HomeMy WebLinkAboutRIGDEN FARM, 14TH FILING - PDP - 56-98AO - SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTS - ROUND 1 - GEOTECHNICAL (SOILS) REPORTSWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: ReddishfTan Clayey Sand Sample Location: B3-S2 9' Liquid Limit: 30 Plasticit Index: 17 % Passing #200: 53 % Beginning Moisture: 14.1% JDry Density: 114 pcf _ 'JEnding Moisture: 17.4% Swell Pressure: 600 psf % Swell 5.150 psf: 0.3% 10 Project: Rigden Farms - Northwest Road Fort Collins, Colorado Project Number: 1052053 Date: April2005 fEEC SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Light Brown Sandy Clay Sample Location: B2-S1 2' Liquid Limit: 33 JPlasticity Index: 18 % Passin #200: 79.2 % Beginning Moisture: 8.9% JDry Density : 102.5 pcf lEnding Moisture: 22.5% Swell Pressure: 800 psf % Swell @ 150 psf: 0.8% Project: Rigden Farms - Northwest Road Fort Collins, Colorado Project Number: 1052053 Date: April2005 ESEC�gtt� SWELL / CONSOLIDATION TEST RESULTS Material Description: Brown Sandy Clay Sample Location: B1-S1 4' Liquid Limit: - Plasticity Index: — % Passin #200: -- Beginning Moisture: 17.3% IlDry Density: 112 pcf JEnding Moisture: 18.8% Swell Pressure: 2000 psf % Swell @ 150 psf: 1.1 % 10 8 36 ..._.. 4 i 2 . . v E d 0 2 0 c d U aL -2 04 v �o c-6 0 U -8 -10 0,01 0.1 1 10 Load(TSF) Project: Rigden Farms - Northwest Road Fort Collins, Colorado Project Number: 1052053 Date: April2005 �E71 RIGDEN FARM - NORTHWEST ROADS FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1052063 DATE: APRIL 2006 LOG OF BORING BJ RIG TYPE: SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH....yµ ., w FOREMAN: START DATE AIAMAA WHILE DRILLING None AUGER TYPE: 4" CFA FINISH GATE AiAAIAA AFTER DRILLING Nona _ SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION D N OU MO DO A{IMITL zw BWELI LL PI TYPE(FEET) BLOV/&ET PES % PCf PRE68URE M. im TV TOP SOIL ANO VEGETATION SANDY CLAY l gnl mmWn 2 22 GOOD- B.9 11t.6 36 _ 1B 77.3 _^ hVII CS _3_ a _ SS a CLAYEY SANO(%.M eUlaere0 gravel) 6 racD�sn�an _. _ R OJu 7 a _9 17 9000. 12.1 1D IT I 12 13 14 _16 —6 _ 4000 17.6 r 1 16 BOTTOM OF BORING 15 5' 17 1e 15 20 21 22 23 24 26 tartn tnglneenng consultants RIDDEN FARM - NORTHWEST ROADS FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT N0: 1062063 DATE: APRIL 2005 LOG OF BORING BJ RIG TYPE: CME46 SHEET 1 OF / WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: _ T START DATE i AIAAJAA WHILE DRILLING None AUGER TYPE: A" CFA FINISH DATE AIAAIAA AFTER DRILLING Mono _ SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION o R cU Mc Do A-UMITS -mo SwELI EL PI PRESSURE N IKPSF TYPE ICE SLID Pei % LI •i _ TOPSOIL AND VEGETATION _ _ 1 SILTY SANUY CLAY iwan wlcorousi -2.• :;grrl OtOWf. very Otf _ 3 _4_ 10 eo0: es ss 6 6 J 8 12 114.8 30 17 53% CLAYEY SAND C5 _ _ rawm"an 10 _ matkum tt 12 13 14 17 7000 17.1 16 16 BOTTOM OF BORING IS S' 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 tarts tnglneenng consultants RIGDEN FARM - NORTHWEST ROADS FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: 1052063 DATE: APRIL 2006 LOG OF BORING 6.2 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: START DATE AlAA/AA WHILE DRILLING Nonp _ AUGER TYPE: 0' CFA FINISH DATE AlAA/AA AFTER DRILLING Nonp SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION P N 0u MC 00 A�LWITS 20p %WELL LL '�uw PI _.. PRESSURE. __..._. W 'il 16p P9i tYPE FOR OLowswi OF" % PCF % TOP SOIL AND VEGETATION _1_ :naua SANDY CLAY _ _ lignt Oran 2 8600 9.6 102.5 33 16 76.2 Sao 0.0_ very stif/ ST _ _ 3 15 9000. 