HomeMy WebLinkAboutSWIFT ADDITION TO FOSSIL LAKE P.U.D. - COUNTY REFERRAL - 33-01(I) - CORRESPONDENCE - (10)6. Please provide a note on the storm sewer profiles that all storm sewers and culverts shall be inspected by the City. 7. Erosion control language in the development agreement is needed because the County does not require this in theirs. 8. Please add City of Fort Collins signature blocks. 9. Please add depth marker for detention pond due to depth being greater than 3 feet. 10. Please specify number of columns and rows for the water quality outlet structure orifices on the detail sheet 11. Please add outfall curb and gutter, curb cut, and pond spillway details to the plans. 12. Please provide approvals from the ditch owner for the modifications to this ditch on the east side of the development. (Vi% 'Iyz ow c Jfv t< �a// Sr% w[_. A/ i�/PtS�C'I✓l :f�� � . Page 2 Project Comments Sheet Selected Departments Department: Stormwater Utility Date: June 28, 2002 Project: FOSSIL LAKE PUD SWIFT ADDITION All comments must be received by BOB BARKEEN in Current Planning no later than the staff review meeting: June 28, 2002. Note - Please identify your redlines for future reference Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque 1. Please place all storm sewers in tracts rather than be located in the lots. Even if there is a drainage easement on the lot, maintenance still becomes a problem when they are located there. Please either have a blanket drainage easement for the tract, or storm sewer specific drainage easements that are 20 feet wide with the sewer centered within the easement. 2. Please include the City of Fort Collins' Standard Notes on the plans since this site will be annexed right after plan approval. 3. Backyard swales as the one proposed between lots 14 through 30 should be avoided whenever possible. The City does not allow backyard swales of this magnitude since we have had negative experiences with these, an alternate design to be discussed with the applicant is required. If the flow is to enter the property to the east, than flows must be less than historic, or a drainage easement would be required from the property to the east. 4. Please show an overflow spillway from the detention pond. Please provide calculations and details for the spillway and indicate where the overflows will be directed. 5. Sub -basin OS-1 has a C-value for existing conditions. Please proviele a C-factor with future proposed conditions or the land that consists of OS-1 can not develop as preliminarily shown on these plans. a� �;✓s (A--iri-QUe 1 o Z Dare CHECK HERE IF YOU WISH TO RECEIVE COPIES OF REVISIONS Plat Site Drainage Report Other_ Utility Redline Utility Landscape Page 1 12. There is a note on the utility plan that the existing irrigation ditch is to be removed. What happens to it? Is it relocated? Does it go away completely? If it is to be removed from here why is an easement being dedicated for it on the plat? 13. Need to provide curb return information for all intersections. 14. Per Section 8.2.9.A, Table 8-2 the curb return radii shall be 20 feet. You are showing a curb return radii of 15 feet for all street intersections. Use of this radius would require submittal and approval of justification of why 15 foot radii are needed and work. 15. Label the trail crossings on the plan and profile sheets as enhanced x-walks. 16. It will not be required for this project, but for all future submittal of new projects Centerline stationing is required. Flowline stationing will not be accepted except for the exceptions mentioned in the standards. 17. Correct the locations where the PCR elevations do not match between the plan and profile sheets and the detail sheets. 18. Show the inlet locations and sizes on the profiles. 19. Correct the typical x-sections; the maximum x-slope is 3% not the 4% as shown. 20. Correct the typical x-section for Lake Ranch Road to reflect the trail and its location. 21. Need to identify where the transition from vertical curb and gutter on Lake Ranch Road to the drive -over curb on the adjacent streets is to occur and what the transition distance is. 22. Does the trail continue up to the corner of Lake Ranch Road and Muskrat Creek Drive? If so the ramps need to be built to the appropriate size when the curb and gutter is put in. If not show the standard sidewalk on the east side and label as future. 23. Show existing grades being tied into for the streets tying into existing streets. 24. Midblock cross pans need to be a minimum of 12 wide. The midblock x-pan on Wild View Drive is only being shown as a 6 foot pan. Section 7.7.5. 25. Shearwater Court cul-de-sac, do not use a vertical curve in the cul-de-sac. A minimum slope of 1 % is required. 26. In accordance with detail 7-24A the entry neck flowline radii shall be 50 feet. This is not being provided. 