HomeMy WebLinkAboutPEAK VIEW SUBDIVISION - PDP - 26-00 - CORRESPONDENCE - (3)Also note that you have 90 days by which to respond to these comments, or ask for one
30-day extension. If these deadlines are not met, the Planning Director has the option to
remove the project from the development review system.
As always, please call if you have any questions regarding these comments or to set up a
meeting with the appropriate Staff to discuss the comments in depth.
Ted Shepard
Chief Planner
26. Also, it appears that the front -loaded garages for the four-plex attached units do
not meet the standard that garage doors shall not comprise more than 50% of the
ground floor street -facing linear building frontage. For the detached units, no
information is provided. Please provide "typicals" for both the small lot and large
lot single family detached units.
27. For the detached units, Blocks 1 and 2, what does the "10.0' Typ" indicate?
Please refer to the comments regarding setbacks for accurate setback distances.
For single family detached units, the minimum rear yard setback is 15 feet.
28. The duplex units (Block 4,Lots 1,2,15,16, and Block 6, Lots 13-16) are shown on
sheet 6 with "bump -outs" that do not match the lot lines as indicated on the plat.
Please reconcile.
29. Please indicate building height on the architectural elevations.
30. Please indicate building materials and color on the architectural elevations.
31. Please remove building envelopes from the landscape plan.
32. The site plan and landscape plan do not match with regard to the traffic calming
neck downs on Pleasant Valley Road. Please be consistent and comply with the
request from Engineering that the two neck downs west of the intersection should
be deleted.
33. The Zoning Administrator cautions that the identification sign does not comply
with the Sign Code. The illustration should be removed from the plan set as a
separate sign permit application will be necessary. Sign permits will be based on
a separate review process, not based on the site plan.
34. The plat sheets should be labeled separately as they will be recorded at both the
City and the County while the site, landscape and architectural sheets just get
recorded at the City. The cover sheet of the site, landscape and architectural set
should include an index of sheets.
This concludes Staff comments at this time. Please note that a second neighborhood
meeting will be required after you have had a chance to revise the plans based on Staff
comments. Please advise the Current Planning Department when you are ready to set this
meeting up.
for 41 (95 — 54) additional off-street spaces, and only 36 are provided. Therefore,
for the attached units, 5 additional off-street parking stalls are required.
20. For the detached units, there must be one off-street parking space as long as the
lots remain over 40 feet in width. If the single family lots are 40 feet in width or
less, then each lot must be provided with two off-street spaces.
21. In order to comply with the Housing Model Variety standard 3.5.2(B)(1 and 2),
the plan needs to clearly state that there will be at least three different types of
housing models. First, the site plan needs to denote which six lots are considered
to be small lot single family detached (also known as the patio home), and also
note the size of these lots. Second, the architectural elevations should include an
example of the small lot single family detached model. Similarly, the site plan
needs to denote which seven lots are for the large lot single family detached and
note the lot sizes. Finally, the architectural elevations should include an example.
22. Note that the standard requires each model to have at least three characteristics
which clearly and obviously distinguish it from the other housing models. There
are a variety of ways to distinguish each model. The objective is to use a variety
of techniques to avoid repetition.
23. The setback table needs to be revised as it presently does not comply with the
Code. For example, front -loaded garages must be a minimum of 20 feet from
property line (back of walk), not 15 feet. (The "typicals" on sheet 7 indicate 20
feet but the table is incorrect.) Also, garages placed along the alley must be a
minimum of 8 feet back from the property line. It would be helpful on sheet 7 to
indicate the edge of alley on the "typicals." Also, the 15 foot front setback for the
building portion of the structure is denoted as a "utility easement." This is
incorrect as the easement width on local streets is only 9 feet, not 15. Please
clarify that the front setback is 15 feet, not the utility easement. (For setback
information, please refer to Section 3.5.2 (D).
24. The site plan should clearly label the alleys and describe their width and denote
whether they are public or private.