11.8 Y— __ _ SS _5 6 6` _9 17 7500 16A CLAYEY SAND SS _ '10 i readi W.an 71 I 12 - - 13 i 14 16 3000 20.9 S6 16 BOTTOM OF BORING 15.5' 17 —16 19 20 ^21 22 23 24 25 Earth Engineering Consultants RIGOEN FARM - NORTHWEST ROADS FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NO: t062050 DATE: APRIL 3006 LOG OF BORING B-1 RIG TYPE: CME45 SHEET 1 OF 1 WATER DEPTH FOREMAN: START DATE AIAAIAA WHILE DRILLING None AUGER TYPE: 4" CF4 FINISH DATE AIAAIAA AFTER DRILLING None SPT HAMMER: MANUAL SURFACE ELEV NIA 24 HOUR NIA SOIL DESCRIPTION n N as Mc 00 AADIITB •20o SWELL LL PI PBESSUURE M ISOPSf TYPE iEIBLOMWTI C! ml TOP SOIL AND VEGETATION 1 SANDY CIA( _ Orown 2 m1a _3 4 6 18 9000• 18.2 1 106.6 2000_ _ti 6 6 9 9 3000 14.5 CLAYEY SAND SS _ redmwcraan 10 loose 11 12 13 14 12 1000 19.0 SS _ _ 15 `16 BOTTOM OF BORING I L V 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 26 Earth Engineering Consultants RIGDEN NORTWEST PORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJ ECT No. 1052053 MAY 2005 EEC. EAST DRAKE ROAD N Not To Score LIMON DRIVE w t) to O � Z � LEGEND Q B- t eakm LOCATION *B t +B-2 ,@ STE PHOTOS M lm Ih Ib uMMewiR tYtl1 tOCTQI w 011[iu5. EI tlI21w }}qq CUSTER DRIVE BORING LOCATION DIAGRAM RIGDEN FARMS - NORTHWEST ROAD FORT COLLINS, COLORADO PROJECT NUMBER: 1052053 DATE: APRIL 2005 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS ITIN TMa SUR, C: LA SSLI1Fi.Q A. INGI':T TYS N ER Criteria Ito Assigning Croup S) r;bds ma Croup owns Using Leooralory tests Soil Clossi rlccour; Group Group Noma Syrillbat Coarse -Grained Gravem more titan Clean Grovels Less Solis more than SUZ of course than SS fines Ca>4 and <C�c <3` GK' Well-yreded grovel' 5OZ retained en traction retained -- --- No. 200 sieve on No. 4 sieve Cu<4 and/or 1>Cc>2r GP Poorly -graded grnvc!l' :;ravels with Fines Fines classify as AIL ar MH Gin Silty gravel, G,H more than 12°d ................_._ �_._.._._.__ _--_....._.__.� fines Fines classify as CL or CH GC Clayey Gravel''`•" 5cnd5 50% or Clean Soads Less Cu�j'i and 1<Cc y3Y Sy; Ylcll-graded sand' more cnnree than SZ fines '-"---' fraction posses t Cu<G and/or t>Ce>3 SP Poorly -graded sand' No. 4 sieve — — Scrds with Fines Fines classify as ML or MH SM Silty sund`n' more than 127 ----------- lines Fines classify as CL or CIA SC Clayey sandal"' Fine -Grained Silts and Cloys inorganic Pt>7 and plats on or oaove "A"Line' CL Leon clay "•" Soils 50% or Liquid Unit less more pusses the then 50 PI<4 or plots below "A'Line' ML sit No. 200 sieve organic Liquid Limit - oven dried Organic clay A'.- <0.75 01, -- _....._..,..... liquid Limit - net dried Organic slit Silts and Clays inorganic Pi plots on or above "Aline Cii Fat clay' Liquid Lindt 50 or ---' ---"""- mare PI plois below 'A"Line MH ' clastic Silt r" organic Liquid Um(t - oven dried Organic c!.oy"' <0.75 OH Liquid Limit - not dried Organic silt""' Highly organic soils Primarily organic matter, dark in color, end organic odor P'i Pea: AUnsed an T..e mnioinl pnsang toe ]-in. (i5- + t0 Cu'UcP/Ot Ce- i1 ji A'A aaw eoolaina 15 to 29rplus No. 2W. and 'rich sand' w rich yrevei', wnichew is '1eM it contained mbbtes or btrulr eed s Predan:nanl ' In bolo, odd '.iln eabalca a: 6vueders, v bath both. tot tit s0U rn tdol 2 30' Plus No. 200 In grasp nvm.. 'it ws c..h,ws 2155 sand, odd'.Hh-sand'ta predpmhunay santl. odd 'surAy to 9rxap j 'Cdvvels rilh S In 12X fines ten•,rten nuns .1Ynbolr. group nano nor' i vt! suit cantoNs 2 ]OS plus Nv. 2a11 Gw-GM wall groaea grovel rUn 31t RI ("as dosvily ae eL-ML, use duo[ srntoi CC -CIA. or SC-SM. pradorninnnay yraval, oad gravely :0 91-P Ow-Gc .e11-9mdnl qw.s rile daY QI poody--graded qro" ritn V t 'ti Ines are «9ra:$:, udafwith ergaic lnea to otne. Pis* and plat. on or coos 'A' Ikw. rd-CC poorly -graded gre.d ritn day group name 'It sal eon Wins >t 5w rmel, aatfriU� owl' YPI51 or plots below 'A' Fiat. Pi an w obom A' Inc. wlu+ 5 to 12X F'cn 2acve Wu'� to 4t plats ON odor A' line. srnavls-. SW-,u wet:-grtMni 'and w%W. sal: All' berg 0rniis plots shooea oleo. -,na 6n plots 5w-5C weR-graded aond with cloy CL-ML. cilly cloy. W poorly yradea ..no .ith nit! Sv-sc Paody q-.d.d $unit with day Iw C"dfwal'wn wl M1.rpd.eu alas. u.J mix rval'vn tl . r tluva,ld "t R-A to LL-3i'y - C� fnsl4n el V-pna 'J� O� �.r I' ' G t 6- MI i 0FI , 7 WinAIZU11V 1 LIOU10 LIMIT 01) DRIL.L,ING AND EXPLORATION DRILLING & SAMPLING SYMBOLS: SS: Split Spoon - 11W' LD., '_" O.D.. unless otherwise noted PS: Piston Sample ST: Thin -Walled Tube - 2" O.D., unless otherwise noted WS: Wash Sample R: Ring Barrel Sampler - 2. t2" LD.. 3" O.D. unless otherwise noted PA: Power Auger FT: Fish Tail Bit I IA: Hand Aueer RB: Rock Bit DB: Diamond -Bit = 