Department: Water Wastewater
149 Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Coordinate landscape plan with civil plan to reflect the same information.
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Provide concrete encasement of all sewer lines which cross above or within 18-inches
vertically of a water line.
Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Provide a complete design for all cut-off walls (I.e.stregth of concrete, size and spaceing
of rebar, etc.)
Department: Zoning
Issue Contact: Peter Barnes
The landscape installation notes states that the escrow landscaping may be phased "as
per the plan". However, there are no phase lines on the landscape plan.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Yours Truly,
City Planner
Page 15
• Connection to proposed future bike trail is good only if Phase 2 of site is built. How will
this connection be made if only Phase I is built?
Issue Contact: Mark Jackson
• Can Brook Drive ROW area be used to make a bike/ped connection to the east?
46 Issue Contact: Mark Jackson
Pedestrian/bike path & bridge questions
It is still unclear to me that the applicant has agreed to build the bike/pedestrian path as
shown on the site plan. This includes the bridge necessary to cross over the
canal/buffer area. I need clarification as to who is planning to pay for and build this
facility, and when.
Brook Drive pedestrian connection
Issue Contact: Mark Jackson
Will this development make a pedestrian connection along the Brook Drive ROW east to
the Skyline Acres subdivision at Richmond Drive?
Department: Technical Services
Issue Contact: Jim Hoff
Plat boundary closes. Legal doesn't match the plat. Missing call on the plat.
215 Issue Contact: Jim Hoff
Plat: Street name is spelled different from previous plat. Which is correct?
216 Issue Contact: Jim Hoff
Plat: Square footage of Lot 1?
Issue Contact: Jim Hoff
Plat: The area of the plat north of Brook Drive and east of Kunz must be a lot.
Plat: Distances missing - see redline.
Plat: Easement widths missing.
Issue Contact: Jim Hoff
Issue Contact: Jim Hoff
Page 14
230 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide a detention pond stage -storage rating curve in the drainage report with
all critical elevations. Please include all 1-foot intervals along with WQ and 100-year
surface elevations.
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please provide 15-foot drainage easements for all storm sewers.
232 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
The spillway flow rate from the Westfield Park Regional Pond still does not assume the
outlet to be plugged for the duration of the 100-year storm event. If it is shown that the
emergency spillways have considerable more capacity than what is currently needed,
than recalculating the flow rate may be avoided.
233 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Compared to some hydrology calculations that I checked on some of the basins, the
flowrate calculations for the various sub -basins appear to be simmilar. However, the
way they were obtained is not consistent with the City's requirements and could not be
supported should they be challenged. As previously discussed, the time of
concentration calculations were not calculated using overland and gutter times, which
resulted in larger time of concentration values. Also, the Storm Frequency Adjustment
Factor for the 100-year storm was not used correctly. The factor needs to be applied to
C, the runnoff coefficient for the entire sub -basin, not pieces of the basin that are either
impervious or pervious. The routing method used to calculate flows in downstream
basins is also not consistent with our requirements. This method was overly
conservative, which helped offset the previous two issues, resulting in values simmilar to
ones calculated by our office. Please recalculate the hydrolgy calculations using the
guidelines in the City of Fort Collins Storm Drainage Design Criteria Manual.
234 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Please see other redline comments in the drainage report and on the plans.
Department: Transfort
Transfort concrete pad should be 6" depth.
Department: Transportation Planning
Make Bike Trail connection with Phase I
Issue Contact: GayLene Rossiter
Issue Contact: Mark Jackson
Page 13
2. Landscape plan needs to show the planned streetlights. A streetlight plan has been
sent via interoffice mail to Steve Olt 7-30-01. Street tree locations will need to be
adjusted to provide a minimum of 40 ft. of clearance between trees and streetlights.
3. Electric meters will need to be'ganged' on each building, and their locations
coordinated with L&P prior to development.
