HomeMy WebLinkAboutCARIBOU APARTMENTS - PDP - 18-02A - REPORTS - APPEAL TO CITY COUNCIL (3)-- www coloradoan coon The Coloradoart Monday February 17 2003 . d
Apartments roll- out discounts in wake of vacancies
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Current Development Projects
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frequency to productive corridors. This service plan focuses on the
urban core and provides bus service connecting CSU with
downtown and many residential communities.
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-1-Aklmkkm.- 1171
Written Materials Submitted
by a Party -In -Interest
(appellant Janet Winters)
No Later Than
12:00 p.m. on
Wednesday, March 12, 2003
Pursuant to Section 2-54(b)
of the City Code
I, Karen Voepel, a Registered Professional
Reporter and Notary Public for the State of Colorado, do
hereby certify that the foregoing proceedings, is an
accurate and complete transcription of said videotaped
Planning and Zoning meeting held in Fort Collins, Colorado
on January 16, 2003.
I further certify that I am not related to,
employed by, nor of counsel to any of the parties or
attorneys herein nor otherwise interested in the outcome of
the case.
Attested to by me this 20th day of February,
Karen V epel, RPR, CSR
February 20, 2003
My commission expires May 22, 2005.
2 THE CLERK: Carpenter?
4 THE CLERK: Torgerson?
6 Okay, the project passes.
7 (Matter concluded.)
1 affordable housing and not on the north and not on the west,
2 I'm worried about that. I believe in dispersion of this and
3 I think that it needs to be done.
4 I haven't even touched on architecture. I'm
5 going to leave that to my -- my colleagues here are more
6 skilled in it and all that. But I just hope this thing is
7 not going to be in -your -face unit like this where you see it
8 in some of the other affordable housing projects.
9 And I hope that it turns out to be a quality,
10 and -- I hope it does do what it is intended to do. But if
11 it don't, we'll have some comments from citizens down the
12 road. But I'm going to support it, but I just want you to
13 know where my concerns are.
14 (A comment was given from the audience, not
15 audible.)
16 MR. GAVALDON:. I can't -- but I appreciate the
17 comments by the citizen. I appreciate the efforts that
18 you're trying to do, but I'm going to support it.
19 MR. TORGERSON: Anyone else have any thoughts?
20 Let's take a vote.
21 THE CLERK: Bernth?
22 MR. BERNTH: Yes.
23 THE CLERK: Meyer?
24 MS. MEYER: Yes.
25 THE CLERK: Gavaldon?
1 Project Development Plan, Number 18=02A, would be approved
2 based upon the following facts and conclusions outlined on
3 page 8 of the staff report.
4 MS. CARPENTER: I'll second.
5 MR. TORGERSON: Okay, we have a motion on the
6 table. Does anyone have any comments?
7 MR. GAVALDON: If I'm going to look at the
8 process, I'm going to support the motion. But my gut says I
9 should not because I have some concerns about the traffic,
10 the layout. The resident brought out some good points about
11 the orientation of the buildings. The encroachment on the
12 buffer of the natural area there. Though it's okay, but I
13 think mitigation could have been -- I think our natural
14 resources could ask for some mitigation to make it more
15 feasible.
16 I'd eliminate some garages in a heartbeat, very
17 quick, and turn them into flat lots and try to make a better
18 buffer. And I feel that the prime streets and the layout
19 and all of that, it will work.
20 But that's my gut that says that, this thing has
21 some problems with it. And the bigger one I have is it's
22 too close to another affordable unit. I'm in favor of
23 affordable housing, mind you. I think it's an important
24 value to our city, but they're too close to each other.
25 And if we're going to turn the east side into
1 clarification. We appreciate it.
2 MR. TORGERSON: Bob, this is within
3 three-quarters of a mile of a neighborhood center?
4 MR. BARKEEN: Yes, it is. The area up there
5 between Horsetooth and Timberline. There's a number of uses
6 up there that qualifies for a neighborhood center and this
7 is within three quarters of a mile of it.
8 MR. TORGERSON: McDonald's?
9 MR. BARKEEN: There's a -- there is a convenient
10 store. There. TheConoco gas station up there. There's
11 some additional offices up there. There's a dental clinic.
12 A few medical offices up there.
13 There's additional -- when you go further south,
14 too, there's additional across from Harmony and Timberline
15 down there.
16 MR. TORGERSON: Actually; yeah, that is another
17 area.
18 MR. BARKEEN: Ironically, there's one across the
19 street that's been approved but our code won't let us jump
20 the street so . . .
21 MR. TORGERSON: Okay, right. Any other
22 questions? Anyone feel like making motions?
23 MR. BERNTH: I'll make a motion. It's time to go
24 home.
25 I would recommend that the Caribou Apartment
1 rather put a boat anchor on a ship in the water but not a
2 garage. And that's my worry on it, guys.
3 Bob, any thoughts on that?
4 MR. BARKEEN: Well, they do meet the code.
5 MR. GAVALDON: I know they do.
6 MR. BARKEEN: I think you're going under the
7 assumption that these garages are going to be a hundred
8 percent vacant, and I don't really think that's going to be
9 the case.
10 I think that they certainly will be utilized.
11 Whether they're a hundred percent utilized, we'll obviously
12 have to -- you know, we'll just have to see on that.
13 MR. GAVALDON: And I do agree. They do meet the
14 code. I just wanted to put in my two cents and hopefully
15 we can do better next time.
16 MR. BARKEEN: Yeah. One nice thing about the
17 fact that this is a residential project is that it should
18 not compete with, you know, we're assuming that businesses
19 that are established across the street, your highest parking
20 demands for residential is at night. Whereas, your highest
21 parking demand for businesses is during the daytime.
22 So, you know, we think, you know, we really don't
23 see this becoming a parking issue, because there's lots of
24 parking opportunities out here so . . .
25 MR. GAVALDON: Okay, thanks for the
1 In a neighborhood residential, the people have
2 their driveways and their garages but they also can park on
3 both sides of the roadway. And, you know, for different
4 needs, uses and activities, they both compete for their.
5 needs also in that scenario. It's a -- it's a constant
6 competition if it's so desired.
7 Does it happen every day on most streets? No.
8 But it certainly will happen on some days, yes.
9 MR. GAVALDON: The reason why I bring this up
10 because poor Mikal, we worked him over. We worked over
11 development on -- over by CSU with the same thing. Parking
12 on the streets, making them poor folks put all the parking
13 in. But these guys have garages. They're going to charge
14 extra. They beat the code, getting it under the code
15 enforcement. And just, you know, it happens, you know. We
16 got it out of process.
17 But it concerns me that these garages are going
18 to sit empty because they don't want to pay extra and there
19 will be some vacancies. And I wish they would come forward
20 and say we want to make them available to everybody because
21 affordable housing, who's going to pay'for their garages
22 when there's affordable housing? I don't think too many
23 people will.
24 And those are just going to sit there and become
25 -- what do you call them? Boat anchors. And I think I'd
1 apartment building and put it in the clubhouse, we're
2 considering that a new housing type?
3 MR. BARKEEN: Yeah, and it is certainly a
4 different function where it's overseeing the, you know,
5 basically the management of the complex itself.
6 MR. TORGERSON: Right. Okay. Any other
7 questions?
8 MR. GAVALDON: Ward, I was talking earlier about
9 the parking and on -street parking in the development to the
10 north of it. There's nothing on that property to the north of
11 this apartment complex. And so folks -- or maybe this is
12 a Bob one, too -- so we've got 15 some cars going to.be
13 parking on Caribou street, Caribou Road, I mean. And if you
14 get the development to the north going in and they want to
15 park on the street, how are we going to mitigate this so the
16 apartments won't take all the spaces and they have none?
17 You know, it has to be available for everybody. Any
18 thoughts?
19 MR. STAFFORD: We believe that most of that is
20 certainly dealt with, with the policies of the park and
21 regulations in our city as far as the developments provide
22 their own needs.
23 The roadway certainly allows for additional
24 capacity, especially for holidays or whatnot. But, yes,
25 they will compete under any scenario.
1 Collins. And so
2 MR. TORGERSON: I certainly agree with that. It
3 just seems like the intent -- I agree with the intent of
4 this part of the code and that is I think to avoid
5 building -- I call it condo-opolis. You just drive by and
6 it's an enormous condo-opolis. It's so homogenous, I guess,
7 is what I'm trying to get at.
8 Is the caretaker's unit, is it unique
9 architecturally or is it -- maybe this is a question for the
10 architect.
11 MR. BARKEEN: It does follow the City Plan.
12 MR. TORGERSON: Is it recognizable?
13 MR. BARKEEN: We'll have to go back. We can
14 probably go back. I know -- I'm pretty sure it's in the
15 presentation. Go back to the January 16th Planning and
16 Zoning meeting. I know it's in your packet.
17 It's on 11 of 16 in your attachment on the
18 drawings.
19 MR. TORGERSON: Isn't that the club building?
20 MR. BARKEEN: Yeah, it's located within the
21 clubhouse.
22 MR. TORGERSON: Okay. But it's just another
23 apartment really?
24 MR. BARKEEN: It would be a for -rent rental unit.
25 MR. TORGERSON: But because they.took it from an
1 One
of those is multifamily, which is
the vast
2 majority of the
units within this project. The
other one is
3 called a mixed -use dwelling unit, which basically means
4 it's -- mixed -use dwelling unit means it's kind of a work at
dwelling units. You
work out of your home.
The caretaker's
unit meets that definition. So
do meet the definition
of providing those two units.
There's not a
criteria within the E zone district
a certain percentage
of the -- of that mix occur, just
you have to have at
least two. And they are providing
11 that.
But the purpose
essentially says that --
that it's intended
to promote a
variety of housing types
within development
plans. And I'm
having a hard time swallowing
just the guy
that manages the
property is one type and
then the property
manager as the
17 other.
Bob and
I think had we taken a strong
on that, we really
need to ask the question, well,
do we
really want to see
another residential unit type
in here?
They could probably
put a single-family dwelling
in here,
but we didn't think
that was really serving any
purpose on
that, particularly
when there is -- the project
is providing
such a well needed
type of residential. It's --
this type
25 of affordable housing is hard to come by even in Fort
1 it from going to D.
2 I would have been happy with C and I wouldn't
3 have a problem. But I have a problem -- I have a concern at
4 D right now. And then I start seeing some Es, then you're
5 not too far from an F on that one.
6 MR. STAFFORD: I can't say I disagree with that.
7 I'd like to see them flow at a C. I mean, because that would
8 even make my job easier to maintain that ability. But that
9 is the hottest growing section in our town and has been for
10 quite a few years. It is -- it's a work in progress, that's
11 for sure.
12 MR. GAVALDON: Thank you very much, Ward. That's
13 all I got for you.
14 MR. TORGERSON: Bob, just a moment ago you talked
15 about the range of housing types from residential to
16 multifamily, and I'm curious about what the range of housing
17 types is in this project.
18 I know it was mentioned in the staff report that
19 the caretaker's unit is one type and the apartments were the
20 other.
21 MR. BARKEEN: Yeah, the Land Use Code within the E
22 zone district requires projects over -- greater than 10
23 acres in size to F2. Separate land use types or two
24 separate types of residentials. Those residential uses are
25 defined elsewhere within the Land Use Code.
1 us being able to, one, hopefully have good city planning to
2 make good use of the land and -- and provide those elements
3 to try and help mitigate some of the roadway impacts. But
4 on top of that, it becomes our job to try and help it flow
5 better.
6 And the additional signals isn't necessarily an
7 answer to flow. I mean, we constantly fight putting in
8 signals. Putting in a signal is a downhill trend in the
9 operation. It helps certain functions, but overall it slows
10 down the flow. So we look for other methods to do it.
11 If we can ever get a traffic circle accepted
12 around here, that will -- people will find that will be a
13 good thing.
14 As far as working it in on Timberline, yes, we
15 watch the overall picture, hoping to create enough
16 connectivity in neighborhoods, enough accesses. Not too
17 many, because accesses, as you see on College, has turned
18 that six -lane roadway into a four -lane, because the right
19 turn lanes are basically driveways into the businesses.
20 It hurts the flow, so we try to not allow those
21 to happen but it's a constant competing exercise to do so.
22 MR. GAVALDON: Okay, well, just hear my point.
23 I'm concerned about it. At this stage we just finished
24 Timberline and we're at D already? We're getting where we
25 use our money wisely and did we use it appropriately to keep
I on the maps here I'm looking at.
2 Ward, I got something for you. Service level
3 deferred peak operation on traffic report. I'm starting to
4 see a lot of D level surface at Timberline and Harmony.
5 Then if you're looking at 2005 projection by
6 Matt's reports -- and, thank you, Matt; I appreciate that --
7 I start seeing more Ds showing up at 2005 and some Es
8 starting to show up at 2020. But it's starting to concern
9 me a little bit that we haven't really done -- Janet brings
10 up a good point -- the big picture.
11 Okay, you know, I'm not interested in traffic
12 signals. I'm more interested in even flow and in and outs.
13 But whether you put traffic signals at Caribou, it's a moot
14 point because your Harmony and your Timberline -- your
15 Horsetooth and -- your Horsetooth intersection and Harmony
16 intersection is starting to get tucky. I know you called
17 that acceptable, but when do we say we're getting tucky --
18 too tight with this at service?
19 MR. STAFFORD: Well, they're allowed to go to
20 level service E without levels of mitigation. Level of
21 service F is what's considered failure. On a
22 arterial/arterial intersection, unfortunately commonly they
23 run in that D and E range. I mean, that is the highest
24 volume locations on almost any street.
25 As far as trying to govern it, it comes down to
This is within a larger employment zone, which
does have a lot of the support of uses, you know, your --
you know, your tech parks and your other similar -- other,
you know, similar types of uses on that where you do --
where they are able to support, you know, multifamily such
as we're seeing here tonight.
You know, whether or not we're seeing an
overintensification of multifamily in this area, you know, I
don't think we've seen anything to indicate that.
MR. GAVALDON: Well, if we're looking at
affordable housing projects for specifically, aren't we
supposed to have them dispersed? Because you got two right
back on top of each other within a small distance and this
one's four-X'd size of the other one that they were talking
about, the one by Fort Collins High School across from
McDonald's on southeast corner Horsetooth and Timberline.
And if you look at just the square footage, you
know, just looking at the plot, that's almost four times the
So that's my worry. It was just a comment.
MR. BARKEEN: I think the one we're referring to
is the Fox Meadows at the corner of Horsetooth and
Timberline. I think it's actually very similar in size of
this one.
MR. GAVALDON: It looks a lot smaller on this --
1 that we're getting pretty intense with apartment buildings
2 along Timberline. we've got the, oh, what's those?
3 Pinecone ones over by Fort Collins High School. Then we've
4 got the ones on the southeast corner of Horsetooth and
5 Timberline. We have this new project. we have condominiums
6 across the street. And then we start going south, and we
7 get over here to these more upscale units on South
8 Timberline by the new theater.
9 So that makes one, two, three, four, five
10 multihousing units within from, what, about three -- two
11 miles? Three miles?
12 Are we starting to get intense -- are we starting
13 to overintensify this area here? Is that what City Plan
14 wants to do is intensify or are we supposed to disperse?
15 MR. BARKEEN: Well, I think the intent of city
16 plan was to, first of all, create that true mix of housing
17 types, multifamily, single-family and then, of course, the
18 range, you know, the range in between -- between those ends
19 of the use spectrums there.
20 I think when the City Plan was put together that
21 the location for the zoning, which was appropriate for
22 single -- I mean, for multifamily residential was looked at
23 in relation to activity centers, major transportation'
24 corridors such as Timberline and the Harmony corridor on that.
