The District does not allow facilities to be located under traffic islands unless there are no
plantings or structures located in the island.
A note is to be added to indicate that all fire lines shall have Back -Flow -Prevention -Devices with
flow detection.
The District assumes that there will be no irrigation systems with potable water since no
irrigation taps are shown.
Some of the fire lines are missing valves.
The installation of valves at the connection to existing water lines is required to facilitate
pressure testing.
The meter vaults are to be located at least one foot inside the utility easement.
The water line over the box culvert in Cameron Drive needs to be re -designed to allow adequate
cover over the water line.
The proposed retaining wall along College Avenue at the east end of Fossil Boulevard does not
allow adequate clearance for maintenance of the existing sanitary sewer line.
The design capacity of the Sanitary Sewer 2 on sheet 21 must equal the capacity of the existing
The proposed 8 inch water line as shown in the Storm Sewer 5 profile on sheet 24 does not have
adequate cover.
The District will require another review due to the number and nature of the above comments. Please do
not hesitate to contact me at 226-3104, ext. 14, if you have any questions or require additional
Please do not hesitate to contact me at 226-3104, ext. 14, if you have any questions or require additional
W. Farrill, P.E.
District Engineer
xc: Mr. Michael D. DiTullio, District Manager
North Star Design
May 18, 2004
Mr. Cameron Gloss
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80525
RE: #26-01a Redtail Residential & Office Building
Dear Mr. Gloss,
The Fort Collins - Loveland Water District and the South Fort Collins Sanitation have reviewed the
above mentioned project and submit the following comments.
The Districts require minimum 20 foot wide easements for water lines and 30 foot wide
easements for sanitary sewer lines. The District requires easements on the Districts standard
easement form. The District does not allow landscaping and trees within the easements. Be
advised that construction and maintenance of facilities within the easement may damage or kill
trees with root systems or canopies extending into the easement.
The District has an easement for a sanitary sewer line within the proposed ROW dedication. The
District will not vacate easements where the sanitary sewer line is active.
Access to the District's existing easements and sanitary sewer lines as well as proposed
easements needs to be addressed. The access must accommodate the equivalent of a tandem
dump truck. The District will not be responsible far any structures, such as sidewalks, that are
damaged or destroyed. A note is to be include on the drawing, property plat and property deed
that indicates that the property owner is responsible for all costs to remove and replace any
structures within the District's easements.
The sanitary sewer line is to be located at least 10 feet from the lip of the curb. The water lines
and valves are to be located at least 5 feet from the curb.
It is the District's understanding that the design for College Avenue is an interim design and that
the District facilities will be relocated, if necessary, at no cost to the District at the time College
Avenue is widened. This needs to be noted on the drawings
The District most current approval block is required on the face page and all subsequent pages
that affect the water and sanitary sewer facilities.
A note is to be included to indicate that all existing District facilities are to be adjusted in
accordance within District requirements and specifications.
The existing sanitary sewer line south of Cameron Drive is to be profiled to the property line
with the existing and proposed grades shown to ensure adequate cover and protection of existing
facilities. Access to existing facilities needs to be addressed.
5150 Snead Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525
Phone (970) 226-3104 Fax (970) 226-0186