Issue Contact: Doug Martine
It will be necessary for Light and Power to use above grade pad type transformers to be
placed between the courb & sidewalk.
177 Issue Contact: Doug Martine
Electric meters will need to be 'ganged' at or near the street side of each building. Final
electric meter locations will need to be coordinated with Light and Power engineering.
I mentioned this on record #176, but it doesn't show up when I choose "more", and for
some reason I can't edit it, so I will restate that comment here.--> It will be necessary for
Light and Power to use above grade pad type transformers placed between the curb
and sidewalk.
Department: PFA
145 Issue Contact: Michael Chavez
Address Numerals
Address numerals shall be visible from the street fronting the property, and posted with
a minimum of 6-inch numerals on a contrasting background.
146 Issue Contact: Michael Chavez
Sprinkler Requirement
This comment is to confirm that all buildings beyond 660 feet are to be fire sprinklered.
213 Issue Contact: Michael Chavez
Poudre Fire Authority has no new comments. All previous requirements have been met.
Department: Stormwater Utility
134 Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Emergency Spillway:
Emergency spillway actually occurs at the east crosswalk of the parking lot which is at
an elevation of 98.45. The spilway should be modeled here with calculations in the
report. Also, the spillway detail does not match invert elevation on plan.
Page 12
225 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat: The ped/bike trail in the ditch should be shown in only a 20' easement, not the full
50' as shown. It is the developer's responsibility to work with the Ditch company on this
226 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
The irrigation pipes under the right-of-way will be allowed at the reduced 12" diameter if
this is approved by the ditch users. Ductile iron pipe may also be used to reduce the
outer size of the pipe and increase the cover.
Are the dwelling units being proposed as rentals?
Please see redlines for additional comments.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Landscape plan: Landscaping within the island in the culdesac must meet the
requirements of landscaping in a sight distance easement and will not be maintained by
the City. Landscaping on the island must be maintained by the HOA, who must provide
irrigation if needed.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.2: please reference other plans used in providing off -site flowline design.
237 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
General comment: the recreational trail and bridge should be built by VOA at this time.
The Parks department will provide reimbursement for a portion of the trail only.
Issue Contact: Rick Richter
High Swell soils need to be addressed in the soils report.
Department: Light & Power
Issue Contact: Doug Martine
1. Electric facilities will inculde pad style transformers placed between the sidewalk and
the curb.
Page 11
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.8: Why is the trail curved just to the east of the barricade? If possible, please keep it
straight. If it is not possible, please use a radius of at least 95' (Chp. 17 of LCUASS, this
applies to all curves).
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.8: Please keep trail at least 2' from fence where possible.
210 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.8: Please provide more specific information on reseeding materials.
211 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c4.0: please eliminate duplicate details. Also, pavement design will be addressed after
the preparation of the subgrade and shall be approved by the City's Pavement Engineer.
Please do not include paving details at this time.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c4.0: Trail section detail needs to show a cross -slope of at least 2%.
220 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.4: please label non -roadway slopes within the ROW. Slopes must be at least 2%.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Site plan shows extents of project as larger than it actually is.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Site plan cites 50' of ROW on Brook/Kunz. This should be 52'.
223 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Site plan: Please show trail all the way to the property line and note that the trail is to
connect with the trail shown on the Mountain Ridge 2nd Filing plans.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Landscape plan: Required sight distance easements may affect plantings. Please
check restrictions and modify if necessary.
Page 10
198 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.2: the barricade should extend from the sidewalk almost to the existing edge of
199 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.2: please clearly label all interim improvements, including the installation of road
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.3: Please label the ROW, existing curb and gutter, future curb and gutter, and the
names of the adjacent properties.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.3: Please provide labels of elevations at regular intervals as shown on c3.2.
202 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.4: Flowline grades calculated from the provided cross -sections do not match the
values shown on the profiles.
203 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.5: please provide curve warning signs on the bike path according to the MUTCD.