25 Areas where multifamily truly does make sense to have.
MR. GAVALDON: She said they were assured
minutes. What happened here?
MR. BARKEEN: Yeah, yeah. And that is the
responsibility that we need to take on ourselves. As a
policy, we do try to consolidate -- they're not minutes,
they're just -- they are notes of the meeting of what items
were discussed, and we do try and make those available soon
after the neighborhood meeting as soon as possible. And it
was just unfortunate that it wasn't done for this particular
MR. GAVALDON: Okay. I get concerned when
minutes are not -- when notes are not available. I see us
as credibility and if the citizens are assured of them, they
got to have them.. You know, because if they get questions,
they can follow up with the applicant. They can get things
resolved without having to wait at the last hour and late at
night to bring them to us. And here we don't have them and
they don't have them.
I just want to make sure that -- that the
neighbors are given that, because I think this has happened
a couple of times this year that we just don't get -- they
don't get communicated back on with these notes. So that's
my concern.
I was looking at this project here, and I noticed
1 MR. BARKEEN: What's that?
2 MR. TORGERSON: I think your mic's off.
3 MR. BARKEEN: The reason I think you see the site
4 plan, the arrangement that you see it, the way it's presented
5 tonight with the buildings accessing off the adjacent
6 streets, is that's one of the requirements of the City Plan
7 within the Land Use Code.
8 We know that we've sort of heard that discussion
9 before as far as putting the garages around the perimeter of
10 that, and we really were not very excited at all about that
11 as far as having the garages blocking the streets, either
12 via Timberline or Caribou.
13 So we were actually quite excited when the site
14 plan was presented the way that it is now because it does
15 have that direct connection to the adjacent streets, very
16 much like what the Land Use Code and City Plan really asks
17 for.
18 MR. TORGERSON: Right. That's what I kind of
19 thought. Is there anyone -- Jerry.
20 MR. GAVALDON: Bob, Janet expressed a concern
21 about no meeting minutes being shared with her community. I
22 checked my packet, I don't have any either. Do we have
23 minutes available?
24 MR. BARKEEN: Only what's in your packet.
25 MR. GAVALDON: Did they get minutes?
1 out there on Timberline. It has not been something we've --
2 we've discussed and considered and there's numerous pros and
3 cons to the uses of them. So at this point in time, there's
4 nothing planned.
5 MR. TORGERSON: Aren't the speed cameras
6 roving? Don't they travel around in a -- I notice I get my
7 picture taken every once in a while different places.
8 MR. STAFFORD: As far as the police force, they
9 do have one in the vehicle that is dictated by themselves.
10 Where it is, we don't even have notification of.
12 MR. STAFFORD: And it certainly has, I used to
13 live on the southeast side of town, and I certainly saw it
14 out on Timberline.
15 If you would like to see'it more, certainly
16 contact the police department and make a request. They're
17 quite obliging to that.
18 MR. TORGERSON: Okay. I think those were the
19 bulk of the traffic questions.
20 Bob, she also asked if garages could have been
21 placed along Timberline between the buildings and
22 Timberline. Is that allowed by the code?
23 MR. BARKEEN: It would be permissible, though,
24 but I think the reason that you see --
25 MR. TORGERSON: I think your mic's off.
1 given that trucks dominate. Certainly the cars are the high
2 volume of traffic, and they are more on what we key on as
3 well as trying to avoid enough flexibility in it to deal
4 with the trucks' needs.
5 Overall picture of Timberline, it is a major
6 arterial, slated to be six lanes in time. The major
7 arterials are allowed to run from 35,000 cars up. Not
8 really a cap on it per se.
9 And this street currently 24-hour operations is
10 running in the neighborhood of about 28,000 cars a day.
11 That's within the capacity adequately of a of a four -lane
12 highway or four -lane roadway. In time, yes, it will grow to
13 a six -lane.
14 What have I missed?
15 MR. TORGERSON: There was a question about speed
16 cameras.
17 MR. STAFFORD: Speed cameras are not dictated by
18 us in the Traffic Department. They're handled by the police
19 force, and I think Council actually, if I'm not mistaken.
20 Paul,. you may be able to address that better than I can.
21 We don't have any involvement per se as far as
22 the operations and stuff of it. We may oversee some of the
23 installation characteristics, but that's about as far as we
24 go.
25 Doubtful that we would be looking to put cameras
1 solution to avoid putting in another signal light.
2 It's been I think over a year since that one's
3 been evaluated. We certainly can evaluate it again. It
4 didn't meet warrants a year ago for the left turn. That
5 certainly doesn't say it's not changing as the southeast
6 corridor is growing considerably. So we can certainly take
7 a look at that.
8 Other issues as far as say truck route or truck
9 lanes and the growth of Drake and all up and down, the
10 bigger picture is overseen by the Traffic Department.
11 We do monitor streets on a routine basis for
12 their growth. We continually have studies done on the
13 various roadways around the city as well as, you know,
14 reviewing these plans that come in that keep you abreast of
15 the changes.
16 Drake certainly probably will grow. It will go
17 to four lanes more than likely when the development on the
18 north side comes about. Its truck use at the moment is one
19 due to a rock plant down there off of Ziegler due partly
20 because of the construction activity that's going on there.
21 And as long as that plant's there, it probably will continue
22 to use that route. It is certainly a roadway rated for the
23 trucks.
24 Signal timings and operations will be tuned --
25 fine-tuned to accept them as well as possible. It's not a
1 like the homeowners haven't really been involved to the
2 level that we have. We haven't had meeting minutes. And I
3 think that there needs to be more involvement before a final
4 decision's made and that's what I'd like to ask for. So I
5 thank you for your time.
6 MR. TORGERSON: Thank you. Is there anyone else
7 out in the audience that wanted to speak to the project or
8 consultants?
9 Okay, seeing none, we'll close public input.
10 MS. WINTERS: Yeah, I was going to ask one more
11 question. I'm sorry.
13 MS. WINTERS: The one meeting I attended before
14 this, all of you brought up excellent points after you
15 closed it to the public. And when do we get to interact
16 with those kinds of statements, based on your expertise of
17 what you've done for however many years?
18 MR. TORGERSON: A lot of it is just in the
19 interest of keeping the meeting moving along. We're going
20 to run late as it is, but appreciate your thoughts.
21 Bringing it back to the Board, Ward, it looks
22 like there's probably a lot of questions for you here.
23 MR. STAFFORD: Good evening. It is pretty late..
24 Out there on Timberline Road, a left turn will go
25 in when it becomes warranted and when we can't find a better
1 In other pictures, it looks like it's on the other side.
2 And, you know, not knowing where these buildings
3 sit in conjunction with our buildings makes it difficult to
4 say this might work out; it might not. We just -- there's
5 nothing to tell. Forty meetings, two minutes, you know,
6 it's a little bit difficult.
7 So from the traffic I already mentioned what I'd
8 like to see addressed.
9 And from the buildings, I would really like to
10 see that the lower ones are set in the front and the taller
11 ones in the back so that the people who live along Sunstone
12 can maintain their view. They're the homeowners of -- along
13 that stretch.
14 The other -- the other piece that we talked
15 about, and I've talked about the lower buildings, is if the
16 garages are put parallel with Timberline, then we're not
17 looking in each other's homes. We're not looking balcony to
18 balcony. It really helps to have some privacy, if you will,
19 to some degree.
20 I mean, I know that there's going to be a
21 building there. You know, I'm not saying don't build
22 anything there. But I'm just saying, you know, can we
23 minimize the impact on the people that have been living
24 there?
25 So I know they've done a lot of work. I feel
1 the impact of that will impact the entire neighborhood.
2 So, again, who's responsible for the big picture
3 of all of that? The traffic and flow and all of that?
4 So the items I'd like to see addressed are the
5 signals and how they're going to be synchronized through the
6 entire Timberline corridor, King Soopers and that whole
7 complex.
8 Drake, I'm sure Drake's going to be widened.
9 Semis use Drake to bypass the weigh station. The police set
10 up weigh stations quite often because they know they do
11 that. So are there going to be truck routes sorted out
12 so that we're not dealing with that so much? As, you know,
13 the roads get wider to accommodate the businesses, the
14 trucks are going to use them.
15 And it just seems like, again, in the big
16 picture, how do we address all of these? It's not just this
17 one project.
18 Left-hand turn signal into our subdivision I
19 think is going to need to be taken care of.
20 Also, clarification. On all of the different
21 maps it's kind of difficult to determine where the wetlands
22 are truly and where -- where that correlates with the
23 project across the street with the Sunstone.
24 In some maps it looks like the wetlands are
25 beyond -- and I think the name of the street is Sunstone.
turn lane.
And when I asked about that, I was told that that
was someone else's department. That the traffic folks would
worry about that in a bigger picture.
This project's going to bring in more traffic. I
can't turn into my subdivision without fear of getting
clobbered. So I think those are things that need to be
considered as each of these projects, you know, tap in.
The speed and the volume of the traffic along the
whole corridor is an issue. And as these projects are
built, I think Drake and College are one of the safest
intersections because of the camera. People actually go the
speed limit through there. So are those things being
You know, we just spent a ton of money on the
Harmony corridor and there's no speed cameras there and that
just seems kind of crazy to me so . . .
So those sorts of things in the bigger picture of
things. This complex, I mean, it's lovely. They've done a
great job for it in and of itself, but how it impacts
everyone else, again, there's no pictures for how it impacts
across the street.
The other complex is just down the street, so now
we've got two low income projects going on or affordable
housing projects going on in a very small distance. So
1 neighborhood meeting was that we were supposed to get
2 meeting minutes and open communication as changes go on.
3 Tonight they mentioned they've had 40 meetings.
4 I've had no communication. I've had no meeting minutes..
5 I've had no open ongoing communication about the process of
6 what's going to be happening with this, so really no chance
7 to put input in.
Two meetings
for something that's
going to
impact -- or two chances
really for me for
something that's
going to impact a bunch
of people that are
homeowners versus
11 renters and transient tenants.
12 So that was another concern I brought up. And,
13 again, I apologize. I'm a little bit nervous. I haven't
14 done this before so . . .
15 Another issue that I had and asked in the
16 neighborhood meeting was around traffic. The Timberline
17 corridor has a lot of projects tapping into it. Harmony was
18 just widened. Caribou Apartments. There's another project
19 going in on just south of that, and I don't know what that
20 is at this point. King Soopers wants to put one on Drake.
21 And I asked about who's watching the bigger picture of this.
22 With the widening of Harmony, half of our access
23 into our road was cut off by turning left. Now it's only
24 two streets. That is half. So there's a signal there,
25 traffic zooming down Timberline, but there's no left-hand
1 directly across the street from it, and they didn't take any
2 pictures across the street.
3 I've got a map printed from your website, and I
4 don't know if that might be helpful to take a look at.
5 MR. TORGERSON: If you can give it to the clerk.
6 MS. WINTERS: There's somewhere around 20 units
7 across the street that are all going to face this. So one
8 of my questions was from balcony to balcony, what's the
9 distance? Because living straight across the street, I'm
10 now looking in people's living rooms and balconies.
11 So one of the questions that I asked at their
12 presentation was if there was a reason that the layout of
13 the buildings was -- was it required to be laid out a
14 certain way based on the strike of the land or anything
15 else?
16 What I asked was -- and they said no to that.
17 They said that they had tried to budget the iterations and
18 you guys talked about that again tonight.
19 My request was can you put the lower buildings,
20 the back of the garages and that sort of thing, parallel
21 with Timberline so that the people Who live in Sunstone are
22 looking up and the taller buildings are in the back?
23 Because behind it is nothing but storage units, so that's
24 not going to impact anyone.
25 One of the other pieces that came out of the
1 Do you want to say any final words, Linda or are
2 we set for questions? Thank you very much.
3 MR. TORGERSON: Okay, do we want to go directly
4 to public input or does anyone have any thoughts?
5 Okay. Is there anyone in the audience that's
6 waited this long? We'll let you speak your mind. You've
7 waited long enough.
8 Again, please state your name and address for the
9 record and sign in.
10 MS. WINTERS: You bet. My name is Janet Winters.
11 I live at 4345 Gemstone Lane across the street from the
12 project.
13 And, pardon me, this is the first time I've been
14 up here so I may miss a couple of things.
15 There's been -- this is the third meeting. The
16 first meeting was to change the -- or make the modification
17 to a hundred percent density. And the piece that was a
18 little bit confusing to me was after going through this
19 whole formalized process, one of the statements by someone
20 sitting on the Council was that this was just a formality.
21 So it felt like it wasn't even in question about the process
22 going forward.
23 The second meeting, they did a wonderful
24 presentation, same maps and everything.
25 My concern -- one of my concerns is living
So we've tried to break up -- this facade creates
single-family residential style elements, arched windows,
gabled roofs, individual entry points around the building.
So I'm not going to speak a whole lot more about
that. I'd be glad to answer any questions you have about
that. I think your packets have more elevations than this,
but these were provided in the slide show to talk about the
different color pallets we have on the buildings.
The single-family garages will demonstrate the
same mixture and materials that we have,in the buildings.
They're only one-story in height. And as Bob talked about
earlier, the ones along the wetlands were kind of set up
there as a buffer from the internal to the wetland space to
the south.
That's about it for the architectural part.
Really a lot of it was driven by the land planning and site
planning. We think it's going to be a really nice project.
I like the way the site plan has internalized the parking
and kind of given it that real neighborhood community feel
that Tom and Glen were talking about earlier.
We're here to answer any questions. We've got
civil engineering and traffic and architecture and land
planning and landscape architecture, whatever you'd like to
talk about.
1 This is a typical building. It's actually one
2 of our larger buildings. We have three different building
3 types.
4 This one shown here is shown to -- we have three
5 of these slides, and they demonstrate the different color
6 pallets that we're using. We have three different color
7 pallets for the three different building types.
8 All of the buildings, whether they're the longer
9 buildings or the shorter buildings, have two-story elements
10 on all ends. And these two-story elements all have
11 individual front door entries.
12 This front door would access the lower residence
13 here. This front door leading into a stair would access the
14 upper residence. And that's a typical design that we've
15 done in this project to have kind of ground floor front door
16 porches for a large percentage of the residential homes that
17 we have here.
18 We've introduced a lot of single-family
19 residential elements that you can see. The gabled roofs,
20 the siding, the mix of brick, typical roof shingle for
21 residential products, and we tried to reduce the scale at
22 the ground level to a pedestrian feel and something that's
23 commensurate with the residential communities that we have,
24 neighborhoods we have around, not necessarily adjacent but
25 across Timberline and also to the sduth across the wetlands
1 Again, I think those are the high points, and
2 it's getting late. I'm going to have Doug talk a little bit
3 about the architecture and then I think we'll be ready to
4 answer some questions.
5 I don't know how to operate all of this high-tech
6 equipment to get it to the slide, I guess.
7 MR. WAGNER: Actually, could we go back to the
8 site plan? Sorry.
9 Good evening. My name is Doug Wagner. I'm with
10 Martin Design, too. And I'm with the architectural
11 department side of Martin Design, and we worked on the
12 buildings and they've changed quite a bit along with -the
13 site plan.
14 That's one of the things that I wanted to talk
15 about the site plan. The shape and the orientation of the
16 buildings is a direct result of working with the site plan,
17 the internal street, the internal parking and all those
18 things that Tom talked about.
19 The site in large part created the buildings, the
20 shapes, the massings, the locations and all those issues
21 that are the beginning points of the design of the
22 buildings.
