Global Village Academy Phase Two Vicinity Map (PDF)
Aerial Map (DOCX)
Planning Objectives (PDF)
On -site Circulation System (Figure 10, T.I.S.) (DOCX)
Global Village Site and Landscape Plan (PDF)
Elevations (PDF)
Neighborhood Meeting Summary (DOCX)
Transportation Impact Study(PDF)
Power Point Presentation (PPTX)
January 2015 P&Z Minutes Excerpt
Item # 7 Page 8
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In response, the school has designed a new on -site circulation system that should be able to handle the
existing and future enrollment without vehicles spilling over into the neighborhood or parking on
Horsetooth Road. Further, two new bus routes will be provided for a total of five buses and these buses
will have an exclusive lane for loading and unloading. Finally, the school will implement a staggered
dismissal time to reduce congestion.
❑ As was mentioned last year, there is unacceptable traffic at Bronson Street and the school driveway.
In response, the school will encourage parents, faculty, staff and visitors to only exit on Bronson if their
destination is southbound. A northbound destination requires a left turn on to an arterial street which can
be delayed during peak travel times. Northbound trips will be encouraged to use the signalized
❑ As mentioned last year, there is traffic congestion at Horsetooth Road and Silver Trails Drive. This
segment of Horsetooth Road is heavily used by Olander Elementary School parents, faculty and staff
which will conflict with Global Village Academy.
In response, Global Village Academy has established school day timeframe that does not coincide with
Olander Elementary School for both morning and afternoon. This will reduce the times of conflict.
Olander starts at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 3:38 p.m. G.V.A. starts at 8:00 a.m. and will end at 2:45 p.m. (first
shift) and 3:05 p.m. (second shift). Approximately 16% of the students participate in after -school programs
which end between 4:45 p.m. and 5:15 p.m.
Further, the T.I.S. indicates that acceptable Levels of Service will be retained at this intersection.
6. Findings of Fact/Conclusions:
A. The request for an expansion of an existing public charter school is subject to evaluation by the
Planning and Zoning Board, pursuant to State Statute Section 31-23-209, C.R.S. and Fort Collins Land
Use Code Section 2.16.
B. The location of the Global Village Academy Public Charter School, Phase Two, is consistent with
the land use designation described in the City's Structure Plan Map, an element of the City's
Comprehensive Plan. In addition, its location along an arterial street provides a transition and buffer for the
benefit of the residences to the west.
C. The character of the Global Village Academy Public Charter School, Phase Two, is consistent with
the stated purpose of the respective low -density mixed use designation of the City's Comprehensive Plan
in that the proposal is a secondary use that serves the neighborhood and is in harmony with the residential
D. The extent of the Global Village Academy Public Charter School, Phase Two, is mitigated through
on -site parking and an internal circulation system that is designed to accommodate school -related traffic,
and the construction of new on -site internal sidewalks contributes to the overall bicycle and pedestrian
connectivity in relationship to the Silver Oaks neighborhood.
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❑ Staggered dismissal times are recommended in order to relieve congestion, and that these
times should be staggered by potentially up to 30 minutes. Further, the Transportation Impact
Study recommends that the two dismissal times divide the number of students by roughly a 50
/ 50 split.
❑ The existing north -south driveway will be widened to provide two in -bound (south) lanes for
the parent queue, a one -lane outbound lane (north) and an exclusive bus lane (bi-directional).
Two additional bus routes are anticipated with Phase Two for a total of five routes. Buses will
be prohibited from entering the parent circulation queue.
❑ Acceptable pedestrian Level of Service will be achieved for all pedestrian destinations.
❑ The bicycle Level of Service is acceptable.
❑ The parcel is served by Transfort Route 12 with a transit stop at the Taft Hill and Horsetooth
5. Neighborhood Meeting:
A neighborhood information meeting was held on November 24, 2014. A summary of this meeting is attached. In
general, the focus of the discussion centered on issues related to traffic, particularly during morning drop-off and
afternoon pick-up activities. Both the applicant's consultant and the City's traffic operations engineer were able to
address these concerns.
