Community Planning & Enviromental Services
281 North College Avenue
P. O. Box 580
Fort Collins, Colorado 80522
Attention: Ted Shepard, Chief Planner
Reference: Columbine Health Services
Nursing Home Facility
Site of the Rule farm at 4824 South Lemay Avenue
Dear Mr. Shepard:
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After attending the Neighborhood information meeting regarding the above property and
as residents living on Silk Oak Court, we still have concerns which are as follows:
On the Eastern boundary of the property, you show eight deciduous trees
to be planted alongside a 24-foot wide driveway. In place of these trees, we
feel that in separation of the properties there should be a four or five-foot high
solid wall (perhaps brick). If trees are a must, they should be non -deciduous.
The area to the east boundary line already has two deciduous and three
spruce trees. The wall would discourage any non -vehicular traffic between
the properties as a shortcut to Lemay Avenue. The two residences nearest
the proposed facility are only 14 feet from the property line. The wall would
provide a noise and car -light barrier from vehicular traffic.
2. We are also concerned about the adequacy of water drainage. Mention was
made that some surface drainage would be diverted to the northeast comer
of the proposed property. At the presnt time, the northern part of the
residential properties is marginal at best as far as surface water drainage is
concerned. Anymore water diverted on to our property could cause
flooding of our basements. The slope to Wheaton Avenue is currently not
sufficient to handle anymore excess water.
Thank you for your consideration.
Wilson &Nora Smith
1224 Silk Oak Court
Ph: (970) 223-8160 Fort Collins, CO 80525