23 Now we can kind of go back to those elevations.
24 But just wanted to point out that'the site really
25 pushed the building shapes and the locations that we had.
1 framing the issues here. Let me just clarify one thing.
2 We are slightly under 19 percent in that
3 encroachment zone. But half of that 19 percent, it's about
4 6200 square feet, just a little under half of that
5 encroachment is because of the spruce trees that we've
6 introduced here. So 51 percent of that may be the backing,
7 and if you want to move back so that slide and maybe we
8 don't need to, but if you'll remember that. The
9 encroachment area is here. That's maybe over 51 percent of
10 it. The rest of it is a result of these Spruce trees, which
11 are not native species and, therefore, considered to be an
12 encroachment in that buffer zone.
13 And let me just mention one other thing. You
14 asked about the parking? And I apologize. We didn't have
15 that at my fingertips because we weren't not using the
16 parking along the street to satisfy the parking
17 requirements, so I went back out there and got my scale out
18 and ran a number, which we can get a little bit more detail.
19 But that's about 38 or 40 parking spaces, it looks like to
20 us, along these internal streets.
21 And, by the way, normally in a project that Mark
22 Hendricks would develop, you'd have a garage count roughly
23 around 50 percent. This is much lower than that. Closer to
24 20 or -- if my math is right, 25 percent, something like
25 that.
1 center as well down here located on the visual access along
2 Timberline Road and Shoreburg and at the intersection here,
3 again in a very prominent point, with some of its amenities
4 backing up to the buffer area to the south.
5 In terms of developing the concept after -- after
6 the site plan, we really looked at this -- the buffer area
7 really as an opportunity, and a design opportunity to create
8 some visual interest within this development when it gets to
9 the landscape concept.
10 Urban along Caribou and Timberline as it moves
11 south and to the west. Towards this natural area you've got
12 the more native vegetation if you'll remember from the
13 slide. We've pulled that up into the site, and you can see
14 probably not as clearly as we would have liked to on this
15 slide, I apologize for that, but you're seeing some native
16 vegetation here. Some urban dryland mixes in concert with
17 some of the plant materials that we've introduced here.
18 And, by the way, we've.worked with Steve Long in
19 developing this plant list both for slope stabilization as
20 well as the promotion of wildlife habitat along here in the
21 south and then used this as a design opportunity to try and
22 carry that out through the site even up to the corner of
23 Timberline Road and Caribou.
24 The -- just a little bit more detail about this
25 buffer zone, and I think Bob did a good job of sort of
1 I know it's late, and without belaboring the
2 points that have already been made, let me just reiterate a
3 few things about this site plan.
4 I think it truly -- it becomes a neighborhood in
5 itself because of some of the streets, the pedestrian
6 connections, the thing the City of Fort Collins is trying to
7 accomplish.
$ The site plan for -- in a great extent plans
9 itself. The buildings face the street along Caribou,
10 Timberline Road. Verbina and Shoreburg, which are the new
11 streets that are internal to this, really become an
12 important public thoroughfare and do more than just connect
13 Caribou with Timberline. They also further organize the
14 buildings internally.
15 The parking moves to the interior, so you're
16 really accomplishing I think what's at the heart of what the
17 City is trying to do, which is make this less of an
18 automobile -oriented development and more of a
19 pedestrian -oriented development.
20 Further reinforcing that you'll see -- my arm's
21 not long enough, so how does this work? Yeah. You'll
22 further see this large area of open space, which is placed
23 along the street and becomes a community focal point again
24 in public view. It's not hidden. It's out for the public.
25 It's for everyone's use in the community. And the community
work that out.
The existing house on the site with quite a few
mature trees was something that needed study and a lot of
evaluation to determine which trees could be transplanted
successfully, which ones needed to be mitigated.
The wetland to the south was always a primary
concern of staff as well as ours. That was one of the
reasons why this was an attractive site to the developer in
the first place, so we were certainly always trying to
protect it.
And in the end we think we've done a great job
there, not only by meeting the setback requirements in the
Land Use Code but also in terms of dramatic landscape
enhancements and also paying attention to storm water
So with that overview, I'm going to turn it over
to Tom Kline of Martin Design who will walk you through the
site plan and landscape plan. Thank you.
MR. KLINE: As Linda mentioned, my name is Tom
Kline. I'm a landscape architect with Martin Design, and
I've had the pleasure of working on this project.
Although we did do 20 or 30 iterations, I think
they have all been in the interest in creating a great
neighborhood and a great community. And I think that's what
this plan represents up here.
1 issues that we face and then I'm going to turn it over to
2 Martin Design to walk you through the project more
3 specifically.
4 First of all, access was quite a challenge in
5 this site because there really only -- when it was all said
6 and done, there were only two possible access points. One
7 on Timberline that had to be a certain distance from the
8 intersection of Horsetooth and also had to be offset a
9 certain distance from access point further to the south.
10 Similarly on Caribou, access point had to be a
11 certain distance from other -- other connecting points and
12 there was very little flexibility on where we could put
13 access points.
14 Then the next -- the next very, I guess,
15 constraint, the Land use Code is pretty restrictive about
16 multifamily development in terms of build -to lines and
17 connectivity standards. You really have to get those
18 multifamily buildings on a public street.
19 In this case it's a private street meeting public
20 street standards, but the important point is that we were
21 forced to create a street through the project that we
22 couldn't put perpendicular parking on. So it utilized some
23 land in a different way than we might have done if we didn't
24 have that Land use Code restriction. But we were able to do
25 it we think quite successfully. In the end we were able to
1 units. They're the same units. So it gives people an
2 opportunity to get some help without -- without the stigma
3 that sometimes have been attached to that.
4 The project we're representing tonight, Caribou
5 Apartments, is modeled in the same way. The architecture is
6 different. There's certainly diffefences in the project,
7 but in terms of affordability, the idea of mixing market
8 rate and income restricted units is the same.
9 The project we're presenting tonight has 193
10 total units, 87 of them will be income restricted. The
it project's already received private activity bond allocations
12 from the Affordable Housing Board.
13 If the board has more questions about the
14 financial structure or income qualifications, Mark will be
15 happy to answer for those -- those for you later in the
16 presentation.
17 But, meanwhile, the site plan that we have before
18 you tonight meets the.criteria in the E zone and complies
19 with all the applicable general criteria in Article 3 of the
20 Land Use Code.
21 Getting to this point was -- was not an easy
22 task. At last count we had over 20 alternative site plans
23 that we presented trying to staff, trying to satisfy all of
24 their concerns.
25 I'm just going to point out a couple of the major
1 diligently, constantly, for that nine -month period trying to
2 resolve all of the site planning and design issues.
3 This hasn't been an easy site, but we're happy to
4 report that tonight we're presenting a project that not.only
5 meets the city's objectives in terms of site planning and
6 design but also achieves a primary city goal of providing
7 affordable housing.
8 Mark Hendricks of MJT Properties, also here
is not new to Fort Collins
or to the affordable
He developed Fox
Meadows Apartments,
which is
just on
the other side of
Timberline a little
12 farther north than this project. It sits right south of
13 Fort Collins High School and the McDonald's on the corner
14 along Horsetooth and Timberline.
15 That project I believe was completed in 2000.
16 It's fully leased now. There are 138 units there.
are affordable, meaning they're
to families
incomes that are 60 percent or
19 than the median income in Fort Collins.
The nice thing
about that project,
I think you've
probably all seen it, it's
a very attractive
project, and it
allows low income families
or individuals to
live in a
housing project and
not have the stigma of
living in an
affordable project,
because the income --
the low income
units are virtually
indistinguishable from
the market rate
Associates. I'm here tonight representing MJT Properties,
Mark Hendricks, the owner of that company. And I'd like to
introduce our design team.
We've got V.F. Ripley in charge of planning.
Architecture and landscape architecture are by Martin
Design. And Tom Kline and Doug Wagner here tonight with us
to talk about those parts of the project.
Civil engineering, we have North Star Design.
Mike Overschmidt is here. He'll be able to answer questions
regarding grading or storm water.
Traffic engineering, we have Matt Delich on
board. And we have Mike Phelan representing Cedar Creek
Associates -who did some wildlife biology consulting for us
in regard to the wetland area.
So that's our team. We're all here tonight.
Have been here for quite a while, actually, waiting to
present this project to you.
As Bob mentioned, we were here actually back in
May, last spring with this project because we had to seek a
modification because we represented more than 25 percent of
our development plan as a secondary use.
And that evening you approved our modification
and basically gave us the green light to pursue the design
of this project. So that was about nine months ago.
And so during that time we've been working really
1 But there is -- you go out there, there are
2 vehicles out there. There's some -- a couple of semis and
3 everything that just kind of seem to be continuously parked
4 out there. But generally the streets are pretty free of,
5 you know, of on -street vehicles. There are some -- there
6 are still some out there, though.
7 MR. GAVALDON: So if the developer goes to the
8 other property and they want to develop, and whatever they
9 can bring, and they have to use that parking, has the
10 applicant taken into account any mitigation?
11 MR. BARKEEN: You'll have to repeat that, Jerry,
12 I had a hard time understanding.
13 MR. GAVALDON: Okay, if anybody wants to develop
14 north of them and wanted to come in and that created
15 problems and they had to compete for those spaces, is the
16 applicant prepared to discuss that with us tonight?
17 MR. BARKEEN: I think that's certainly a
18 question we can answer them -- or ask them.
19 MR. GAVALDON: Okay, I'll save that for their
20 presentation. Thank you, sir.
21 MR. BARKEEN: Okay. Yes.
22 MR. TORGERSON: Okay, Linda.
23 MS. RIPLEY: Good evening, Chairman Torgerson and
24 members of the Board.
25 I'm here tonight, Linda Ripley, with V.F. Ripley
or where would they go?
MR. BARKEEN: Well there is -- We're fortunate
with this individual project where again that internal
street network that I pointed out td you, that will allow
on -street parking lot for that.
MR. GAVALDON: How many spaces?
MR. BARKEEN: I'm not quite sure. I would
imagine it probably -- I'm going to guess between 30 and 40
There's also parking available on Caribou Street.
Parking can -- there's on -street parking that's permitted on
Caribou Drive already, so there's an additional --
MR. GAVALDON: How many?
MR. BARKEEN: There's along the frontage of this
project, I would guess maybe 15 spaces. Probably a little
bit more on that. There's quite substantial frontage along
MR. GAVALDON: Do we have other developments
using the street that probably would be competing for those
spaces on Caribou?
MR. BARKEEN: The land to the north of this site
is currently undeveloped. There is a business kind of more
north and west of the area that's just immediately across
the street from that. So there really isn't any development
right now that is utilizing the street for any parking.
1 Also there is some of those evergreen trees that
2 were included in the -- around the single-family. Those are
3 being transplanted within this buffer area to help mitigate
4 the loss of the distance on that. And we're going to see a
5 number of those evergreen trees actually be transplanted
6 within the area.
7 This is a grading plan of the area. And some of
8 the detention will be actually provided -- water quality
9 ponds will be provided within that buffer area. Those will
10 be graded up to the adjacent edge of the wetland area
11 itself.
12 Another -shot of that.
13 That's generally going to conclude my
14 presentation of the project itself. I'm going to turn it
15 over to the applicant, and I believe Linda Ripley is going
16 to start the presentation to the applicants.
17 Unless there's any questions of me now, I'll turn
18 it over to Linda Ripley.
19 MR. TORGERSON: Jerry?
20 MR. GAVALDON: Bob, before you go, on these
21 320 -- Bob, before you go, on these parking spaces of 320,
22 265 will be surfaced and 55 in garages.
23 MR. BARKEEN: Yeah.
24 MR. GAVALDON: If the folks don't pay extra for
25 the parking spaces or garages, where would you put the 55 at
wetland inward to where development can take place.
Development, of course, being buildings, parking areas,
sidewalks of that nature.
.You'll notice -- on here you'll see several
features that are shaded in a darker area. The buffer area
is the stippling marks. And again this is in Exhibit 13 of
16, and it's provided in your packet if you're having
trouble seeing this from this distance.
Basically the encroachment here, our code allows
up to a 20 percent encroachment within that one hundred
foot buffer. Any greater encroachment to that and the
applicant would have to seek a modification from the
Planning and Zoning Board as well. But they are -- they
are encroaching on that, but generally under 20 percent.
The encroachment generally consists of a couple
of garages and a small area of the parking area. These
garages have their -- this is the rear of those garages and
they have their backs to there. And the Natural Resource
Department thought that that was -- really would limit the
impacts on the garages since there's no activity back there.
It actually acts more of a buffer from the
activity, which would occur more in this parking area and of
course around the buildings itself. So they were pretty --
so they were fine with the encroachment as the applicants
1 You'll notice there are a number of existing
2 trees on the property, several nice trees. The majority
3 of -- almost all of the evergreen trees will be saved.
4 They'll be relocated elsewhere on the site. But the
5 deciduous trees that you see on here would not be saved and
6 several of those are considered significant, so they will be
7 mitigating for the loss of those trees.
8 This is again looking off Caribou Drive.
9 The project is against an existing mini storage
10 warehouse units, which is just immediately to the west of
11 the site.
12 Another view off of Timberline Drive.
13 Timberline Drive as well.
14 This is the storm water detention area
15 immediately to the south. You can see there's significant
16 wetland vegetation that's established itself within that
17 area. And this project is going to respect that -- that
18 vegetation and that wetland feature'itself.
19 Another view from the south. This is from the
20 south from Harmony Drive looking north. And, again, this is
21 where the project would -- would be developed, this existing
22 single-family house out there now.
23 This map shows the buffer that's being provided
24 with the project. Pursuant to the Land Use Code, there's a
25 hundred foot buffer from the perimeter of the existing
Probably one other -- the project -- part of the
parking is being provided in -- in detached accessory garage
units. Now as you all know, we did pass a ordinance about
the middle part of last June that required that these garage
units, if -- if they are included in the determination for
meeting the required numbers of off-street parking spaces,
that they be included within the base rental price of the
units themself.
The applicant is not proposing that, but they
are -- they don't need to. This was submitted prior to that
ordinance becoming into effect, so they are not subject to
that ordinance. So that's one of the -- one of the
requirements that they're not meeting but they're not
subject to that, so I just wanted to point that out to you.
Again, the wetland area is down to the south
here. And I'll forward to the slide to that.
These are some of the elevations of the units
themselves. There's I believe three different building
types arranging in heights from three stories in the center
and tapering down to two stories.
This is the site as you see it. This is
Timberline Drive here, Caribou Drive. This intersection is
signalized already. You'll see this is the existing house.
Again, that's not part of the -- the actual development
1 itself.
2 This is a -- The Caribou Apartments is a
3 qualified affordable housing department -- or qualified
4 affordable housing project by the Advance Planning
5 Department. I think the -- it qualifies as having 40
6 percent of its units -- 45 percent of its units to be
7 considered as affordable housing.
8 This is the general site layout. It's -- The
9 site is generally broken down. The units are broken down
10 into six individual units. One of those units will front
11 along Caribou Drive. This is Caribou Drive up here. One of
12 the units would actually front onto Caribou Drive.
13 Two additional units would front onto Timberline
14 Drive. And then there would be three units internal to the
15 site but yet they would front on this internal street, which
16 is being provided within the project.
17 This is a -- it's a private street but it will be
18 developed and built to our local street standards on that.
19 And it will accommodate on -street parking just like the
20 normal local street will.
21 The parking is generally laid out within the
22 internal to the site. Again, the buildings generally shield
23 the parking from both Timberline Drive and from the internal
24 street. There is a clubhouse, recreational amenities
25 included within the project.