25. It appears the front loaded garages for the attached units do not meet the
standards. For the detached units, sufficient information is not provided. Note
that standard (Section 3.5.2 (E) (1 & 3) requires street -facing garage doors be
recessed behind either the front fagade of the ground floor living area portion of
the dwelling or a covered porch (measuring at least 6 feet by 8 feet) by a
minimum of 4 feet. Also note that any street -facing garage doors complying with
this standard shall not protrude forward from the front fagade of the living area
portion of the dwelling by more than 8 feet.
13. Please refer to the attached comment sheet from the Building Inspection
Department. Please note that the required fire -rated separation walls are
mandatory in the attic spaces between the attached units.
14. Please refer to the attached comment sheet from Engineering Pavement Division
of the Engineering Department. Please note that the south end of the site has soil
conditions that may impact the pavement design of the public streets.
15. Please refer to the attached comment sheet from the Water Conservation Division
of the Water and Wastewater Department. Please make the necessary revisions to
the Landscape Plan in order to the meet the water conservation standards.
16. Please re -calculate the number of lots complying with the Solar Orientation
Standard. First, note that the standard applies only to the single family lots and
duplex units (or single family attached with no more than two units in the same
building). The standard does not apply to any structures containing three or more
dwelling units. Second, please note that compliance means the lot must be
oriented within 35 degrees of an east -west lot. It appears that only 29 lots meet
the definition and that 24 of these lots meet the standard. Therefore, the
compliance rate is 83% which exceeds the minimum requirement of 65%. Lot 6,
Block 2 does not appear to meet the standard. Please provide this information on
the Site Plan.
17. Are you aware that since the site is less than 10 acres and located within the
"Infill Area," as defined in the Code, the minimum required density of 5.00
dwelling units per net acre is not applicable? Please note that in the L-M-N zone,
density must be calculated on a net acreage basis, in addition to a gross acreage
basis. To determine the net acreage, follow the steps in Section 3.8.18 (pages
157-159 of Article Three). Since Elizabeth Street is classified as a minor arterial,
the land area to be dedicated as right-of-way may be netted out of the gross
acreage. Other areas eligible to be netted out include the land area and buffer of
the P.V.&L Canal, and land area dedicated as public alleys.
18. Under the Land Use Table, please combine the "patio home" and "single family"
categories as these are considered the same thing under the Land Use Code.
19. The Parking Table needs to be revised. First, on -street parking is not allowed to
be counted toward meeting the residential minimum parking requirements.
Second, for the attached units (townhomes), please note that minimum parking
must be provided on a per bedroom per unit basis. For the attached units
(townhomes) each two bedroom unit must have a minimum of 1.75 off-street
parking stalls. For the attached units (townhomes) each three bedroom unit, each
unit must have a minimum of 2.0 off-street spaces. If each of the attached units
has two bedrooms, then a total of 95 (54 x 1.75) off-street spaces are required.
Since the plan indicates that only one space per unit is provided, there is a need
B. Internal sidewalk widths vary throughout the site. Sidewalks should be
4.5 feet wide with a 5 feet wide parkway strip for street trees.
7. Please refer to the comment sheet from Traffic Operations.
8. Please refer to the attached comment sheet and redline plans from the Technical
Services Department. Please note the following:
A. The ownership and usage of each tract must be specifically stated on the
B. Please be aware that at the time of recording, the line weight and text size
must be sufficient for reproduction.
C. The block and numbering system does not match the site plan.
D. Alleys should be labeled and denoted as public or private.
E. Sheet 2 will not be needed in the final set of documents that are to be
F. The plat sheet 3A is difficult to read at 60 scale. There appears to be
adequate space on the sheet to raise the scale to 50 or 40 for better
G. Street names need to be inserted. The selected names will be screened to
avoid duplicates in the 911 area served by Larimer Emergency Telephone
Authority, not just the City of Fort Collins. Be sure that the street names
are consistent on both the plat and the site plan. On a personal note, we
ask that the developer consider the names "Murphy" and "Stitzel" in
honor of Sister Mary Alice Murphy and Louise Stitzel who have long
served our community volunteering and advocating for the housing needs
of the less fortunate.