(17.3.6 E LCUASS)
204 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.5: Minimum 6' width is required for sidewalks adjacent to parking lots where 17'
depth of stalls are provided.
c3.6: see sheet for comments.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.7: Please relocate Transfort sign to the east of the pad. Please show the crosswalk
bars on Kunz. Please show the Type III barricades at the east edge of the property. It
appears that the 4" white stripe along the south edge of Horsetooth is missing west of
Kunz. See plan for additional comments.
207 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.8: Please provide a connection from the trail directly to the street as previously
discussed/shown on redlines.
Page 9
187 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C2.2: Irrigation pipe is shown with no cover in roadway section. Is the "bottom of pipe"
the invert elevation or the outside of the pipe?
188 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C3.0: Flowline elevations shown on this sheet do not match corresponding values on
sheet C3.1.
189 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C3.0: Please return to showing the flowline profiles for the culdesac as required. The
flowline in the culdesac appears to be inadequate across the driveway cut.
190 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Flowline grades on Brook Drive are inadequate in two places as shown on the
191 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: It appears that drainage from the curb and gutter on horsetooth will flow without
impedance down Kunz Court. Please address.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: There are still problems with the station equations. Please show the overlap,
including the elevations on the "back" and "ahead" locations.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Please show stations and elevations at beginnings and ends of horizontal curves
on the profiles.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.1: The minimum slope in the ROW (non -road areas) is 2%.
196 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.2: Please label grade breaks, vertical curves, etc. (repeat)
197 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0-3.4: Please match values for stations and elevations for corresponding points.
The stations and elevations should match from plan to profile to cross-section and
match up for shared points on Horsetooth and Kunz or Kunz and Brook.
Page 8
178 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Sheet C0.0: Please add a directional arrow to the vicinity map and correct index (omit
landscape and site plans from utility plan set). Please see sheet for additional
179 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Sheet 0.1: Please correct notes 47-48 as shown, and provide a copy of the letter from
180 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat sheet 1: please provide a directional arrow for the vicinity map, and use the city's
standard wording for the surveyor's certificate.
181 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat sheet 2: Please label all easements (ie the esmt for the irrigation laterals and the
access easement north of Brook Drive.)
182 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat sheet 2: the 35' utility and drainage easement does not match what is shown on
the site plan.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C1.0: Existing and proposed grades do not tie in at several locations. See sheet for
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Sheet C1.0: Swale cross section brackets don't match with cross sections on next
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C1.3: Please provide revegetation methods, including specific notes (utility plan
checklist item IIJ)
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C2.0: Is the ditch company in approval of the storm drain proposed in their easement?
See sheet for comments.
Page 7
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Please provide additional spot elevations at the both intersections as shown on
drawing 7-3213.87 Issue Contact:
Katie Moore
c3.0: Please provide radii for cul-de-sac as shown on redlines.93 Issue
Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Please show overlaps on the flowlines at the station equations. It is unclear what
is going on at the points of overlap/gap. Please provide elevations for both points on
each side of the gap/overlap.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Please provide a minimum 1 % flowline slope within the culdesac (figure 7-19).101 Issu
c3.1: Please label slopes within the ROW and adjacent to the ROW.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.3: Please show how new and existing curb and gutter tie together.108 Issue
Contact: Katie Moore
c3.2: Please provide spot elevations as required.115 Issue Contact:
Katie Moore
Horsetooth: The new cross -slope shall be no less than the existing slope (7.4.2C).
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Please provide more details/spot elevations regarding the driveway cut across
from Brook Drive. There is not enough information to tell how it should be built.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Site Plan:
Please match the site plan with the utility plans and plat. Easements, ROW, radii and
other items do not match. See redlines.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Sanitary Sewer plan and profile and other sheets:
Please place utilities a minimum of 2' below scarified subgrade elevation (12.2.2).