27. Need to show how will tie into existing grades at the end of Pelican Drive and Muskrat Creek Drive. 28. Provide transition elevations on the intersection details. 29. Need to provide a design for Copper Springs Drive. 30. Where a cross pan is not used at an intersection the elevation at the intersection of the flowlines needs to be approximately .2 feet higher than the flowline at the middle of the PC. This elevation needs to be higher than the lip of gutter elevation or a low point in the street is created. 31. Cul-de-sac for shallow pond drive does not appear to meet the x-slope design requirements as shown. Also might check the east side of Snowy Plover Court as it may be less than 2%. 32. Need more information for the cul-de-sac with parking islands in order to determine if they are meeting the x- slope and design requirements. The 24 foot on the detail is a misprint; the minimum x-section width is 28 feet. 33. Per Section 12.2.2 a minimum of 2 feet of cover below scarified subgrade is required for all utilities. It doesn't appear that the stromdrains always meet this. 34. Use correct drive -over curb detail 7-20B. 35. Correct the intersection approach detail so that they show the correct min/max x-slope. 36. Provide current street intersection detail 7-30. 37. Provide ped/bicyle path connection detail 7-14. 38. Provide detail 16-1. 39. Items that will need to be placed within the development agreement for this site. The developer (homeowners) are responsible for the maintenance of the cul-de-sac islands and landscaping. 40. Money will need to be put up for the removal of the temporary turn around, since all lots are buildable. 41. The soils report indicates that their maybe high groundwater on this site, but gives no indication of what high means. Need additional information on this. If the groundwater is encounter within 5 feet of the original ground surface a subsurface investigation report (hydrologic study) is required. Fossil Lake PUD — Swift addition sheet 1 of 2 June 29, 2002 City of Fort Collins Engineering Comments — Please return all redlined plans with resubmittal. 1. Provide current general notes and all applicable construction notes. 2. Indicate that the minimum garage door setback is 20 feet from the property line. This needs to be noted on the site plan. — setback is noted, unless otherwise required by planning or the codes the 20 ft setback applies to the garage door. The actual building can be closer. 3. Need to indicate who is to own and maintain the tracts/ outlots. Plat 4. The radius at the entry to the cul-de-sac should be 39.5 feet not the 30 foot shown per 7-24A. Property line radius = 39.5 ft, Flowline radius = 50.0 ft. 5. Need to identify the areas that are to be access easements for the trails and sidewalks that go through the site. Plat 6. Per II.B.6 needs to provide street connection(s) to the eastern and southern properties. It has been discussed that this property will be put into a conservation easement. If that occurs than the property is not considered developable and thus the connections are not needed nor required. The connections do not have to be shown on the preliminary plat, but if at the time of final plat submittal the adjacent property (to the south and east) is not in a conservation easement a street connection(s) needs to be provided to the property. This/these connection(s) need to be made as a street on public row. An easement across 4 properties is not acceptable; as the access point will need to be a public street to serve the amount of developable land available there. Street designs for the connection(s) will need to be provided. The design will need to include any crossings of drainage ditches, irrigation ditches or channels that exist. The connection(s) would not need to be built now, but money for the connection(s) will need to be placed in escrow prior to the issuance of any building permit on lots adjacent to the roadway. This requirement will need to be reflected in the development agreement for this site. 7. Outlots D, B, C, A, E, F and H need to be access easements for the sidewalk placements as shown. 8. Provide 3 ramps at all "T" intersections. Per Section 9. The trails need to line up with the ramps being provided and the ramps need to line up across the streets. 10. The 10 foot trail needs to be designed according to standards, see chapter 17. All radii need to meet standards (min r= 95 ft). Still suggest that on Southview Court connect the cul-de-sac bulbs out to Wild View drive and eliminate the middle street connection. The above comments in bold are repeat comments. 1. Are street trees not required? No street trees are shown. May need to show how the street trees, utilities and driveways work on the lots with small frontages. 