4", N, 13 BS: Bulk Sample AS: Auger Sample PM: Pressure Meter HS: I follow Stem Auger WB: Wash Bore Standard "N" Penetration: I:tlows per foot ofa 140 pound hammer falling 30 inches on a 2-inch O:D, split spoon, except where noted. WATER I -EVIL MF..ASI.)REMENT SYMBOLS: N'l.: Waterl.,evel WS : WhileSantpling WCI: Wet Cave in WD : While Drilling DCI: Dry Cave in BCR: Before Casing Removal AB : After Boring ACR: After Casting Removal Water levels indicated on the boring logs are the levels measured in the borings at the time indicated. In pervious soils. the indicated levels may reflect the location of ground water. In low permeability soils, the accurate determination of ground water levels is not possible with only short term observations. DESCRIPTIVE SOIL CLASSIFICATION Soil Classification is based on the Unified Soil Classification system and the ASTM Designations D 2488. Coarse Grained Soils have move than 50% of their dry weight retained on a ti200 sieve; they are described as: boulders, cobbles. gravel or sand. Fine Grained Soils have less than 50% of their dry weight retained on a »200 sieve: they are described as : clays, if they are plastic, and silts if they are slightly plastic or non -plastic. Major constituents may be added as modifiers and minor constituents may be added according to the relative proportions based on grain size. In addition to gradation, coarse grained soils are defined on the basis of their relative in -place density and fine grained soils on the basis of their consistency. (Example: Lean day with sand, trace gravel, stiff (CL); silty sand, trace ;ravel, medium dense (SM). CONSISTENCY OF PINE -GRAINED SOILS Unconfined Compressive Strength, Qu, psf Consistency < 500 Very Soft 500. 1,000 Soft 1,001 - 2.000 Medium 2.001 - 4,000 Stiff 4,001 - 8.000 Very Stiff 8,001 - 16,000 Very Hard RELATIVE DENSITY OF COARSE -GRAINED SOILS PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OP BEDROCK DEGREE OF WEATHERING: Slight Slight decomposition of parent material cm joints. May be color change. Moderate Some decomposition and color change throughout. High Rock hi�tly decomposed, may be extremely broken. HARDNESS AND DEGREE OF CEMENTATION: la a tone and Dolomite: li— Difficult to scratch with knife. Moderately Can be scratched easily with knife. Hard Cannot be scratched with fingernail Soft Can be scratched with fingernail. Shale, Siitstone and C_Lays, tone: Hard Can be scratched easily with knife, cannot be scratched with fingernail. Moderately Can be scratched with fingernail. Hard Soft Can be easily dented but not molded with fingers. Sandstone and Conglomerate: Well Capable of scratching a knife blade. Cemented Cemented Can be scratched with knife. Poorly Can be broken apart easily with fingers. N-Blows, 'ft Relative Density Cemented 0-3 Very Loose 4-9 Loose 10-29 Medium Dense 4' n 30-49 Dense 50-80 Vcn Dense 80 + Extremely Dense I::arih IMemmiq C'unsultams, Inc. EEC Project No. 1052051 May 5. 2005 Page 9 considered valid unless the changes are reviewed and the conclusions of this report are modified or verified in writing by the geotechnical engineer. t anh Enelnecring (onsuitants. im, EEC Project No. 1052055 May 5. 2005 Page 8 materials which are free from organic matter and debris. The on -site clays and sands could be used as pipeline backfill. If excavations extend to the underlying claystoue, care will be needed to separate and use the claystoue in deep backfill areas. Pipeline backfill should be placed in maximum 9-inch loose lifts, adjusted to within ±2% of' Optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of standard .Proctor maximum dry density per AS'IiM Specification D-698. GENERAL, COMMENTS The analysis and recommendations presented in this report arc based upon the data obtained from the soil borings performed at the indicated locations and from any other information discussed in this report. This report does not reflect any variations which may occur between borings or across the site. The nature and extent of such variations may not become evident until construction. if variations appear evident, it