The main issues, and their resolution, are summarized as follows:
❑ As was brought up last year, there continues to be a concern that there is only one signalized intersection
serving the Silver Oaks Neighborhood located at Taft Hill Road and Horsetooth Road. This intersection is
congested and will experience increased congestion due to the new traffic associated with the proposed
school. A new signal at Taft Hill / Bronson should be provided.
In response, the City's Traffic Operations Department will not install a signal at Taft Hill Road and Bronson
Street because it is too close to the existing signalized intersection. The Transportation Impact Study
indicates that acceptable Levels of Service will be retained at the Taft Hill and Horsetooth intersection with
the anticipated traffic from the new school at both the morning and afternoon peaks. It is infeasible to
install traffic signals at all arterial street and sub -arterial street intersections. Unsignalized intersections of
local streets (Bronson) and arterial streets (Taft Hill) is a common condition city-wide. Residents are
encouraged to use the existing signal especially if going north.
❑ The signalized intersection could be improved by allowing more green time for the eastbound Horsetooth
left turn movement to go north on Taft Hill. Also the stacking lane for this left turn is not long enough and
cars waiting to turn left stack back into the eastbound through lane.
In response, the applicant will work with the City's Traffic Operations Department to evaluate increasing
the left turn phase and lengthening the left turn stacking lane to improve the operation of the intersection.
❑ There is too much congestion with the drop-off and pick-up traffic. Parents are stacking back on to Silver
Trails. Other parents park on Silver Trails sometimes blocking our driveways. Parents are also parking on
Horsetooth Road in the bike lane.
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❑ The eastbound Bronson left turn movement on to northbound Taft Hill will experience
significant delays (Levels of Service F in the morning and E in the afternoon at dismissal).
This delay is considered to be normal during peak hours at stop -sign controlled intersections
along arterial streets.
❑ In the short range (2019), given the full development of Global Village Academy and in
increase in background traffic, a southbound right turn lane on Taft Hill Road at Horsetooth
Road is warranted but will not be constructed at this time as there is no change in the Level of
Service with the added right turn lane. Land area for this future right turn lane was acquired
as part of Phase One to accommodate future construction.
❑ In the short range (2019), given the full development of Global Village Academy and in
increase in background traffic, a second southbound right turn lane on Taft Hill Road at
Bronson Street is warranted. As with the aforementioned right turn lane, this auxiliary lane will
not be constructed at this time since there would be no change in the Level of Service. Land
area for this future right turn lane would have to be acquired from the Silver Oaks
Homeowners Association.
❑ In the short range, a northbound right turn lane is required at the Taft Hill Road and
Horsetooth Road intersection. Global Village Academy Phase Two, however, adds no traffic
to this movement, and the Taft Hill/Horsetooth intersection operates acceptably.
❑ Based on the morning peak hour traffic forecast, a westbound right turn lane is required at the
Horsetooth/Silver Trails intersection. Both the public right-of-way and the existing pavement
section are available to provide for this lane by re -striping. As it so happens, the City Streets
Department will be re -paving this segment of West Horsetooth Road in 2015 and re -striping
for this right turn lane can be accomplished with this project.
❑ On -site circulation consists of the two primary functions: First, for grades pre-school and
kindergarten, parents park and walk their children into the school. Second, for grades first
through eighth, parents enter a queue and either drop-off (morning) or pick-up (dismissal) their
children. These two operations will be provided for with two circulation systems.
❑ The park/walk function will be directed to the 33 spaces in the south parking lot adjacent to the
school entrance. Faculty, staff and visitors will directed to park in the other 62 spaces. (See
Figure 10 of the Transportation Impact Study).
❑ The drop-off and pick-up function is located at the curb adjoining the school entrance where
eight vehicles can unload or load simultaneously. The queue would wrap around the outer
parking lot aisle. This aisle is wide enough that vehicles could be double -stacked. The on -site
intersection would be kept clear by school staff. The entire queue could hold approximately 64
vehicles. These vehicles would then exit either to Silver Trails Drive or Bronson Street
depending on their desired destination. The goal is to prevent vehicles from stacking back
onto Silver Trails Drive. (See Figure 10 of the Transportation Impact Study).
❑ At dismissal, traffic congestion is created by parents arriving early and waiting in the queue.
