nt spurs crosswalk signal
Kinard parents fear for students' safety
By SARA REED 1( " "101
Sara R eed@coloradoa n.com
A recent accident outside
Fossil Ridge High School
and Kinard Junior High
School has parents of stu-
dents concerned for their
children's safety.
On Monday, a Fossil
Ridge student sustained mi-
nor injuries when a vehicle
collided with her bicycle at
the comer of Rock Creek
Drive and Ziegler Road. Al-
though speed was not a fac-
tor in the accident, parents
and school officials worry
that it might be next time.
The new school building,
which opened to students in
August, sits near the inter-
section of Ziegler and
Kechter roads, both of
which have speed limits of
40 mph for traffic passing
the school. Although a bea-
con was recently put at the
crosswalk across Ziegler
Road, there is no light to
stop traffic to allow students
to cross, and there is no 20-
mph school zone around the
school. However, there is a
button -activated pedestrian
Continued from Page Bl
the kids," Schmidtke said "It's like
dodgeball for them to get across
the street"
Schmidtke said she was sur-
prised that Monday's accident
was the fast of its kind at the
"I'm surprised it was this long
before an accident happened," she
said. "Thank God there were only
minor injuries."
A traffic signal is being installed
at the comer of Rock Creek Drive
and Ziegler Road and should be
complete in a few weeks, said Erik
Bracke, traffic engineer with the
city of Fort Collins.
But parents such as Galbate and
crossing signal and a school
zone for Zach Elementary
School, which is across
Kechter Road from Fossil
This is why Todd and
Christine Galbate are un-
easy about letting their 12-
year-old daughter walk to
her classes at Kinard, de-
spite the fact they live with-
in walking distance. The
Galbates also have a 6-year-
old daughter at Zach.
,we don't let our daugh-
ters walk to school because
there is construction, and
Schmidtke say this move comes
"'This is six months too late,"
Schmidtke said. "It should have
been done when school started."
Although Galbate said he
thought the signal should have
been installed before the school
opened, he said it is a step in the
right direction
He added he would like to see a
similar crossing put on the south
side of the school to allow stu-
dents to cross Kechter.
"It (an accident) is going to hap-
pen there too," he said. "It's just as
busy with nowhere to cross."
Bracke said the decision to put
a signal at that intersection, which
it's 40 mph between the
subdivision and Fossil
Ridge," Todd Galbate said.
"The roads are really wide
with the bike lanes and turn
lanes. Ifs quite a run for a
kid or to start a bike up from
zero and pedal across the
Kathy Schmidtke, who
has a 15-year-old daughter at
Fossil Ridge, said she drives
other students home so they
don't have to cross the
'There's no crosswalk for
was made in the fall, was not made
earlier because the intersection
did not meet the traffic require-
"We knew it would eventually
have to be signalized," he said.
"But not this soon. We were com-
pletely unaware of the junior high
As far as a school zone outside
the school, Bracke said that is only
done for elementary schools.
"High school and junior high
school students have the where-
withal to walk along the sidewalk,"
he said.
Mark Hartshorne, principal at
Fossil Ridge, said he shares the
parents' worries about their chil-
V. Richard Haro%rhe Coloradoan
BOTH WAYS- Hunter Hoburg, left, and Tim Burton, both sev-
enth -graders at Kinard Junior High School, look for oncoming
traffic as they crass Ziegler Road at Rock Creek Drive after
school. A traffic signal is being installed at the intersection.
dren being able to get to school
"This is an area of great con-
cern for me," Hartshorne said.
"I'm very concerned about the
amount of traffic on Ziegler."
Hartshorne said he hopes the
signal will make it safer for stu-
dents to get to school, but he said
faculty and staff also urge the stu-
dents to take their safety into their
own hands.
"We dialogue about this quite a
bit," he said. "We urge everyone to
exercise caution and safety and
hope that all drivers, bicyclers and
walkers exercise caution and dis-
cretion. It's important that we all
do that."