Provide easements for the water main/fire hydrant and the sanitary sewer. Utility easements for sanitary sewer
mains are to be 30 feet in width and for water mains are to be 20 feet in width with the water/sewer main
centered in the easement.
Response: OK.
Number: 32 Created: 6/4/2003
Fire hydrants and curb stops must be located within a utility easement. Provide a permanent utility easement now for
the proposed water main and fire hydrant.
See site, landscape and utility plans for other comments.
Response: OK.
Be sure and return all of your redlined plans when you re -submit.
If you have any questions regarding these issues or any other issues related to this project,
please feel free to call me at (970) 221-6750.
Yours Truly,
Troy Jones
City Planner
Page 9
Midpoint Drive is classified as a collector on the City's Master Street Plan, which requires a 5' sidewalk and
minimum 8' parkway. Please make the necessary corrections.
Response: The 8 foot parkway and 5 foot sidewalk are provided along Midpoint Drive.
Number: 48. Created: 6/6/2003
Please remove the center access ramp on Midpoint Drive. The proposed ramps on the east and west side of the
development will adequately serve for both peds and cyclists.
Response: We feel that this is functionally necessary based on the number of persons at the facility that
commute on bicycles.
Number: 49 Created: 6/6/2003
The eastern driveway needs to include an additional directional access ramp to the east (see red lines)
Response: There will not be a sidewalk on the East side of the new private drive as it is directly in front
of the Larimer County Detention Center. Pedestrians will need to cross Midpoint at Specht Point and use
the sidewalk on the North side of Midpoint.
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Roger Buffington
Topic: General
Number: 45 Created: 6/6/2003
Contact railroad to see if permit is needed to connect to the City sewer within the railroad R.O.W.
Response: OK.
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Topic: General
Number: 29 Created: 6/4/2003
What is planned for future development on this site? Should the water main shown be extended to the end of
the driveway to avoid future removal and replacement of paving? A water main loop through the overall site is
desirable from a reliability standpoint? Is there a master plan for the site to help insure a logical phasing and
layout of water and sanitary sewer utilities? Is the sewer location shown compatible with future development?
Response: The County is in the process of developing a long term (20 - 30 year) master plan for the
Midpoint campus. This plan is not completed and therefore is not available. We are far enough with the
plan to feel confident that the LCCC building is in the right place relative to the long term plan. When the
County is ready to proceed with the next phase of development at this campus, they will be addressing
infrastructure capacity Issues. This LCCC building is a "stand alone" building that will be independent
of other structures on the site. Most other structures planned for future development will connect to the
LCDC in some way.
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Roger Buffington
Topic: Utility plans
Number: 46 Created: 6/6/2003
Revise grading to take meter pit out of detention pond.
Response: The grading has been revised. The meter pit is no longer in the proposed detention pond
Department: Water Wastewater Issue Contact: Jeff Hill
Topic: Utility plans
Number: 30 Created: 6/4/2003
Sanitary sewer mains must maintain a 4 foot minimum depth of bury or insulation must be installed. If insulation
is proposed, provide complete details (i.e. type, width, thickness, manufacture, etc.). Show and label insulation
in sanitary sewer profile view.
Response: OK.
Number: 31
Created: 6/4/2003
Page 8
Number: 42 Created: 6/5/2003
The grading plan needs more detail, including spot elevations, to verify slopes, etc. Please revise.
Response: Spot elevations are shown on the grading plan.
Number: 50 Created: 6/6/2003
Water Quality is required for this site in addition to quantity detention. Please incorporate this into the design
with all necessary calculations and provide all necessary construction details on the plans.
Response — A water quality outlet structure has been added to the plans. The associated calculations
and construction details are Included in the drainage report and the construction plans.
Number: 51 Created: 6/6/2003
The City's requirement for quantity detention is to detain the 100-year storm with a release rate equal to the 2-
year historic rate, not the 100-year historic rate. Please revise.
Response: The release rate from the proposed detention pond was revised. The proposed detention
pond will release at the 2-year historic rate. The 2-year historic release rate was determined by
estimating the 2-year historic runoff from Basins H-100 and H-101.
Number: 52 Created: 6/6/2003
The release rate for the site needs to be calculated and all pond release rates and basins releasing freely need
to equal this. Sometimes, for small and all pervious basins that are free releasing, the City allows these flows not
to be added to the release rate for the site. This allows the ponds release rate not to be reduced by the amount
of flow that is free releasing. For impervious services, these need to be added to the total site release rate. This
reduces the pond release rate by the amount that is free releasing so the total site release rate is equal to the 2-
year historic rate. Fort this site, an example would be sub -basins 300 and 301, which are free releasing and
apply to the above comment.
