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16. Will there be any construction traffic through Sienna?
A: Yes, fill dirt will be brought in through Sienna in order to build the Andrews Peak
bridge over the ditch. Once the bridge is in place, there will be no need to use the
streets in Sienna.
17. How big will the bridge be?
A: Actually, it will be a box culvert that gets lifted into place, not a bridge.
18. Will you be doing any modifications to the ditch?
A: Yes, we will be straightening out the ditch just a little bit.
19. What will be the setbacks from the ditch?
A: The buffers will be about 50 feet from the north bank and 20 feet from the south
20. How many units will be in the townhome structures?
A: There will be a mix of 2,3 and 4-plexes.
21. Which way will the single family homes and driveways south of the ditch face?
A: The homes and driveways will face south and front on Pleasant Valley Road.
22. Can you put in more trees along the easterly property line to buffer Sienna?
A: We have pulled the buildings back from the easterly property line since the last
submittal. Keep in mind that there is a large stand of mature trees between Peak
View and Sienna that will remain.
23. Will Peak View have detached sidewalks and parkways with trees?
A: Yes.
24: Will the alleys in Sienna be continued into Peak View?
A: No, this would require additional ditch crossings which is neither our desire or the
City's desire.
24. Will your road improvements to W. Elizabeth include the north side of the street?
A: No, just the south half of the road.
9. Will the developer pay fees to help mitigate the traffic problems in the area, such
as a signal at Overland Trail and W. Elizabeth?
A: Yes, building permit fees will be assessed on each dwelling unit for both the
City's Street Oversizing Fee and the County's Road Improvement Fee.
10. How is stormwater being handled south of the ditch?
A: These storm flows will be conveyed, undetained, into a storm sewer that outlets at
the existing stormwater detention pond at the east end of Overland Trail Park. To
compensate for these undetained flows, the storm flows in the area north of the
ditch will be over -detained. There will be no sheet flows through the park.
11. What about during a storm, like in 1997, when the ditch over -topped?
A: Good question. At the request of the City, we have designed the stormwater
detention pond north of the ditch with excess capacity to handle potential ditch
spillover. The south bank of the ditch will be raised so that flows will spill north
into this pond. Water captured in this pond will be released at the historic rate
into the storm sewer system.
12. Could you go over again the path on the east side of the project?
A: This will be an eight -foot wide concrete path that connects Elizabeth Street to
Overland Trail Park. This path will be west of the ditch, on private property, not
the ditch easement, and maintained by the homeowners' association.
13. When will the piles of brush be removed?
A: We would like to remove them as quickly as possible but we are waiting for
permit from the State before we are allowed to do so.
14. Will you have covenants or design parameters for the single family lots? I am
concerned about height.
A: These lots will not have design covenants. Because of the high groundwater,
these lots will not be allowed to have basements. These lots are 55 to 60 feet
wide and 90 to 120 feet deep which is rather typical for Fort Collins. I assume
that these lots will feature typical residential two-story homes that you would find
in most neighborhoods.
15. Will the project be phased? How long will the construction period be?
A: The project will be built in two phases primarily due to the fact that some site
work cannot be done unless the ditch is dry. We would like to start some site and
utility work in November. We expect a two-year build -out on the townhomes.
Andrews Peak. This roadway design has been approved by the City's Engineering
Department. From a practical perspective, this design may have a traffic calming
attribute as well.
4. Will Pleasant Valley have on -street bike lanes?
A: Yes.
5. I live in Sienna and I'm concerned about parking on Pleasant Valley, especially
on Saturdays with youth soccer. I would recommend that there be no parking on
Pleasant Valley and soccer parents can park in the parking lot provided for
Overland Park.
A: The City has looked at both scenarios and decided that on -street parallel parking
is consistent with local street design around most neighborhood parks. It is not
unusual to have parallel parking adjacent to a park. Yes, it will mean some traffic
on Saturday mornings but that is characteristic of most neighborhood parks.
6. Will there be a raised crosswalk at Andrews/Pleasant Valley?
A: No, the crosswalks will be painted.
7. I'm concerned about traffic in the whole neighborhood. Already, without this
project, it is difficult to exit King Soopers and turn left on W. Elizabeth. Turning
left onto Overland Trail from W. Elizabeth is also getting to be very frustrating.
Will this project trigger a traffic signal at Overland Trail and Elizabeth?
A: No, the City's Traffic Operations Engineer has determined that this project, by
itself, does not trigger a signal. As with all arterial/minor arterial intersections,
the City will install a signal when the intersections meet traffic warrants.
8. I'm concerned about cut -through traffic and local streets in our neighborhood
becoming de -facto collectors. The traffic signal at Taft Hill Road and W.
Elizabeth gets so backed up that drivers cut through our neighborhood. With
Pleasant Valley Road connecting Overland Trail Farm and Sienna subdivisions,
the problem will only get worse and overload our neighborhood streets. The City
needs to do something about collector levels of traffic on local residential streets.
A: I encourage the two affected homeowners' associations to contact the City's
Traffic Operations Department about participating in the traffic calming program.
Other neighborhoods have participated, particularly around schools.
PROJECT: Peak View Estates
DATE: September 24, 2001
APPLICANT: Vicki Wagner
CONSULTANT: Don Leffler, Design Development, Inc.
PLANNER: Ted Shepard
The meeting began with a description of the changes that have been made since the last
neighborhood meeting of July 17, 2000. There are ten less dwelling units. There is only
one street intersecting with Elizabeth Street instead of two. The buildings along the east
property line have been pulled away from Sienna by about 50 feet. The parking lot along
Pleasant Valley Road next to the park has been eliminated in favor of on -street parallel
parking. Both streets feature on -street bike lanes. The buffering along Pleasant Valley
and Lake Canal has been established in compliance with the City's Department of
Natural Resources. The stormwater detention and conveyance system, including a ditch
spillover area, has been designed in compliance with the City's Stormwater Department.
Unless otherwise noted, all responses are from the consultant or applicant.
Pleasant Valley Road is designed to connect the neighborhoods and serve the
park. I'm concerned about speeding. Will the intersection of Andrews Peak and
Pleasant Valley be a three-way stop?
A: No, the City's Traffic Operations Engineer has indicated that only Andrews will
have the stop sign while Pleasant Valley is the through street.
2. What about speed tables or other traffic calming?
A: There are no traffic calming devices planned. Pleasant Valley will, however,
feature curves and an elevation change which may have the effect of slowing
3. What do you mean an "elevation change"?
A. Andrews Peak Drive has to be elevated up over existing grade to get over the
ditch. Consequently, Pleasant Valley has to rise also to be raised to meet
25. Will there be transitions in the traffic lanes to account for the lack of
improvements on the north side?
A: Yes, we are required by the City to provide safe transitions for smooth travel.