Please see plans for additional comments. (re: irrigation pipe)
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Please label depths of concrete for Transfort pad and bike/ped trail.
Page 6
Department: Engineering
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Offsite grading easements will be needed along east edge of property. Please see grading
plan for locations. (repeat)
Letters of intent from adjacent property owners must be provided by the time of hearing and
actual easements provided by the time of filing mylars.
50 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat: Lateral owners need signatures on plat.
53 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat: Please label the total existing ROW for Horsetooth.
57 Issue Contact: Katie Moore
Plat: Please dedicate sight distance easments and add sight distance language on the
plat. These are for the driveway intersections with Kunz, not the intersection of Kunz
and Horsetooth. Those proposed easements are not needed.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C1.0:Please more clearly show existing contours and more clearly label new contours.
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
C2.0: Please call out how irrigation will pass under ROW (what kind of pipe, size,etc.)
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c2.0: Please show ROW on Kunz Ct and clearly show all easements using different line
Issue Contact: Katie Moore
c3.0: Kunz Court plan and profile:
Please label radii of curb returns on both Horsetooth and Brook. Horsetooth radii should
be 25' and Brook Drive radii should be 20' per table 8-2.
Page 5
Please contact Ward Stanford, at (970)221-6820, if you have questions about his
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
The Light & Power Department offered the following comments:
* Electrical facilities will include pad -style transformers between the sidewalks and
* Electric meters will need to be'ganged' on each building and their locations
coordinated with Light & Power Engineering prior to development.
* The Landscape Plan needs to show the planned streetlights (as shown on a red -
lined plan that has been forwarded to TSP Five). Street tree locations will need to be
adjusted to provide a minimum of 40' clearance to each streetlight.
Please contact Doug Martine, at (970)224-6152, if you have questions about his
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Ron Mills of the Right -Of -Way Department indicated that he cannot find the trail
dedication on the subdivision plat. It needs to be shown.
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Laurie D'Audney, representing the City's water conservation requirements, indicated that
her comments are on an Irrigation and Water Conservation Comment Sheet (that has
been forwarded to TSP Five).
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Rick Lee of the Building Inspection Department offered the following comments:
* A copy of the various codes that the Building Department will enforce is attached
to this letter.
* The information submitted suggests that multi -family housing will be provided.
The City wants to inform you that they are enforcing the 1998 ANSI for accessibility and
a State statute, which requires that on common property 1 accessible (Type 'A') unit for
each 7 units (or fraction thereof) shall be provided. Accessibility is required in most R-1
construction, so pay careful attention to the requirements of ANSI and what items are
required in a Type'A' dwelling unit.
* Another more commonly missed component is the required fire -rated separation
between units and in attic spaces.
Page 4
Please contact Tim Buchanan, at (970)221-6361, if you have questions about his
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
The Parks Planning Department offered the following comments:
Regarding the proposed recreational trail:
an easement from VOA is needed on the subdivision plat.
an easement is needed from the PV&L Ditch Company.
Similar to the approved Mountain Ridge Farm, 2nd Filing agreement:
this developer (VOA) is to fund 1/2 of the 8' wide recreational trail (4' of
width) on this property.
this developer (VOA) is to fund the cost of the recreational trail bridge
crossing over the PV&L Canal.
The City will have funds available in 2002 for their portion of the recreational trail
Please contact Craig Foreman, at (970)221-6618, if you have questions about his
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
AT&T Broadband (cable TV) has indicated that they would like to service this project
with CAN plant.
170 Issue Contact: Steve Olt
Traffic Operations offered the following comments:
No TIS was provided. Please provide a TIS. Has a scoping meeting been
conducted for this project?
Please provide a Signing and Striping Plan for Horsetooth Road.
Sheet C3.2 of the utility plans:
- Street width shown is 70'. It should be 83' for a 4-lane arterial street. Why
is only 35' of half right-of-way being indicated?