Number: 54 Created: 6/6/2003
Report calculations mentioned parking lot detention. Please clarify this with next submittal.
Response: Yes, water is going to pond in the parking lot in Basin 100. The limits of the 100-year WSEL
are shown on sheet DR01.
Number:55 . Created: 6/6/2003
The ponds need to be analyzed when working in series to see if one will affect the other regarding timing and
backwater. The downstream pond could be partially filled by the upstream pond, thus loosing some of its
storage capacity.
Also, pond emergency spillways need to be designated with a detail.
Response: The (3)-15" ADS N-12 culverts were designed to pass the 100-year developed runoff from
Basin 100 into Basin 103 with the tailwater elevation in the proposed detention pond set at the 100-year
Topic: Erosion/Sediment Control
Number: 53 Created: 6/6/2003
A review will take place once material to review is submitted.
Department: Traffic Operations Issue Contact: Eric Bracke
Topic: traffic
Number: 1 Created: 5/28/2003
The TIS for the Latimer Country Corrections Facility is accepted with no revisions necessary. The APF issue at
Prospect and Timberline is resolved with the County commitment to revise work schedules to eliminate the peak
hour trip problem.
Department: Transportation Planning Issue Contact: Tom Reiff
Topic: Public R.O.W.
Number: 47 Created: 6/6/2003
Page 7
Response: We will coordinate all easements and ROW documents through the Larimer County Planning
process. All easement and ROW documentation will be provided to the city.
Number: 27 Created: 6/3/2003
Identify driveway width and location in relation to the property line.
Response: Comment acknowledged.
Number: 28 Created: 6/3/2003
Add the indemnification statement and the note identifying these plans were done under the supervision of a PE
to the cover sheet.
Response: Comment acknowledged.
Number: 33
Created: 6/4/2003
A development construction permit or an excavation permit for work within the row is required prior to starting
Response: Permits will be obtained as required.
Department: Light & Power
Topic: Light & Power
Number: 43
Please advise applicant to coordinate power requirements and
Power Engineering (221-6700).
Response: OK.
Issue Contact: Doug Martine
Created: 6/6/2003
Light & Power development charges with Light &
Number: 44 Created: 6/6/2003
Light & Power will need a drawing (plat?) showing dimensions of the site including area.
Response: OK.
Department: Natural Resources
Topic: General
Number: 39
There are no issues related to natural resources.
Response: OK.
Department: Stormwater Utility
Topic: Drainage
Issue Contact: Doug Moore
Created: 6/5/2003
Issue Contact: Wes Lamarque
Number: 40 Created: 6/5/2003
There is an off -site flow of 417 cfs spilling over the west side of Timberline Road that passes through this site.
This flow has to be designed to pass through in the developed site condition. Please address this flow in the
next submittal. The proposed berm would most likely redirect flows onto adjacent properties, which would have
an adverse impact.
Response: We will obtain a letter from the landowner of the adjacent property. The letter will state that
they (the property owner) accept the proposed grading and the Impacts that result from the proposed
Number: 41 Created: 6/5/2003
The historic drainage path for most of the site drains to the southeast. The proposed design has all site flows
draining to the northeast and onto Midpoint Drive. If this is to be the design, the conveyance method needs to be
analyzed all the way until the flow meets up with its original conveyance path. This would include Midpoint Drive..
All criteria would apply (street capacities, etc.) to the conveyance element.
Response: The historic surface runoff from Basin H-101 spills into Midpoint Drive from the concrete
trickle channel In the west parking lot of the Larimer County Detention Center.
Page 6
Number: 17 Created: 6/3/2003
Add patching note to the plans where street cuts are shown. Street Cut Note:
Limits of street cut are approximate. Final limits are to be determined in the field by the City Engineering
Inspector. All repairs to be in accordance with City street repair standards.
Response: The patching note was added to sheet UT01.
Number: 18 Created: 6/3/2003
Need more information on the grading and drainage plans. Which way is the water to go. Does it drain off of the
street or onto the street? Missing culverts and elevations.
Response: The water drains into the existing curb and gutter from the proposed detention pond.
Number: 19 Created: 6/3/2003
No more than about 500 square feet of driveway can drain out of at driveway and that needs to be done as sheet
flow - not flow concentrated within a gutter pan. You have quite a,bit more area than that draining out the
driveway. If it needs to go to the street another method for getting it there needs to be provided. It looks like you
could pretty easily take the drainage into the pond.
Number: 20, Created: 6/3/2003
If the drainage is coming off of the street and into the pond than the culvert details provided will not
work. For flows draining off of a street a concrete sidewalk culvert needs to be used.
