March 12, 2015
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traffic response system that will clear out traffic more quickly after a train passes. Matt Bowker, PVH
Project Manager, stated that the demolition of the original building will occur over a two -month period.
He also indicated that there will be limited hours of demolition, which should start in May or June and
should end in the fall of 2016.
Board Questions and Staff Response
There was some discussion regarding the changes to the flight patterns of the helicopters, and Russ
Wooley, with PVH, responded that, based on weather conditions and destination, pilots try to avoid flying
over residential areas whenever possible. Options for signage were also discusses, including striping on
the street.
Board Deliberation
Member Hart made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Board approve the Poudre Valley
Hospital A -Wing Replacement PDP140019, based upon the findings of facts and conclusion in the
staff report. Vice Chair Kirkpatrick seconded the motion. Members made comments in favor of the
project, complimenting the design and considerations. Vote: 6:0.
Member Hobbs rejoined the hearing at 6:46pm.
Members Hansen and Heinz recused themselves at 6:50pm due to conflicts of interest.
Project: Landmark Residences on Mountain Avenue
Proje Description: This Project Development Plan would remove the existing con ience
store/gas tion at the northeast corner of Mountain Avenue and Shields Street, d construct a new
mixed use bu g with 6 townhouse units and 1 commercial unit planned for offee shop, studio,
professional office, similar tenant. The residential portion of the propos uilding has2-story and
2'/z- story units. The co ercial portion is one story and has both gro floor and rooftop patio
spaces. Each townhouse u ' as a single -car detached garage. 1 otal parking spaces are proposed.
The parcel size is 27,058 square-leet, or .62 acres.
Recommendation: Approval
Staff and Applicant Presentations
Planner Mapes gave a brief overv,j6v. Stephanie Van Dyken, itect with Ripley Associates, Inc.,
gave a full presentation, inclu g photos, history of the site, and sha concerns over recent crime
rates. Based on requesisjr6m neighboring residents in 2012, Richard Ones er, the owner, agreed to
alter the purpose of th roperty. She discussed the problems they encountere7tra
d the goals of the
new property (redu n of traffic, crime, and loitering and creating a neighborhooition).This plan
will serve both mmercial and residential uses. She listed the positive impacith t ' plan: less
traffic, miti ion of safety concerns, saving trees, reduction of crime, safety for pedestr s, and
appropr' a transition for neighborhood.
Planning & Zoning Board
March 12, 2015
Page 3
Project: Poudre Valley Hospital A -Wing Replacement PDP 140019
Project Description: This is a request to demolish the A -wing of the Poudre Valley Hospital and
construct a new two-story building containing 111,000 square feet. The first floor would be for a new
emergency department including a separate ambulance -only access from Lemay Avenue protected by a
canopy. The second floor would be for patient beds and general hospital services. The existing
helicopter landing pad would be relocated to the roof of the new building. A new lab would be located in
the basement. The building would be constructed to allow two additional stories to be added in the
future. In addition, a larger parking lot is proposed on the north side of Doctors Lane to serve the new
Recommendation: Approval
Staff and Applicant Presentations
Chief Planner Shepard gave an overview of the project. Kevin Unger, CEO of Poudre Valley Hospital,
gave a brief description of the project, focusing on how it will enhance patient care overall by improving
orthopedic care and neonatal intensive care. Roger Sherman, a Consultant with B.H.A. Design, gave an
in-depth presentation of the proposed development. He detailed the proposed improvements to
emergency access, the relocation of the helipad, the new Express labs, and the new and improved
parking lot. He showed vicinity maps, aerial views, and pedestrian views of the project, including the
ambulance canopy views with landscaping and signage. He also confirmed the project's compliance
with the Land Use Code.
Public Input
Yvonne Myers, 3236 Red Mountain Drive, supports this project because she is concerned with the ability
of Fort Collins to provide medical care for an aging community.
Mike Sanders, 1800 Westview, supports the project and feels that PVH has been a good neighbor in the
Brian Hahn, 1019 Garfield Street, is opposed to this project, because he is concerned that not enough
has been done to mitigate the demolition/construction noise.
