HomeMy WebLinkAbout321 MYRTLE ST., DELTA CHI FRATERNITY - PDP - 4-05 - REPORTS - CORRESPONDENCE-HEARINGAnne Aspen - Fraternity Parking Requirements Page 1 From: Mika[ Torgerson <mikal@architex.com> To: <aaspen@fcgov.com> Date: 03/11/2005 2:09:53 PM Subject: Fraternity Parking Requirements (a) Boarding Houses/Fratemity and Sorority Houses: For each boarding and rooming house or fraternity or sorority house, there shall be one (1) parking space per two (2) beds, plus one (1) parking space per two (2) employees Dear Planning and Zoning Board, RE: Delta Chi, 321 W. Myrtle Per your suggestions at the work session, I have spoken with the owner of the property, Jim Simpson about the ramifications that would result from the change of use of the property. He and the applicant from Delta Chi, Matt Mulligan, have since come to an agreement about the lease that is satisfactory to both Delta Chi Corporate and the owner, so they would like to proceed with the hearing tonight. Both Jim Simpson and Matt Mulligan will be present at the hearing for you to question if you wish. Mikal pointed out the parking standard for fraternities which I have addressed in the revised staff report which I am including here. I will also bring copies tonight. I've also added some context photos in the powerpoint slides for tonight. As for the possibility of a sign variance or some alternate method of allowing them to hang their letters, it is my belief that if Peter Bames were here this week and I were to ask him about this, he would say that if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, then we need to treat it like a duck and change the use to fraternity. As an aside, during the big blizzard of 2004, there was a domestic talking bird (a parrot I think) that flew off from a home in a Denver suburb. The owners were distraught and assumed the tropical bird had died in the cold and the storm. But a couple weeks after the storm, the bird was found alive and well and quacking like a duck. True story. So I guess the old motto doesn't always work ... but I digress. See you tonight. Anne