will be necessary to re-evaluate the recommendations of this report. It is recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained to review the plans and specifications so comments can be made regarding the interpretation and implementation of our geotechnical recommendations in the design and specifications. It is further recommended that the geotechnical engineer be retained for testing and observations during earthwork phases to help determine that the design requirements are fulfilled. Site specific explorations should be completed to develop site specific recommendations for each of the site buildings. This report has been prepared for the exclusive use of Rigden Farm I.LC for specific application to the project discussed and has been prepared in accordance with generally accepted geotechnical engineering practices. No warranty, express or implied, is made. In the event that any changes in the nature, design or location of the project as outlined in this report are planned, the conclusions and recommendations contained in this report shall not be ISarih lineineering Consultants. Ine. 6L:C Project No. 105205: May 5, 2005 Paue 7 could be used for fill in these areas. We recommend the fill soils be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9 inches thick and adjusted in moisture content and compacted as recommended for the scarified soils. After development of the pavement subgrades, care should be exercised to prevent disturbance of those materials prior to placement of the overt; ing pavements. Subgrade soils which are disturbed by the construction activities should be reworked in -place or, ti necessary, removed and replaced prior to placement of the overlying fill or pavements. The site soils would be subject to strength loss and instability when wetted. Stabilization of the pavement subgrades could become necessary if the subgrades become wetted prior to paving. Pavements We expect traffic on the local roadway will consist of low volumes of automobiles and light trucks with occasional heavy truck traffic. We anticipate the subgrades in the roadway area will consist of'sandy clay/clayey sand. Those materials have low remolded strength. The current City of fort Collins standards require a minimum pavement section of4 inches ofhot bituminous pavement over 6 inches of aggregate base. Thicker sections are required for higher traffic volume streets. Street section design, in general, cannot be completed until water and sewer have been constructed and street subgrades are within 6 inches of expected subgrade. The asphalt surfacing for the pavement will consist of grading S or SX materials consistent with Cite of Fort Collins requirements. The aggregate base will be Class 5 or Class 6 base. Utilitv Installation Bedding around utility pipelines should be placed in accordance with recommendations fi-om the pipeline designer, Backfill soils placed above pipelines should consist of approved Garth Enginecring Consuhunai. Inc. EEC Project No. 1052053 ik1ny 5, 2005 Paee 6 construction activities or which become wet and softened or dry and desiccated should be removed and replaced or reworked in place prior to placement of the overlying floor slabs. Below Grade Areas We recommend installing a perimeter drain system around all below grade areas to reduce the potential for hydrostatic loads to develop on below grade walls and/or infiltration of surface water into below grade areas. in general, a perimeter drain system should consist of perforated metal or plastic pipe, placed around the exterior perimeter of tilt structure and sloped to drain to a sump or an outfall where reverse flow cannot occur in the system. The drain line should be surrounded by a minimum of 6 inches of appropriately -sized granular titter soil. The filter soil or the drain line should be surrounded by a filter fabric to reduce the potential for an influx of fines into the system. Backfill placed above the exterior perimeter drain should consist of approved, low -volume - change materials which are free from organic matter and debris. The on -site soils could be