Joyce Hahn, 1019 Garfield Street, is also opposed because of the helicopter pad (and associated noise)
being so close to their home. She also mentioned the traffic issues due to both trains and autos.
Ian Wood, 2233 Forecastle, supports the project, because he feels there has been considerable thought
put into the noise concerns. He stated that the growing Fort Collins population needs this expansion to
provide future care. He feels that the many benefits overshadow any negatives.
Staff/Applicant Response to Citizen Concerns
Mr. Sherman responded to the citizen's concerns over traffic, saying there will be ambulance signals and
new signage installed to address traffic flow. Martina Wilkinson, Traffic Operations, also responded that
the City has no jurisdiction over train schedules but that the hospital will still try to avoid potential train -
related congestion. There is a study underway to address that, and they will also be implementing a
Planning & Zoning Board
March 12, 2015
Page 2
Director Kadrich reviewed the items on the Consent and Discussion agendas, and she explained the
process for each.
Public Input on Items Not on the Agenda:
Consent Agenda:
1. Draft Minutes from February 12, 2015, P&Z Hearing
2. Laporte Solar Array, FDP 150005
3. East Ridge, Final Plan Extension of Vested Rights #33-98
Eric Sutherland requested that the Laporte Solar Array be pulled from the Consent agenda.
Public Input on Consent Agenda:
Eric Sutherland, 3520 Golden Current, raised some questions about the inclusion of the Site Plan
Advisory Review process within the Land Use Code. He stated that he could not identify any other cities
that do this, although the language in the code is similar to what counties use. He also commented on
the concept of using Hearing Officers for Type I reviews, which he does not feel represents the legislative
intent of the land use code.
Member Hart made a motion to postpone the 201 E. Elizabeth Street Minor Amendment 140133 to
the next Planning and Zoning Board hearing on April 9, 2015. Member Heinz seconded. Vote:
Member Heinz made a motion that the Planning and Zoning Board approve the March 12, 2015,
Consent agenda, including the minutes from the February 12, 2015, Planning and Zoning Board
hearing and East Ridge, Final Plan Extension of Vested Right #33-98. Member Hobbs seconded.
Vote: 7:0.
Discussion Agenda:
4. 201 E. Elizabeth Street MA140133 (postponed to the April Yh hearing)
5. Poudre Valley Hospital A -Wing Replacement PDP 140019
6. Landmark Residences on Mountain Avenue
7. Nature in the City Strategic Plan — Adoption Recommendation
8. West Central Area Plan — Adoption Recommendation
Member Hobbs recused himself at 6:11 pm due to a conflict of interest.
Jennifer Carpenter, Chair
Kristin Kirkpatrick, Vice Chair
Jeff Hansen
Gerald Hart
Emily Heinz
Michael Hobbs
Jeffrey Schneider
City Council Chambers
City Hall West
300 Laporte Avenue
Fort Collins, Colorado
Cablecast on City Cable Channel 14
on the Comcast cable system
The City of Fort Collins will make reasonable accommodations for access to City services. programs, and activities and will make special
communication arrangements for persons with disabilities. Please call 221-6515 (TDD 224-6001) for assistance.
Regular Hearing
March 12, 2015
Chair Carpenter called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m.
Roll Call: Carpenter, Kirkpatrick, Hansen, Hart, Heinz, Hobbs and Schneider
Absent: None
Staff Present: Kadrich, Eckman, Gloss, Beals, Ex, Sharton, Everette, Wray, Mounce, Shepard,
Mapes, Virata, Wilkinson, Sizemore, and Cosmas
Agenda Review
Chair Carpenter provided background on the board's role and what the audience could expect as to the
order of business. She described the following processes:
• While the City staff provides comprehensive information about each project under consideration,
citizen input is valued and appreciated.
• The Board is here to listen to citizen comments. Each citizen may address the Board once for
each item.
• Decisions on development projects are based on judgment of compliance or non-compliance with
city Land Use Code.
• Should a citizen wish to address the Board on items other than what is on the agenda, time will
be allowed for that as well.
• This is a legal hearing, and the Chair will moderate for the usual civility and fairness to ensure
that everyone who wishes to speak can be heard.