To: Members of the City of Fort Collins Planning and Zoning Board
From: Leonard K. Ewy
4413 Timberline Road
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Re: 2021 Timberline Lane Rezone -file # 3-01
Board Members:
MAR 15 2001
I regret that due to unforeseen circumstances I may not be able to attend the Planning &
Zoning Board meeting tonight, but I wish to avail myself of electronic mail to comment
on an issue before your board.
I live at 4413 Timberline Road and have owned and lived on the property for 22 years.
My home is in the same neighborhood as the 2021 Timberline Lane property that is
before you for consideration for rezoning from Urban Estate (UE) to Harmony Corridor
I am very concerned about the potential consequences of piecemeal rezoning of
individual properties within an established residential area. Once this precedent is
established, I believe it will be much easier for other properties interspersed
throughout the neighborhood to be bought and rezoned for commercial uses
without considering the impact on the people who live there.
At the neighborhood meeting on this issue, Mr. Padilla, the man we were told owns the
property in question and who is seeking ,its rezoning, stated that he was proposing to
build a small "financial institution' on the property if the zoning change is approved by
your board. However, as I understand it he would be under no obligation to do so and he
can certainly sell the property to another developer who could take advantage of the
rezoning by buying adjacent properties and building something of even greater impact to
our neighborhood.
Because this zoning change has potential unpredictable negative consequences to our
neighborhood and because, as I understand it, it is inconsistent with the city zoning plan
to allow piecemeal rezoning in a residential neighborhood, I oppose the rezoning of 2021
Timberline Lane from UE to HC.
Thank you for your consideration, of my. concerns.
Leonard Ewy