1 employment zone requirement. '
2 That modification was granted and then allowed
3 the applicant to submit the project that is before you
4 tonight.
5 Taking a look at the aerial photo of the site,
6 there is an existing single-family residence located
7 generally central on the site. The site is about a little
8 over ten acres; 10.8 acres to be exact.
9 The existing house is not part of the project
10 development plan. It would -- it would be removed upon
11 development of the site. Generally.around the site, it's
12 fairly well undeveloped. The house is rather centrally
13 located on the site.
14 One of the more prominent features of the area,
15 it's actually a storm water detention pond, and it's just
16 immediately south of the site, but it -- it's actually
17 considered a natural area because it has over the years
18 developed as a wetland area and quite a nice wetland area
19 actually on that.
20 I'll kind of discuss a little bit more how this
21 project relates to the wetland areas. Wetlands are all
.22 off -site of this site but yet since it is adjacent to it, we
23 do need to take a look at that and make sure that we do
24 maintain enough buffer from those wetland areas to limit the
25 disturbance that this project may impose on the buffer area
1 MR. TORGERSON: Welcome back to the January 16th
2 Planning and Zoning meeting. We have one item left on the
3 agenda and that's the Caribou Apartments Project Development
4 Plan, 18-O2A.
5 Bob, take it away.
6 MR. BARKEEN: Thank you, Mikal. Again, the next
7 item on your agenda tonight is the Caribou Apartments
8 Project Development Plan.
9 This is a project development plan consisting of
10 193 multifamily residential units. The project is located
11 in the 'southwest corner -- southwest corner of South
12 Timberline Road and Caribou Road, generally in the southeast
13 quadrant of Fort Collins.
14 The property is currently zoned "E" employment
15 district. The use of multifamily residential in the E,
16 employment, district is considered a secondary use type
17 within the number of uses that are permitted within that
18 zone district. '
19 You may recall that, and I believe it was April
20 of last -- last year already, that we presented to the
21 Planning and Zoning Board a modification against the
22 secondary use standards within that E employment zone
23 district. That modification request was to allow an entire
24 project development plan to consist of secondary uses versus
25 the 25 percent that is restricted to under the normal
Held January 16, 2 =8
At City Council Chambers
300 West Laporte Street
Fort Collins, Colorado
In the matter of
Caribou -Apartments Project Development Plan
Commission members present:
Mikal Torgerson, Chair
Jerry Gavaldon
Dan Bernth
Judy Meyer
Jennifer Carpenter
Meadors Court Reporting, LLC
Phone: (970) 482-1506
140 W. Oak Street, Suite 266
Toll -free (800) 482-1506
Collins, Colorado 80524
Fax: (970) 482-1230
.� Project:
Gty of Fort Collins Meeting Location:
Date: 'Z a
d Attendees:' PIease sign this sheet The information wiil be used to
update the project mailing list and confirm attendance at neighborhood
meetin;s. Contact the Planning Department (221-67-50) if you wish to Did You Reeeire errecc
receive minutes of Phis meeting. Written Notificationcaress.
of this meeting?
Name Address zip: Yes � No Yes No
S�vttiv«,:.e F �2ST,�6�i-/,moo �cS2
T/�'J�:Qc.-�x �6s_L
jt ,2,es,-?s-I
61 - x <;b
sat w� cam. ko I
�H ;� 03 7ama Z-c I
� L E2 SaZ,o
Concern with the loss of views to the west. The project should be
redesigned to have the taller residential buildings further west on the site
and have the lower garages adjacent to Timberline Road to help preserve
views to the west and avoid loss of privacy by having upper level
windows looking in on the existing residential east of the site.
Caribou Apartments Neighborhood Meeting
July 24, 2002
6:30 p.m.
Kruse Elementary School
4400 McMurray Avenue
Fort Collins, CO 80525
Staff present: Bob Barkeen, City of Fort Collins Current Planning Department
Katie Moore, City of Fort Collins Engineering Department
Doug Moore, City of Fort Collins Natural Resources Department
Wes Umarque, City of Fort Collins Stormwater Department
There were approximately 7 neighbors in attendance at this meeting. After a brief
presentation by staff and the project applicant, the meeting was opened for questions.
Issues and concerns raised by the neighbors included the following;
• A 100-foot setback is required from the adjacent wetland. This will need
to be incorporated into the site plan.
• Will bluegrass lawn be permitted within the project? Bluegrass should not
be provided around the buffer of the wetland.
• The maintenance of the adjacent detention pond should be increased. The
pond is increasing in size. A draiange channel is needed within the pond to
help it drain properly.
• The project should be reviewed in context to the surrounding
• How will the ownership of the project occur? Who will own the project
upon completion?
• Traffic patterns, concerned with the increase in Traffic onto Timberline,
would like to see a left turn arrow at the intersection of Timberline and
Summerstone Drive.
• Concern with the intersection of Harmony Drive and Timberline Road.
Medians and turn lanes should be provided for better safety.
• Improvements to Timberline Road should occur with the project, concern
with the overall impacts this project will have in this area.
Deron G. Grothe
4221 Gemstone Lane
Fort Collins, CO 80525
(970) 377-0196
January 9, 2003
Dear Planning and Zoning Board Committee,
I am writing to express my displeasure regarding the Caribou Apartments
Project Development Plan, File #18-02A. I am a resident living directly across
the street from the proposed project.
My major concern with this project is that the property is presently zoned E —
Employment. I moved in to my property with the understanding that that parcel
of property would be developed as an employment type of development similar
to the development directly north of this parcel.
I would not like the council to approve this plan for apartments. The traffic and
population density in this area is already high. Please leave this parcel at its
present zoning, and allow it to be developed for employment purposes.
Deron Grothe
January 10, 2003 R E C E I V E
Peter Barnes and Bob Barkeen r" i
Community Planning and Environmental Services CURt;ENT P�_b %ING
City of Fort Collins
P.O. Box 580
Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580
Re: Caribou Apartments Project Development Plan, File #18-02A
Dear Mr. Barnes and Mr. Barkeen:
In regards to the Caribou Apartments Project planned for the comer of Caribou and
Timberline in Fort Collins, I have some concerns, particularly regarding the marsh located to the
south of the proposed development.
My husband and I live adjacent to this marsh on the south side and have lived here for
over thirteen years, enjoying the environment of one of the few wetlands left in our area This
marsh houses foxes, raccoons, muskrats, blue herons, geese, ducks and countless birds. There are
even coyotes who stop for a visit off and on. It would be a shame and a tragedy to compromise
the integrity of these animals' home. Additionally, this marsh serves as a stormwater drain.
My concerns and requests are as follows (some of these concerns were also discussed at a
meeting of the Harmony Half Acres Home Owners Association held on January 9, 2003):
1. What measures are being taken to prevent significant runoff from the
developed area after the moisture -retaining sod is removed and covered with
asphalt and concrete? Significant silt build-up has occurred in the marsh in recent
years and dredging promised by the City has not occurred Although we are currently
in a drought, in the future we may have rains leading to run off from the proposed
project that would likely flood our backyards and basements.
2. Please allow at least a 100-foot buffer between the marsh and the development to
protect the precious ecological environment and its occupants described above. This
100-foot buffer was surveyed from the railroad tracks to Timberline Road and agreed
upon by the City at the time the storage units just west of the proposed development
region were built.
3. A line of trees conducive to a marsh environment would help in buffering the marsh.
4. A fence sturdy enough to discourage wandering pets, vehicles, and people would also
protect the marsh.
5. Increased traffic is always a concern on Timberline and this development will only
add to the problem particularly if there is another road/driveway built adjacent to the
marsh. Please keep the traffic to and from the apartments away from the vicinity of
the marsh and funnel it into Caribou.
I hope the above concerns and suggestions will be considered by the City and the
developer for the well-being of the marsh and our neighborhood. I would appreciate it if you
would read this letter at the meeting on January 16, 2003. Thank you.
-4� OWE
Lynn Mattock
1924 Harmony Drive
Ft. Collins, CO 80525
C. Mathis
Page 3 .
3A.1 (E) (2) — Development Activities Within the Buffer Zone
The buffer zone will be regraded to create a stormwater detention basin and the buffer zone will be
revegetated to native vegetation. The stormwater detention basin, walking pathway, and viewing platform
are all permitted developments within the buffer zone. Therefore, the project Is In compliance with the
requirements of Section 3.4.1 (E) (2).
Cathy, this concludes my evaluation of the Caribou development. Please call if you have any questions.
C DAR Caa wx AssoQATE9, INC-
T. Michael Phelan .
C. Mathis
Page 2
entirety of mowed smooth brome (a non-native grass) with limited wildlife value in terms of cover and
forage value. The proposed revegetation plan would replace this non-native community with native mid -
height grasses and tree and shrub plantings. These plantings will enhance habitat diversity by Increasing
vegetation cover and forage values and structural diversity. Increased habitat diversity adjacent to the
existing wetland will also serve to enhance the overall habitat value of the wetland. Therefore, the project
Is in compliance with this performance standard.
(b) This performance standard is not applicable to the Caribou Project since there are no wildlife
movement corridors present
(c) The only significant trees or vegetation on the property are the landscape trees around the existing
residence and the wetlands along the south property boundary. Existing trees will be transplanted to the .
extent possible, and those that cannot be transplanted will be mitigated by plantings of replacement trees
as required by the City. The existing wetland will be protected with the establishment of the butter zone.
Therefore, the project is in compliance with this performance standard.
(d) Applicable portions of this performance standard Include the protection of nesting; feeding, and
wintering areas for waterfowl, wading birds, and shorebirds as well as protection of any wetiand greater .
than 0.25 acre in size. Establishment of the 100-foot buffer and revegetation of the buffer to native
grasses, shrubs, and trees will protect the existing wetiand and enhance habitat and vegetation cover for .
waterbird use of the wetland. Therefore, the project is in compliance with this performance standard.
(e) Establishment of the 100-foot buffer and revegetation of the buffer to native grasses, shrubs, and
trees will not only minimize degradation of the ecological character of the wetland but enhance adjacent
habitat and existing habitat diversity. The placement of the backs of garages as well as visual screening
by shrub and tree plantings In the buffer zone will minimize the visual and noise effects of the
th development on e wetland. Any external landscape or security fighting will be shielded to minimize
nighttime light impacts on the buffer zone and wetland. Diversion of surface runoff from developed
portions of the property into water quality detention basins prior to release Into the wetlands will minimize
the risk of water quality degradation in the wetlands from the Caribou Project Therefore, the project is in
compliance with this performance standard.
(0 Minor slope changes will be required for construction of the detention basin, but the general character
of existing slopes within the buffer zone will be maintained after regrading. Therefore, the project is in .
compliance with this performance standard.
(g) As indicated, the buffer zone will be ravegetated to native grassland with inclusions of native shrub
and tree plantings. Therefore, the project is in compliance with this performance standard.
(h) A walking pathway and shielded viewing platform will be constructed within the buffer zone for
passive recreation and wildlife Viewing.. Since Timberline Road and existing residences are currently
located Immediately adjacent to portions of the wetland, I believe the Caribou walking trail and viewing
platform to be compatible with the ecological character and wildlife use of the wetland. Therefore, the
project Is In compliance with this performance standard.
(C[Em rk sm
INC. .
16 Wlllshire Ave. • Fort Collins, Colorado 80521 * (970) 493-4394
August 9, 2002
Cathy Mathis
VF Ripley Associates, Inc.
401 W. Mountain Ave., Suite 201
Fort Collins, CO 80521
RE: Caribou Project — Compliance with City of Fort Collins Buffer Zone Performance Standards
At the request of Doug Moore with the City of Fort Collins Natural Resources Department, I have
evaluated current development plans for the Caribou Project site with respect to compliance with City of
Fort Collins Buffer Zone Performance Standards stipulated under Section 3.4.1 (E) of the City of Fort
Collins Land Use Code. The following provides my evaluation for each applicable standard and
requirement within this section of the Land Use Code.
3.4.1 (E) (3) — Buffer Zone Distances
The only natural habitat or feature on or near the Caribou project site is a storm water detention wetland
along the south property boundary. The wetland is greater than 0.3 acre and consists primarily of dense
stands of cattails with a small, open water pond near Its west end. Residential development exists
immediately adjacent to the south edge of the wetland, and mowed, non-native grassland abuts the north
side of the wetland. As documented by observations and reporting provided to the City by local resident
Dwight Smith, the open water pond and surrounding cattail stands serve to attract a wide variety of
migratory waterfowl and shorebirds as well as a number of urban -adapted songbird and mammalian
species that rely on wetlands for water, nesting, forage, and/or security cover. However, the relative
small size of this wetland, lack of diversity in terms of wetland communities and vegetation cover, and
surrounding urban development precludes large numbers or significant waterfowl or shorebird use of this
site. Therefore, the Buffer Zone Standard of 100 feet for wetlands, greater than 0.3 acre in size and
without significant use by waterfowl or shorebirds seems appropriate for this site.
Current project design indicates a buffer distance of 100 feet but with a few encroachments by project
features. Overall the average buffer distance would be maintained at 87 percent of the minimum buffer
distance of 100 feet stipulated in Section 3.4.1 (E) (3). Therefore the project would be In compliance with
this section of the Code since it exceeds the 80 percent requirement of the standard. Impacts associated
with the 13 percent encroachment of the buffer zone will be mitigated by revegetation of the buffer zone
area into native grassland with Inclusions of native shrub and tree plantings. A detailed revegetation plan,
developed by Cedar Creek Associates, will be included with the next development plan submittal to the
City of Fort Collins
3.4.1 (E) (1) — Buffer Zone Standards
(a) The project will preserve the existing wetland, and regrading disturbances in the buffer zone will be
revegetated to native grassland mix with inclusions of native tree and shrub clump plantings. Native tree
and shrub plantings will be employed to enhance wildlife habitat as well as to provide visual screening of
development features that intrude into the buffer zone. Existing habitat in the buffer zone consists almost
No Text
Community Planning and Environmental Services WM,FSP„
Natural Resources Department
T« Planning and Zoning Board
From Doug Moore. E mvrronrnental Planner
cc Michelle Pawar, Cameron Gloss
Data 01/16f03
Ra Natural Habitat and Features Buffer Standards applied to Caribou Apartments - PDP
The purpose of this memo Is to inform the Board how Natural Habitat and Features Buffer Zone
Standards were applied to the Caribou. Apartments Project Development Plan. The Caribou
Apartments Project is located along the west side of Timberline Road and south of Caribou Drive.
Adjacent to the south side of this site Is a wetland area that comprises over 1/3 of an acre.
After review of the Ecological Characterization Study provided by the applicant and consulting with two
wildlife experts who reside in the adjoining neighborhoods, the Natural Resources Department (NRD)
staff detemhined a I buffer from natural habitat would be adequate.
With this established buffer, the applicant still needed an encroachment into the area to make their
project work. The Land Use Code allows applicants to either use the Buffer Zone Standards Table
(article 3, page 65) or seek a modification to any potion of the table distances, provided the Buffer
Zone Performance Standards are met (Section 3.4.1(D)). This modffication requires approval from the
decision -maker, whom in this case was Michelle Pawar, and the NRD. ff the applicant wishes to
encroach even more, leaving less then 80% of the minimum general buffer distance recommended in
the Buffer Zone Standards table, then compliance to the Buffer Zone Performance Standards and
review by you board are required.
The applicants project required an encroachment of 18.9% (0.14 acres needed to meet parddng
requirements and 0.07 to relocate nonnative trees). The Land Use Code permits only native
vegetation within a buffer zone. However, by relocating the non-native trees within the buffer zone the
applicant Is able to accommodate screening of the project from both the natural habitat and the
adpirming neighborhood. In addition, some different species of birds will use these trees for habitat.