Response: The water flows from the proposed detention pond into the street. The water DOES NOT flow
Into the proposed detention pond from the street.
Number: 21 Created: 6/3/2003
Update details, so that current engineering details are being used.
Response: The details have been updated.
Number: 22 Created: 6/3/2003
Remove street intersection details. The access drive is not a street.
Response: These details have been removed from sheet DT01.
Number: 23 Created: 6/3/2003
Provide the following additional details:
#701 curb and gutter
#707 high volume drive
#1601 Standard sidewalk
#1607 ramp scoring
Response: The aforementioned details were added to sheet DT02.
Number: 24 Created: 613/2003
See additional comments on the plans.
Response: OK.
-Number: 25 Created: 6/3/2003
See engineering checklist (Appendix E-4) for additional items that need to be addressed or provided.
Return checklist with next submittal.
Response: OK.
Number: 26 Created: 6/3/2003
Since you are not platting all new easements and row will need to be provided by separate document. Signed
acceptable documents will need to be provided prior to the City accepting mylars for signature.
Page 5
Number: 6 Created: 6/3/2003
Remove the center midblock ramp unless otherwise directed by Tom Reiff.
Response: We feel that this is functionally necessary based on the number of persons at the facility that
commute on bicycles.
Number: 7 Created: 6/3/2003
A variance for a high volume driveway is granted. Show the driveway intersection being built in accordance with
that detail.
Response: OK.
Number: 8 Created: 6/3/2003
Provide the high volume driveway detail.
Response: Detail #707 was added to sheet DT02.
Number: 9 Created: 6/3/2003
Indicate that the radii at the driveway entrance are to be 15 feet.
Response: The radii at the driveway entrance have been labeled.
Number: 10 Created: 6/3/2003
The sidewalk needs to continue to the driveway edge. Provide a ramp on the west side and depress the curb on
the east side in accordance with standards for future walk installation.
Response: There will not be a sidewalk on the East side of the new private drive as it is directly in front
of the Larimer County Detention Center. Pedestrians will need to cross Midpoint at Specht Point and use
the sidewalk on the North side of Midpoint.
Number: 11 Created: 6/3/2003
Include the legal description on the cover sheet under the title.
Response: The legal description was added to the cover sheet.
Number: 12 Created: 6/3/2003
Make corrections to the general notes as shown.
Response: The general notes on Sheet CV02 were corrected.
Number: 13 Created: 6/3/2003
Add the construction notes as indicated.
Response: The construction notes have been added to sheets CV01.and CV02.
Number: 14 Created: 6/3/2003
Sheet EX01 note 9 - it needs to be noted that this telephone riser needs to be relocated to allow for the sidewalk
construction and the future driveway construction. We do not need to have this relocated twice.
Response: Note 9 was revised.
Number: 15 Created: 6/3/2003
Label the parkway width and correct the sidewalk width.
Response: The parkway width and sidewalk have been labeled on sheet UT01. The sidewalk width was
corrected (i.e., widened from 4.5' to 5.01).
Number: 16
Created: 6/3/2003
The street patching will need to meet standards. What is shown does not.
Response: The street patching was revised.
Page 4
Response: Clarification was sought about operating a shuttle to transport clients to and from the facility
to a designated point along Riverside during rush hour traffic. The purpose of this would be to get
residents past the Timberline and Prospect intersections to reduce traffic flow in that area. Clients
leaving the facility would be dropped off at a designated site along Riverside where they could access
public transportation from busses, have prearranged rides meet them, walk or possibly ride bikes with a
bike rack fitted to the shuttle vans. Vans could pick up clients from the designated point every 15 to 20
minutes during rush hour and transport them back to the facility. Staff shuttling the clients could keep
records of which clients were shuttled. Any client signing In to the facility during rush hour times and
not listed as being shuttled would need to have been approved to not be shuttled for a specific reason or
could face sanctions for not using this service. One possible location for dropping off or picking up
clients could beat the parking lot adjacent to the Vineyard Church but across the street and across
Riverside from the Coloradoan. The facility program manager has been a long-term member of that
church and could ask permission to use their parking lot for this purpose during rush hour only. The
spot would be closer to bus routes on Lemay and would be far from schools such as Rivendell.
Topic: General
Number: 38 Created: 6/5/2003
The City of Fort Collins received a submittal for this project from the Larimer County Facilities Department on
May 20th, which we routed to our Current Planning Department, Advance Planning Department, Natural
Resources Department, Stormwater Utility, Traffic Operations Department, Engineering Department,
Transportation Planning Department, and WaterMastewater Utility. We then recieved additional copies of the
submittal items for this project via a County Referral from the Larimer County Planning Department on June 2nd.
