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Q: Who will own the rear lot?
A: Probably a 4-owner Homeowner's Association
Comment: The site layout with a duplex at the rear does not support owner -
Comment: Parking is a neighborhood issue- people don't walk and won't find
parking if they can't see it.
Q: Will there be additional lighting along the alley?
A: None is proposed.
208-212 Peterson Neighborhood Meeting — January 30, 2001
Neighborhood Comments
Q: How many square feet will be within each duplex unit?
A: 1,400 square feet, with a full unfinished basement and a two -car garage.
Q: Could the front or rear houses be "popped up"?
A: Modifications to the front and rear houses would be subject to review by the
LPC. The LPC may not look favorably on those changes.
Comment: This is setting a precedent for adding duplexes/ additional density
(comment mentioned 3 times)
Q: Are these flag lots?
A: No, each lot has frontage on a public street.
Q: What about the increased load on sanitary sewer?
A: This will be evaluated as part of the development application.
Q: General question from the neighborhood:
Do residents have a problem with inadequate sewer systems?
A: Yes, in some cases (inadequate fall)
Comment: With impact on the alley, it will set a trend- could have a negative
long-term impact if the new development is not done "right".
Comment: Changes to LPC membership are not predictable.
Q: Where are the off-street parking spaces for the front units?
A: Within garages and parking spaces abutting the alley
Q: What is the number of alley houses constructed since the code was changed?
A: No specific numbers, but very few have been constructed.
Q: What is the price range of the rear units?
A: $275,000 to $300,000
Comment: Part of the character of Old Town is deep, narrow lots.
Comment: the "Front' houses have been appropriately rehabbed.
Comment: no off-street parking for the front units is a problem (2 people
commented). People will park in the alley as an alternative.