The applicant also redesigned the parldN garages so that they backed into the buffer area This helps
to screen and decrease the impacts to the habitat. The applicant shifted several units and the
clubhouse, creating visual open voids for migratory birds. This shift also resolved compkv= issues
related to the Visual Character of Natural Features Standard (3.4.1(I)(2)). During this redesign,
additional native Landscaping and the development of an extensive revegetation plan were added,
hather enhancing the habitat and compliance with the Buffer Zone Performance Standards.
Attached to this letter Is the plan depicting the encroachment into the buffer zone and a letter for the
applicant's environmental consultants detailing how they have compiled with the Buffer Zone
Performance Standards.
• Page 1
281 North -College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6600 • FAX (970) 224-6177
This study assessed the impacts of the Caribou Apartments
development on the short range and long range street system in the
vicinity of the proposed development. As a result of this analysis, the I
following is concluded:
The development of the Caribou Apartments is feasible from a
traffic engineering standpoint. At full development, the Caribou I1
Apartments will generate approximately 1284 daily trip ends, 98
morning peak hour trip ends, and 122 afternoon peak hour trip
Current operation at the key intersections is acceptable.
All of the key intersections are currently signalized.
In the short range future, given development of the Caribou
Apartments and an increase in background traffic, the key
intersections will operate acceptably.
In the long range future, given development of the Caribou
Apartments, the key intersections will operate acceptably.
Caribou Road, west of Timberline Road, should be classified as a
commercial local street.
Acceptable level of service is'achieved for pedestrian, bicycle,
and transit modes based upon the measures in the multi -modal
transportation guidelines, except for the connectivity standard to
Kruse Elementary School. When the City funded grade -separated
crossing of the railroad tracks is built, the new route to Kruse
Elementary School will meet the connectivity standard.
bicycle LOS criteria, there is one destination areas within 1320 feet
of the Caribou Apartments. This is the commercial area in the northeast
quadrant of the Timberline/Harmony intersection. A bicycle LOS
worksheet is provided in Appendix G. The bicycle level of service is
Transit Level of Service
Currently, this area has no transit service. The Fort Collins
2015 Transit System Map shows that Timberline Road will have high
frequency (20 minute) transit service in the future. A future transit
level of service worksheet is provided in Appendix G. Transit level
of service will be acceptable.
Pedestrian Level of Service
Appendix G contains a map of the pedestrian influence area that is
within 1320 feet of the Caribou Apartments site. There will be two
pedestrian destinations within 1320 feet of the Caribou Apartments.
These are: 1) the office/commercial area north of the site, and 2) the
residential area east of the site. Fort Collins High School, Boltz
Junior High School, and Kruse Elementary School will serve the Caribou
Apartments. Fort Collins High School and Kruse Elementary School are
within one mile of the Caribou Apartments. Boltz Junior High School is
beyond one mile from the Caribou Apartments. Since it is within one
mile of a school, this site is in an area type termed "school walking
area." There are no sidewalks adjacent to the Caribou Apartments.
However, with this development, it is assumed that this gap in the
sidewalk system will be completed. The pedestrian level of service
(LOS) for this area type is B for all factors, except visual interest
and amenities, which is LOS C. This minimum criteria applies to all
destinations, even though the destinations are not school related. The
Pedestrian LOS Worksheet is provided in Appendix G. With the assumed
future pedestrian facilities adjacent to the site, the pedestrian
level of service will be acceptable for those destinations within 1320
feet of the Caribou Apartments.
Appendix G also contains school route plans from the Caribou
Apartments to each of the schools that will serve it. The pedestrian
level of service to Fort Collins High School will be acceptable via a
route to the north along Timberline Road. The pedestrian level of
service to Boltz Junior High School will be acceptable via a route to
the north along Timberline Road, to the west along Horsetooth Road,
and to the north along Camelot Drive. The pedestrian level of service
to Kruse Elementary School will be acceptable, except for the
continuity standard. The most direct route is to the south along
Timberline Road, to the west along Harmony Road, and south along
Innovation Drive or McMurray Avenue. It is not reasonable that the
Caribou Apartments should be responsible for completing gaps in the
sidewalk system along Timberline Road or Harmony Road. This should be
the responsibility of the adjacent property owners or the City of Fort
Collins, when these streets are improved to their respective ultimate
cross sections. City transportation planning staff has indicated that
there will be a grade -separated crossing of the railroad tracks. This
crossing will connect the Timberline Stormwater Wetland to Golden
Meadows Park. Kruse Elementary School is adjacent to the Golden
Meadows Park. When this occurs, this crossing will provide a shorter
route from the Caribou Apartments to Kruse Elementary School. This
crossing will be a City funded capital improvement. While a
construction schedule has not yet been determined, staff has indicated
that construction in 3-5 years is expected.
Bicycle Level of Service
Appendix G contains a map of the bicycle influence area that is
within 1320 feet of the Caribou Apartments. Based upon Fort Collins
Warranted wGh background trafBo
hraftic-� _ T
Warranted wish background
Warranted with background traffic
Site J II
-- - Denotes Lane
Figure 11
Warranted wdh badground
Warranted Wth badgpmnd traffic_ T
�+;' Caribou
—� ~- Warranted with background traffic
�-- - Denotes Lane —�
Figure 10
The short range geometry is shown in Figure 10. The short range
geometry is the same as the current geometry at each of the signalized
intersections. . There are some right -turn movements (SB RT at
Timberline/ Horsetooth and NB RT at Timberline/Horsetooth) which will
exceed the threshold volume for a right -turn lane with the background
traffic. The Caribou Apartments will contribute no traffic to these
movements. As such, the Caribou Apartments should not contribute to
fund these right -turn lanes if the city chooses to build them. In
addition, the eastbound right -turn volume at the Timberline/Horsetooth
intersection currently (2002) exceeds the threshold volume for a right -
turn lane. The City has chosen not to build this right -turn lane when
the property in the southwest quadrant of this intersection was
developed. Even though the Caribou Apartments will contribute some
traffic to this intersection, this development cannot be expected to
participate in building this right -turn lane, since the City did not
take this action earlier. Based upon Figure 8-04 in the "Larimer County
Urban Area Street Standards," a southbound right -turn lane at the
proposed right-in/right-out access is not warranted. However, the
Caribou Apartments developer and the City have agreed that this
southbound right -turn lane should be incorporated into the site design.
When Timberline Road is widened to a six -lane cross section, this right -
lane will become a southbound through lane. At the 40 mph posted
speed, this right -turn lane should be 315 feet long including taper at
ws/3. This design is being performed by North Star Design.
The long range geometry is shown in Figure 11. The. only
difference .between the short range and long range geometry- are the
additional through lanes on Harmony Road. In the long range future, the
geometry is the minimum necessary to achieve acceptable operation. If.
the City widens Timberline Road to a six -lane cross section or builds
turn lanes where they do not currently exist, then the level of service
shown in Table 6 will be improved. As mentioned above, there are some
right -turn lanes that are warranted with the background traffic. These
right -turn lanes are not required from an operations perspective.
Street Classification
Figure 12 shows the forecasted long range daily traffic on the
west leg of Caribou Road. These volt=es were determined by dividing
hour e
average of the long range peak hour traffic by 0.1 (the p
typically 10% of the daily traffic). The daily volume forecast on
Caribou Road, west of Timberline Road, is just .above the upper limit of
a commercial local or connector street. Given that the daily volume
above 2500 vehicles per day is on a short segment of approximately.450
feet in length, and there are three eastbound approach lanes, it is
recommended that Caribou Road, west of Timberline Road, be classified as
a commercial local street. The existing width of Caribou Road (48
feet), west of Timberline Road, can accommodate all the cross sectional
elements of a commercial local street.
Long Range (2020) Total Peak Hour Operation
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Caribou/Site Access
Short Range
(2005) Total _ak Hour Operation
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TimbedineIRT-inIRT-otit Access
(stop sign)
Short Range (ZOOS) Background Peak Hour Operation
z Z 3 �— 95130
} /-15f7o
35/95 —}
NOM yz z m
410/330 --r
230/310 ' 1.
C iA
10l15 —�
45/100 --�
RT4n/RT-out 25115
R r Horsetooth
l f r Caribou
o o
C2. m
+ 87011365
J i `
t r Harmony
o g
-�-- AM/PM
Rounded to Nearest
5 Vehicles
Figure 9
17 5/15 6
io N
o 0
0 Lo
r co M
I � �
� 115/60
35190 —� 1
45125 �
r� 01
RT-in/RT-out 25115
`— 345/326
.f— AM/PM
—� 1351195
co$ C
$ `'
Rounded to Nearest
5 Vehicles
SHORT RANGE (2005) TOTAL Figure 8
3/16 � � � � Horsetooth
� � v
NOM � � �
�- AM/PM
Figure 7
Collins. The long range background trafcare developed. that
parcels to the north of the Caribou Apartmentsgeneration. It is
business park land use was use to forecast this trip
also assumed that the vacant parcel east of Timberline Road and north of
forecast thed- office use, at a trip generation on this floor area ratio of 0.3,
Trip Assignment
Trip assignment is how the generated and distributetrips are
expected to be loaded on the street system. The assigned trips are the
resultant oeakhtrip
hour ttrafficdistribution
with a ful -m° ement accesse 7 shows the site
generated p to
Caribou Road and a right-in/right-out access to Timberline Road,
Figure 8 shows the short i nge (
hour traffic at the key tions to Foreal 9 morningshowsthe and elong nrange
(2020) total peak hour traffic at the key intersections.
Signal Warrants ,
licy, traffic signals are not installed at any
As a matter of po
location unless warrants are met according to the Manual on Uniform
he key intersections are currently
Traffic Control Devices. All of t
Operation Analysis
Capacity analyses were performed at the key intersections. The
operations analyses were conducted for the short range analysis,
reflecting a year 2005 condition. The long range analysis reflects a
year 2020 condition -
Using the traffic volumes shown in Figure 5, the key intersections
operate in the short range background condition as indicated in
C. The
Calculation forms for these analyses are provided n Ap� ors.
key intersections will operate acceptably 9
the Using
the traffic volumes shown in Figure 6, the key intersections
the long range background condition as indicated ndix D. 4.
operate in The
Calculation forms for these analyses are provided in Appendix
operate acceptably.
key intersections will
Using the traffic volumes shown in Figure 8, the key
Calculation forms for these analyses are provided in
l condition as indicate
intersections operate in the short range tota
in Table 5.
Appendix E. The key intersections will operate acceptably -
Using the traffic volumes shown in Figure 9, the key
intersections operate in the long range total condition asindicated
in Table 6. Calculation forms for these analyses are p
Appendix F. The key intersections will operate acceptably.
o ,*
c � �
�-- 590/785
T i
590I825 —�'
v u�
c a
N Of
Zo \
) �
� 12a8o
35/90 - �.
to C
oo A
r o
� 380/485
f- AM/PM
24302030 -!
Rounded to Nearest
5 Vehicles
Figure 6
�— 445/610
r— 751100
515/485 —� v,
155/255 uCi o �i
4 ti
Ln 40 � �._ 5/5
J 1 l 115/60
5 f ,/ Caribou
515 {
25l75 ,Cn � Len
n o vn
0 0 0
o .-
o 0135H95
-�*-- AM/PM
Rounded to Nearest
5 Vehicles
Figure 0
I Site I
Figure 4
Caribou Apartments is an affordable residential development
consisting of 192 apartment dwelling units. Caribou Apartments is
located in the southwest quadrant of the Timberline/Caribou intersection
in Fort Collins. Figure 3 shows a site plan of the Caribou Apartments.
The short range analysis (Year 2005) includes development of the Caribou
Apartments and an appropriate increase in background traffic, due to
normal growth and other potential developments in the area. The long
range analysis year is considered to be 2020.
The site plan shows two accesses to the Caribou Apartments site.
one access is a full -movement access to Caribou Road that will provide
primary access to the site. The second access to Timberline Road is a
right-in/right-out only access.
Trip Generation
Trip generation is important in considering the impact of a
development such as this upon the existing and proposed street system. A
compilation of trip generation information contained in Trip Generation,
6t° Edition, ITE was used to estimate trips that would be generated by
the proposed/expected uses at this site. Table 2 shows the expected
trip generation.on a daily and peak hour basis.
220 _l Apaftwts I IV D.U. E 6.69 1 12M J 0.081 15 10.431 83A 0.42 J 82 10.21
Trip Distribution
Directional distribution of the generated trips was determined for
the Caribou Apartments. Future year data was obtained from the NFRRTP
and other traffic studies. Figure 4 shows the trip distribution used
for the Caribou Apartments.
Background Traffic Projections
Figures 5 and 6 show the respective short range (2005) and long
range (2020) background traffic projections. Background traffic
projections for the short range and long range future horizons were
obtained by reviewing the NFRRTP, reviewing traffic studies for other
developments, and reviewing historic count data for this area of Fort
no bicycle lanes adjacent to and west of the Caribou Apartments site.
Bike lanes are not required on local or connector streets.
Transit Facilities
Currently, Transfort does not serve this area of Fort Collins.
Current Peak Hour Operation
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n 9
— 160/138
302217 --/
i Horsetooth
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12 319276
--w-- 81 S/1211
120/177 —�
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--m*— AM/PM
Figure 2
Horsetooth Road is approximately 0.5 miles north of the caribou
lassified as a four -lane arterial on the Fort
Apartments site. It is cHorsetooth oth Road has a four -lane
Collins Master Street Plan. Currently,
cross section. At the Timberline/Horsetooth intersection, Horsetooth
Road has two travel lanes in each direction, eastbound dual left -turn
lanes, a westbound left -turn lane, and a westbound right -turn lane. The
existing speed limit in this area is 40 mph.
Existing Traffic
Recent peak hour traffic counts at the key intersectsons are
A The
shown in Figure 2. Raw traffic data is provided in Appendix
traffic data for the Timberline/Harmony intersection was collected in
January 2002, and the traffic data for the Timberline/Caribou and
ed in
swas-collected by the City of ForttCollinsFebruary 2002.
All countdata
Existing operation
The key intersections were evaluated using techniques provided in
the 2000 Hi hway Ca acit Manual. Using the current peak hour traffic
shown in Figure 2, the current'peak hour operation is shown in Table 1.
Calculation forms are provided in Appendix B. A description of level of
service for signalized and unsignalized intersections from the 2000
Highway Capacity Manual and a table showing the Fort Collin motor
Vehicle LOS standards (Intersections) are provided i Appendix
The key intersections operate acceptably during both the morning and
afternoon peak hours. Acceptable operation at signalized intersections
during the peak hours is defined as level of service D or better. At
unsignalized intersections, acceptable oper 1 9 n for considerane ed to lobe cal
level of service E for any approach
Pedestrian Facilities
There are pedestrian facilities along the south side of Harmony
Road and along both sides of Horsetooth Road. Sidewalks exist along
the east side of Timberline Road and on the west side of Timberline
Road north of Caribou Road. Except for a short segment near Harmony
Road, there are no sidewalks on the west side of Timberline Road,
south of Caribou Road. Sidewalks will be incorporated within and
adjacent to this development.
Bicycle Facilities
Bicycle lanes exist on Harmony Road, Horsetooth Road, Timberline
Road, and. on Caribou Road east of Timberline Road. Caribou Road has
The location of the Caribou Apartments is shown in Figure 1. It
is important that a thorough understanding of the existing conditions be
Land Use
Land uses in the area are primarily either residential,
commercial/office, or school (Fort Collins High School). Land adjacent
to the site is flat (<2% grade) from a traffic operations perspective.
