4803 Innovation Drive
Fort Collins. CO 80525
Statement of Planning Objectives
Eckerd Drug PDP
July 23, 2003
The proposed Eckerd Drug Store at College and Drake is an infill project that
will replace an existing hotel and two other buildings. The proposed drug store
is located adjacent to the Frontage Road creating high visibility from College
Avenue. A landscape buffer is designed along the east property line to screen
the loading area and shield headlight glare from the adjacent residential
neighborhood. The project is proposing a shared parking agreement with the
Moot House since peak hours of operation for each business occur at different
hours. Vehicular traffic will have access to the site from the Frontage Road,
Thunderbird Drive and Drake Road. Sidewalks are being added to continue
pedestrian connectivity from the south and College Avenue. The building
architecture will be a brick fagade that will work well with existing buildings
in the area.
The store will have a manager, two to three assistant managers, one or two
pharmacists and several store clerks, the number depending upon store hours
and the business volume of the store. The store will contain a large variety of
goods, from prescription and over the counter drugs to seasonal items
including suntan lotion and Christmas items. Hours of operation will vary due
to municipal rules and market demand.
The intended use is compatible with the C-Commercial zoning designation.
The site does not contain any natural areas or hazardous materials.
Construction on the site is planned for mid -to -late spring with the opening of
the store occurring in late summer to early fall.
landscape architecture I planning I urban design
voice: 970.223.7577