August 15, 2002
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Member Colton moved for approval of Consent Agenda items 1 (February 21,
2002 only), 2 (including an additional 30 days for Waterfield) and Item 4.
Member Torgerson seconded the motion.
The motion was approved 6-0.
Project: City of Fort Collins Utility Service Center (700
Wood Street) — Modification of Standard, #16-
\ 90E.
Description: Request for a Modification of StandarOo
\ Section 3.4.1(E) Establishment of Buffer
Zones. The project includes ditirsIting
ance of a
.2 acre wetland just east of th service
center parking lot and south f a railroad spur.
Also, there will be a .2 acre wetland
disturbance at the northeast corner of the site
\ in Lee Martinez Park, or a stormwater quality
pond. Total wetland disturbance is .4 acre.
Chairperson Gavaldon excused himsel ue to a conflict of interest on the project. Vice
Chair Torgerson took over the meeting. '
Tonya Shank, 715 Elm Street, asked if the project,,was 100% approved and asked what
the status of the project was. She asked if the wetland had been surveyed for the
Prebles' Meadow Jumping mouse gr'if it needed to be. ` he also wondered if there was
anything else that could be done to not have the develop"
evelop t affect the wetland.
Ted Shepard, Chief Planner'reported that nothing has been approved. The issue of the
Prebles' Meadow Jumping mouse has never come up. I\
Vice Chair Torgerson asked if there would typically be a survey done for a Prebles'
Jumping mouser
Planner Shepard replied that it depends on the conditions. It depends on the nat a of
the area that is being impacted whether or not it is predisposed to being habitat for t
jumping mouse. A lot of times most of that habitat in Fort Collins, especially along the
Pqudre River has already been surveyed.
Council Liaison: Karen Weitkunat
Chairperson: Jerry Gavaldon
Vice Chair: Mikal Torgerson
Staff Liaison: Cameron Gloss
Phone: (H) 484-2034
Phone: (W) 416-7435
Chairperson Gavaldon called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.
Roll Call: Craig, Bernth, Torgerson, Colton, Carpenter, Gavaldon. Member Meyer
was absent.
Staff Present: Gloss, Eckman, Shepard, Olt, Jones, Stringer, Virata, Moore and
Agenda Review: Director of Current Planning Cameron Gloss reviewed the Consent
and Discussion Agendas:
Consent Agenda:
1. Minutes of the February 15 (Continued), February 21, May 16
(Continued) and June 20 (Continued), 2002 Planning and
Zoning Board Hearings.
2. Modification of Condition of Final Approval.
3. #16-90E Modification of Standard — City of Fort Collins Utility Service
Center (700 Wood Street).
4. #26-02A Modification of Standard — Discount Tire at Fossil Creek
5. #24-94A Lindenmeier Estates P.U.D. — Final (Continued)
Director Gloss asked for a change in the recommendation to the Modification of
Conditions of Final Approval for the Waterfield PUD, 2"d Filing. Staff is requesting an
additional 30 days beyond the 60-day extension that has been requested. This would
be necessary to complete the purchase of a conservation easement by the city Natural
Resources Department.
Director Gloss reported that the only discussion item, Lindenmeier Estates was being
Tonya Shank, citizen, pulled Item 3, City of Fort Collins Utility Service Center
Modification of Standard.