used as fill in these areas. The top 2 feet of the backf ill should be an essentially cohesive material to reduce the potential for an influx of surface water into the below grade drain system. We recommend the fill soils be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9 inches thick, adjusted to within t2% of optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the material's standard Proctor maximum dry density. Pavement Subgrades All existing vegetation and topsoil should be removed from pavement areas. After stripping and completing all cuts and prior to placement of any fill or pavements, we recommend the exposed soils be scarified to a minimum depth of 9 inches, adjusted to within t2% of optimums moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the material's standard Proctor maximum dry density. Fill materials required to develop the pavement subgrades should consist of approved, low - volume -change materials which are free from organic matter and debris. The on -site soils Larih 1 nginwille Consultant.". Ine: EEC Prgiect No. I052053 flay 5. 2005 Page 5 Care should be exercised alter preparation of the subgrades to avoid disturbing the subgrade materials. Positive drainage should be developed away from the structures and across and away from the pavcment edges to avoid wetting of subgrade materials. Subgrade materials becoming wet subsequent to construction of the residences andlor pavements can result in unacceptable performance of those improvements over time. Footing Foundations Based on the materials observed at the boring locations, we expect the site buildings could be supported on conventional footing foundations bearing on the natural site soils. For design of footing foundations bearing on the natural site soils maximum net allowable total load bearing pressures on the order of 2000 psf appear usable. The net bearing pressure refers to the pressure at foundation bearing level in excess of the minimum surrounding overburden pressure. `Dotal load should include full dead and live loads. Floor Slab Subgrades All existing vegetation and topsoil should be removed from the floor slab areas. After stripping and completing all cuts and prior to placement of any floor slabs or fill, the exposed subgrades should be scarified, adjusted in moisture content and compacted as outlined in the Site Development section of this report. Scarification and compaction of subgrades in the basement areas of structures would not be necessary. Fill soils required to develop the floor slab subgrades should consist of approved, low- volume- change materials which are free from organic matter and debris. The site lean clay and clayey sand could be used for fill beneath floor slabs. Those materials should be placed and compacted as outlined for the site fill soils. Care should be exercised after development of the floor slab subgrades to prevent disturbance of the in -place materials. Subgrade soils which are loosened or disturbed by P.anh Engineering Consuhants. Inc. EEC. Project No. 1052053 May 5. 2005 Page 4 GROUNDWATER OBSERVATIONS Observations were made while drilling and after completion of drilling to detect the presence and level of free water. Free water was not observed in any of the borings at the time of drilling. Perched and/or trapped water may be encountered in more permeable zones in the subgrade soils at times throughout the year. Perched water is commonly encountered in soils immediately overlying less permeable weathered bedrock. Fluctuations in groundwater levels and in the location and amount of perched water may occur over time depending on variations in hydrologic conditions, irrigation activities on surrounding properties and other conditions not apparent at the time of this report. ANALYSIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Site Preparation All existing vegetation and/or topsoil should be removed from beneath fill, roadway and building subgrade areas. After stripping and completing all cuts and prior to placement of' any fill, pavements, or site flatwork we recommend the exposed soils be scarified to