From: Tim Buchanan
To: Bob Barkeen
Date: 12/18/03 4:23PM
Subject: Re: Cortina Trees
Comments to include on the revised plan.
1. The Swamp White Oak located in the parkway along Howes Street and the Hackberry along Canyon
shall be transplanted off site by a method and to a location approved by the City Forester.
I have reviewed the need to remove the Green Ash located in the Parkway along Howes. The need for
removal as presented by the project applicant is necessary because it is not "reasonably feasible" to
preserve the tree due to the alternative construction costs of over $200,000.
I have determined that the tree is significant and will require mitigation. Based on the code requirements
three up -sized mitigation trees will need to be planted. These should consist of three canopy shade trees
that are 3.0 inch caliper. Two shall be located in the parkway along Howes and one in the Parkway along
Canyon. The landscape plan shall identify these mitigation trees as to type and size.
Tim Buchanan, City Forester
City of Fort Collins
POB 580
215 North Mason Street - 3rd Floor
Fort Collins CO 80522-0580
ph 970-221-6361
fx 970-221-6586
>>> Bob Barkeen 12/18/03 11:47AM >>>
After discussing the tree removal with Cameron its been decided the project will need to be referred back
to P&Z to remove the condition. If you could provide me with any comments to include on the revised plan,
I will foreword them to Bill. The final comments should be available tomorrow afternoon. Also, If you could
send me something indicating that you have reviewed the proposed changes and will be recommending
mitigation for the tree removal, I will include it in the information that is forwarded to P&Z (this could free
up an evening for you).
Let me know if you ave any questions
Thanks, Bob