High School Meeting o �b
Preston Junior High - February 11, 2002 q ti� E
Our biggest concern is dust. After the wind event
of the past weekend it seems like an appropriate topic.
We brought this up during the Observatory Village meetings. We
were told that the developer was responsible for dust control and to
call Bob Zakeley of the City if there were problems. Brian Graves of
Observatory village was responsive but not very effective. At least
we could reach him. City employees are very busy and hard to reach.
No help there. Unfortunately, dust has been terrible.
Observatory started scraping 94 acres with 9 huge earth movers
on August 8. For two or three months they dug and scraped and raised
dust. It seems they were shaping the land. Incidentally, I've understood
that developers save top soil. Not here. And according to soils people
at CSU this area has same of the best soil in all of Larimer County.
Once the area was shaped the backhoes started digging deep ditches
for storm drains, then sewer and then water. The whole area was covered
with big piles of loose dirt very subject to blowing.
And then, the earth movers went back into action digging a canyon
16 feet deep roughly the size of a football field. They used the dirt
to build a mountain 60 feet tall. Then they dug another canyon and
dumped the dirt in the first canyon wetting it down and disking it.
Digging successive canyons and filling then in went on for a month or
so until they used the mountain to fill in the last canyon. This, I
was told, was to mitigate expansive soil.
Dust was a constant companion even on calm days. As the sun went
dawn there was a pall of dust that we observed in every direction we
looked. During this period there were many days with wind but there
were 8 with heavy wind that raised stifling, choking clouds of dust
for 12 to 36 hours. Visability sometimes reached zero.
Many of you here experienced this. We feel grit between our fingers,
in our ears and our eyes. Dust settles on windowsills and furniture,
and on and IN carpets and clothes in your closets.
So once again I bring this up. Partly we'd like to see everyone
involved do something to mitigate this severe environmetal problem long
term. Why tear up all 94 acres at once; why not do it in stages of
smaller acreages?
Why tinker with the topography? What's wrong with flat? Homes
in old Fort Collins on flat ground remain extremely popular. Don;t
disturb ground cover until the infrastructure is in place. Retention
depressions are fine but haw about hydroseeding them as they're finished?
That's long term. Short term we suggest when the wind blows hard
shut down. Pay attention to the forecast. This past weekend the wind
had been forecast in plenty of time to get the two gigantic tank wagons
out to at least wet down a perimeter area of several hundred feet.
Incidentally, we do plan to present Observatory Village with a
bill for cleaning - possibly more than once.
As to this project, we appeal to the school district to see that
it is carried on in an environmetally responible manner with dust control
a major objective. We know that class room teachers emphasize environmetal
protection. We'd enjoy seeing the school district do the same.
Ken and Ethel Ashley
5227 So County Rd 7
Fort Collins, CO 80528
(970) 223-3255
A. Yes, we anticipate seating for about 500 fans. (By comparison, French Field seats
about 6,000 fans.)
28. Will all classrooms have windows?
A. Yes, that is primary purpose of the courtyard in the north wing.
A. While it appears that way, keep in mind that not all 600 students will be in the
core school/classroom all at once. Students will be distributed throughout the
entire school attending science labs, electives, gym class, performing arts or in the
common area or media center. The number of classrooms has been carefully
researched and we believe the right amount is being provided.
20. What happens if the "school -within -a-school" concept does not work?
A. Good question. The facility is being designed to be adaptable for the core school
concept, the block concept or the typical concept that is being used at Fort Collins
High School.
21. I can see the District is anticipating a lot of growth in southeast Fort Collins.
Where else in District do you have a high school, junior high (Preston) and an
elementary school (Zach) all within one mile of each other? This could lead to a
lot of traffic congestion on the area streets.
A. You are right. While we have lots of examples of placing junior and elementary
schools next to each other, adding a high school to the mix does not occur
anywhere else in the District. Our transportation impact study indicates that with
the improvements to the surrounding public streets, there should not be too much
congestion in the short term.
22. You indicate two entrances to control security. Will there be more than two
A. Yes, there will be numerous exits in compliance with all applicable building and
fire codes.
23. Will the City move the Urban Growth Boundary south of Carpenter Road?
A. Response from City: There are no plans to shift the U.G.A. Boundary. To do so
would require approval by both the City Council and Board of County
24. Will Transfort serve the campus?
A. Response from City: Not at this time.
25. Will there be use of native grass?
26. Yes, we will use low-water grasses in areas where there are no athletic fields.
27. Will there be stadium seating at the soccer/track facility?
A. Yes, there will be about 25 spaces located in the circular drive near the front
entrance on the south side of the building.
14. Will there be sidewalks for kids to walk on from the neighborhoods?
A. Yes, all surrounding streets will be public streets built to City standards. These
include detached sidewalks. In addition, the private access drive will feature a
sidewalk as well.
15. How many entrances will there be?
A. In order to control security, there will be only two entrances. The main one is on
the south and the secondary one is on the west at the bus loop.
16. The day -lighting concept sounds good. My experience with day -lighting
indicates that you must be careful about diffusing the light so you do not get harsh
glare in the classrooms. Otherwise, faculty and staff will simply pull the blinds
on sunny days. Will the glass panels be double -pane or triple -pane? Without
some careful thought on diffusion, you will not accomplish your energy
conserving goals.
A. Thank you for this comment. We are working with lighting experts to get the
right amount of light in the right places without causing glare and fading of
furniture, fixtures, books, etc. The windows are expected to feature double pane
17. Will there be a food court or a cafeteria?
A. There will be a cafeteria line, known as a "speed line" just like at Poudre High
School, not a food court like Fort Collins High School.
18. The high school is in close proximity to Zach Elementary. I'm concerned about
teenage drivers using Cambridge and elementary kids walking to Zach. This
could lead to problems.