The center of Fort Collins lies to the northwest of the proposed Caribou
The primary streets near the Caribou Apartments site are
Timberline Road, Harmony Road, Caribou Road, and Horsetooth Road.
Timberline Road is adjacent to the east side of the Caribou Apartments
site. It is classified as a six -lane arterial on the Fort Collins
Master Street Plan. Currently, Timberline Road has a four -lane cross
section near the Caribou Apartments site. At the Timberline/Harmony
intersection, Timberline Road has two travel lanes in each direction,
northbound and southbound dual left -turn lanes, and northbound and
southbound right -turn lanes. At the Timberline/Caribou intersection,
Timberline Road has two travel lanes in each direction, and northbound
and southbound left -turn lanes. At the Timberline/Horsetooth
intersection, Timberline Road has two travel lanes in each direction,
and northbound and southbound left -turn lanes. The Timberline/Harmony,
Timberline/Caribou, Timberline/Horsetooth intersections are signalized.
The existing speed limit in this area is 40 mph.
Harmony Road is approximately 0.5 miles south of the Caribou
Apartments site. It is an east -west street designated as a six -lane
arterial street on the Fort Collins Master Street Plan. Currently, it
has a four -lane cross section with appropriate auxiliary lanes. At the
Timberline/Harmony intersection, Harmony Road has two travel lanes in
each direction, eastbound and westbound dual left -turn lanes, and
eastbound and westbound right -turn lanes. The existing approach speed
limit in this area is 45 mph.
Caribou Road is adjacent to the north side of the Caribou
Apartments site. It is an east -west street designated as a minor
collector street east of Timberline Road on the Fort Collins Master
Street Plan. West of Timberline Road, Caribou Road is not classified.
Therefore, it is considered to be either a local street or a connector
street. Currently, it has a two-lane cross section near the site. At
the Timberline/Caribou intersection, Caribou Road has eastbound and
westbound left -turn lanes, one through lane in each direction, and
eastbound and westbound right -turn lanes.
This transportation impact study addresses the capacity,
geometric, and control requirements at and near the proposed development
of the Caribou Apartments. The proposed Caribou Apartments site is
located in the southwest quadrant of the Timberline/Caribou intersection
in Fort Collins, Colorado.
During the course of the analysis, numerous contacts were made
with the project developer (Hendricks Communities, LLC), the project
planning consultant (V•F Ripley), the project engineering consultant
(North Star Design), the Fort Collins Traffic Engineering staff, and the
Fort Collins Transportation Planning staff. This study generally
conforms to the format set forth in the Fort Collins transportation
impact study guidelines contained in the "Larimer County Urban Area
Street Standards." A Base Assumptions Form and related information are
provided in Appendix A. The study involved the following steps:
- Collect physical, traffic, and development data;
- Perform trip generation, trip distribution, and trip assignment;
- Determine peak hour traffic volumes;
- Conduct capacity and operational level of service analyses on key
- Analyze signal warrants;
- Conduct level of service evaluation of pedestrian, bicycle, and
transit modes of transportation.
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Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #18-02A
Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 8
After reviewing the Caribou Apartments Project Development Plan #18-02A, staff
makes the following findings of fact and conclusions:
The proposed land uses are permitted in the Employment zone district.
2. The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable district
standards of Section 4.22 of the Land Use Code, Employment Zone
3. The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable development
standards contained within Article 3 of the Land Use Code.
Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #18-02A
Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 7
2. Section 3.6.4, Transportation Level of Service Requirements
The applicant for this project conducted a Transportation Impact
Study. The study concluded that the Caribou Apartments POP will
generate 98 morning peak hour trips, 122 evening peak hour trips,
and 1284 total daily trips. These additional trips will fall within the
accepted ranges of the City's Level of Service Standards. The
report concluded that all intersections impacted by the project will
continue to operate acceptably, and the pedestrian, bicycle and
transit levels of service will operate at acceptable levels of service.
3. Section 3.6.6, Emergency Access
The buildings will be located within 150 feet of the internal street.
The individual residential units will include fire sprinklers.
F. Division 3.7, Compact Urban Growth Standards
Section 3.7.2, Contiguity
The project is located within the Infill Area of the City of Fort Collins.
2. Section 3.7.3, Adequate Public Facilities
The provision of adequate public facilities for transportation, water,
wastewater, storm drainage, fire and emergency services, and
electrical power will be in place prior to the issuance of a building
permit, or adequate security posted for any such improvement not
in place prior to the issuance of a building permit.
5. Neighborhood Information Meeting
A neighborhood meeting was held on July 24, 2002 at Kruss Elementary
School. There . were approximately 7 neighbors in attendance at this
meeting. Particular items of concern expressed by the neighbors are:
Concern over development impacting the adjacent wetlands within
the Timberline Stormwater Wetland. Would like to see as little
disturbance as possible adjacent to wetlands.
Concern with the increased traffic onto Timberline Road. An
increase in traffic may ultimately require a median, limiting access
onto Harmony Drive. Traffic has increased significantly on
Timberline, creating additional safety concerns.
Neighbors within the Suntown Townhomes to the east of Timberline
Road had concerns with the potential loss of views to the west due
to the scale of the buildings.
Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #1 B-02A
Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 6
The existing house on the site is not eligible for local landmark
designation. This building will be razed prior to development.
D. Division 3.5, Building Standards
1. Section 3.5.1, Building and Project Compatibility
Any new development next to existing developed areas must be
designed to be complimentary with those structures. The use of
repetitive building elements such as building mass, windows, roof
lines, must have a similar relation to the street and materials.
Buildings should also be similar in size and height, or, if larger, be
articulated and subdivided into massing that is proportional to the
mass and scale of other structures on the same block.
The project is adjacent to an existing mini -storage facility to the
west. The residential area to the east of the project, east of
Timberline Road, consists of attached -single family residential, two
stories in height. The Caribou Apartments buildings will have similar
building materials, forms and height with existing residential in the
immediate vicinity. The proposed buildings are less than 40 feet in
height, and do not warrant special height review considerations.
The PDP is not proposing any outdoor storage or loading areas, all
trash collection areas are greater than 20 feet from public
transportation facilities.
2. Section 3.5.2, Residential Building Standards
Every front fagade with a primary entrance to a dwelling unit shall
face the adjacent street, or face onto a 'major walkway spine' that
connects to a public street sidewalk. Buildings with four units or
greater shall also have at least one building entrance face onto the
adjacent street that is smaller than an arterial, or has on street
All of the buildings have been designed to provide direct access to
the front public sidewalk. Each building provides several entrances
onto the adjacent street sidewalk. Building setbacks are consistent
with the minimum distance required within the Land Use Code.
E. Division 3.6, Transportation and Circulation
1. Section 3.6.1, Master Street Plan
This PDP is in substantial compliance with the City of Fort Collins
Streets Master Plan.
Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #18-02A
Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 5
B. Division 3.3, Engineering Standards
1. Section 3.3.1, Plat Standards
The subdivision plat has been reviewed against the standards
included within the LUC and found to be in substantial compliance
with those standards.
2. Section 3.3.2, Development Improvements
Prior to the approval of the final compliance plans, a development
agreement will be drafted detailing the improvements required by
the applicant as part of the building permit process, and the timing
of installation of such improvements.
3. Section 3.3.3, Water Hazards
This property is not located within a designated floodplain or natural
drainage swale. There are no irrigation ditches within the vicinity to
cause a significant impact upon the drainage pattern of the
4. Section 3.3.5, Engineering Design Standards
The PDP has been reviewed pursuant to the adopted design
standards in place for water, sewer, storm drainage, electric,
walkways and streets which will serve this development.
C. Division 3.4, Environmental, Natural Area, Recreational and Cultural
Resource Protection Standards
1. Section 3.4.1, Natural Habitats and Features
The property is adjacent to the Timberline Stormsewer Wetland.
This wetland is south of the site, -and is part of the Foothills
Drainage Basin. Since this wetland is greater than 1/3 acre in size,
the Land Use Code requires a minimum 100-foot buffer from the
perimeter of the wetland be established. The site plan includes a
100400t buffer from the wetland, however several of the garages,
and a portion of the parking lot encroach within this buffer. This
encroachment is permissible, since it is less than 20 percent of the
buffer distance. Thirteen of the relocated evergreen trees from the
site will be replanted in this buffer area as part of the mitigation
measures for this encroachment.
Storm run-off from the site will be contained in a water quality pond
before entering into the public storm drainage system.
2. Section 3.4.7 Historic and Cultural Resources.
Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #18-02A
Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 4
Walkways within the site are aligned to take direct access from the
adjacent public sidewalks along Caribou Drive and Timberline
Road. An internal sidewalk system is provided that will follow the
internal private road. Sidewalks from building entrances will provide
direct connection to the internal sidewalk system and to the walks
along Caribou Drive and Timberline Road. Bicycle parking will be
provided in bike racks located near each of the residential
buildings. All walkways are of the minimum width necessary to
serve their function.
The parking lot has been broken down into smaller, landscaped
lots. Landscape islands are designed to distribute the parking areas
and define the entrances to individual lots. All off-street parking
areas will be located within the property served by the parking.
Parking areas will be paved and striped in conformance with City
The number of off-street parking stalls will be based on the number
of bedrooms for each unit within the project. The project will provide
72 — single bedroom units and 121 - two bedroom units. With a
ratio of 1.5 spaces for each single room unit and 1.75 spaces for
each two -bedroom unit, a total of 320 spaces are required. The site
plan shows a total of 320 off-street spaces. 265 spaces will be
provided in surface lots, .where the remaining 55 will be provided in
covered garage parking. It is the intent of the developer that these
garage spaces not be included with the basic unit rental price,
rather at an additional charge. The project is not subject to the
requirements of Section 3.2.2(K), since it was submitted on June
14, 2002. This date is before the effectuation period of the fall land
use code changes which adopted this new parking standard. These
garages are distributed throughout the project. Each individual
garage building will be limited to 5 stalls in width. Twelve of the
spaces are designated for handicapped persons.
3. Section 3.2.3, Solar Access, Orientation, Shading
Due to the location of the buildings within the property, and the
location of other structures adjacent to the property, the proposed
buildings will not cast a shadow during the times specified in the
4. Section 3.2.4, Site Lighting
A photometric plan has been submitted in conjunction with the
PDP. This plan shows compliance with both on and off -site lighting
standards within the LUC. All site lighting within this project must
meet City standards for exterior lighting.
Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #1 8-02A
Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 3
A 10,000 sq.ft. open area is provided in front of Building 4 which will
provide a functional gathering place for residences of the project.
Additional recreation amenities are included within the clubhouse, which
includes an outdoor pool, patio and seating areas.
4. Article 3 of the Land Use Code — General Development Standards
The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable General Development
Standards as follows:
A. Division 3.2,1 Site Planning and Design Standards
1. Section 3.2.1, Landscaping and Tree Protection
Landscaping has been provided in all areas which will not be
included in parking areas, drives or building footprints. The
landscape plan provides a variety of canopy trees, ornamental
trees, shrubs and ground covers. The landscape plan has been
designed to use plants to enhance building design, soften walls and
building mass and visually break up parking areas. All plant
materials are of adequate size and diversity as required by this
section. The landscape plan is in compliance with the City's water
conservation standards.
Street canopy trees have been located within the parkway of the
detached sidewalks along Timberline Road and Caribou Road.
Street trees will also be provided along the internal private street.
There are a number of existing trees on this lot. Approximately five
trees are shown to be removed by the development of the project.
Four of these trees are considered to have significant community
value, as determined by the City Forester. Additional trees will be
planted within the project, pursuant to the mitigation measures
within Section 3.2.1(F) of the LUC to offset the impacts from
removing these trees. Fifteen remaining spruce and pine trees will
be relocated within the site.
Sight distance easements are shown on the subdivision plat and
landscape plan. Buildings, evergreen trees and large shrubs will not
be located within these easements.
Four trash enclosures will provide screening of trash collection
areas within the project.
2. Section 3.2.2, Access, Circulation and Parking
Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan #18-02A
Type 11 Planning and Zoning Board Review
Page 2
2. The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable district standards
of Section 4.22 of the Land Use Code, (E) Employment District.
3. The Project Development Plan complies with all applicable General
Development Standards contained in Article 3 of the Land Use Code.
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: E — undeveloped
S: E — storm drainage detention pond
E: RL — attached single family
W: E — enclosed mini -storage
The propeIn was annexed in September 1977 and June 1986 as part of the
Harmony 2" Annexation and Chadwick Annexation.
2. Division 4.22 of the Land Use Code, Employment Zone District
The use of multi -family residential is permitted in the E zone district subject to
Planning and Zoning Board Review (Type 11). Multi -family residential is included
as a secondary use within the E zone district.
The PDP meets the applicable Land Use Standards as follows:
A. Section 4.22(D)(4) Dimensional Standards
The proposed buildings are three stories in height, the maximum height
permitted for residential buildings within the E zone district.
B. Section 4.22(D)(3) Density
The minimum overall residential density within the E zone district is 7 units
per net acre of land. Caribou Apartments proposes 193 units on 9.5 acres
of net land area for an overall density of 20.3 units/acre.
C. Section 4.22(D)(6) Mix of Housing Types
A minimum of two housing types shall be included in all residential
developments greater than 10 acres in size.. The proposed PDP includes
192 multi -family residential units and a mixed —use dwelling unit
(caretaker's residence). These two unit types are consistent with the
criteria in this Section.
D. Section 4.22(D)(7) Access to Park, Central Feature or Gathering Place
STAFF_ Bob Rarkeen
PROJECT: Caribou Apartments
Project Development Plan - #18-02A
(Type II Planning and Zoning Board Review]
OWNER: Hendricks Communities, LLC
1165 South Pennsylvania Street, Suite 200
Denver, CO 80210
APPLICANT VF Ripley Associates
401 West Mountain Avenue, Suite 201
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Caribou Apartments is a project development plan for a 193 unit multi -family complex
located along the west side of Timberline Road and south of Caribou Drive. The project
is located on 10.8 acres of land and will yield a gross density of 17.8 unitstacre. The
multi -family buildings will be arranged into two - 20 unit buildings, two - 32 unit buildings
and two - 44 unit buildings. The buildings will range from two to three stories in height.
Off street parking will be provided in both surface parking stalls and in detached garage
units. A clubhouse with recreation amenities is also included with the project. The site
currently has a single-family residence on the property. This house is not incorporated
into the site plan and will be razed. The property is zoned E — Employment District.
A subdivision plat is accompanying the project development plan. This plat will create a
tract upon which the project will be developed and dedicate all necessary rights -of -way
and easements to support the project.
This project has been reviewed in accordance with the applicable requirements of the
Land Use Code (LUC) and was found to be in substantial compliance with the following:
1. The proposed land uses are permitted in the (E) Employment District.
COMMUNITY PLANNING AND ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES 281 N. College Ave. P.O. Box 580 Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 (970) 221.6750
Section 2.4.2(H) of the Land Use Code establishes certain criteria which must be met in
order for the Planning and Zoning Board to approve a project development plan such as
the Caribou Apartments. The Board found, upon review of the information provided
within the staff report, the project plans, the presentation at the hearing, and the
neighborhood testimony that the Caribou Apartments met all of the applicable criteria
within Articles 3 and 4 of the Land Use Code, and, based on this information, approved
the Caribou Apartments by a 5 — 0 vote. The copies of the staff report, a verbatim
transcript of the meeting minutes has been attached to this memorandum.