a minimum depth of 9 inches, adjusted to within t2% of optimum moisture content and compacted to at least 95% of the material's standard Proctor maximum dry density as determined in accordance with ASTNI Specification D-698. Fill soils required to develop the building or pavement subgrades should consist of approved, lows -volume -change materials which are free from organic matter and debris. The on -site soils could be used as fill in these areas. We recommend the fill soils be placed in loose lifts not to exceed 9 inches thick and adjusted in moisture content and compacted as recommended for the scarified soils. Farah tiuginecring con aluous. Inc. EEC Project No. 1052053 Mav i. 2005 Page 31 SITE AND SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS flee development parcel is located south of Drake Road and north of Custer Drive between Illinois and Kansas Drives in the northwest area of the Rigden Fat -ill Development in Fort Collins. Colorado. The project site is currently undeveloped. The project site is relatively flat with slight surface drainage to the south and east. Maximum difference in ground surface elevation across the site estimated to be on the order of 5 to 10 feet. A representative of EEC was on site during drilling to direct the drilling activities and evaluate the subsurface materials encountered. Field descriptions of the materials encountered were based on visual and tactual observation of disturbed samples and auger cuttings. The boring logs included with this report may contain modifications to the field logs based on results of laboratory testing and engineering evaluation. Based on results of field and laboratory evaluation. subsurface conditions can be generalized as follows. Approximately 3 to 6 inches of vegetation or topsoil were encountered at the surface at the test boring locations. The topsoillvegetation was underlain by light brown and brown sanely lean clay. The relative percentages of sand and clay varied in the borings. The lean clay was generally medium stiff and showed low swell potential at current moisture and density conditions. The lean clay was underlain at the depths of approximately 4'/ to 8%2 feet by reddish brown clayey sand. The essentially granular soils were medium dense with low potential for swelling with increased moisture content. The clayey sand extended to the bottom of the borings at depths of approximately 1 5'/a. The stratification boundaries indicated on the boring logs represent the approximate location of changes in soil and rock types. In -situ, the transition of materials may be gradual and indistinct. Eanit Engineering Consultants. Inc. EEC Project No. 1052053 Min 5.2005 Pace 2 features. The locations of the borings should be considered accurate only to the degree implied by the methods used to make the field measurements. Photographs of the site at the time of drilling are provided with this report. The borings were performed using a truck mounted CME d5 drill rig equipped with a hydraulic head employed in drilling and sampling operations. The boreholes were advanced using 4-inch nominal diameter continuous flight augers. Samples ofthe subsurface materials encountered were obtained using split -barrel and California barrel sampling procedures in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1586 and by pushing thin walled "Shelby" tube samplers in general accordance with ASTM Specification D-1587. All samples obtained in the field were sealed and returned to the laboratory for further examination, classification and testing. Moisture content tests were performed on each of the recovered samples. In addition, selected samples were tested for fine content and plasticity by washed sieve analysis and Atterberg limits tests. Swell/consolidation tests were completed on selected samples to evaluate the tendency of the subgrade soils to change volume with variation in moisture content. Results of the outlined tests are indicated on the attached boring logs and summary sheets. As a part of the testing program, all samples were examined in the laboratory by an engineer and