HomeMy WebLinkAboutEAST RIDGE AMENDED OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN - ODP150001 - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - PLANNING OBJECTIVES7. Narrative description of how conflicts between land uses or disturbances to. wetlands, natural habitats and features and or wildlife are being avoided to the maximum extent feasible or are mitigated.. In order to accommodate the desired programmable park area of 7 acres with associated irrigation pond for a total of 8.25 acres, the existing wetland will need to be modified and mitigated for a similar overall habitat quality and value. This effort will be minimized to the extent feasible and the project design team will work closely with City Staff to achieve the overall desired outcome. Proposed ownership and maintenance of public and private open space areas applicant's intentions with regard to future ownership of all or portions of the project development plan. In general, the property owner or tenant shall perform all maintenance on private residential lots. In addition, the property owner, or tenant shall maintain all sidewalks and landscaped parkways within the ROW, according to the width of the property. The HOA shall perform all maintenance on all common areas, parks, trails, community gardens, etc. storm water infrastructure, and any other non -private amenity and or feature. The City of For Collins shall only be responsible for typical ROW maintenance of infrastructure and snow removal within the roadway as well as maintenance of the Neighborhood Park. Storm water infrastructure Landscape maintenance and trash removal within storm water infrastructure including detention ponds, swales, culverts, inlets, etc. shall be the responsibility of the HOA. This maintenance shall include all required mowing, weeding cleanout, removal of trash and debris and other typical maintenance required in order to ensure storm water infrastructure and features function according to their designed intent. Landscape All landscape maintenance within areas other than private residential lots and the area of parkway and ROW adjacent to private residential lots shall be the responsibility of and performed by the HOA. Snow Removal The property owner or tenant shall perform Snow removal on private lots and sidewalks adjacent to private lots. The HOA shall perform Snow removal within all common areas, trails, private drives and parks. Trash All trash removal on private lots or within the sidewalk/parkway areas adjacent to private lots shall be performed by property owner or tenant. The HOA shall perform trash removal within common areas, parks, trails, and other non -private lots. East Ridge Overall Development Plan Page 5 of 5 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PLANNING OBJECTIVES Russell + Mills Studios 13 June 2015 Green belt and open space trail networks provide bicycle and pedestrian facilities off-street that link primary open spaces within the project, emphasizing pedestrian activity. Detached walks promote lower stress walking environments. T 8.2 - Design for Active Living The trail connections promote walking and active lifestyles with a perimeter loop trail proposed surrounding the wetland. 2. DESCRIPTION OF PROPOSED OPEN SPACE, WETLANDS, NATURAL HABITATS AND FEATURES, LANDSCAPING, CIRCULATION, TRANSITION AREAS, AND ASSOCIATED BUFFERING ON SITE AND IN THE GENERAL VICINITY OF THE PROJECT. An interconnected open - space trail system promotes connectivity throughout the project with connections to the primary central open space consisting of a wetland/natural area and neighborhood park. All landscaping aside from active lawn areas will be native and/or adaptive. Buffering will be accomplished along the perimeter arterial streets with 30-50' buffer landscapes consisting of a mix of evergreen and canopy trees with perimeter opaque fencing between. Buffering between Multi -Family and Single Family Attached/Detached will consist of buff eryards utilizing large evergreen trees and landforms. Courtyards with townhome frontage provide transitions between single-family attached and single family detached. 3. ESTIMATE OF NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES FOR BUSINESS, COMMERCIAL, AND INDUSTRIAL USES. Commercial employees - 5-15 estimate. 4. DESCRIPTION OF RATIONALE BEHIND THE ASSUMPTIONS AND CHOICES MADE BY THE APPLICANT. This project is an amendment to the previous ODP with proposed land use changes including removal of a north/central commercial/storage use and conversion to industrial and an overall decrease in acreage of multi -family. The overall structure of the proposed ODP is similar to the previous, and allows for a minimum of vacated ROW and utility changes. 5. Written narrative addressing each concernfissue raised at the neighborhood meeting(s), if a meeting has been held. This project, being an amended ODP has not had an associated neighborhood meeting. 6. Name of the project as well as any previous name the project may have had during Conceptual Review. This project shall be titled East Ridge Overall Development Plan. The project has previously been titled East Ridge Overall Development Plan. The project was titled East Ridge during conceptual review. East Ridge Overall Development Plan Page 4 of 5 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PLANNING OBJECTIVES Russell + Mills Studios 13 June 2015 road will eliminate garage presence here and townhomes will provide alley accessed garages. LIV 22.9 - Form Neighborhood Edges Neighborhood edges are created either through separation of uses accomplished by landscape edges or utilizing proposed roadways as an edge. LIV 23.1- Provide Neighborhood Parks and Outdoor Spaces A primary neighborhood park publicly fronted on two sides is provided along the primary entry collector road. An additional park is provided in the center of the north single family detached lots as well as courtyards fronted with townhomes. LIV 23.2 - Integrate Natural Features All existing stands of healthy trees and shrubs will be maintained through design efforts throughout the project and existing wetlands will be mitigated and preserved in some areas. LIV 25.1- Coordinate Neighborhood Planning and Phasing The project will be phased along the collector entry road and two the southeast and southwest so that uses will be constructed around the primary open spaces. LIV 26.3 - Promote Compatibility of Uses Arterial edge land uses include single family attached, commercial, and multi -family in order to allow for enough space to provide adequate buffers. These uses then transition to primarily single family detached with open space networks. The overall project is structured with primarily residential land use with commercial neighborhood center anchor. LIV 28.1- Density The overall proposed gross density is 5.61 DU/AC. Single Family attached provides 7.15 DU/AC. Single Family Attached Townhomes provide 6.44 DU/AC. Single Family Attached