A. We are always concerned about safety. As we do with all schools, we will
continue to work with the City Transportation Planning Department on the "Safe
Route to School" program. This is an ongoing joint program that looks at the
proper installation of traffic control devices, crosswalks, crossing guards and in -
school programs. Prior to each school opening, the necessary traffic control
devices will be installed. These devices will be evaluated annually to see if they
are working or if additional measures need to be taken.
19. Looking at your floor plan, it does not appear as if there are enough classrooms in
the core schools for 600 students. Will classes be over -crowded? Are you
building a big enough school?
A. Unfortunately, the nature of construction sequencing requires over -lot grading and
installation of underground utilities all at once, in the beginning of the project.
We will abide by normal dust suppression methods such as watering. Our goal is
to do all of this work this Spring and Summer in order to establish the drainage of
the site to the irrigation/detention pond, and to start growing the grass for the
athletic fields. Once this phase is completed, it will be over and done with and
ground cover will be established.
8. Will the city park be graded as well?
A. No, not at this time. Our understanding is that the city park will not be developed
for several years. We think the City will keep the park in agriculture until
sufficient building permit fees are generated to start developing the park.
9. Have you determined the bus routes yet?
A. No. For transportation purposes, the walk-in area for a high school is two miles.
PSD will not provide bus service within this walk-in area. The exact bus routes
will depend on the final attendance boundary and be established by the District's
Transportation Department.
10. Can the City or the District restrict buses to certain streets?
A. Neither the City nor the District has ever restricted buses to certain streets. It is
not uncommon for buses to serve residential neighborhoods on local streets since
this is where students live.
11. What about drainage?
A. The site slopes from northwest to southeast and into the McClelland Channel.
The roof and parking lot surfaces will drain water into bio-swales in order to
provide water quality treatment. The McClelland channel will convey storm
flows into a stormwater detention pond in the southeast corner of the site. This
pond will serve both the District and the city park. In addition, the pond will also
act as a raw water irrigation pond so treated water is not used to water the fields.
This is similar to the current arrangement at Fort Collins High and Stewart Case
Park. The conveyance channels and detention pond will be designed for the 100-
year storm as per City requirements.
12. How many student parking spaces will there be?
A. There will be about 450 per side for a total of 900.
13. Will there be visitor parking?
A. At this time, we are not sure. The District has no immediate plans to develop this
site. Possibly, the parcel could be sold to a private developer at some point in the
3. Could this site become a drive -through restaurant like McDonalds in front of Fort
Collins High?
A. The parcel is about to be annexed and zoned L-M-N, Low Density Mixed -Use
Neighborhood. This zone would not allow a drive -through restaurant. A standard
restaurant, however, would be permitted but only as a component of a designated
"Neighborhood Center" meeting the design and location requirements of the L-M-
N zone. This is more restrictive zoning than the corner of Timberline Road and
Horsetooth Road.
4. I'm concerned about the "school -within -a -school" concept. This could lead to
student body defined internally by cliques rather than a fully integrated school. I
think this is already happening at Poudre High where the I. B. students brought
over from other schools do not feel like they are a part of the Poudre student
body. High schools should be fully integrated.
A. This concept is under the jurisdiction of Gary Bamford, not the Planning, Design
and Construction Department. We are told, however, that the three internal
"schools" will be for English, Math and Social Studies/History only. Everything
else is open for full intermingling of students. Please contact Mr. Bamford for
further information or to express your concerns.
5. Will there be any new traffic signals installed with this new high school?
A. Not in the short term. As the neighborhoods build -out, we expect a traffic signal
at the intersection of Ziegler and Rock Creek.
6. I read in today's paper about using ice as part of the air conditioning system.
Could you expand on that?
A. The system is in place in the new high school in Loveland and being installed in
Zach Elementary. Ice will be made at night. During the day, air will be
circulated through the ice and distributed during the day to cool the building.
This is more energy efficient than typical air conditioning systems.
7. We live east (downwind) of the site on Strauss Cabin Road. We are concerned
about blowing dust during over -lot grading and utility installation. We are
already getting dust in our home as a result of the Willow Brook (Observatory
Village) project. What will PSD do to control blowing dust? Have you
considered phasing the over -lot grading so the entire parcel is not stripped of its
ground cover all at once?
PROJECT: 2004 Poudre School District High School
DATE: February 12, 2002
APPLICANT: Poudre School District, Planning Design & Construction
c/o Ed Holder
John Little
Mike Spearnak
PLANNER: Ted Shepard
The meeting began with a description of the project. The new high school will be
approximately 290,000 square feet in size located on a
94-acre campus located on a portion of the Webster Farm that lies north of McClelland
Creek. This parcel is south of Rock Creek Drive, east of Ziegler Road (C.R.#9), north of
Kechter Road (C.R.36), and west of Cambridge Avenue (extended). The new high
school is being planned for 1,800 students in grades ten through twelve. The north wing
would be two stories in height. There would be roughly 20 acres of athletic fields, three
of which would be illuminated. As planned, there would be 923 student parking spaces
and 175 spaces for faculty and staff. The area south of the private access drive and
including McClelland Creek consists of approximately 50 acres and is being considered
for purchase by the City of Fort Collins for a future community park.
The classroom wing is divided into three core schools where students and faculty will be
together for English, Math and Social Studies/History. For electives and athletics, the
entire student population will mix. This concept is called "school within a school" and
has been used successfully in other newly constructed schools in the state. Unless
otherwise noted, all responses are from PSD officials.
I'm concerned about the illuminated athletic facilities. Will there be lighting
shining in our windows at night?
A. No, the illumination is designed to light the fields and not spillover into the
adjacent neighborhoods.
2. What do you expect will develop on the out -parcel in the northwest corner?