classified in accordance with the attached General Notes and the unified Soil Classification System, based on the texture and plasticity of the soil samples. The estimated group symbol for the Unified Soil Classification System is shown on the boring logs. A brief description of the unified Soil Classification System is included with this report. PRELIMINARY SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT RIGDEN FARM NORTHWEST FORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1052053 May 5.2005 INTRODUCTION The preliminary subsurface exploration for the Rigden Farm Northwest located south of Drake Road between Illinois and Kansas Drives in Fort Collins. Colorado, has been completed. Pour (4) soil borings extending to depths of approximately 15 feet below present site grades were advanced on the development property to obtain information on existing subsurface conditions. Individual boring logs and a diagram indicating the approximate boring locations are included with this report. The proposed development includes approximately 15 acres to be developed as residential or light commercial. The site structures are expected to be one or two-story wood frame or masonry structures which may include full basements. Foundation loads for the proposed structures are expected to be light with continuous wall loads less than 3 kips per lineal root and column loads less than 100 kips. Floor loads are expected to be light, less than 100 psf. Infrastructure improvements for the development will include utility installation and street construction. Small cuts and fills are expected to develop final site trades. The purpose of this report is to describe the subsurface conditions encountered in the borings, analyze and evaluate the test data and provide preliminary geotechnical recommendations concerning design and construction of foundations and support of floor slabs and site pavements. Recommendations concerning utility installation are also provided. EXPLORATION AND TESTING PROCEDURES The boring locations were selected and established in the field by Garth Engineering Consultants, Inc. (EEC) personnel by estimating angles and distances from identifiable site G.anh F]r_inecring Consultants, Inc. EEC Project No. 1052053 Mas, 5, 2005 Page 2 We appreciate the opportunity to be of service to you on this project. If you have any questions concerning the enclosed report, or if we can be of Further service to you in any other way, please do not hesitate to contact us. Very truly yours, Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. Lester L. Litton. P.E. Principal Engineer LLL/dmh cc: Mike Brake- J.R. Engineering May 5, 2005 EARTH ENGINEERING CONSULTANTS, INC. Rigden Farm LLC c/o Wolverine Management Group 1027 West Ilorsetooth Road, Suite 200 Port Collins. CO 80526 Attn: Mr. Frcd Croci Re: Preliminary Subsurface Exploration Report Rigden Fans Northwest Fort Collins, Colorado EEC Project No. 1052053 Mr. Croci: Enclosed, herewith, are the results of the preliminary subsurface exploration completed by Earth Engineering Consultants, Inc. personnel for the referenced project. In summary, the subsurface soils encountered in the test borings consisted of sandy lean clay and clayey sand extending to the bottom of the borings at depths of approximately 15 feet below ground surface. Groundwater was not encountered in any of the completed borings at the time of drilling. Based on the materials we observed at the boring locations, we expect lightly loaded structures could be supported on conventional footing foundation bearing on the near surface lean clay or underlying clayey sand. The near surface soils also appear usable for direct support of floor slabs or pavements. Preliminary geotechnical recommendations concerning design and construction of foundations, support of floor slabs and installation of site utilities are presented in the text of the attached report. 4396 GREENFIELD DRIVE WINDSOR, COLORADO 80550 (970) 224-1522 FAX (970) 663-0262 PRELIMINARY SUBSURFACE EXPLORATION REPORT RIGDEN FARM NORTHWEST FORT COLLINS, COLORADO EEC PROJECT NO. 1052053