To: Basil Hamdan; Cameron Gloss; Steve Olt; Wes Lamarque
Date: 5/28/02 4:20PM
Subject: Fwd: Paradigm development
FYI, This was called Silverburg back in 1996 and came to conceptual in May 2001 again. The new
mapping puts almost the entire development in the floodplain which had never been mapped before. We
have known for years that there was a break out of 1900 cfs according to FEMA studies but no one ever
mapped it. I don't know what the flow rate is now with the new rainfall but as part of the masterplan
update the floodplain is now mapped and adopted.
>>> Marsha Hilmes-Robinson 05/28/02 03:53PM >>>
I spoke with Jeff Hill, the owner of the Paradigm development at the southeast corner of 1-25 and Prospect
Road. We had a very good conversation. He understood the flooding issues and not being allowed to
push the flooding off on his neighbors. I discussed the no -rise or contain the rise on his property options.
We discussed elevation of the buildings and the critical facilities issue with the gas station. He was
concerned about the existing motorcycle building on the southwest side of the property that he owns. I
explained that there were no requirements related to the existing buildings. However, he didn't want to
make it worse on the existing building. He understood the issues and was happy to learn about things
earlier rather than later. I will send him a map with the floodplain elevations. I offered to meet with him
and his engineer to discuss options. I also explained that the floodplain regulations will be reviewed over
the next year or so and explained the master plan and the project prioritization process.
Please let me know if you have any questions