9. Please refer to the attached comment sheet from the Poudre Fire Authority.
10. Please refer to the attached comment sheet from AT&T Digital. Please note that
the tracts, as designated on the plat, should be denoted as Utility Easements.
11. Please refer to the attached letter from Hill and Hill, attorneys at law, regarding
the potential impacts on the Pleasant Valley and Lake Canal.
12. Please add the attached "Planting Notes" to the Landscape Plan.
E. All driveways must be at least 20 feet in length as measured from the back
of the sidewalk.
F. All internal walks need to be a minimum of 4.5 feet.
3. Please refer to the comment sheet and redline plans from the Stormwater
Department. Please note the following two comments:
A. The outfall system needs to be re -designed. A drainage pipe needs to be
extended south to the trickle pan, just like Lory Ann Estates. Perhaps the
outfall could tie into the Lory Ann Estates existing system. Any impact to
the park must be discussed with the Parks and Recreation Staff.
B. The southerly portion of the project does not have stormwater detention or
water quality features. This area needs both.
4. Please refer to the attached comment sheet and redline plans from the Water and
Wastewater Department. Please note the following comments:
A. There may utility conflicts with underground utilities not having sufficient
horizontal separation. A utility coordination meeting may need to be held
to resolve potential conflicts.
B. Several utilities currently exist in Elizabeth Street. These should be shown
and labeled on the Site Plan.
5. Please refer to the attached comment sheet from the Light and Power Department.
Please note the following comments:
A. Please discuss with Light and Power the potential location of public street
lighting. Street trees should be kept 40 feet from such fixtures while
ornamentals must be kept 15 feet away.
B. For ease of installation, electrical panels will probably have to be
"ganged" at the ends of the attached units.
6. Please refer to the attached comments and redline plans from Transportation
Planning. Please note the following:
A. There is a concern that one of the two north -south streets will be
considered an access to the public park and, therefore, should have
sufficient pavement width for on -street bike lanes. One of the local street
standards allows for a combined 11 feet wide parkingibike lane which
should be provided. This would result in a street with 42 feet from
flowline to flowline.
Community Planning and Environmental Services
e Current Planning
City of Fort Collins
October 3, 2000
Mr. Don Leffler
Design Development Consultants
2627 Redwing Drive, Suite 350
Fort Collins, CO 80526
Dear Don:
Staff has reviewed the request for Peak View Subdivision, Project Development Plan,
and offers the following comments:
Please refer to the attached comment sheet from the Natural Resources
Department. Pleases note that a 50-foot natural habitat and buffer area may be
required along the Pleasant Valley and Lake Canal. Such a buffer area could be
netted out of the land area when calculating net density. Existing vegetation
should be protected to the amount reasonable.
2. Please refer to the attached comment sheet and redline plans from the Engineering
Department. Please note the following comments that may impact the general
layout and density of the site plan:
A. Only one access onto Elizabeth Street will be allowed. We recommend
that Andrews Street be terminated on the north with a cul-de-sac to create
a less direct route between Elizabeth and Pleasant Valley Road. This will
have the benefit of calming potential cut -through neighborhood traffic.
B. There are problems with bicycle and pedestrian safety caused by the head -
in parking as proposed. Head -in parking will only be allowed if restricted
to no more than three spaces in a row and designed like a typical
residential driveway so the sidewalk is continuous and the stall depth is at
least 20 feet from back of walk.
C. The right-of-way width for Pleasant Valley should be 57 feet with 36 feet
from flowline to flowline.
D. Utility easements along local streets can be reduced to nine feet. Only
Elizabeth Street needs the 15-foot utility easement adjacent to the right-of-
way. Utility easements should not be confused with building setbacks.
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020