connectivity to the proposed private drive and potential for connectivity to the Frontage
Road should be considered as part of the site plan.
Representatives for the AVA Solar Development as well as CSURF are encouraged to
work with the City of Fort Collins Natural Areas Program to identify opportunities for
hiking trail connections between the development site and Running Deer Natural Area.
Access to the natural area would be a nice amenity for employees on the site. The trails
could provide for a relaxing lunch time walk or a stimulating early morning run.
AVA Solar
TO: Melissa Thompson, The Neenan Company
FROM: Denise Weston, Transportation Planner
RE: Pedestrian and Bicycle Access to the proposed AVA Solar Development
DATE: February 22, 2008
A meeting was held on February 21, 2008 to discuss expectations and future planning for
the pedestrian and bicycle access to the proposed AVA Solar Development, as well as
future regional multi -use paths in the area. The proposed development is located at the
southwest comer of the 1-25 and Prospect Road interchange.
Present at the meeting were the following people:
Dana Leavitt, City of Fort Collins Environmental Planning
Craig Foreman, City of Fort Collins Parks and Recreation Department
Mark Sears, City of Fort Collins Natural Areas
Sheri Langenberger, City of Fort Collins Traffic Engineering
Denise Weston, City of Fort Collins Transportation Planning
Roger Sherman, BHA Design
Tony Fiore, The Neenan Company
Melissa Thompson The Neenan Company
Nancy Hurt, Colorado State University Research Foundation (CSURF)
Meeting discussions included the location of the proposed multi -use path that is currently
identified within the proposed development area for both AVA Solar and future
development by CSURF. It was determined at the meeting that the proposed multi -use
path could potentially be located just east of the Box Elder Creek area, outside the
development site. However, the potential remains that it may be desirable for the multi-
use path to pass through the development site. As the regional trail is currently in the
long-term planning phase, continued coordination with the property owners (CSURF)
and developers would be strongly recommended as future development plans are
formulated. However, it was concluded that the proposed AVA Solar development does
not preclude the construction of a multi -use path within the general area at some
undetermined time in the future.
With regard to pedestrian and bicycle access to the AVA Solar Development site, it is
strongly recommended that the private drive being proposed allow for shared use for
bicyclists. This would primarily serve employees commuting to/from work and would
enhance transportation options for the employees. Regional bicycle access to the area
would be later served by the construction of the multi -use path. Existing pedestrian
access to the site does not exist within a reasonable distance; therefore, there would be no
requirement for the construction of pedestrian access connecting to an existing sidewalk.
However, internal pedestrian connectivity between the parking lot and the facility, as well
AVA Solar