Duplexes provide 9.65 DU/AC. Multi -Family allows for a maximum of 12 DU/AC. LIV 28.2 - Mix of Uses Uses within the projects include single family attached, single family detached, multi- family, and commercial uses for neighborhood amenities. LIV 28.3 - Mix of Housing Types A mix of multi -family, single family attached and single family detached is proposed, including small lot alley loaded single family detached and large lot single family detached. LIV 28.4 -Neighborhood Center A neighborhood commercial center is proposed at the primary entry. LIV 30.2 -Connect to Surrounding Neighborhoods Roadway and pedestrian connections are proposed to connect to future development to the south and east. LIV 30.3 - Improve Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Green belt and open space trail networks provide bicycle and pedestrian facilities off-street that link primary open spaces within the project. LIV 31.4 - Design for Pedestrian Activity East Ridge Overall Development Plan Page 3 of 5 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PLANNING OBJECTIVES Russell + Mills Studios 13 June 2015 LIV 4: Development will provide and pay its share of the cost of providing needed public facilities and services concurrent with development. All roads, access points, sidewalks and street trees/roadway landscaping within the project will be paid for by the developer, including landscape treatments along Timberline. LIV 10.1- Design Safe, Functional, and Visually Appealing Streets Well lit streets with street trees and detached walks are included throughout the project, with entry enhancements and street facing courtyards in Single Family Attached areas. LIV 10.2 - Incorporate Street Trees Street trees will be included per standards at at least 40' O.C. along all public ROW's. LIV 11.2 - Incorporate Public Space Public spaces consist of an 8.25 acre City maintained neighborhood park, small neighborhood park, neighborhood natural area, greenbelt connections to open space and courtyards with townhomes clustered along the edge. LIV 14.1- Encourage Unique Landscape Features The proposed wetland will provide a unique feature with a variety of habitat zones including open water, low water marsh, wetland edge, upland with exclusively native plantings. LIV 14.2 - Promote Functional Landscape All planting will be designed with native/adaptive plants, emphasizing foundation planting and including edible plants and fruit trees. LIV 14.3 - Design Low Maintenance Landscapes Native and adaptive planting within minimized turf areas, reserved for functional/multi-use lawns will allow a lower level of maintenance. Shrub beds will be maintained without excessive pruning or'snow-balling' of shrubs. LIV 16.2 - Increase Awareness All existing farmhouse buildings will be re -used and adapted for retail and restaurant use within the Jessup Farm Artisan Village and Johnson Farm. As a neighborhood center, historic heritage and legacy will become an integrated educational aspect of the overall development, providing the community with an understanding of our agricultural heritage. LIV 21.2 - Establish an Interconnected Street and Pedestrian Network The street and pedestrian network will allow access to all proposed open -space features as well as providing an interconnected trail system from the northern project extents to the neighborhood park and natural area. Open access to the courtyards in the single family attached areas is provided through a variety of pathway connections, also creating connectivity to street sidewalks. LIV 22.4 - Orient Buildings to Public Streets or Spaces Townhomes will either front the east -west streets or the community lawn areas provided within each Townhome block. All proposed buildings will be oriented to roadways, including the proposed Multi -Family development. LIV 22.8 - Reduce the Visual Prominence of Garages and Driveways All garages within the Single Family Detached portion of the project will be recessed and setback from the primary building facade. Alley accessed garages along the primary entry East Ridge Overall Development Plan Page 2 of 5 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PLANNING OBJECTIVES Russell + Mills Studios 13 June 2015 EAST RIDGE OVERALL DEVELOPMENT PLAN Statement of Proposed Planning Objectives 6.3.2015 This project shall be titled East Ridge Overall Development Plan. The project has previously been titled East Ridge Overall Development Plan January, 2005. This project includes landuses within the existing Low Density Mixed Neighborhood (LMN) zone district. KEY ISSUES AND CONSIDERATIONS The East Ridge Overall Development Plan is similar to a Master Planned Community, providing a healthy, diverse mix of housing types; land uses and planned open space - thus furthering the vision of Plan Fort Collins or City Plan. Proposed amendments to the current plans include removal of an existing 5 acre commercial (mini -storage) parcel at the northern edge of the site, currently surrounded by residential land uses. This parcel is proposed as single family attached. Other modifications include conversion of several multi -family parcels to single family attached and additional open space connections to the central park and open space. Neighborhood center commercial land uses are maintained at the primary entry off Timberline Road, aside from conversion of one narrow parcel now proposed as Single Family Detached. • Overall Project Density - The previous residential density ranged from 607-837 dwelling units. This project proposes a density range between 552-1113 dwelling units. • Wetland/Park - The project proposes an 8.25 acre neighborhood park to the north of the existing wetland, including a 1 acre irrigation pond. In order to accommodate this, the existing wetland boundaries are modified and mitigated to achieve an identical area as currently exists. The wetland will also be utilized for storm water detention. • Pedestrian Connectivity - A number of greenbelt walkway connections are shown to the proposed park and open space area, which help connect north residences to these amenities. • Modifications of Standard -There are no known modifications of standard proposed. 1. CITY PLAN PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES ACHIEVED BY THE PROPOSED PLAN ENV 4.3 - Improve Water Quality and Detention Storm water facilities will be designed to maximize water quality in each component of the development. Water quality swales will be utilized in open space tracts and permeable paving will be provided throughout all private drives and parking according to LUC standards. ENV 4.4 - Provide Neighborhood Natural Areas The central open space will provide a 4.5 acre wetland/detention pond with perimeter loop trails and native planting including marsh wetland edge planting, upland planting and large canopy trees. East Ridge Overall Development Plan Page 1 of 5 STATEMENT OF PROPOSED PLANNING OBJECTIVES Russell + Mills Studios 13 June 2015