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e) The strict application of the standard would be practically infeasible
because the site in not large enough to accommodate all the required
off-street parking and the proposed redevelopment.
We sincerely appreciate your consideration in this matter, and look forward to discussing
the merits of the request at the June 17"' Planning and Zoning Board hearing.
Mikal Tonyerson
Four and above
Requested Modification The two properties at 325 and 317 Cherry Street are
intended to be developed as a PDP containing the following: (a) a mixed -use
building xvith 9 residential units, up to 2 bedrooms each (1.75 space per unit=
16.75 spaces) ; (b) an existing single-family detached house (on a lot over 40 feet
in \vidth requires 1 space): (c) a new garage building with 5 single -car garage
spaces. and (d) one surface parking space. The LUC would require a minimum of
17 off-street parking spaces to serve such a development. We request a
modification to Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a) of the LUC to reduce the total required
number of off-steet parking spaces from 17 to 6. We agree to a condition being
placed on the approval of such a modification request that would require the
upcoming PDP to satisfy the Advance Planning Department's definition of an
"affordable housing" project.
Suggested Findings.
a) The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to the
public good because conveniently located on -street parking spaces are
provided along Meldrurn and Cherry Street, which would satisfy the
upcoming PDPs parking demand, and pedestrian mobility along
Cherry Street will be enhanced.
b) The granting of the modification would substantially address an
important community need specifically and expressly defined and
described in the city's Comprehensive Plan because a mixed -use
redevelopment of the site served primarily by available on -street
parking, revitalizes an underutilized property by providing
redevelopment with a mix of land uses in a configuration that
enhances pedestrian links, while still providing for the needs of the
c) As a qualifying "affordable housing" project, the modification
substantially addresses the community's need by creating affordable
housing opportunities.
d) The granting of the modification would substantially address an
important community need specifically and expressly defined and
described in the City's Comprehensive Plan because the reduction in
the off-street parking requirements would encourage housing to be
located in a mixed -use building.
The New Project Scope
Since the modification was approved. Meldrum Street has been converted to diagonal
parking adjacent to the site. Additionally, the property owner has been able to purchase
the adjacent lot at 317 Cherry Street, which has changed the scope of the upcoming PDP.
The purpose of this new modification request is to re -phrase the previous modification
request to clarify that the 317 Cherry Street property will be part of the upcoming PDP.
Considering the inclusion of 317 Cherry Street, in the project, it is intended that the
upcoming PDP have the following design features:
• It was discovered that the house at 317 Cherry Street is eligible for local
landmark designation, therefore it is intended that the project will
preserve and rehabilitate the house, and include it as part of the upcoming
• Previously, there was a condition imposed on the approval of the
modification to have at least 10% of the dwelling units as qualified
"affordable housing." There will be 10 units in the PDP, including the
existing single family house at 317 Cherry Street. It is intended to locate
the "affordable housing" unit in the existing single family detached house
at 317 Cherry Street;
• By incorporating the newly acquired lot into the project, the project will
now have one surface parking space (with access from Cherry Street) and
5 garage parking spaces (with access from Cherry Street). Previously, all
parking for the project was to be provided on -street;
• In the previous request for modification, the project was described as a
mixed use building with 9 residential one -bedroom units. As a result of
the provision of on -site parking into the layout of the upcoming PDP, it is
intended that up to 5 of the 9 mixed -use dwelling units will offer the
option to the prospective buyers to have a second bedroom;
The Modification
This modification is requested in accordance with the review procedures set forth in
Section 2.8.1 of the Land Use Code as follows:
Code Lan<auage. Section 3.2.2(K)(l)(a) of the LUC states, for each two family
and metlti7family dwelling there shall be parking spaces provided as indicated by
the JnlImi4ng table. -
Number of Bedroonu/DivOling Unit ] Parking Spaces Per Dwelling Unit*
One or less 1 1.5
Two 1 1.75
MAY 2 F 2iiiA
May 19, 2004
City of Fort Collins
Planning and Zoning Board
281 North College Ave.
Fort Collins. C) 80524
Subject: Request for Modification from parking standards for a
mixed -use development infill project at 325 & 317 Cherry Street
Dear Board Members,
The propert} al 325 Cherry Street is a 5000 square feet that was
constructed, os er 40 years ago, as a wood shop in a light industrial zone.
Through the years the zoning evolved to commercial and then finally to
the current zoning of Downtown District sub -district Civic Center. The
buildina that once was in compliance for its original use as an industrial
property had grown into a by -right nonconforming use. The current owner
and user. Xylem Design Inc, an artistic easel design, manufacturer and
warehouse could continue on at this site under the protection as a by -right
non -confirming use and would never be required to bring this site into
compliance with current curb. landscaping, and sidewalk standards. When
approximately 113 of the building collapsed under the snow load in March
of 2003. the owner of Xvlem Design realized this was an opportunity
relocate this Ii(llt industrial use to a more appropriate part of town. while
allow in,:) the site to be upgraded to a mixed -use infill project, right near the
heart of historic downtown Fort Collins. Such a redevelopment would
brim_ the site into compliance with current development standards and
would implement the vision of the Downtown Civic Center Master Plan
and the Downtown Strategic Plan by integrating more housing stock and
commercial space into downtown.
On September 4. 2003, the Planning and Zoning Board granted a
modification to Section 3.2.2(K)(1)(a) of the Land Use Code for the site at
325 Cherry Street. The granting of the modification allowed the
requirement for off-street parking spaces for up to 9 one -bedroom
residential dwelling units on the site (at that time only 325 Cherry Street)
to be waived under two conditions. The first condition is that the future
PDP qualifies as "affordable housing" as determined by Advance Planning
staff. and the second is that Meldrum Street is successfully converted from
parallel parking to diagonal parking.
Fart Collins, CO 80524
Fax: 970.416.7435
Email: mikoMarchifex.com