The rule of conduct for holding public hearings and reviewing development applications
is included within Section 2.2 of the Land Use Code. This section describes the purpose
and summary requirements for a neighborhood meeting and conduct and order of public
hearings in front of the Planning and Zoning Board. The Board considered all relevant
information relating to the project, and conducted the hearing in accordance with Section
2.2.7 of the Land Use Code.
Attachments include the verbatim transcript of the hearing and the Planning and Zoning
Board Staff Report.
working on the Harmony Corridor for the past year of the ATMS and we do not
believe any significant problems exist on the corridor at this time. It is true that
the volumes are increasing rapidly due to all the development in the area.
On -street parking was only discussed at the hearing as it relates to overflow
parking for the project. On -street parking is not necessary to satisfy the off-street
parking requirement found in Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a). This testimony is included
within the minutes of the P&Z meeting.
Based on the information provided within the staff report, the testimony provided
at the hearing, and the project presentation, The Board properly conducted the
January 16, 2003 public hearing for the Caribou Apartments, pursuant to Section
2.2.7 of the Land Use Code.
Wetlands and Environmental
Natural Resource Staff reviewed the ecological characterization study. The results
of this study were included within the staff report. Exhibits showing the wetland
delineation, buffer enhancement and activities within the buffer were included
with the presentation to the Planing and Zoning Board.
"Who Manages the Bi¢ Picture"
The appellant includes additional projects, either approved or under review,
within the vicinity of the Caribou Apartments, as a reason for not holding a fair
hearing. While the adjacent projects have been used in calculating additional
traffic demand within the traffic study and road improvements for this project,
each project must go through its own review process and demonstrate compliance
with the City's Zoning Code and Land Use Code.
The . appellant alleges that information presented to the P&Z Board was
incomplete, inaccurate, and inconsistent. The appellant cites the lack of proper
traffic information, lack of building elevations (along Timberline), missing
ecological characterization report, missing distances from Caribou Apartment to
the Sunstone Townhomes, and an incomplete summary of the neighborhood
meeting notes. It is staff's opinion that not only was this information provided in
the staff report, staff presentation and the project plan, but the testimony given by
the appellant at the Planning and Zoning Board Meeting and additional letters
submitted by the adjacent neighbors provided adequate information relating to
neighborhood concern.
Based on the information provided within the staff report, the testimony provided
at the hearing, and the project presentation, The Board properly conducted the
January 16, 2003 public hearing for the Caribou Apartments, pursuant to Section
2.2.7 of the Land Use Code.
were scheduled, nor committed to, during the neighborhood meeting or otherwise
in the review process.
Based on the information provided within the staff report, the testimony provided
at the hearing, and the project presentation, The Board properly conducted the
January 16, 2003 public hearing for the Caribou Apartments, pursuant to Section
2.2.7 of the Land Use Code.
Most of the issues raised at the neighborhood meeting related to the existing
wetlands within the regional stormwater detention pond immediately south of the
project. A representative from the Natural Resources Department was at the
meeting and continued to enlist input from the neighbors directly adjacent to the
wetland. Their input was valuable, in that staff was able to give the applicants
consultant direction when preparing the ecological characterization study for the
project. The adjacent neighbors were also had input on the location of garages and
parking lots along the southern portion of the project, to minimize the amount of
disturbance the project would have on the wetland. A number of the relocated
spruce trees were also located in the wetland buffer zone as a request by the
neighbors to minimize the impacts of the project on the wetlands. The siltation of
the wetlands and the effects it is having on the capacity of the wetlands as a storm
drainage detention pond was also an issue. Representatives from the Storm
Drainage Utility Department will develop a low -flow channel through the
wetlands to provided more efficient drainage and minimize the potential for
flooding which currently exists. While it is clear that the requests made by the
appellant for the right -turn arrow onto Caribou do not meet traffic warrants,
Traffic Operations will continue to monitor the intersection and respond
accordingly when traffic warrants are met for the intersection improvements.
While public testimony is encouraged at the public hearing, Article 2 of the Land
Use Code does not require the Planning and Zoning Board to modify or deny a
project based on public disapproval of the project, especially when such
concern(s) is not supported by City Code or the Land Use Code.
The Traffic Operation Department conducted the review of the Transportation
Impact Study (TIS) submitted by the applicant. The scoping meeting for the
traffic study was conducted in March 2002. The traffic counts used in the study
were taken in February 2002. The TIS was completed and dated June 2002. This
time frame is typical for traffic studies and the counts used in the analysis are
reasonable. The Traffic Operations Department is not aware of any safety issue
that currently exists at the intersection of Caribou and Timberline. The appellant
mentions a safety problem with the southbound left turn vehicle to eastbound
Caribou. In 2001, there were four accidents at this intersection (exceptionally low
rate of 0.52 accidents per million vehicles) and none of these accidents involved a
southbound left turning vehicle. The Traffic Operations Department has been
Albertson's Shopping Center 'Amile south of the project,
Business offices and housing going up across the street,
King Soopers approximately 1 mile north of this project,
Main route for fire department trucks and ambulances heading south to
• Documentation provided to the P&Z Board was incomplete, inaccurate,
and has multiple inconsistencies. In data, code interpretations,etc.
• There was conflicting information between the presentation and the
documentation provided to the P&Z Board.
• The issues presented in the neighborhood meeting, and again in the
Council (P&Z) meeting have never been adequately addressed.
• Promises made by the Project Planner and the developer's team were not
kept, which impacted the outcome of this project, and ultimately the
community of Fort Collins.
C. Staff Response:
The notice of appeal is largely based on accusations that the Planning and Zoning Board
failed to adequately conduct a public hearing, mainly due to lack of, or conflicting
information. Planning and Zoning Board Public Hearings are held pursuant to Section
2.2.7 — Public Hearings, in the Land Use Code. Staff has responded to the allegations
raised by the appellant below:
Neighborhood Meeting
Section 2.2.2 of the LUC — Neighborhood Meetings, describes the purpose of
Neighborhood Meetings. Neighborhood Meetings are required for all projects
processed as Type II (Planning and Zoning Board) Review. The neighborhood
meeting for the Caribou Apartments was held on July 24, 2002. The purpose of
this meeting was to inform the neighbors of the application and to identify issues
and concerns from the neighborhood. In addition to the neighborhood meeting,
additional neighborhood involvement can be made at any time during the review
of the project. Letters may be submitted, the plans may be reviewed, and the
project planner is available to answer questions and hear concerns related to the
project. All of this input is encouraged. Public hearing notifications were also sent
to adjacent neighbors informing them of the Planning and Zoning Board hearing
for the Caribou Apartments. Staff did receive several letters from the adjacent
neighbors, which were forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board. Notes from
the neighborhood meeting are hand written on an easel during the meeting. These
notes are kept with the project file and are also available for public inspection at
any time. Section 2.2.2(E) - Summary of Neighborhood Meeting, requires a
summary of meeting notes be included within the staff report forwarded to the
Planning and Zoning Board. A summary of the notes were included in the staff
report and forwarded to the Planning and Zoning Board. No additional meetings
• The project planner confirmed that meeting minutes would be sent to
those requesting it, and pointed out, where to mark on the sign-up sheet,
the request fora copy of the meeting minutes.
• In addition to not being provided any opportunities for input into the
project through "future neighborhood meetings"; there has been no
response to the questions from neighborhood meeting communicated, as
• The P&Z Board voiced concern around not providing requested
information and pointed out issues of credibility.
• If what was assured in the Neighborhood Meeting actually occurred, these
issues more than likely would have been hammered out, thus minimizing
these kinds of surprises.
• The traffic study provided with the Staff Report does not show what the
dates are for data presented. By looking at traffic studies for other projects
along the same stretch of Timberline, there are conflicting outcomes of
traffic volumes. How can it be said that the addition of up to 700
individuals on a 10-acre lot of land will not impact traffic flow?
• Safety issues around the increased difficulty of trying to turn east on
Caribou from Southbound Timberline are not accurately reflected with the
• Large increase of traffic and traffic speed since the opening of the
Harmony Corridor; date of collection done before or after this increase
volume? Should be after.
• Traffic and safety issues brought up in the Neighborhood meeting have
not been adequately addressed.
• Discussion around additional parking available on Caribou, particularly at
night did not take into consideration that there are semi -trucks that park
overnight almost nightly.
Wetland and Environmental.
• Conflicting information between the reports, meeting minutes and the
discussion at the neighborhood meeting regarding the wetland. There was
much discussion around what the developer of the storage units had to do
to meet the code and honor the buffer zone. Where was this addressed for
this project?
"Who is Managing the Big Picture"
• This question was brought to the developer, planner and the P&Z Board.
For example:
The total sum of projects along a 1 1h mile of Timberline:
Project providing a thoroughfare for large semi -trucks to the gravel yard
just a couple of blocks from this project,
Board). The building height would be compatible, since the area already includes
two and three story buildings (The Employment Zone District permits buildings
up to four stories in height). The project would not infringe on the privacy of
adjacent residential, since the closest residential buildings are well over 230 feet
The Board found, upon review of the information provided within the staff report,
the project plans, the presentation at the hearing, and the neighborhood testimony
that the Caribou Apartments met the applicable criteria within Section 3.5.1 of the
The Board failed to hold a fair hearing by: Ignoring its previously established rules of
process Considering substantially false or grossly misleading evidence, Improperly
failing to receive all pertinent evidence offered.
A. Section 2.48(b)(2)
The Board failed to conduct a fair hearing in that:
a. The board or commission substantially ignored its previously
established rules of procedure;
b. The board or commission considered evidence relevant to its
findings which was substantially false or grossly misleading; or
C. The board or commission improperly failed to receive all relevant
evidence offered by the appellant. "
Argument: The appellant includes several allegations of the Board failing to conduct
a fair hearing for the Caribou Apartments Project Development Plan. These
allegations have been summarized from the appellant's appeal letter:
Neighborhood Meeting
• In a discussion with both the planner and developer at the neighborhood
meeting, there was an assurance made that there were would be many
opportunities for neighborhood involvement and input. They discussed the
fact that there were "lots" of meetings held with neighbors for the Fox
Meadows project, and they would do the same for this project. In fact they
indicated that they appreciate the input.
required to conform with all of the performance standards list under
3.4.l(E)(1)(a)-(h). The applicant redesigned the project to create large voids for
waterfowl flying in to the site, revegetation and enhancing the buffer zone,
repositioning building to create walls between the habitat and the project. The
NRD determined that the development activities that are allowed by the Land Use
Code to be within a buffer zone would allow restoration activities, utility
installation, and construction of pedestrian walkway.
The applicant was able to comply with the requirements in 3.4.1(1) Design &
Aesthetics. By shifting buildings to provide better visibility for the waterfowl
flying in to the wetland and protect views into and out of the large natural habitat.
This also helped to break up the massing appearance of the structures. Additional
native vegetation was added which helps to screen the manmade facilities and
work to blend the project with the natural visual character of the area. The NRD
required the applicant to provide detail information on timing of wildlife use on
the property. This information is necessary pursuant to Section 3.4.1(N)
Standards for Protection During Construction, and has been used to restrict
construction activity adjacent to the natural habitat during times of heavy wildlife
use. Limits of construction have also been designated with fencing required to
help eliminate the disturbance into the natural habitat.
The applicant has submitted documentation proving that they are in compliance
with all federal environmental regulations.
The Board found, upon review of the information provided within the staff report,
the project plans, the presentation at the hearing, and the neighborhood testimony
that the Caribou Apartments met the criteria of Sections 3.4.1(A)(b) -
Applicability, 3.4.1(C) - General Standards. 3.4.1(D)(1) - Ecological
Characterization Study, 3.4.1(D)(2) - Wetland Boundary Delineation, 3.4.1(E) -
Establishment of Buffer Zones, 3.4.1(E)(1) - Buffer Zone Performance Standards,
3.4.1(E)(2) - Development Activities Within the Buffer Zone, 3.4.1(I) Design &
Aesthetics, 3.4.1(N) - Standards for Protection During Construction, and 3.4.1(0)
- Proof of Compliance.
'Managing the Big Picture'
The appellant refers to Section 3.5.1(G) Building Height Review in the appeal
letter. This section applies to all projects proposing buildings greater than 40 feet
in height. The purpose of this section is to provide additional information to the
decision -maker on Views, Light and Shadow, Privacy, and Neighborhood Scale.
While the project is not subject to this Section, the appellant argues that had it
been, the project would look much different. It is staff's opinion, based on the
review standards within this section, that the project may not appear any different
than proposed. Views may only be preserved from public spaces (parks or open
space areas) and not from private lots, as desired from the appellant. A shadow
analysis was completed, and did not show any impact on the adjacent properties
(This analysis was already completed and provided to the Planning and Zoning
is no separation requirements within the LUC for a situation such as this, the
distance is 11 times greater than what would be permitted in the scenario where
the project were to develop directly behind the Sunstone Townhomes, rather than
be separated by Timberline Road.
The Board found, upon review of the information provided within the staff report,
the project plans, the presentation at the hearing, and the neighborhood testimony
that the Caribou Apartments met the criteria of Sections 3.5.2.(B)(1) — Housing
Model Variety, 3.5.2(C)(1) — Relationship of Dwelling to Streets and Parking,
3.5.1(C) — Building Size,Height, Bulk, Mass, Scale; and 3.5.1(D) — Privacy
Wetland and Environmental
The site is adjacent to a large wetland that is shown on the City's Natural Habitats
and Features inventory map. Any development that is proposed within 500 feet of
such a feature is subject to the review criteria included within Section 3.4.1 —
Natural Habitats and Features.
Section 3.4.1(C) General Standards, requires applicants to reposition structures,
to the maximum extent feasible to minimize the impacts on the adjacent wetland.
The applicant has arranged the buildings to minimize their impacts on the
adjacent wetland, and provided a natural habitat and features buffer zone to
protect the adjacent feature. The developer is also enhancing the existing
conditions by adding addition native vegetation to the site, as well as restoring
and replacing the habitat along the.northern end of the wetland and restoring any
area that may be disturbed also with native vegetation.
An ecological characterization study was prepared by the. applicant, pursuant to
Section 3.4.1(D)(1) —Ecological Characterization Study, detailing information on
wildlife, plant life and other natural characterizations in need of protection. The
applicant was also required to submit an additional study to provide more in-depth
evaluation of the use by waterfowl and shorebirds. This information helped to
determine if a buffer zone was needed and to what extent. This buffer and
enhancement plan was shown on the plan presented to the Planning and Zoning
Board. A current delineation was required, this also helped to determine what
buffer zones would apply to the project. This study was completed pursuant to
Section 3.4.1(D)(2) —Wetland Boundary Delineation in the LUC.
A determination on the buffer zone distance was made by the Natural Resources
Director and staff, based on information from the required studies and delineation,
from interviews from several neighbors who live adjacent to the wetlands and
through City data. The developer requested some encroachment in to the buffer
zone to allow for some parking garages, a portion of the surface parking, and to
allow some non-native plant material to be planted within the buffer zone. This
encroached was allowed by NDR, pursuant to Section 3.4.1(E)(1) Buffer Zone
Performance Standards. Because of this encroachment, the applicant was
While there is not a requirement for affordable housing to be located along transit
routes, Transfort will be providing service to the site in the near future. The site
plan included in the Planning and Zoning Board packet shows a bus drop-off lane
directly adjacent to the Caribou Apartments for the future bus service.
The Board found, upon review of the information provided within the staff report,
the project plans, the presentation at the hearing, and the neighborhood testimony
that the Caribou Apartments meets the criteria in Section 3.5.2(D)(1) of the LUC
Residential building design is provided in Section 3.5.2 of the land use code. The
appellant has not provided any evidence to suggest that such residential buildings
are non -compliant with this section.