When the bell rings, 65% of the parents are already stacked in line. With Phase Two, and
based on observed parent arrival time for pick-up, there would be an estimated 123 vehicles in
a queue that holds only 64 vehicles.
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The main entry will remain as is. New rooftop mechanical equipment will be screened by a
parapet wall.
With regard to character, the proposed classroom addition is two -stories in height and contains
28,500 square feet. The proposed gymnasium and new classroom wing will be 30 feet in height
and the cafeteria expansion will be one-story in height.
The new Phase Two additions will extend the existing building mostly to the north and slightly to
the west. The long axis of the gymnasium will parallel Taft Hill Road. The long axis of the
classroom addition will parallel Bronson Street. As with Phase One, there will continue to be no
vehicular use area between the buildings and Taft Hill Road.
The building addition will match the materials and color of the Phase One. As with Phase One, the
design of the building and the proposed site improvements would not alter the existing character of
the larger neighborhood.
Staff finds that the overall general architectural character of the facility is acceptable given the
setting along four public streets and at the edge of an established neighborhood.
Landscaping & Site Layout
Phase Two incudes additional landscaping particularly along the west property line adjoining the
existing townhomes. A new internal sidewalk will be constructed along the north -south driveway.
The new parking will be divided between two separate parking lots thus minimizing large expanses
of asphalt.
Phase One included street trees along both Taft Hill Road and Horsetooth Road. Phase Two
includes a new row of trees in the ten -foot wide buffer strip along the west side of the private
driveway for the benefit of the adjoining townhomes. In addition, the new landscaping is designed
to mitigate the main parking lot and the entry drive at Silver Trails Drive.
A continuous row of landscaping will be provided along the west property between the north -south
driveway and the rear property lines of the townhomes providing a buffer and transition to the
adjacent residences. .
The playgrounds will be screened with fencing. No other fences are planned.
As with Phase One, new pole and building -mounted lighting will be fully shielded and down -
C. Extent
With regard to extent, the construction of Phase Two includes all the land development features required
to serve a public facility. The site improvements will include new internal sidewalks that tie into Horsetooth
Road on the south and Bronson Street on the north. New playgrounds and athletic fields will be provided.
A Transportation Impact Study was submitted which evaluated the traffic counts and operational
aspects of Phase One as well as the estimated impacts of Phase Two. The City's Traffic
Operations Department has reviewed the proposed project. The key findings are as follows:
❑ A new traffic signal is not warranted at the Taft Hill /Bronson intersection.
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respective land use designation as set forth in the City's Comprehensive Plan.
(3) The site development plan shall identify the level of functional and visual impacts to public rights -of -
way, facilities and abutting private land caused by the development, including, but not limited to, streets,
sidewalks, utilities, lighting, screening and noise, and shall mitigate such impacts to the extent reasonably
A. Location
The proposed school expansion is at 2130 West Horsetooth Road, on a 5.02 acre site and that includes
Phase One constructed in 2014. This parcel is located at the intersection of two arterial streets with the
exception of Horsetooth Road west of Taft Hill Road which is classified as a collector roadway. The site is
on the edge of an established neighborhood known as Silver Oaks.
This neighborhood was developed in four phases with all phases preceding City Plan which is why it is
zoned R-L. The subject parcel was vacant up until last year which is why it is zoned L-M-N. To the south
is an existing Mobile Home Park which was developed and remains in unincorporated Larimer County.
The neighborhood is characterized by the Olander Elementary School and its adjacency to the City's
newest community park - Spring Canyon Park. The parcel is served by Transfort Route 12. The
neighborhood is predominantly residential featuring a variety of housing types.
Staff finds that the location at the edge of an established neighborhood, and at the intersection of an
arterial and a collector street, is appropriate for the size and scale of the proposed public charter school
addition. The school's campus acts as a transitional land use between low density residential and arterial
street traffic. (Four -lane arterial streets are expected to handle a level of traffic volume ranging between
15,000 and 35,000 vehicle trips per day.)
The Global Village Academy is consistent with the Low Density Mixed Use Neighborhood's purpose and
intent to provide public schools as an appropriate secondary use. Public schools are typically found in
residential settings and the open space associated with the school campus will complement the
established residential neighborhood.