Because we had already routed the project to the above departments, we routed these additional copies
recieved on June 2nd to the our Park Planning Department, the Fort Collins Police Department, Poudre Fire
Authority, Fort Collins Light & Power Utility, Great Western Railway, Qwest, Xcel Energy for review and
comment. This comment letter reflects comments from the departments that were routed the project on May
20th. As soon as we receive comments from the Departments and agencies that were routed the project on
June 2nd, we will forward those comments on to you, however given the tight time constraints for this review, you
may not receive these additional comments from this submittal in time to integrate them into revisions. We
request that you submit revisions based on the comments from this letter as quickly as possible, as we have the
project scheduled for the July 17th Planning and Zoning Board hearing. I will send you our Planning and Zoning
Board action to approve or disapprove project on Friday July 18th, after the Planning and Zoning Board public,
Department: Engineering Issue Contact: Sheri Wamhoff
Topic: General
Number: 2 Created: 6/3/2003
An easement is needed across the northwest comer of the property to provide access to the adjacent parcel that
will line up with the access point across the street.
Response: This easement has been granted. It Is shown on Sheet UT01.
Number: 3 Created: 6/3/2003
Need to dedicate 3 additional feet of row so that the minimum parkway and sidewalk widths can be provided
within the row.
Response: The R.O.W. width was increased by 3 additional feet. The additional R.O.W. will be dedicated
with the preparation of the Plat.
Number: 4 Created: 6/3/2003
An 8 foot parkway and 5 foot sidewalk needs to be provided along Midpoint Drive.
Response: The 8 foot parkway and 5 foot sidewalk are provided along Midpoint Drive.
Number: 5 Created: 6/3/2003
A 9 foot utility easement needs to be dedicated behind the new row that is being dedicated.
Response: A 9 foot wide utility easement Is shown behind the new R.O.W. The utility easement will be
dedicated with the preparation of the Plat.
Page 3
• Speaking with Lee Schafer of City of Fort Collins Police Services there are approximately 160 sex
offenders registered in the city of Fort Collins. Larimer County Community Corrections currently
supervises only 6 sex offenders who receive strict supervision and who staff have a high degree of
controll over. Sex offenders are carefully screened by an internal selections committee and must
also be approved by our Advisory Board which is comprised of experienced community members
including representatives from the District Attorney's Office, (Cont.) (Cont.) Public Defenders Office,
City of Fort Collins and Estes Park police officers,(Cont.) Poudre School District, Colorado State
University, Probation, Parole and Sheriffs Department. An extensive psychosexual report is
included in the evaluation process completed.by treatment providers approved by the Colorado Sex
Offender Management Board. All sex offenders must participate in offense specific treatment with an
approved Provider and submit to regular polygraph and plethysmographs..Global Positioning
System (GPS) ankle monitors can be used on any offender, considered to be a high risk giving staff
Information on all locations, specific streets traveled and rate of speed for all movement in the
community as well as letting us know if traveling in areas designated as off limits. Having a pick up
location along Riverside during rush hour traffic would actually divert travel away from Rivendell
School as the designated drop off or pick up site can be much farther up Riverside.
Topic: Character
Number: 34 Created: 6/4/2003
Regarding Character: Please label the building materials on the elevations. We highly recommend using
materials that are already being used on the existing Corrections Facility Building, or the Sheriffs Administration
Building. Please forward the enclosed photographs of buildings located in the immediate vicinity to your
architects to assist them in building material selection and design compatibility. Our main aesthetic concern is
that the proposed building's character is compatible with the existing buildings in the neighborhood, particularly
along high use or high visibility sides of the building. Please work closely with your architect to choose building
materials that will accomplish such compatibility.
Response: Done — see revised elevations.
Number: 35 Created: 6/4/2003
Regarding Character: There are two specific portions of the building that we recommend additional architectural
enhancement of. Please see the attached redline building elevations and site plan from Current Planning for the
specific locations. The first is the 40 feet tall portion of the west facade. We ask that you please consider adding
some windows and other architectural articulation elements to enhance the character of this facade such as
change in materials to articulate building bays, horizontal brick or CMU bands, top and or base treatments, etc.
This is the facade that will be visible from south -bound Timberline Road traffic, east bound Prospect Road traffic,
and all east -bound Midpoint Drive traffic. We suggest that because of the high visibility of this facade, the
aesthetic character of it be enhanced. The other portion of facade that we recommend be more articulated is the
40 foot tall portion of wall directly above the enclosed patio on the north side of the building. This portion of the
building will be highly visible from Sprecht Point Drive, Midpoint Drive, and Prospect Road. A good example of
successful articulation of a tall wall is the Sheriffs Administration Building (see the attached photos). In
particular, the north side of that building has some large windowless walls with successful articulation.