2. The sidewalk connection between Shallow Pond Drive and Rocky Stream Drive along the west boundary of the property needs to be made with this project. Since you are not putting in a street connection a sidewalk connection needs to be made at this time. 3. The parking stall areas within the cul-de-sac island shall be concrete in accordance with detail 19-01A, please show as such. 4. At a T-intersection on the side where there is not a pedestrian ramp remove the directional ramp on the corner across from this. Where a directional ramp is provided a ramp across the street from it must be provided. 5. Plat — Who is to own the irrigation easement? Need to have the owner sign the plat. 6. Plat - the agreement will probably be between the Developer, the County and the City. 7. Was the row for Lake Ranch Road (both sides) dedicated with the 2nd Filing plat? Was the row for the portion of Muskrat being shown to be built already dedicated? If not this needs to be dedicated with this project as well as any easements needed to construct the improvements shown. 8. The curve between Sage Sparrow Lane and Sandy Shore Lane does not meet minimum standards as shown on the plat, but as shown on the utility plans it does. If the centerline radius meets min requirements nothing is required if it does not a variance is required. 9. Plat — I believe it is the building setback line that is being shown on the estate lots, but you may want to label it as it is not clear what this is. 10. Need easements for all offsite grading and construction work. 11. The signage plan will need to be reviewed and approved by City of Fort Collins Traffic Operations. ��aNS�-taklwPlmmv` _ -COW', Swift Addition Amendment (6-26-02) A road connection to the south from either Shallow Pond Drive or Shearwater Court still needs to be addressed until the undeveloped property is placed in a conservation easement, if and when the property is placed in the conservation easement, please identify and label this property on the site plan and adjust the conservation boundary line.(Repeat Comment) 2. A road connection to the east from Shearwater Court still needs to be addressed until the undeveloped property is placed in a conservation easement if and when the property is placed in the conservation easement, please identify and label this property on the site plan and adjust the conservation boundary line. 3. An 8-foot trail connection from Rocky Stream Drive through Outlot H needs to be designed and built with this project. Signature: Date: i COUNTY REFERRAL City of Fort Collins COMMENT SHEET Current Planning COMMENTS TO: Matt Lafferty FROM: Lu rem TYPE OF MEETING: Board of County Commissioners PROJECT: Fossil Lake PUD Swift Amendment THRU: City of Fort Collins Planning Department PLANNER: Bob Barkeen City comments must be received in Current Planning Department by: June 26, 2002 No Problems Problems or Concerns (see below or attached) co„,--p doasjkp e c-r -F-rj -Fly, S,4"f, priport%1.l��e, F�aS lateu-�- A r^oKvwv�v� eo v e,"J lskcd Cr � 5autlI � ec'S+ 0�- itkt 5"RYA5,i (o-(wu' 0� t-kr5 51fie? I vto� 2) tvss�1 cre�IC IJ,, -are , 5gV1 ew-&4A1 RA2J5 r. F.L4.� te-RvlreS G �01rk w�j� goyo o d11�"i ��ifis. B�Nd oV" IN- rett.,rewqktk (eo,c aced �a� �or-►5 oFdwea(iVlo� 54,94 ma-t-- cfbv-f- Mom— 441,\ 2 5ideS Or wort, �% o f 1^° Pew( wee °� ` �'`k, woNe o� - O hA oar S 5�owv, ov, 4,k PkL-\ i Date: �/ I /OZ Signature: City of Fort Collins Commt Ly Planning and Environmental rvices Current Planning City of Fort Collins July 2, 2002 Matt Lafferty Larimer County Planning Department P.O. Box 1190 Fort Collins, CO 80522-90 City staff has reviewed the proposed changes to the approved preliminary layout of the Fossil Lake P.V.D. - Swift Addition Final Plat that has been submitted, and we offer the following comments. DEPARTMENTAL CONTACTS: Current Planning - Advance Planning - Engineering Department- 5tormwater Utilities - Natural Resources Development Planner Transportation Planning Traffic Engineering Troy Jones 221-6750 Pete Wray 221-6376 Sheri Wamhoff 221-6605 Basil Hamden 221-6681 Doug Moore _ 221-6750 - Tom Reiff 416-2040 Ward Stanford 221-6820 Please see the attached comment sheets from the Current Planning, Transportation Planning, Engineering, and Stormwater Departments. Advance Planning had no comments. I have not received any comments from the Traffic Operations or Natural Resources, but when and if I do, I'll forward them along. As discussed with Tracy Downs at the Lorimer County Engineering Department, redlines will be brought to next Tuesday's city/county meeting and given to the applicant then. If you have any questions regarding these comments, please contact me or any of the departments listed above. incer VV Tj-oyf ones, ity Planner cc: Applicant File 281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020