B. Character
Since the public charter schools are not subject to specific architectural, landscape or other adopted
design standards, the proposal has been evaluated for its consistency with the stated purpose of the Low
Density Mixed Use zone district.
Architecture & Design
Phase Two will be a two-story addition consisting of classrooms, gymnasium and a one-story
expanded cafeteria. The exterior material will continue to be mostly metal siding with cementitious
panels that accent the fagade. These materials match Phase One.
Phase One consists of six colors. Phase Two will be slightly more subdued with only four colors
with accent colors blue and green being deleted. (There is one minor exception on the east
elevation where a small wedge of blue at the base of the stairwell is provided in order to
symmetrically balance the blue on Phase One).
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The Site Plan Advisory Review for Phase Two complies with Land Use Code Section 2.16, Site Plan Advisory
1. Background:
The surrounding zoning and land uses are as follows:
N: R-L; Single Family Detached (Silver Oaks Subdivision)
S: County; Mobile Home Park
E: R-L; Single Family Detached (Rossborough Subdivision)
W: L-M-N; Single Family Attached (Silver Oaks, First Filing, Subdivision)
In 1979, the parcel was included in the 60-acre Ken -Mark Annexation.
In 1993, Silver Oaks First Filing was approved consisting of 55 lots on 17.92 acres.
In 1994, Silver Oaks Second Filing was approved consisting of 33 lots on 7.98 acres.
In 1995, Silver Oaks Third Filing was approved consisting of 56 lots 12.27 acres.
In 1997, Silver Oaks Paired Housing was approved consisting of 20 lots on 2.87 acres.
On January 9, 2014, Global Village Academy, Phase One, Site Plan Advisory Review, was approved by the
Planning and Zoning Board. The school opened in August of 2014.
2. Right of Advisory Review:
Colorado Revised Statutes provide two specific references which allow the City to review the planning and location
of public facilities:
Section 31-23-209, C.R.S. provides that no public building shall be constructed or authorized in a city until the
"location, character and extent thereof" has been submitted for approval by the Planning and Zoning Board. In the
case of disapproval, the Planning and Zoning Board shall communicate its findings to the School District. The
disapproval of the Planning and Zoning Board may be overruled by the Colorado State University Board of
Governors by a vote of not less than two-thirds of its membership.
3. Site Plan Advisory Review Procedures:
The processing and evaluation of Site Plan Advisory Review applications is governed by Division 2.16 or Article 2
of the Fort Collins Land Use Code. The section further defines the evaluation criteria for the "location, character
and extent" of Site Plan Advisory Review applications as follows:
(1) The site location for the proposed use shall be consistent with the land use designation described by
the City Structure Plan Map, which is an element of the City's Comprehensive Plan.
(2) The site development plan shall conform to architectural, landscape and other design standards and
guidelines adopted by the applicant's governing body. Absent adopted design standards and guidelines,
the design character of the site development plan shall be consistent with the stated purpose of the
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Ted Shepard, Chief Planner
This a request to construct a new, two-story building, containing 16 classrooms,
gymnasium, science room, and expanded cafeteria for a total of 28,500 square
feet. Combined with the existing building that includes 24,000 square feet, the
new total for the campus would be 52,500 square feet. The new gymnasium,
(5,500 square feet), would face east and would operate in conjunction with a
new playground and athletic fields. The cafeteria expansion to the west would
be a one-story addition.
The new classrooms are intended to serve up to 420 additional students.
Combined with the existing number of students, 360, the new total of current and
projected enrollment would be 780 students ranging from pre-school through
eighth grade.
The onsite circulation system would be enlarged with a four -lane driveway to
accommodate additional buses and an improved student drop -of, pick-up and
queueing zone. Two new parking lots, consisting of a total of 48 additional
spaces, would be provided for faculty, staff and visitors.
The site is 5.02 acres and zoned L-M-N, Low Density Mixed -Use Neighborhood.
Global Village Academy Public Charter School
c/o Mr. Doug Talbot
Highmark School Development
6900 South 900 East, Suite 100
Murray, Utah 84047
Mr. Terry Gogerty
Global Village Academy
555 W.112 Avenue
Northglenn, CO 80524
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