Faurot Construction
4439 N. Broadway Suite G
Boulder CO 80304
303.642.7212 office
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From: Ted Shepard rmailto:TSHEPARDCabfcgov.coml
Sent: Thursday, January 02, 2014 11:27 AM
To: doug()highmarkschools.com; Jason Goode; Adele Willson (awillson(abslaterpaull.com)
Subject: Global Village Academy - P&Z Worksession
All, as everyone knows, the P & Z Board meets tomorrow at Noon for their monthly worksession in
preparation for their Jan. 9"' public hearing.
I was hoping to include some pdf images of the site/landscape plan and architectural character
elevations based on staff's comments for Board's benefit.
(Normally, these images are included in the Board's packet that was delivered on Dec. 23rd. But, due to
this project's compressed timeline and my vacation schedule, we allowed the packet to be distributed
without any images for G.V.A.)
Doug's voicemail indicates he is out until Jan. 8`h and Jason's voicemail indicates that his box is full and
cannot accept any new messages.
So, for those who are available, could you provide a status check.
Are there any images available that we can insert into the Board's materials for tomorrow's worksession
and do these images represent the revisions that we agreed to per our last conference call?
Thanks, Ted
From: Jason Goode[mailto:icioode@faurotconstruction.coml
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 12:57 PM
To: Ted Shepard; Becky Martinek
Cc: dougO)highmarkschools.com; rroberts(�bslaterpaull.com; awillson(-aslaterpaull.com
Subject: Re: Global Village Academy - P&Z Worksession
Ted, Our landscape plan is in progress and will include the trees on Horsetooth thank you for working with us.
Sent from my iPad
On Jan 3, 2014, at 9:30 AM, "Ted Shepard" <TSHEPARD@fcsov.com> wrote:
Good morning Jason and Doug, thanks for the attachments. Ryan Roberts from Slater Paul also sent me
the images yesterday which was very helpful.
We are very close with recommending full approval with one exception. We must have street trees,
placed in the parkway, along the entire Horsetooth Road frontage. This frontage measures 390 feet
which requires 10 street trees planted on 40-foot centers. If there are streetlights, then these shade
trees must be separated by 40 feet but ornamental trees may be placed within 15 feet of any
Planting street trees along Horsetooth Road at the same time as the trees along Taft Hill Road will allow
for uniform maturity over time. Keep in mind that after establishment, maintenance of the trees
(usually in form of any necessary pruning) will become the responsibility of the City Forester in
perpetuity. These two streets are arterial roads and are highly visible to the public.
Street trees in the public right-of-way are the equivalent of a public utility. Planting of these trees is
required in order to comply with the state statute that refers to charter schools needing to comply with
the City's Comprehensive Plan and is part of the location, character and extent of the development.
As we have discussed, we can allow phasing street trees along Bronson Street and Silver Trails Drive to
be planted in conjunction with future phases as these two streets are not arterials.
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Thanks, Ted
From: Jason Goode[mailto:jgoode(�lfaurotconstruction.coml
Sent: Friday, January 03, 2014 6:21 AM
To: Ted Shepard
Cc: dou4@highmarkschools.com
Subject: RE: Global Village Academy - P&Z Worksession
I've attached the latest drawings I have, unfortunately with the holidays, a coordinated set reflecting the
latest changes has not been completed yet. We were all going to be working on this down to the
wire. Please call if there is something else you need. I will do my best to get it to you right away.
Ted Shepard
From: Jason Goode <jgoode@faurotconstruction.com>
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 12:15 PM
To: Ted Shepard
Subject: RE: Global Village Academy - P&Z Worksession
Ted, answers below have been provided by Terry w/ GVA. Can you also confirm our submittal requirements for
From: Terry Gogerty[mailto:TGogerty(�)globalvillaaeacademy.oral
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 10:58 AM
To: Jason Goode; Adele Willson
Cc: doug aahicihmarkschools.com
Subject: Re: Global Village Academy - P&Z Worksession
1. Regarding the proposed building additions, what would be the operational character? It will have classrooms,
offices, a gymnasium, multipurpose space with a stage, but no auditorium.
2. Would the proposed expansion include serving grades 9 —12? NO
3. The Board would like a commitment that the starting and ending hours of the typical school day would be off-
set from Olander so that traffic impacts are staggered. We will agree to this assuming that the offset is no more
than 20 minutes
From: Ted Shepard [mailto:TSHEPARD@fcgov.com]
Sent: Monday, January 06, 2014 10:31 AM
To: Jason Goode; Becky Martinek
Cc: doug@highmarkschools.com; rroberts@slaterpaull.com; awillson@slaterpaull.com
Subject: RE: Global Village Academy - P&Z Worksession
Jason, thanks for the prompt reply.
Regarding the upcoming P & Z Hearing this Thursday, the board had the following questions that they would like the
team to address:
1. Regarding the proposed building additions, what would be the operational character? For example, would the
future buildings include an assembly or auditorium space? Gymnasium? Administrative offices? Or, more
classrooms? A mix of all?
2. Would the proposed expansion include serving grades 9 —12? If so, what is the plan to accommodate student
3. The Board would like a commitment that the starting and ending hours of the typical school day would be off-
set from Olander so that traffic impacts are staggered.