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School name, version 2.0
represents a compromise
BY KAELEEN MCGUIRE What's in a name?
After months of playing Poudre School District tradi-
the name game the Poudre
Board of Education in its
Monday night meeting
named Fossil Ridge as the
new high school.
The board chose Fossil
Ridge over Redstone and
Fossilcreek in a 6-to-O vote.
The decision came after a
recall petition by students,
who were unhappy by the
board's initial decision in
April to name the school
Harmony High School.
The students gathered
1,785 signatures for the peti-
tion in nine hours.
Chad Piper,13, was part of
the group that spearheaded
the efforts to chime the
Piper said he felt "awe-
some" about the board's de-
"It's fun to try and do
something we really wanted
to do, and it happened,"
Piper said. "It's fun to make
Students felt the name
Harmony would not reflect
student pride, and they said
other -students would heckle
tionally names high schools
based on geographic or histori-
cally significant locations.
Here's a breakdown of the
naming controversy:
■ A naming committee,
made up of 18 PSD students
and staff and community
members, brought three rec-
ommendations — Fossil Creek,
Harmony and High Plains — to
the PSD Board of Education for
consideration. Fossil Creek was
considered the most -favored
choice for the new facility.
■ In late April, Fort Collins
High School students and
school officials complained
that the name Fossil Creek
High School would carry the
same initials as their school,
prompting the school board to
take a fresh look at the recom-
■ On April 29, the school
board voted 5-2 to name the
school Harmony, a historic
fanning community in south-
east Fort Collins.
■ On June 9, the board decid-
ed to reject the Harmony name
and try again after it was pre-
sented a petition carrying 1,785
signatures. But the board
placed two stipulations on the
next round. Harmony would
not be allowed to be consid-
ered again, and the new school
could not have FCHS initials.
Continued from Page Al
The name Fossil Ridge will re-
flect the Poudre School District's
tradition of naming high schools
after historical and geographical
significant locations.
The word fossil, which domi-
nates landmarks in the communi-
ty, is also recognized in Colorado
by the Fossil Ridge Wilderness
Area located in the Gunnison Na-
tional Forest The area is known
for its granite and limestone
ridges, as well as alpine lakes and
There is only one other high
school that bears the name: it is
near the Fort Wor"allas Texas
"I think the students who will
be attending the new high school
are going to be really glad it's go-
ing to be named Fossil Ridge,"
said Brett Anderson, 13, who will
be a student at the new school.
Board Vice President Jana Ley
told the students their energy and
dedication to following the demo-
cratic process impressed her.
"It's a hard thing to do, but you
did it well," Ley said.
Fossil Ridge High School is
planned to open at 5400 Ziegler
Road in the fall of 2004.