in-mtu is serious about the
environment. It would:
■ Replace the site's non-na-
tive plant species and weeds
with native groundcovers,
off base
shrubs and trees that are
drought -tolerant and promote
wildlife activity (now non-exis-
L II) 1
W lth Mein
tent there).
■ Create an on -site wetland and
wildlife habitat that could also
Our local economy is a lot like
serve to demonstrate its water -
a well — you don't miss the wa-
quality monitoring instruments
ter until the well runs dry.
■ Create a connecting walk -
Despite our recent great
way to the Poudre River Trail to
economy, the "water level" in to-
day's economic well is getting
encourage bicycle commuting
and walking trips to downtown.
lower. Sales tax revenues have
■ Use its technology to mom -
declined, we just "lost" the re-
for the quality of water in the
gional hospital complex to Love-
Poudre and provide the data to
land, and we're having problems
the city — without charge.
with jobs.
As allowed by our land use
What can be done? Maybe a
code, In -Situ asked our Planning
new firm in Fort Collins? One, that
and Zoning Board (P&Z) for two
would not only
modifications to land -use stan-
help our econo- k
dards to achieve its goals.
In proposed a longer -
prove o>envi��
than -standard, one-story, nar-
row building that runs perpendi-
ronment and
cular to the river to present min-
imum faces to both street and
nv er. To allow for such environ-
help protect the
mentally friendly siting, the
building would encroach into
environment? An UOUg
the 300-foot buffer zone along
the river. Land use code Stan
organization that Hiutehinson
would bring 50 or
dards already allow up to 20 per -
so Community
high -paying,
cent encroachment; the siting
would require 30 to 45 percent.
high-tech jobs to.
our town? How
On Dec.19, P&Z voted 7-0 to
about a firm with an international
approve the modifications and
reputation that wants to locate
allow In -Situ to come here.
near Old Town? Sound too good
So Fort Collins will have a
to be true?
crown jewel of a high-tech, envi-
Well, a 65-person firm called
ronmentally oriented business,
"In -Situ" wants to move here. Es-
right? Wrong. On Jan. 21, Coun-
tablished in 1975 in Laramie, Wyo,
the company designs and builds
= cil members Eric Hamrick and
7 David Roy filed an appeal of
world -class environmental mono-
- mrs approval. They want to
toring instruments to "improve the
Check out their
n stop In -Situ from coming here.
Why? Their filing states it's be -
world we live in:,
Web site at www.in-situ.com;
; cause Fort
you'll be impressed.
code standarnnoNease
The four -acre site the compa-
mind P&Zs rigorous assessment
ny has chosen was formerly
used to store semi -trailers and
and unanimous vote of approval.
Even P&Zs Glen Colton, a staunch
old Poudre alley Creamery
environmental guardian, voted ap-
trucks. North of the Poudre Riv-
er at 105 E. Lincoln St It's zoned
[ proval, stating "... this is a great
company and ... would be good to
community commercial —
It's vacant;' just
,Fort Collins."
'' Have Hamrick's and Roy's'o$-
Poudre River.
and non-native grasses.
t 'demonstrated anti -business and
In -Situ wants to create an ar- I
chitecture that fits into the natu-
' . anti -growth stands led them to un-
dermne the P&Z process to blind-
ral environment, with low visual
ly reject a firm like In -Situ? If In -
impact and minimum blockage
Situ is unacceptable, what business
of views of the river. The facility
could possibly ever locate here?
only about
City Council will vote on, the
itself would occupy
one-fourth of the site. There are
Hamrick -Roy appeal at its Feb. 4
no manufacturing byproducts.
meeting (Hamrick and Roy get to
In -Situ only does research; de-
° vote, too.) This is an extraordinary
sign, marketing, and assemblyof
event — the first such appeal initi-
parts provided by vendors. _
i ated by any council member in
more than seven years.