- East roadway transition should be per City Street Standards, Figure 8.03,
that provides a transition of 320' for this roadway.
Sheet C3.5 of the utility plans:
Details should state the respective City Street Standards figure number.
Page 3
Call 221-6225 to discuss these comments specifically.
139 Issue Contact: Clark Mapes
Front stoops
the sidewalks leading to individual unitXrp sitive aspect of the plan. But typically,
a dwelling unit benefits from some sor landing. In this case the 3' wide walk
leading clear to the entrance misses"the opportunity to emphasize the entrance, maybe
offer a place to put a chair, to wait, etc. It looks like it may be an oversight due to the 50
scale plans. In fact, therejs--fio place sit outside anywhere on the plan. No patio, porch,
urban walkway, etc. despite the urban intensity of the development.
Can an entry landing be provided for each unit? Is there a reason not to?
Department: Current Planning
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
The Post Office has indicated that they have no comments regarding this development
Issue Contact: Steve Olt
The Pleasant Valley & Lake Canal Company has indicated that:
There will need to be written approval with their Board of Directors for any shared
use of the pathway/right-of-way.
* There will need to be a written agreement for any ditch crossing.
Any maintenance or liability that the City takes over would also require a written
agreement with the City of Fort Collins.
167 Issue Contact: Steve Olt
The City Forester offered the following comments:
* Add the standard Landscape & Tree Protection notes to the Landscape Plan
(please see attached).
* Two trees marked A & B on a red -lined Landscape Plan (that has been
forwarded to TSP Five) are noted to be removed due to the utility easement. This
appears to be necessary; however, further explanation is needed.
* Trees marked C & D on a red -lined Landscape Plan (that has been forwarded to
TSP Five) will need to be mitigated with a total of 6 upsized mitigation trees.
Pale 2
("IN 4 Foit Colin,
VOA Natural Sevices
Date: 10/5/01
Robin Keller,
. po p
1660 Duke St
Alexlexandria, VA 22314
�k -e-
Staff has reviewed your submittal for FORT COLLINS VOLUNTEERS OF AMERICA,
ELDERLY HOUSING, #14-01, and we offer the following comments:
Department: Advance Planning
138 Issue Contact: Clark Mapes
East Pe ' eter Crowding/Lack of Trees
There is a awkward and incompatible relationship created by the FRONTS of buildings
facing what is technically a SIDE setback area, with a long, straight 6-foot fence typical
of REAR yards. The flatness and repetition of the buildings and the lack of trees add to
the issue.
I acknowledge how the number of units squeezed into the narrow portion of the site has
created this situation, and also that the number of units adds to the affordability. But at
a minimum, this area needs more attention to the fence and the repetitive building
finishes, and it needs trees. \
See the sketch comments on the Side Elevation showing a more architectural fence 8
feet high, with an arbor top, which can I ve vines on it (I suggest Engelmann Ivy and
Purpleleaf Wintercreeper for low mai ance), and trees. The trees can mingle with
the fence and ivy. Carefully considered medium size trees will be needed. I suggest
Redspire Pear, Aristocrat Pear, Centurion Crabapple, Cardinal Royal Mountain Ash, and
possibly Bur Oak. These are either tight and vertical, or else lend themselves to fitting
the space. (Bur Oak because it is one shade tree with an informal canopy shape that
could be trained to fit the pace.) ALL tight vertical trees should not be used because
that could simply sery o emphasize the confining spac�
Based on this, pl se design an architectural fence for visuaa interest and durability to
create more of a court yard space to which the buildings can be oriented.
Please pr ide some color variation in the vinyl siding and prefinished gutters. Can
there be at least two color schemes, to lend at least a little bit of individual identity and
visuaYinterest? This is most important in the narrow east perimeter strip, but also
pertains to the whole development plan.
Signature Date
Plat Site Drainage Report Other_
Utility Redline Utility Landscape
Pa,ae I