Based upon the above and attached information, we are requesting a Modification of
Standards to allow the new development plan proposed. We believe that the granting of
this modification of standards is in no way detrimental to the public good and that the
proposed plan will indeed promote the general purpose of the standard better than
would a plan that complies.
Thank you for your time and consideration on this matter. If you need any additional
information or have any questions, please call me at your convenience.
Bob Mechels '
Vaught Frye Architects
4) With approval of this Modification of Standards a new building could be designed in
the spirit of the city's master plan and constructed to meet the current development
standards in the LUC. Our justifications for this request for Modification per section
2.8.2(H)(1) of the LUC are as follows:
a. The proposed multi -family dwellings use is permitted in this (CC) zone and
multi -story buildings are encouraged. The building height guidelines state,
"All buildings shall have a minimum height of twenty (20) feet. All buildings
shall be limited to five (5) stories."
b. Parking survey information on this property demonstrates an extremely high
vacancy rate. We attribute this vacancy rate to the proximity of this
development to the CSU campus. In no case did we document fewer than 71
vacant parking spaces on this property. Parking survey information attached.
c. The plan, as submitted, will promote the general purpose of the standard for
which the modification is requested equally well or better than would a plan
which complies with the standards because:
• Safety for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and transit within the
development and to and from the surrounding area will be greatly
improved by the elimination of two existing curb cuts onto a major
arterial street. This increased safety is gained by reducing vehicular
and bicycle/pedestrian crosswalks. The elimination of these curb cuts
also forces controlled vehicular access off of a much lower speed,
lower volume Plum Street and reduces congestion for the transit
users and operators. In addition, pedestrians are provided a much
larger area of refuge along the fast paced and busy Shields Street.
• Efficiency and convenience for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and
transit within the development and to and from the surrounding area is
also improved with the proposed plan. Additional student housing
within walking distance to CSU is always in demand. The proposed
plan would provide better internal vehicular circulation, access to a
pedestrian gathering space closer to CSU, a new building to screen a
large existing parking lot from the street, some covered parking
spaces, additional landscaping and a pedestrian plaza near a major
transit route.
5) By providing much needed student housing this close to campus, instead of
developing a new project on vacant land available further from campus, vehicle miles
driven will be reduced for campus access as well as recreation, entertainment and
6) The plan, as submitted, will promote the general goals and objectives of the Campus
West Community Commercial District Planning Study Report.
Troy Jones, City Planner January 28, 2003
_*.J City of Fort Collins Current Planning Department
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins, CO 80521
Hello Troy.
We are writing to request a Modification of Standards per Division 2.8 of the Fort Collins
Land Use Code on behalf of our client, Chris Ray. Chris owns the Cambridge House
Apartments just west of the CSU Campus fronting on both South Shields and Plum
Streets. The existing property includes 102 two -bedroom apartment units and 175
underutilized parking spaces. We are seeking a Modification of Standards for parking
requirements so that Chris may convert the old swimming pool building into five two -
bedroom units, add a managers apartment in a portion of the existing workout room and
construct a new five story building along Shields Street which would contain twelve
three -bedroom residential units.
Per LUC 2.8.2 (H) we feel the granting of this modification clearly would not be
detrimental to the public good and that per section (1) the plans will promote the general
purpose of the standard better than would a plan that complies.
Please consider the following information:
1) Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a) of the Land Use Code requires that for each multifamily
dwelling unit, there shall be parking spaces provided as indicated by the following
Number of Bedrooms / Dwelling Unit
Parking Spaces Per Dwelling Unit
One or less
Four and above
2) The entire Cambridge House Apartments site, as proposed, would ultimately have
108 two -bedroom dwelling units, and 12 three -bedroom dwelling units, which would
normally be required to have 213 parking spaces as per 3.2.2(K)(1)(a) of the LUC.
We request to reduce the number of required parking spaces from 213 to 181. This
equates to a 15% reduction or an average 1.51 parking spaces per dwelling unit.
3) Section 3.2.2(A) of the LUC states the purpose of the entire "Access, Circulation, and
Parking" section of the code. The Code states `This Section is intended to ensure
that the parking and circulation aspects of all developments are well designed with
regard to safety, efficiency and convenience for vehicles, bicycles, pedestrians and
transit, both within the development and to and from the surrounding areas."
401 West Mountain Avenue - Suite zoo Fort Collins, CO 8o52i
fax 970/224.t662 - phone 970/224.1191 -" ww.vaughtfrye.com