Members of the Planning and Zoning Board
of the City of Fort Collins
March 21, 2002
park was recommended by the aforementioned 1980 study. The Riverside Shopping Center has
developed, but this development is physically separated from East Elizabeth Street as there are
no north/south streets connecting the shopping center with East Elizabeth Street between Lemay
Avenue and Stover Street.
The re -zoning of these properties presents a danger to the residential properties located
directly to the west. Each individual property, abutting a more intense use to the east, will be
subject to a demand for re -zoning to permit a more intense use.
The properties sought to be re -zoned present a particular danger as the owners of 1004
East Elizabeth Street also own vacant property facing on Lemay Avenue where more intense uses
are permitted. By combining 1004 and 1008 East Elizabeth Street with the larger parcel on
Lemay Avenue, a larger project could be constructed on Lemay Avenue with spill -over onto the
two subject properties, causing more intense pressure on the residential, properties to the west.
Despite the statements of the applicants, the subject property is not completely
surrounded by commercial and rental properties, nor has the character of the neighborhood
changed at all, much less from residential to commercial and business. The property at 1004
East Elizabeth was purchased by the applicants, presumably as an investment property and at that
time contained a residence. That residence was subsequently torn down, presumably by the
applicants. The north side of East Elizabeth Street has remained residential in use since
For the reasons stated above, we request that you deny the re -zoning application for 1004
and 1008 East Elizabeth Street.
Very truly yclurs,
and Jan C oil
March 21, 2002
To: Members of the Planning and Zoning Board RECEIVED
of the City of Fort Collins MAR 2_. 12092
Re: East Elizabeth Street Re -Zoning
File No. 2-02
(1004 and 1008 East Elizabeth Street)
Dear Members:
We reside at 805 East Elizabeth Street, approximately two blocks from the properties
sought to be re -zoned. We oppose the re -zoning for a number of reasons.
East Elizabeth Street between Stover Street and Lemay Avenue was original a road to the
Larimer County Hospital, with dwellings being built on both sides of the street, commencing in
approximately 1907. The area was annexed in approximately 1967.
In the 1970s East Elizabeth Street between Stover Street and Lemay Avenue was paved,
but the City was extremely careful to preserve the sensitive residential nature of the area.
Although a four lane street from College Avenue to Stover Street, East Elizabeth Street past
Stover Street was made a two lane paved road. Special street lights were installed to emphasize
the residential nature of the street.
In approximately 1980, one of the present applicants, Mr. Donald N. Hyder requested re-
zoning of his home to permit office uses. City staff expanded the zoning request into a study of
the entire East Elizabeth, Riverside and Lemay Avenue area and recommended zoning
appropriate. Development has followed the re -zonings. The Hyder re -zoning was denied on the
basis that the residential properties of 1008 East Elizabeth Street and west should remain
In approximately 1985 a request was made to expand a non -conforming use, which was a
physician's office located on East Elizabeth Street in approximately the 900 block. This request
was denied as being incompatible with the residential nature of the street.
There has been no change along East Elizabeth Street and on the parcels surrounding the
properties sought to be re -zoned in approximately 25 years. The last significant change took
place when the two office buildings were constructed immediately to the east of the subject
properties. No change has taken place in the immediate vicinity of the intersection of Lemay
Avenue and East Elizabeth Street. A neighborhood park has replaced an automobile junk yard
west of Albertson's Supermarket and east of Laurel Elementary School, which neighborhood