Response: For this phase of the project some architectural articulation elements to enhance the
character will be added to the 40 foot tall building elevations. We will keep this to a minimum cost
impact to the project as a large portion of the 40 foot tall areas will be renovated as part an expansion in
the long term future. We are planning on change in materials, horizontal CMU bands, or color changes
in the metal panel system. We do not anticipate adding windows.
Topic: Extent
Number: 36 Created: 61512003
Regarding Extent: In a May 6th letter from Babs Cornell to Rob Helmick, it is explained that a pool van pick up
point will be established somewhere along Riverside Avenue for residents who would normally travel to the
facility during evening rush hour. Can you provide more detailed information of how this works? It is not clear
how a resident getting a ride to or from work will use this Riverside location. Do the residents walk or bicycle to
the pick-up point? Is the pick-up point a place where a County operated shuttle picks up the residents to take
them to work, or is it a place where individual residents make private arrangements to be picked up by co-
workers at this Riverside location? Is there a process that will be put in place to prevent a resident who is getting
a ride back to the facility after work (during the evening rush hour) from being dropped off at the facility rather
than the Riverside drop-off point? Please provide clarification.
Page 2
Cityof Fort Collins
Staff has reviewed your submittal for LARIMER COUNTY COMMUNITY CORRECTIONS
FACILITY - SITE PLAN ADVISORY REVIEW TYPE 11 #19-03, and we offer the following
Department: Current Planning Issue Contact: Troy Jones.
Topic: Location
Number: 37 Created: 6/5/2003
Regarding Location: There are several schools that may be impacted by this application. Rivendell School is
located at the northeast comer of Prospect and Riverside, and serves children from pre -Kindergarten to 6th
grade. If half -way house residents will be walking or bicycling to the Riverside pick-up location, they will likely be
walking along this school's property in -route. Will any of the half -way house residents be potentially walking in
front of the school, and if so, is there any assurance that such pedestrians will not be convicted child predators?
If there is this chance, we strongly advise against the Riverside Avenue drop-off/pick-up concept. Liberty
Common School is located just east of the existing corrections facility (south of Advanced Energy). It has over
500 students, and serves children from Kindergarten through 9th grade. Also, Seven Oaks academy is one
block north of the proposed facility. Seven Oaks offers preschool and full day kindergarten, as well as music and
gymnastics classes to older children. Will any of the half -way house residents be allowed to walk around the
neighborhood at will? If so, this is potentially a very serious conflict that will need to be addressed. Please
clarify the extent to which the residents will be prevented from interacting with any of the children at any of these
Response: This topic addresses concerns regarding to what extent Community Corrections clients
would be walking or bicycling in proximity to nearby schools including Rivendell School, Seven Oaks
Academy and Liberty Common School.
• Community Corrections staff have a high degree of control over client movement in the community
with the ability to dictate specific routes of travel and modes of transportation. There are a number
of community locations clients are prohibited from going to and adding traveling directly in front of
Rivendell School, Seven Oaks Academy and Liberty Common School to this list of off limits
locations would not be a problem.
•. Liberty School and Seven Oaks Academy are directly East of the facility site and there are no
important reasons for clients to travel past those locations without using alternate routes
designated by staff.
• Rivendell School borders Prospect and Riverside both of which are major routes of travel to
Downtown Fort Collins. We would not have a problem restricting clients traveling by bike or on foot
to the opposite side of the street from Rivendell School at all times. Both Prospect and Riverside are
4 lane roads with center lanes or medians offering a wide berth from the school for people traveling
across the street.
• Clients are never allowed to walk around the neighborhood at will. All clients are signed out of the
facility by staff with a specific destination, mode of transportation and specific allowable times to
reach their destination. If we have concerns about risk or accountability with specific clients we
often require them to call when arriving at or leaving their employment, treatment or pass location.
Pass locations are each approved in advance by case management and must have a phone. Clients
are not allowed at any pass location without a phone for more than 3 hours. Clients are only allowed
to sign out to look for work, employment, treatment or church in the first month of the program.
After that pass time is increased incrementally as clients demonstrate increasing responsibility. Any
client with unaccountable time in the community in excess of 30 minutes faces a major write up with
a range of sanctions from 14 to 21 days restriction from pass time and specific amounts of work
around the facility to negative termination from the program. Unaccountable time less than 30
minutes would also be sanctioned with up to 7 days restriction from pass time and designated
amounts of work around the facility.
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