I certify the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am
acting with the knowledge, consent, and authority of the owners of the property (including all owners having a legal or equitable interest In
the real property, as defined in Section 102 of the City Code; and including common areas legally connected to or associated with the
property which is the subject of this application) without whose consent and authority the requested action should not lawfully be
accomplished. Pursuant to said authority, I hereby permit City olficiads to enter upon the properly for the purpose of inspection, and it
necessary, for posting a public notice on the property.
N,uuc (please PRINT): 4%a�e-D 6,0 Co'E \
Telephone:, Signature:
lT i 7
City of Fort Collins
I certify the information and exhibits submitted are true and correct to the best of my knowledge and that in filing this application, I am
acting with the knowledge, consent, and authority of the owners of the property (including all owners having a legal or equitable interest In
the real property, as defined in Section 102 of the City Code; and Including common areas legally connected to or associated with the
property which is the subject of this application) without whose consent and authority the requested action should not lawfully be
accomplished. Pursuant to said authority, I hereby permit City officials to enter upon the property for the purpose of inspection, and it
necessary, for posting a public notice on the property.
Name (please PRINT): �K_L ' _ �f, J.
Address:._ S t dq - 1 r--{S.1
Telephone: 9 Zz) —
'r,,.l.q •, Dale --
fur Ot)ice Ilse Only;
0 Cunem Planning I�iIC 11.3 ��_ 1'lunuu ������7��`-!_
Project N:une: Taft Hill/Hull Rezoning_
ProjecILocaI!an ( Street Address): 2800 Taft Hill Road__
ProJecl Description: Rl zoni Z. LLM to
General Itifor/nalIasi: /.isf till pr»berry nlnners' in the Garhtg n Irgnl/cquihrble interest
prnper!v (:1 trash sepnrute .cheek i/ necess�u) ).
Wilbur A. Aanes/ Barbara L. Aanes
Owner's Nance (s): _EdWA
d•-d' .Jaero�er_Re.Veeab4,e �•�s
StreclAddress; Ed Jaerc(er�901 Alexa_ �aay`Ft Coll
City/Slide/Zip:. Will Aanes 1926 Hull Street
717rt 120171-ins-. Co- TS- �- — -
Tclephnnc:2?�-0266_._ _Fax:a$.2-10R0
('urrcnt Planning Department
Application Toren
Lund Ilse III] ' all nlalilm.
Gross :Acreage/Squa1C IvuNage;, 15.3 acres
Iixisting Zonillg: LLD1 Prolwsecl Usc: _ MMN -
'I't)17d Number of 1)wclliog Llnits: lt^, or ? Ore per act
'I'olal Commercial Fluor Area: n/a
1pplicunl's/('onsnllnnl'sNntne:_.. RtaVp Pfiatg
Name or rtrm; Real tec —
canlacl:_. Steve Pfister _
AI`aeclAddress:. 255 E,, Monroe # 4
Cily/slate!'/ip;__Fort Collins,, CO 30525
'I'cicphane: 229---gaoo _ Fax: 2$Z-1.Q8t1_
Type of Request
!!case inelir•are file (ppe q/'appliraliun sabntillerl by checking the box precerling npprapriuh• requrct(.t1. .lddilinn.rl handorlls
sabnlitral requirements fur each of the fulhnring rerietr prac•esrrs•. ore nrallablc rrpinlning
U Annexation Peliliun with hlitial Inning RGQl1rS"I'FD'l.ONli:
Fee $1,188.00 v $50U) sign Ik:sling fee
it I%uzoning Pdiliun 0lif,)(JI:S"1'I;DZONli:
Fee $977.00 + $50.(H) sign pnsling fx
❑ Overall Development Plan (OI)I')
rce: $1,599.00-t $50.06sign posting fee +$.50for each APO label
❑ Project Development Plan (PDP) tvllhout SIIItdivisioll Plat
fce: $3,887.0(l + $50.00 sign pnsling fee+ $.50 1'nr each APO label
❑ Prrriecl Dcvelnpnrent Plan (PDP) will, Subdivision Plel
Fee: $5,879 00 i $50.00 sign posting fee + $.50 fur coal APO label
❑ Penal flan wilhout Suhdivision Plal
Fee: $ I SM.00
0 Final flan with Subdivision Plat
FCC: $1,000.00
Modiliemirm of Standards/real ;end M,q� AniCndnlent
Fce: $200.00
Ll Major Amendment
Pee: $1 206.(N)+ $SQ.1N) sign posting li:c
G Non Confolnling I Ise Review
Ilec: $1,389.(N)
O Vacaliva of ROW or Fascment
Fec: $5.(N) per sheet of filing (hx:unlen(
❑ Small I'miecl I"Ces
Fee: Varies Check will' the Con'em Planning Department
❑ Street Name ('h:utge
Cl Exlension ul' Final Appruv:d
I -'cc: $M61)O
U Site Phill Advisory I:eview
NO i fili
t rPrnp'E1,04A) P `� �'�-'R%YI%ICATI0IV ON Rls'r�1':1►.5'Is ,Slur:' n9'rI,ST B ,Srl:Nls'D.