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This shows the massing of the buildings
reflecting the modification to allow 3 stories.
This shows the massing of the building with a
25 foot second story (with a mezzanine).
The plan as submitted will continue to advance the purposes of the Land
Use Code as contained in Section 1.2.2 as follows:
• innovations in land development and renewal are
encouraged by fostering an enhancement to the site through
an progressive redevelopment design;
• efficient and economic use of the land is fostered by
increasing the number of dwelling units provided on the
site fi-om the number currently on the site.
• Trip lengths of automobile travel are decreased through the
use of the proposed pattern of land use by providing more
dwelling units near downtown, which is a primary
vehicular destination within the community.
• The design, quality, and character of new development is
improved through the use of high quality building materials
within historically sensitive architecture.
• The development proposal is sensitive to the character of
the existing neighborhood through the use of historically
sensitive architecture.
We look I'lrward for the opportunity to explain our request in person and/or answer any
questions ou may have about the request.
Si cerely.
Trot' ject'
nes A.l. .P
Archi i Trainin
inicnded to be allowed by the standard because the southern side lot line abuts a
public alley, not a neighboring property. Also, there are large mature trees along
the alley that will help shield views of the building. Additionally, across the
alley. there are back yards. not other side yards, that orient to the alley. The
houses on the lots south of the site are oriented to the front of their lots, therefore
have an entire back yard plus the width of the alley to buffer between them and
the proposed building.
SuI,,-,ested Findings.
a) The granting of the modification .would not be detrimental to the
public good because there are no adjacent side yards that the proposed
building mass will impact.
b) The plan as submitted will not diverge from the standards of the Land
Use Code except in a nominal, inconsequential way when considered
from the perspective of the entire development plan, because the
proposed southern building wall will be separated from anv
neighboring properties south of this site a greater distance than if the
south property line abutted a neighboring side property line.
Both Modifications) 4.7(F)(2)(a)(1) & Section 4.7(E)(4)
SuI-',-,ested Findings.
a) The general purposes of the Land Use Code (as described in Section
1.2.2) that pertain to these modification requests are that public health,
safety and Nvelfare is protected by:
• encouraging innovations in land development and renewal;
• fostering the safe, efficient and economic use of the land;
• encouragTing patterns of land use which decrease trip length of
automobile travel and encourage trip consolidation;
• minimizing the adverse environmental impacts of
• improving the design, quality and character of new
• ensuring that development proposals are sensitive to the
character of existing neighborhoods.
Section 3.8.17 of the LUC, "no storyof a commercial or residential building shall
hare more than 25
feer fi om /loon to floor." The public good being served by the
standard is to minimize the bulk of buildings, thereby minimizing the impacts of
building mass on abutting neighbors. within the NCM zone district. As proposed,
the third story is to be 10 feet in height, the second story is to be 1 1 feet in height,
and the first story is to also be 1 I feet in height. Together all three stories will be
32 feet considering the floor to floor measurements of each story. The design of
the proposed third story would contain about 50% open balcony areas and 50%
enclosed floor space. The intent of the property owner, if the modification is not
,granted, would be to make a 25 foot tall second story with a mezzanine within the
second story's bulk. In comparing the two designs, the design complying with the
code (second story with mezzanine) is actually taller than the 3-story design.
Su�2.gested Findincs.
a) The granting of the modification would not be detrimental to the
public good because a plan complying with the code can have a greater
bulk and actual height than the proposed 3 story building.
b) The plan as submitted will not diverge from the standards of the Land
Use Code except in a nominal, inconsequential way when considered
from the perspective of the entire development plan, because there are
no additional impacts of having a third story that would not be allowed
in a two story scenario.
Modification 92) Section 4.7(E)(4):
Code LanauaQe. 4.7(E)(4) of the Land Use Code states the following: "Minimum
side yard width shall be five (5) feet for all interior side yards. Whenever any
portion of a wall or building exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height, such portion of
the Nvall or building shall be set back from the interior side lot line an additional
one ( I) foot. beyond the minimum required, for each two (2) feet or fraction
thereof of wall or building height that exceeds eighteen (18) feet in height.
Minimum side yard width shall be fifteen (15) feet on the street side of any corner
lot. Notwithstanding the foregoing, minimum side yard width for schools and
places of worship shall be twenty-five (25) feet (for both interior and street
Re( Liested Modification. The south building wall of the proposed southerly
building is proposed to be taller than 18 feet in height at the setback line, therefore
the side setback is required to be increased to be wider than 5 feet. We request
permission to waive the requirement to increase the side yard setback in this case.
This standard appears to be intended to serve the public good by restricting the
annount of building mass that can impact the side yards of adjacent properties. In
this case. a modification wouldn't impact any adjacent properties any more than is
Planning and Zoning Board
c/o Current Planning Department
281 N. College Ave.
Fort Collins. CO 80525
May 19. 2004
Re: Mod l ications for Wood Street Lofts
Dear Planning and Zoning Board.
The Wood Street Lofts is an upcoming PDP which plans to remove the
existing Houses at 316 & 316 '/2 & 120 Wood Street, and redevelop the site
with 3 net, buildings containing 4 high -end condos per building. The
proposed development site is an assemblage of 3 lots, that together, are 147
feet in width. whereas other lots in the NCM zone are typically 50 feet in
width_ Vwie is only one property directly abutting this development, which
is the lot rirectly to the north. All other neighbors are separated from the
site by ei, • r an alley or a street. The proposed development complies with
the total r..;t;are footage limitations for the zone district.
These mt,ditications are requested in accordance with the review procedures
set forth in Section 2.8.1 of the Land Use Code as follows:
Modification 91) Section 4.7(F)(2)(a)(1):
Code Language. 4.7(F)(2)(a)(1) of the Land Use Code states the
fi,;!owing: "Maximum building height shall be two (2) stories
e.\ccpt for carriage houses and accessory buildings containing
hai,i table space. which shall be limited to one and one-half (1 ''/2)
Requested Modification We request permission to have a maximum
building height of 3 stories. Note that in accordance with the
definition of " Buildingg Heigh/ rlleustered in Stories " as defined in
M lot geimn
211 Jefferson
fod Collin, CO 80524
fax: 970.416.7435
{moil: mikol@archilex.com