The Caribou Apartments site plan was developed based on the purpose statements
included within Section 3.5.2 — Residential Building Standards and Section 4.22 —
Employment Zone District. Section 3.5.2(C)(1) - Orientation of Dwellings to
Streets and Parking. states that "Every front fagade with a primary entrance to a
dwelling unit shall face the adjacent street to the extent reasonably feasible." This
requirement places the buildings closer to the street and helps provide a
pedestrian -oriented development and promotes visual interest along the street
block. The site plan accomplishes this by having the residential buildings front
onto Timberline Road, Caribou Drive and the internal private drive. The staff
report provides analysis on this code section. The appellant has not provided any
information demonstrating the site plan is inconsistent with this code section.
The staff report includes an analysis of Section 3.2.3(D)(1) of the Land Use Code,
Solar Access, Orientation and Shading. This standard assesses impacts on
adjacent properties based on shadow analysis completed at 9:00 am and 3:00 pm
during December 21 (winter solstice). Projects may not cast a shadow onto'
structures on adjacent properties greater than a hypothetical 25-foot wall located
on the project property line, between the hours of 9:00 am and 3:00 pm. on
December 21'. The applicant did complete a shading study which did not show
any impact to the residences adjacent to this site. Building elevations provided to
the P&Z show all sides of the building elevations. While the building elevations
are three stories in height, and could block views to the west from the properties
located to the east, there is not a code requirements that states private property
owners have an inherent right to a particular view. Privacy consideration
described in Section 3.5.1(D) —Privacy Considerations, are to be reviewed in
context with the requirements in Section 3.5.2 — Residential Building Standards
and Section 4.22 — Employment Zone District. These two sections do not provide
any measurable standards to evaluate where buildings should be located, other
than the building setback and building orientation standards in Section 3.5.2.
There appears to be a 230-foot separation from the front of the Caribou
Apartment buildings to the rear of the Sunstone Townhome buildings. While there
Wetland and Environmental
• Won't this project displace the birds landing and hunting in the wetland?
A recent houseguest stated how much they enjoyed watching the birds in
the pond across the street. In addition to the geese, they commented on
observing the hunting done by a hawk, as well as commenting on the
massive wingspan of the eagle that seems to "like to hang out there."
"Manaaine the Bie Picture"
• This complex just squeaks by many of the codes. A 40-foot tall building
requires specific components that address issues of privacy, view, etc. An
example of just squeaking by can be made by looking at the building
plans, which indicate that 6 of the 7 buildings will be 39 feet 103/4 inches
(in height). Just one extra 2x4 on any of the three floors of this complex
would require the developer to build in a neighborhood, not on top of it.
Why is the traffic study rounded off to the nearest number 5, but 39 feet,
10 3/a inches is not rounded up to 40 feet.
C. Staff Response:
The appellant must demonstrate that the Board failed to properly interpret relevant
Sections of the Code. The appellant has not cited specific Sections of the Code upon
which the project does not comply, nor has the appellant provided any facts from the
record or the staff report which would support the allegations. Staff response to the
allegations are included below:
Section 3.5.2 (D)(1) of the Land Use Code (LUC) Residential Building Setbacks
and Lot Width, require a minimum 30 foot setback from buildings and entrances
to the front property line (back of right-of-way), This equates to a distance of 45
feet from the building entrance to the street curb along Timberline Road. The
appellant has not included any factual evidence or documentation that this
distance is inadequate, or that children running from a building entrance to the
street will pose a safety hazard. There are building entrances just as close, or
closer to an arterial street throughout Fort Collins, and there has not been any
evidence presented to suggest these building entrances will pose a threat to public
The closest designated affordable housing project is located at the southeast
corner of Timberline Road and Horsetooth Road. While there is no code
requirement that dictates the spacing or density of multi -family projects within
Fort Collins, these two mixed income projects provide a valuable housing need to
the community. Policies within City Plan state that "A variety of housing types
and densities will be available throughout the urban area for all income levels,"
and "The City will encourage the creation and expansion of affordable housing
opportunities and preservation of existing housing stock."
The Appeal is based on Section 2-48(b)(1) and Section 248(b)(2).
The appellant has made several allegations. The pertinent Code sections are stated in
Italics. The arguments are briefly summarized below in bold followed by a staff response.
The Board failed to properly interpret and apply relevant provisions of the Code and
Charter by approving the Caribou Apartments Project Development Plan.
A. Section 2.48(b)(1) - Appeals
The Board failed to properly interpret and apply relevant provisions of the Code
and Charter.
Argument: While the appellant does not site specific Code sections in the appeal
letter, the appellant does make several allegations that are based on the Board
failing to properly interpret relevant sections of the Land Use Code. These are
summarized from the appellant's letter below:
• Street facing (building) doors mean very few feet for a child to run into a
large, fast paced arterial.
• Two affordable housing, projects within 'h mile from one another, and
there is currently no bus service on Timberline.
"Condo-oplis", a term used by a board member when expressing concern
over buildings looking the same.
• The layout of the buildings. The developer stated in the Neighborhood
Meeting they had tried about 20 different patterns of the (site plan) layout.
When asked if there were any environmental, structural or code
requirements for the layout they chose, and the response was no.
• Question about the layout was asked at the P&Z meeting, however, it
appears that the response based upon Article 3 code may be incomplete
and/or inaccurate as to why (a) decision was made.
• 3-story wall impacting privacy, sun and view from the project lot, which
may not have shown impact; again, incomplete information.
• Question posed to group in both meetings, "How many feet from balcony
(Sunstone) to balcony (Caribou)?" Still no definite answer.
City of Fort Collins
Community Planning and Environmental Services
Current Planning
Mayor and Members of City Council
Bob Barkeen, City Planner
THRU: John Fischbach, City Manager
Greg Byrne, Director C.P.E.S. .
Cameron Gloss, Current Planning Director
DATE: March 18, 2003
RE: Caribou Apartments Project Development Plan, Current Planning File
#18-02A, Appeal to City Council
The purpose of this memo is to respond to an appeal regarding the January 16, 2003
decision of the Planning and Zoning Board to approve the Caribou Apartments Project
Development Plan.
Section 248(b) of the City Code states:
"Except for appeals by members of the City Council, for which no grounds need be
stated, the permissible grounds for appeal shall be limited to allegations that the board or
commission committed one or more of the following errors:
(1) Failure to properly interpret and apply relevant provisions of the Code and
(2) Failure to conduct a fair hearing in that:
a. The board or commission exceeded its authority or jurisdiction as
contained in the Code and Charter;
b. The board or commission substantially ignored its previously
established rules of procedure;
C. The board or commission considered evidence relevant to its
findings which was substantially false or grossly misleading; or
d. The board or commission improperly failed to receive all relevant
evidence offered by the appellant."
281 North College Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO 80522-0580 • (970) 221-6750 • FAX (970) 416-2020
Upon initial review of the documentation (obtained the day before the appeal deadline), the
missing and incomplete information was first noted. For example, the information in the
Staff Report discussing the neighborhood meeting of 7/24/02 is not only incomplete, it
does not accurately reflect all of the discussion.
The P&Z Board was required to make a decision based upon inaccurate information on
many different fronts. How can the board make a fair decision when they are not
presented with all of the true facts?
Issues of concern include:
■ Documentation provided to the P&Z Board was incomplete, inaccurate, and has
multiple inconsistencies in data, code interpretation, etc.
■ There was conflicting information between the presentation and the documentation
provided to the P&Z Board.
• The issues presented in the neighborhood meeting, and again in the council
meeting have never been adequately addressed.
• Promises made by the Project Planner and the developer's team were not kept,
which impacted the outcome of this project, and ultimately the community of Fort
This project does indeed have many problems that we as a community have the
opportunity to proact on. How often do we get the chance to go back And make sure
things are done fight? There is no need to push through a problematic project.
An apartment project that houses 700 people (not including visitors) leaves a huge
footprint that is encroaching on buffer zones and neighbors alike. Please send this back to
the drawing board, and recommend that this project incorporated itself into the existing
neighborhood, instead of stepping on it.
, Ja et Winters
4345 Gemstone Lane,
Ft. Collins, Co 80525
970-266-0933 (H)
970-278-8767 (W)
what the developer of the storage units had to do to meet the code and honor the
buffer zone. Where was this addressed for this project?
• Won't this project displace the birds landing and hunting in the wetland? A recent
house guest stated how much they enjoyed watching the birds in the pond across the
street. In addition to the geese they commented on observing the hunting done by a
Hawk, as well as commenting on the massive wing span of the Eagle that seems to
"like to hang out there."
This question was brought to the developer, planner, and the P&Z Board. For example:
The TOTAL SUM of aroiects along a 1'/2 mile of Timberline:
o Project providing a thoroughfare for large semi -trucks to the gravel yard just a
couple of blocks from this project,
o Albertson's Shopping Center % mile south of the project,
o Business offices and housing going up across the street,
o King Soopers approximately 1 mile north of this project,
o Main route for fire department trucks and ambulances heading south to Harmony.
BIG PICTURE- This complex just squeaks by many of the codes. A 40 ft. tall building
requires specific components that address issues of privacy, view, etc. An example of
just squeaking by can be made by looking at the building plans which indicate that 6 of
the 7 buildings will be 39 feet, 10'/. inches. Just one extra W on any of the 3 floors
of this complex would require the developer to build in a neighborhood, not on top of it.
Why is the traffic study "rounded off to the number 5, but 39 FEET,10% INCHES is not
rounded up to 40 feet?
The recommendation of the Staff Report is to approve this project, however, this is based
upon missing, inaccurate and inconsistent information.
Based upon the recommendation of the staff report (which, unbeknownst to the P&Z Board
was based upon missing, inaccurate and inconsistent information) motioned to approve.
• The traffic study provided with the Staff Report does not show what the dates are for
data presented. By looking at traffic studies for other projects along of the same
stretch of Timberline, there are conflicting numbers and conflicting outcomes of traffic
volumes. How can it be said that the addition of up to 799 Individuals on a 10 acre lot
of land will not impact traffic flow?
• Safety issues around the increased difficulty of trying to turn east on Caribou from
southbound Timberline are not accurately reflected with this report.
• Large increase of traffic and traffic speed since the opening of the Harmony corridor;
date of data collection done before or after this increase volume? Should be after.
• Traffic and safety Issues brought up in the Neighborhood meeting have not been
adequately addressed.
• Street facing front doors mean very few feet for a child to run into a large, fast paced
• Two affordable housing projects within '/z mile from one another, and there is currently
no bus service on Timberline.
• Discussion around additional parking availability on Caribou, particularly at night did
not take into consideration that there are semi trucks that park overnight almost
• "CoNDo-opws", a term used by a board member when expressing concern over
buildings looking the same.
• The layout of the buildings; the developer stated in the Neighborhood Meeting they
had tried about 20 different patterns of the layout. When asked if there were any
environmental, structural or code requirements for the layout they choose, and the
response was no.
Question about the layout was asked at the PM meeting, however it appears that the
response based upon Article 3 code may be incomplete and/or inaccurate as to why
decision was made.
• 3 —story wall impacting privacy, sun and view of homeowners across the street.
Presentation did not include the east view from the project lot, which may have shown
impact; again incomplete information.
Question posed to group in both meetings, "How many feet from balcony (Sunstone)
to balcony (Caribou)?" Still no definitive answer.
• Conflicting information between the reports, meeting minutes and the discussion at the
Neighborhood meeting regarding the wetland. There was much discussion around
City Clerk
The City Council of the City of Fort Collins, Colorado, on Tuesday, March 18, 2003, at 6:00 p.m.
or as soon thereafter as the matter may come on for hearing in the Council Chambers in City Hall
at 300 LaPorte Avenue, will hold a public hearing on the attached appeal from the decision of the
Planning and Zoning Board made on January 16, 2003 regarding the Caribou Project # 18-02A filed
by Janet Winters. You may have received previous notice on this item in connection with hearings
held by the Planning and Zoning Board.
If you wish to comment on this matter, you are strongly urged to attend the hearing on this appeal.
If you have any questions or require further information please feel free to contact the City Clerk's
Office (221-6515) or the Planning Department (221-6750).
Section 2-56 of the Code of the City of Fort Collins provides that a member of City Council may
identify in writing any additional issues related to the appeal by March 11, 2003. Agenda materials
provided to the City Council, including City staff s response to the Notice of Appeal, and any
• additional issues identified by City Councilmembers, will be available to the public on Thursday,
March 13, after 10:00 a.m. in the City Clerk's Office.
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services,
programs, and activities and will make special communication arrangements for persons with
disabilities. Please call the City Clerk's Office (221-6515) for assistance.
-U�a L Ia. �
Wanda M. Krajicek
City Clerk
Date Notice Mailed:
March 7, 2003
cc: City Attorney
Planning Department
Planning and Zoning Board Chair
300 LaPbrte Avenue • P.O. Box 580 • Fort Collins, CO80522-0580 • (970) 221-6515 - FAX (970) 221-6295
A staff memorandum is attached which provides analysis and a staff response to the allegations
raised in the appeal letter. The verbatim transcript of the January 16, 2003 Planning and Zoning
Board meeting and the January 16, 2003 Staff Report are attached.
FROM: Bob Barkeen
Consideration of an Appeal of the Caribou Apartments, Project Development Plan, File #18-02,
filed by Janet Winters.
The Caribou Apartments Project Development Plan is a development application for 193 multi-
family residential units on 10.8 acres of land located at the southwest comer of Caribou Drive
and Timberline Road. The project was presented to the Planning and Zoning Board for
consideration on January 16, 2003. The Planning and Zoning Board approved the project by 5-0
The Notice of Appeal was filed in the City Clerks Office on January 30, 2003 by the appellant,
Janet Winters. An amended Notice of Appeal, which supercedes the original, was submitted on
February 20, 2003. Janet Winters is eligible to file the appeal by being a "party in interest",
where she received notification of the hearing as well as testifying at the January 16, 2003
Planning and Zoning Board Hearing.
The Appeal is based on Section 248(b)(1) and Section 248(b)(2) of the City Code which states
the Planning and Zoning Board improperly adopted the Caribou Apartments Project
Development Plan by:
(1) Failure to properly interpret and apply relevant provisions of the Code and
(2) Failure to conduct a fair hearing in that:
a. The board or commission substantially ignored its previously established
rules of procedure;
b. The board or commission considered evidence relevant to its findings
which was substantially false or grossly misleading; or
C. The board or commission improperly failed to receive all relevant
evidence offered by the appellant."
Approval by Planning and Zoning Board of Caribou Pro' ct # 18-02A on 1-16-2003.
Janet Winters
This is unclear at this point.
O ...
• In a discussion with both the planner and developer at the neighborhood meeting,
there was an assurance made that there would be many opportunities for
neighborhood involvement and input. They discussed the fact that there were "lots" of
meetings held with neighbors for the Fox Meadows project, and they would do the
same for this project. In fact, they indicated that they appreciated the input.
• The project planner confirmed that meeting minutes would be sent to those requesting
it, and pointed out where to mark on the sign-up sheet, the request for a copy of the
meeting minutes.
In addition to not being provided any opportunities for input into the project through
"future neighborhood meetings", there has been no response to the questions from
neighborhood meeting communicated, as promised.
• The P&Z Board voiced concern around not providing requested information and
pointed out issues of credibility.
• If what was assured in the Neighborhood Meeting actually occurred, these issues
more than likely would have been hammered out, thus minimizing these kind of
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