to need sump pumps/or other dewatering system
A drainage system may be required with the irrigated median/island
How much drainage is crossing sidewalks at driveways/alleys? Can only put 2-year flows
across walk, may need stormsewer inlet or underwalk drains.
Use City's Standard underwalk drain design; the proposed design looks like a type R inlet
Please see additional Engineering comments on the redline plans
Please Return redline plans with next submittal
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