Date: Tue, Nov 6, 2001 3:21 PM
Subject: Re: Fwd: Fw: Citizen Complaint
That would help
I do have some specific questions about the Bennett Project.
Let's see if I can list them quickly--
1. IF the Westside Neighborhood plan, which I assume was accepted by Council, has that area as a
"Pockket Park", then isn't it Council's decision, not the Parks Dept. or Park Bd. , as to whether that area
would be a park?
Unless council has taken a specific action to say it it NOT appropriate for a park, and that they take it out
of the Westside Neighborhood Plan, then isn't it still the city's plan to pursue that land for park use?
Otherwise, it seems that this is action being driven by the Parks Dept. and board, against what council
accepted as a neighborhood plan as part of city plan.
2.That land has NOT been purchased yet. It is contingent upon the approval of this plan.
3. Have we pusued purchaing that land jointly with the School district? We certainly should because the
district will need to provide additional parking if houses are built on that street.
I'll get back to you with more specifics on this. I'm sorry we have not aggressively pushed to buy this small
piece of land as part of our commitment to the Westside Neighborhood, and I would like to see us do so.
<<< John Fischbach 11/ 5 11:38a >>>
L ; One thing we can do, Marty, is announce at the beginning of the meeting of your interest in being there but
that you can't because of the Multi -cultural retreat. I can also indicate that you have specifically requested
a report on the meeting and the outcome.
John F. Fischbach
City Manager
P.O. Box 580
300 West LaPorte Avenue
City of Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
fax 970-224-6107
>>> Marty Tharp 11/05 11:34 AM >>>
Y John,
T % Unfortunately, I will be at the multi -cultural retreat and will not be able to attend this meeting concerning
the Bennett school bungalows.
I'd add a couple of ideas for background.
Although the meeting was not Hostile --everyone was quite nice about it-- they were VERY concerned
about traffic in front of the school, and more concerned about what many felt had been a city commitment
to making that a "pocket park" as a result of the community input in the Westside Neighborhood plan.
Those were the areas of major concern. In addition, people were concerned with drainage in that area.
So, while they were all civil about it, they did have concerns which they voiced, in hopes that they would be
taken into consideration. I would share the concern raised by "Dean" --whoever that is, that a traffic survey
on a day when students were not in school would not give a realistic picture of the concern.
Not sure how I will let the neighbors know I am still concerned, but out of town for this next meeting.
Grego B ne - John,
From: Marty Tharp
Date: Tue, Nov 13, 2001 1:30 PM
Subject: John,
Didn't get very far in my last email- must have pushed the wrong button.
Andyway, looking for answers to these three items.1'. What's the staus of Herb Schroeder's request for
clarification of his property easements?
2. Do we have a staff report on the issues raised at the last Bennett bungalow meeting? I do have some
serious questions about how council has dealt with the suba area plan for the Westside Neighborhood
Plan and our commitment to a park in that area.
3. 1 just read the Commisssion on Disabilities minutes, and it calls attention to KB Homes request that it
be excused from the requirement to build seven three-bewdroom ranch styhle afforable and accessible
homes in the -new Provincetown development. What is the status of that request?
And another question:
I'd like to have a chat with citizens kind of meeting in my district in the not too far future. How do I go about
doing that? Do I simply do it myself?
No hurry on any of these, just want to keep on top of these issues.